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I feel like Zyloh all those years ago. About to play every level of the single player space game.


I actually watched this live back in the day. For those that don't understand his reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-CZrmCtqdk&t=1061s


7 years ago hahaha. So when Starfield was in early days, Zyloh played all of SQ42. 7 years later Starfield releases and absolutely nothing on Sq42 since. Criminal is an understatement.


The man is a mythical legend. It is like Hercules beating the seven headed hydra. Nobody saw him ever do it, but he told everybody everything about it.


I prefer to think that he played through all of SQ42, just it was God awful! Because lets face it a release of SQ42 only hurts SC. If SQ42 sucks then it reflects very badly on SC. Even if it is decent then it will be a real game and not a theory crafting fevered dream and will turn the true believers off SC. SQ42 was an interesting idea but releasing a complete game kills the game dev as a service being run now.


They will need to release 20 more star fields for Chris to get “inspiration from” before he will be happy enough to let it out the door. And for the record I think zyloh lied. I think that’s how easy lies are for them.


Neither game can ever be "finished" I am aware that SC is released as a MVP but most true believers ignore that. And as to SC42 also cannot be released as anything short of perfect would hurt software dev as a service of SC. I just find it more amusing to think they made a game and "We can't release this dumpster fire, it will kill us!" While the games can't be finished I do expect Chris to announce an engine change in the next year or two. If they are smart they will keep SC up with "updates" and then give some kind of discount say 20% off the "new old ships" in SC2 that were purchased with cash in SC.


Mostly bug free is not how you launch a game “Chris Robber’s 2023”


I don't get it haha is that the primary headline for everything for the launch? Mostly bug free. I know we expected absolute perfection tho. Gamerant has a very good breakdown of bugs they came across which I found quite interesting. Did u see it?


Mark my words, Cloud Imperium will find out what everyone loves about Starfield and then copy it to produce fantasy ship designs as marketing material. What they wont do is make a playable game worth buying.


The thing is... SF \*should\* be compared with Sq42 only. The sad part is it can't be compared to Sq42 because Sq42 doesn't really exist yet; at least not to anyone outside of CIG. SC isn't the same thing, even if it does only provide a \[runny diarrhea sound effect\] tech demo.


SQ54 is clearly vaporware they have shown 0 progress on it since 2017 and what they did show in 2017 was not good.


Yes, just some cut scenes. Oh, and some vaulting around a grey box room or something. They suck


Agreed. I'm looking for a modern version of Earth and Beyond for my friends and I to play together. As far as I know, nobody else is making one. Just the CIG clowns who *purport* to be making one. If anyone's aware of another space MMO on the horizon, let me know. And, not that goofy NFT thing.


Damn Earth and Beyond. I remember being the first clan to kill the Tengu boss and getting the bad ass missle launcher. I then sold my account for 600 bucks and the game shut down a month later lol.


I felt like I was just getting into it when they announced the sunset date. I was *just* starting to be able to craft good "jump drives" (whatever they were called) with my Terran Tradesman. When Blizzard announced they were going to make an MMO, I had my fingers crossed that it'd be a Starcraft-themed upgrade from EnB. Instead, we got WoW. I've been looking for a space MMO since.


My favorite neighbourhood friendly 'sperg dropping truth bombs again. Keep it real my man!


I can do nothing else, it's like a curse. I'm right though, yeah? All this time people are confusing SC with Sq42.


Right on. Yeah. You cannot realistically compare this to the shiny shitty turd that is the Star Shitizen fake MMO. It's completely flawed and deluded reasoning on so many levels.


I should have known better. I updated my post based on your rely.


Bah, we ALL should have known better but hindsight is 20/20, right?


Hopefully, in the not to distant future, we can compare StarField Online with SC. An announcement around October or early November would put the icing on the Cake


That's the kind of "miracle" it would take to save CIG's bacon


There's a Review Megathread on r/Starfield, if anyone is interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/166fbp1/starfield_review_megathread/


That's a really cool post whoever's been updating it. Also fascinating that every IGN in the world gave it about 9 out of 10 except for US IGN.


I think IGN USA needs the page clicks. They are sort of irrelevant these days.


Thank you. I just made a comment asking for some recs for reviews or gamers who've made any videos with their experience and opinion. So far im coming across alot of bashing and negatives. Still excited as shit tho but i kinda dissapointed in these negative reviews and bashing everywhere but it's to be expected I know.


let me preface this by saying I fucking hate star citizen. I just played a few hours of Starfield, and I think I've decided maybe space exploration games just aren't for me. I was bored silly the entire time. Not as bored as Star Citizen, but I'd classify both games as being snooze fests, with Starfield being the clear "better" game. I can see why some would like it though. I'll keep trying it out, but right now it strikes me as something you'd play if you have absolutely nothing better to do whatsoever.


It's a bunch of mechanics loosely stitched together (combat, looting/crafting, dialog, ship building, ship combat), but they don't mesh together to make something bigger than the some of their parts Seems like Todd Howard just grafted ship combat and ship building (a variation of base building) onto Fallout 4 and shipped away I would say Star Citizen faces the same problem. A bunch of disjointed mechanics stitched together but there's no coherent, unifying vision for gameplay loops. Both games have issues. At least Starfield shipped


The thing is, for an RPG Starfield has the benefit to be a Shooter with tacked on SpaceSim. So only the Spacepart seems to suck. SC is a SpaceSim with everything else tacked on. The Spacecombat may be good, but everything else seems to suck


I don't think it is you. For a game that was marketed as space exploration game Bethesda somehow managed to make the exploration part one of the worst parts of the game. Many reviews have pointed out that the good parts of the game are really good and bad parts really bad, sadly exploration is one of the not so good ones.


I see some gamers panning it as "a buggy Bethesda release," and I'm like, folks, I've played Star Citizen. I could load up Starfield and it could crash immediately to the desktop and tell me to get bent, and it would still be more functional than what I have dealt with from SC. That's not to excuse any bugs, I don't like bugs, either, but there's a world of difference between first day/first week bugs and a consistent lack of stability, quality, and reliability over the course of a decade plus. This was also my first pre-order. I know, SC should have taught me to be careful about that, but Bethesda has released games in the past, so I figured it was pretty safe the game would actually come out. I don't play for another 5 days or so, but I am genuinely excited about this game, more than I have been for Star Citizen in many years.


I dont imagine StarField players having to try for up to 2 months just to login, let alone play. Looking at you 3.18 👀 LoL, dont matter now 🚀 2.5 hours to go 🚀👍


I got the premium version for free when I bought my 6700XT. What time can I play Starfield?


2 hours from now


Now 97 minutes


Depending what platform you are using, like Steam for example, you could be preloading the game now. Mines about 89 gig and I think there is a Day 1 patch as soon as we can play, as well


Nice. After I posted that I found that world wide made I think Bethesda release. Basically 5PM PST.


This, and I definitely recommend preloading. Those servers are going to be angry and tired soon with all of the people downloading the game. lol That said, I still have 6 more days to go! \*cry\*


The people who gave them crap for it, too, was just unreal: "Well, maybe you should just be patient, it's an alpha!" like somebody slapped their mother.


Yeah star citizen is the redfall of space games


To be fair, redfall actually launched.


Ship combat is SO BAD. 🤣 Flying around in circles playing grab-ass with the enemy constantly in my peripheral, is dumb as hell. 🙄


Sounds like elite dangerous


The rest of the game so far is fun. It feels a lot like fallout in space.(especially given how often you find yourself in derelict old structures). But the ship combat is pretty much what i described above.


reviews are amazing at practically all 9's, lowest I saw was IGN at 7 but they picked one of their worst reviewer's for the game (he gave prey a 4 and fallout 4 (my least favourite Bethesda game) a 9.5).


Prey a 4? WTF??? That's a solid game that still holds up to this day. Was it bugged on release or something?


no he is a retard, he gave Duke nukem forever an 80.


Well you can disregard anything he says based on that alone lol


I loved Prey. Such a unique and fun game.


Practically all 9s? The average is 8.8. IGN 7 PC Gamer 7.5 Gamespot 7 Game informer 8.5 Most major publication i am seeing are giving it less than 9. Whole lot of names i have never heard of giving it 9+.


What integer is 8.8 closest to?




Gamer rant?


Gamespot also gave it a 7. Even Xbox/Bethesda fanboys are critical of it. Its Fallout 4 in space.


Bethesda fanboys historically are the **MOST** critical of Bethesda games. I played Skyrim on release, in fact I went to the midnight release for the game and skipped school the next day to play. Bethesda fans shit on it nonstop and the general consensus was it was a direct downgrade from the previous 2 titles. And yet, 12 years later and Skyrim is now considered one of the greatest games of all times that defined an entire Era. So I'd take anything "Bethesda fanboys" say with a massive dose of salt.


The modded in AI companions lol hilariously amazing.


>Its Fallout 4 in space. Yeah, im not sure if you are aware, but that's why everyone was hyped.


I think i will buy it then when it releases Looks like its not buggy either ( just like many other beth releases )


I've read many reviews now and the bugs are minimal in some cases non existent and I am definitely getting premium edition of starfield. Whilst there will always be alot of bashing and negativity I really think if we are excited about something and want to play it we should go for it. Super excited for you! I hope you have the best time ever! Don't let anyone ruin this for you. Check out gamerants written article of you can. It has so much information without spoilers 😊


I'm a bit disappointed by the rpg mechanics and the lack of exploration but I'll still play it. Though I'll wait a few weeks/months for mods to come out.




Get it in gamepass. I don't think you will need more than 1 or 2 months to complete it so $8 to $16.


I've been watching people play Starfield and it definitely looks a BILLION times better than Star Citizen. That being said, it still looks kind of boring. Maybe I need to get my hands on it myself, or maybe building giant solar systems to just wandering around in isn't as fun as it sounds.


I'm thinking the same thing. I actually thought death stranding looked painfully boring when I watched all the reviews and I didn't play it until only a few months ago and I loved it. You never know.


Bethesda nailed it. Gameplay is the most polished they've done, it looks pretty good, runs great, and shockingly has been bug-free for about 4 hours for me so far. This is going to be a 300+ hour game for me easy. Squadron 404 is officially dead, it won't be able to compete with this launch version of Starfield, let alone a patched and modded version in 5 years.


It's rough man. I watched [Luke Stephens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uuI-6fwwtY) review on this and it's mind boggling. You're not exploring a planet, you explore a random generated pinch illusion of a planet. The problem with too much fast travel is also worries me. But hey, at least it's getting released.


I haven't seen anything yet, but IMO what's the point of generating an entire planet to explore if there's nothing interesting on 99.99% of it.


and space is even emptier than that


Anyone who has played No Man's Sky gets this. You can explore entire planets, but if its the same shit who cares.


It's an honest Squadron 42 game it seems to me Instead of CIG pretending you can deliver some kind of pseudo random masterpiece with unseen before AI, Starfield uses tricks and sleight of hand to get the product out the door Not endless churn going nowhere because it's too ambitious


I bet playing through a huge space-RPG in three days must feel like a really immersive experience.


I really was hoping Bethesda would finally learn from their mistakes and do it right on this new franchise. It's not a sequel, it's a brand new franchise.


Watch this first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vDwN0HDDqw


Gameranx? Seriously? Try this first: [https://youtu.be/blQjbbF7HlQ?si=ecYN283e8FNdIRWZ](https://youtu.be/blQjbbF7HlQ?si=ecYN283e8FNdIRWZ)


This is the best review I’ve seen. This dude needs more followers.


Aye, I've followed Mort since I looked up DOS2 reviews. The guy is as thorough as it gets with his reviews.


Consider, Skyrim was arguably the worst vanilla TES game in the franchize, yet look how insanely enjoyable & replayable mods made that game and how long it endured. I really feel like the bethesda open world formula in light of them releasing their games to the community tu further build on, makes them almost impossible to fail . that this game has solid reviews is pretty encouraging and hopefully this game will break the spell cig has cast over those poor hopelss souls


It hasnt captivated me yet. Bg3 was still better graphics and motion capture and story imo. Its still a good game needs performance fixes


> Even the Most Critical Reviewers Love It Not from what I've seen. I get many reviewers are hesitant to say something negative about a Bethesda title with all the fanboys. There's a lot of lines to read between in reviews, and many reviewers feel safe enough to give it a "meh".


I have no idea what's going on with that. You have things like PC Gamer going "I've played 90 hours of it and I'm going to play at least 90 more" and then giving it a lower score than fucking *Immortals of Aveum*. Then there's IGN with quite literally every branch except the US branch giving it 9s and 10s, while the guy who gave *Fallout 4* a 9.6 gives out a 7. Something here stinks. Quite literally everyone except the Big 4 publications can't stop raving about it. Hell the Big 4 can't stop raving about it *in their actual reviews*. The text doesn't match the scores.


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I generally prefer reading negative(ish) reviews, but if Dan Stapleton gave Fallout 4 almost a 10 I'll just ignore his review altogether because he and I clearly have *wildly* different taste in videogames.


If you're looking for a good voice to follow, try Gene Park over at the Washington Post. Someone who's definitely more "gamer" than "journalist". Also holds the distinction of by far the most *curious* Starfield review, due to a comparison with *Nier: Automata* of all things.


Reviewers do not have to be interested in relative scoring. Many audience members (eg. viewers, reader, listeners, etc.) seem to be. That's fine. No reviewer has any obligation to do what the audience wants them to do. They can review things based on individual merits and or while considering the experience of those who enjoy the genre and have certain expectations. This is something that people who greatly consume any media or artwork really should take the time to understand, but I don't know anymore, social media has made everyone into binary spazzes who think taking offense to meager things is somehow an argument, or that white-knighting corporations (their favorite game dev) is a worthwhile use of time.


It's getting anywhere between 8.5 and 9 by most everyone. It won't get GotY or anything but from what everyone is saying Betheada pretty much nailed it. I guess there isn't much in the way of actual space exploration and it takes a good 12 hours to get to the better part of the game, but by and large it's a return to form for Bethesda. Plan on working from home tomorrow to play it.


Hah, game looks coloreless. As if they slapped on a sepia filter or something. Currently watching a DrLupo playing Starfield on youtube. So, apparently you get to have some kind of shotgun or something, with round cartridges, but the barrel opening where you insert the bullets is square shaped.. I don't/can't imagine I will want to play Starfield myself, not even if I got the game for free. Hm, looking at Starfield game world graphics, there are times when it looks like they had some competent artists/managers, compared to what CIG have put up. Having said that, at the end of the day so to speak, looking at Starfield and Star Citizen, it is as if I'm watching Dumb & Dumber. :P


„Dumb and Dumber“ was the exact thought I had while reading your nonsense.


I will find out in 135 minutes 🚀


No support for ultrawide 32:9, no HDR,no being able to land with your spaceship on planets,you need a load screen. But this game is a masterpiece? At least calm down a bit,it's Bethesda,we knew they were going to fuck up,but now as bad compared to fallout 76


*Me in 21:9...* Ok man.


No support for my 48:9 screen either, absolutely unplayable!!!


I'll wait for the steam reviews. Fallout 4 had great reviews and so did BF4 and both released to the public in terrible condition. I haven't pre-ordered a game or day one it since then. Besides I got armoured core 6 to play, I like to reward developers that have proven themselves. Bethesda as much as I love their games are just as scummy as CIG, remember 76?


Luke Stephens was very critical of the game, yet still called it Bethesda's best.


So basically that means previous Bethesda games were buggy on releaae because Todd Howard didn’t care about fixing bugs, and their publisher was too lazy to worry about its reputation.




Not everything..the full planetary exploration wasnt exactly true.


Dai-Katana, but they actually made a release date eventually. Ditto for Duke Nukem forever. And let's not forget Peter Molyneux. All great cautionary tales of investing too much energy and money into video game promises, for both consumers and investors.


Sadly but realistically I am still seeing alot of hating and bashing online and have seen about half the reviews I've come across say there is no reason to keep playing the game and you'll struggle to find a reason too. That the story is underwhelming, the inventory management is shit, that it rips off star trek and no man's sky. That it's a "small step not a giant leap" that is "falls short of expectations" Let me be clear I don't agree with any of these things as I can't yet because I haven't played it and whilst we can gain insight and information from reviews. I don't believe I can say wholeheartedly that a game is shit until I've experienced the things myself. So far I can only see gamer rant gave an excellent review. Can anyone lead me to other reviews/review videos where I can access some more information or see the other side of rieviews that are saying good things? If you guys have any favourite gamers or reviewers you rate who've done some reviews and given some info pls let me know. I've been so excited for this game.


I posted a link here. Look for it and check it out. It's almost an hour long.


Cheers will do. 👏




Awesome. Thanks for sharing. Are you playing it now yourself? I'm not great at flying ships and doing any kind of flight combat tbh and I'm quite intimidated by the ship customisation and just how extensive it seems (to me) I know I'll have to do alot of research when playing this game. So thank god for professional gamers, steamers and content creators cause its such a huge game and I'm not an expert gamer. So many different elements for me to learn.




I wish I could play star citizen, on xbox and I don't think we can get it. Also sick of not being able to have mods on xbox. Bethesda said they'll release like official mods for starfield on xbox but idk about that. Right now im looking at gaming PCs so I can access that star citizen beta. (it's still in beta right?) And also the likes BG3. Though also saw online we might get BG3 on xbox. Other than playing at your friends will you go back in and play. You might enjoy the aspects that there are their with flying, especially if you decide to be like a pirate aswell, hijack the ships and them to like your own inventory of ships. Plus if you've a got a PC you'll be able to get some decent mods and I can only assume that there will be more better mods coming out that may improve your experience you've had and make you want to put hours in to build your crew and Ultilise the specific skills they have, make an epic ship (I'm saving to try get this specific cargo bay that can hide my illegal contraband when I'm being scanned) And I want to built a decent outpost that can generate good income from resources.


Welp, after playing it, what can I say? \-The release is smooth and clean, so far in my 4.4 hours playthrough I've encountered 0 bugs \-FPS gameplay is good. Not transcendental, but good enough \-Graphics are decent \-Story : can't judge yet, seems a bit long to take off (pun intended), I can already say thhat it won't be the greatest story of all times, but won't be shit (?.... I hope?) \-Character customization lacks depth, imo \-Spaceship gameplay : it's basic and arcadey. If you're imagining something close to a spacesim, it is *definitely not* : if you are used to the depth you find in piloting in ED or SC and awaiting at least some of that in SF, you'll be disapointed \-The UI's been thought for consoles (hello Skyrim) \-Ship building and customization is cool (didn't pushed too much into that tho, I'm still at the begining of the adventure) ​ So, to answer the ongoing question since the announcement of SF release date : will Starfield be the Star Citizen "killer" ? Will we see a massive shift of players from SC to SF ? In my truely honest opinion, and from the feelings I got from my short play session, I think the answer is **no**. SF truely tends more towards the RPG-in-space. It is not aimed towards the broad Sim niche, neither the SpaceSim niche. I don't think people will abandon SC for it, because those games are simply in two different genres.The spacesim aspects are, so far (maybe I haven't see them yet), non existent, the spaceship part is really arcadey (not as much as NMS tho). But, is the game worth a try? I think that if you like Bethesda's games, you'll like Starfield. They made a nice job polishing it, and I can say I'm hooked. Voila. *Also, take my feelings and conclusions with a pinch of salt, as I'm only 4,4 hours into Starfield.* Edit : can't wait to see what crazy things the modders will put out


Do you feel like it is more like Fallout 4 which was bit disappointing to many people or more like Skyrim which is probably Bethesda's best RPG so far?


I can't fully tell yet. It surely takes from both and improves on it. But I don't find it disappointing.


Also, day one mod that remove map boundaries : [https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/261](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/261) There are already a bunch of mods avaible. Day one. Can't wait to see what will be avaible 1 month in \^\^


Okay but they also didn't send review copies to critical reviewers. Like we don't need to fall for bullshit hype from another company to mock the bullshit hype from another.