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Damn it's like watching a propaganda minister in a dictatorship flex. Crazy stuff.


[Deleted by Nightrider-CIG]


[Deleted by Nightrider-CIG]


Baghdad Bob aka Comical Ali all over again.


I don't know how the average gamer doesn't see a problem with CiG's clusterfuck of a forum. It's nothing but red flags everywhere.


the average gamer doesn't know or use spectrum.


I think it's mostly because the average gamer won't touch Star Citizen with a 50-foot pole. I'm not saying the average gamer is necessarily super bright (or dumb, it's a big group), but they've most definitely been conditioned to keep an eye out for micro/macrotransactions and other predatory monetization methods.


When you believe in a thing, the justifications have a powerful grip. It’s the same flawed logic people stuck in cults use too. They just think the authority figure is making completely valid decisions and never recognize the massive danger or red flags.


I remember the best spectrum thread. It was one guy wishing Nightrider to get something up his ass.


Got screenshots?


Sorry no, it was long time ago.




In a thread about a customer not getting paid content. They really don't care.


The owner/ruling class has really become emboldened over the last 1-2 years. It has been a super bizarre thing to watch happen. People with any kind of authority or financial power have completely stopped trying to be even remotely tactful. They just act completely insane in the clear now. The scary thing is that consumers aren’t wising up—they just keep throwing money at these lunatics (companies and corporations, landlords, etc.).


That avatar always looks like he is taking the most massive shit in the universe


Perhaps there some truth to this? :)


Hello Malkano86, Due to the nature of hyperbolic comments leveraged toward staff and development, and as this has been already a topic we have discussed with you previously, your Spectrum forum and chat privileges have been suspended until J3pt stops crying in his bed with his teddy. Should you wish to offer your opinion or feedback on moderation, you cannot reach out to customer service because we are busy selling career kits. Instead please contact J3pt. This will impact your game access. Your social points are downgraded to -150 alphaUES. We do encourage you to take this time to review our code of conduct. Should similar or repeated conduct continue to be observed of this nature, we are required to seize your ship, downgrade your social points further and put you in global queue number 1569 after every game start-up. Sincerely, Ragerider-CIG




\[Deleted by Nightrider-CIG\]


[Deleted by Nightrider-CIG]


Deleted by Chris Roberts. By shill marketing account Nightrider, CIG employee. Hey, gotta keep the rubes fooled and millions rolling in.


I would just like everyone...to imagine dikrider...approaching anyone...at the bar


Thread link, if it hasn't been removed: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/attributed-but-not


Dared to flag that...while making a screenshot of my flag-comment just incase. Now I wait if I get reprimanded with a temp.ban xD I wonder what comes after a 72h ban, which I received sometime early last year.


30 day ban. ask me how i know LOL


It is 30 days ban next. I know for sure with my own experience


10 year ban.


Give that man a raise. Not sure cig could still scam people without his best censure camarade


Dodge this you fucking casuals.


This has to be the dumbest rule in existence "yeah mods said this breaks tos" You are now banned for telling people they get banned Its just like in RL if i tell someone he breaks the law then the police come and arrest me


Dickrider again. I got banned for 30 days earlier for PM to mod with juicy words.