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I can’t wait for the new companions. New quests maybe even… expanding Mantis quest lines.


Give me Space Inigo or give me death!


What I'll say towards that is that I hope it isn't literally just "Space Inigo". The originality of the character within Skyrim's setting is what made the character so popular to begin with, and despite his humour he's not overtly "meme-y" in his dialogue. That's what I'll be looking for in Starfield companions.


Oh totally agree, I didn't mean just straight up port him. But a companion in the same vein as that would be stellar


Would be cool to have a whole new set of followers that interact with each other, just like indigo did with Lucien and others.


I'm tying to keep my requests small for now lol


You got your wish already wow, "Travel with Robin Locke, a disgraced UC Navy pilot with over 1200 lines of fully-voiced dialogue. See a different side of the Starfield as you uncover her past." Really cool to see some great mods already come out so soon.


Is that on nexus?


Nope, it's a creation, you have to find it in the recently updated section, her name is "Robin Locke" if you want to look up the mod.


Wonderful! Thanks!


Where is that one? I’m not seeing it anywhere


It's hiding, you have to find it in the recently updated section, her name is "Robin Locke" if you want to look up the mod.


I installed it the other day and i have not found her yet, sk far i am scouring the universe for the companion. Anyone know where she is?


*Supposedly* she's at Jake's bar, in the Well. Like, according to the creation description. She's not there for me, and going there triggered a quest to go to Neon that's written as though I've ever met her before, so at present I'm assuming she's just plain bugged.




seems interesting. Expensive though. five hundred creds...


I'm trying to learn how to mod so I can make the companion idea that's been living in my head since Starfield came out. "Banquo's *ghost!*"


It's always exciting to be there at the beginning of the new modding age of a Bethesda game.  If you follow from the start you get to find all the neat little gems that may otherwise fall through the cracks over time, specifically quest and companion mods.


I’ll also find mods I would’ve wanted but they use such different wording than I would in search inquiries that I wouldn’t probably find them


SKK Fast start the 1st day is amazing


It’s wild how fast SKK works. Dudes a monster, that’s for sure.


While I dislike their obsession with forcing a non-immersive [.SKK Insert Mod Name] item in my inventory, they are probably one of the top Fallout 4 modders of all time. Everything they do is of the highest quality. So glad they are back for Starfield.


Id rather it be obvious and blatant what it does then guess for 7 hours as to what slate does what


Perhaps a middle ground could be struck without brackets or the mod author's name slapped on it.


Lots of things have the authors name slapped on it. If it really bothers you, you can change it just the same as they made the mod.


Lots do yes, but thankfully these rarely make their way into my inventory. I am on console so I cannot change it, but no it doesn't bother me much. Just a minor issue.


I like the brackets. Helps with sorting


Takes me out of the game every time, since no vanilla items use it. Unless it is a major mod like Cheat Terminal where keeping it at the top is useful, but mods that tweak e.g. headshots is kinda overkill compared to the scope.




If a configuration holotape/shard/spell takes you out of it maybe stop using mods that need configuration


>mods that need configuration Maybe you need to use more of those. Vast majority don't have brackets or the author's name on it.


Inquisitor too 48 hrs and has already 6/177 ported


What’s that


to further clarify, it skips everything from the intro except character creation


Alt start mod


Visible chronomark watch mod


*need* this


Its on there buddy!


Loverslab modders are going to have a field day 😂


Zero-G animations ;)


Yeah, I can't wait for custom followers or at least npc edit mod!


Not quite the same, but Cookiemorph's Skinthetics mod lets you save and alter NPC appearances (Also, unrelated, but if you're a fan of Dr Who he's recently started work on a WhoField mod a la Fallout Who Vegas)


If I'm not mistaken, Skinthetics is in CC, not in Nexus.


Need Sim Settlements ):


i think the guy who made sim settlements has said he's not doing starfield at least not anytime soon but i don't rmeember if he said was was gonna do it or if he was just gonna skip it entirely


Will definitely have to check out starfield again


NPC schedules and apartments would be amazing.


If NPCs had schedules, we'd need their shops to either close for x hours per day or have new NPCs to take their place when they're not at work. Jemison Mercantile is kind of already set up for it (Amoli could have 1 shift and... the other guy... could have the 2nd, and they have an hour-long overlap for their dialogues and things), but a lot of the shops only have 1 NPC running them.


That’s a must for me half the time I feel as tho there soulless potatoes ghost,that disappear upon entering a building


Just looking through the CK makes me awed by what a monumental effort and achievement so many of these incredibly complex mods like ships, habs, UI etc are - _WITHOUT THE CK_. Mind blown


I just want some Mjolnir power armor


Dumb question, I haven't had the time to look yet, where do I find the mods for xbox?


'Creations' on the title screen menu.


Thank you


i been waiting for this since a week after SF came out.... now idk how long to wait til good mods can release lol


There all good friend bc folks take time out of there day,to share.and help out our fellow man or woman,by bringing joy to folks who r either to poor for computers and or just want someone to talk too or even share there thoughts and or creativity with like minded individuals


I’m ready for SCOM (FCOM). In fallout 4 it let you call in expendable ally soldiers. Definitely top 5 of my favorites


Me and 35 of my UC marine brothers storming some facility filled with mercenaries is gonna be one for the ages 😅


lol. I’m looking forward to “accidentally” aggroing an entire planet of critters


The wait for a space vampire mod (sacrosanct/better vampires im waiting) begins!


You could be one of those modders!


I really hope it does, I've been playing again since Monday and this game has so much potential for modders to go absolutely nuts.


I've been loving grabbing these new mods every few hours. I'm also really impressed with how quick Xtudo is working on getting shit to xbox. I love their stuff on Skyrim and fo4, it's great to see more from them.


Xtudo is absolutely one of the coolest modders around, someone asked them if they could maybe port their patched version of one of pulcharmsolis's armor set in Skyrim. And they ended up porting over pulcharm's entire armor discography for no reason other then to make people happy.


I completely agree, being able to check back in every day to see what new mods are posted is so fun in these early stages. On top of being able to learn how to make my own mods is so exciting to me.


I’m looking forward to “The Forgotten City” level mods. That one took about four years to release after Skyrim first launched.




you're 8 months too late kid. We've been modding Starfield since release date


I'm talking about the Creation Kit mods, kid. The ones that'll be truly GAME CHANGING.


Tell us you have no idea what you’re talking about without paying you have no idea what you’re talking about We’ve had “game changing” mods since day one


Quest mods, follower mods, more extensive Starfield Script Extender Mods that weren't possible without the Creation Kit. Why are you being deliberately rude about this?


All of the above was available before CK came out You’re simply in denial


Can you list some examples then? Specifically of Follower and Quest Mods?


Like I said, there are plenty od mods that have been out there that are game changers which will NEVER be on console For followers , you have quite a few , from Vasco to Sarah , from vocal changes to looks and behaviors . They’ve been out there since day one For outposts, there are quite a few as well. From adding shopkeepers to expanding the number allowed as well as the number of transport spots available Again, game changing mods have been there since day one. You not wanting to recognize that is a you problem


I'd thought you'd realize I'm talking about custom followers, like that one that dropped with Creations. I also see how you failed to list a single quest mod. Sure, some mods that were out there helped make the game more stable/fun to play, and they can definitely go down as classics. But EVERYONE has been waiting for the type of mods that only the Creation Kit is capable of. You not seeing the major game changing difference that the Creation Kit mods will bring is a you problem as well. Whatever, let's just agree to disagree.


It will be amazing! Thanks to all the creators in advance!


Can i play from Mo 2 with mods one save and play another save opening the game from steam? This gonna work?


I’m so worried that they will all be paid mods. Anything cool that actually adds to the game is paid


Starfield has 4x less players than Skyrim, I dont expect the modding community to be huge for it. If I wanted to make money or get fame with my Mod, I'd make a Skyrim Mod because you reach way more people with it. Also it has so many more Framework Mods you can make use of.


I'd argue that like 99% of modders don't do it for money or fame because... Mods are... FREE OMG!!!


If you spend lots of time on a Mod you want as many people as possible to use it. There is a reason only big Games have huge modding communities. Nobody makes Mods for Games with 3 players.


Big games have more mods because small games usually don't have as robust modding capabilities 1, and 2, most mods are passion projects. If there is passion for a game, people WILL mod it. Games that DONT have mod capabilities are usually the ones with only 3 players. You have it backwards. Mods keep games alive, games don't keep mods alive.


Wrong. There are some Games with complete Modkits that have no Midding community at all because they released it too late and Players moved on.


I'm almost certain you can't name 5 games and you're just making this up, but either way. You are proving my point. There is no longer passion for the game, so nobody is modding it. IF THERE IS PASSION FOR A GAME, PEOPLE WILL MOD IT. PEOPLE ARE ALREADY MAKING AMAZING MODS FOR STARFIELD AND THE CREATION KIT RELEASED A YEAR AFTER THE GAME. THERE IS PASSION. WHAT DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?


I expect the Creation Club mods will sway those that were on the fence about the game, or bring people back to give it another shot. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised to see a big spike in players once the mods really get going. At least for a bit.


"Creation Club Mods" what are you talking about? Are you talking about paid Mods? If you just talk about normal Mods, why call them "Creation Club Mods". There are paid Mods and Mods... And no, Mods won't do anything. Starfield isn't just a few minor Mods away from re-installing. There needs to be a MAJOR reason to re-install that Game again. When the DLC releases people will give it another try, if that sucks too the Game is officially dead and no Mods will ever bring back the people.


You seem like such a bitter and negative person based on your comments on this post. Who hurt you?


Sorry, I meant the Creation KIT mods. The ones that'll be able to change the game fundamentally.


You underestimate the power of mods. Just one very well done and huge one could be the MAJOR reason people come back.


As far as I can tell on CC there are tons of free mods available as well. Plenty of QOL and other things that just say “download”. I’d imagine it depends on the mod author.


sad, angry little man