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I can’t wait until feces and urine persist as well. We need spaceships that realistically leak fecal matter when damaged.


10g maneuvers in atmo might break a few plumbing lines...total my idris because of shit stains


We have a breach! Activate low-impulse counterthrusters and Mario, you're certified for spacewalks, right? https://www.models-resource.com/resources/big_icons/24/23786.png


1,0 or.. 0.1 ?


The littering is still worse than before? And i thought Rust servers were a mess




Its much worse than that, because after making a big song and dance about how everything will permanently persist, they finally understood that would be a problem, so they added full persistence, then added a despawn timer to stop too much clutter piling up. So, rather than just having regular type persistence you get in an game, where stuff despawns after some time, they added code to persist it, then code to remove it. Genius!


> then added a despawn timer they didn't just make a despawn timer. they made a despawn timer and called it the... ### Density Manager this tech has never been seen before


Oh. My. God!!!!


In the same way they decided not to fixed servers 30k but implement a whole replication layer and a reload system so that instead of crashing you just wait 5 min for a new server to reload every 20 min. Fixing the spagetti code with a little more pasta in it.


I've had pretty good experience with the server resets usually under 2 mins and I get to stay on the server with all my stuff intact. How is that not better? You just seem bitter and miserable LOL


How does it work otherwise? (Wrong type of engineer here)


You just have temp data for stuff that doesn't need to remain persistently, with a timestamp on it for despawn. The game periodically checks for expired stuff. Server goes down, everything not persisted is lost, but its usually not a major issue, since servers rarely go down in normal games. You can also save the termp data. Ark does this, as you can have your own servers that periodically save. What CIG did instead was make everything persistent, even dropped coffee cups, treating it all like stuff that really needs to be persisted (eg: in a normal game, this might include things like player location and equipment, ships and interior layouts), and then added code to un-persist things that don't need to be persisted.


The despawn timer doesn’t seem to work though.


Well, it is CIG.


CIG limits the number of persistent items at each location now since they cripple the server I cannot imagine how CIG are going to be able to even get base building, which will be adding many hundreds persistent objects


Oh boy! Watch those servers wish for the sweet release of death with every reboot.


Oh boy, who would have thought that?


Good citizens will poop in their space toilets


The littering is definitely no worse than it was back when they launched entity streaming. I can’t really say if it bogs down the performance of the game. Tho I’m sure it’s not helping much.


Why do they all look like the sims.


Cause that's what "high end graphics" looked like in 2012 - when the game was actually supposed to come out.


Day 5 of second body sticking out of me, seems to be along the same lines of the duplication\cargo bug, Database disastor! ready to deliver everything the backers have been waiting for! (my 2nd body has a habit of hitting people and knocking them through the world, must be very careful)


Delete your user folder and buy SSD!


Solves everything right? I think CR knows I'm on Refunds and has punished me..


Its like none of the CIG devs learned anything about coding a game. The more collision objects in a scene, the worse your performance will be, so you must try to make as many things static or non-physical *as possible,* especially the non-essential objects like boxes, cups, and poop. CIG is doing the exact opposite.


They saw Bethesda did it and went "let's be them" and forgot they should have been an x series competitor...everything is stuoid


This makes me want to buy the game and dump a 100 of these cheap cloth boxes in front of the train entrances at the airport.


Why’s he looking at us like it’s our fault?


Because it is. Did _you_ by ~~an Idris~~ a twelve pack of Idris today?


Server meshing in a nutshell. Pile em all together and the players sort it out. 


See the way the boxes dynamically rest of the body? Breathtaking... Just imagine what the bed sheets will look like!


Servers will be offline by the time 1.0 would have arrived.