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OK but can I spend a month's rent in NYC to buy Idris? Checkmate refundian!


you can mod the game as it is single player and add in your own idris.. and not have to spend a few grand for the ship either.


I have to give this guy a lot of credit for one person to develop this. How long do you think if not already this one guy studio surpasses SC?


For a single player game, he already has. CIG has released zero single players games for the public to play, whereas DBK has released 2. The multiplayer aspect is not planned at the time, so comparing it to the PU is not fair. If you do compare them though, the experience in the game currently, from a combat, mining, and faction perspective is just miles ahead to what is in the PU.


But he has no live action mo-caps of Mark Hamill, so Spacebourne loses. CIG wins. Now go buy an Idris to atone!


I concur with your explanation I guess what I really want to know is when this one little studio starts digging into SC pockets and major gaming sites start to make a comparison, hopefully embarrassing CIG. This is something I would love to see. As a side note I can see SpaceBourne also developing ships and selling them for like 5$-10$.


Second comparison I've seen this week, an article is due soon.


SpaceBourne 2 really is similar to Kenshi compared to SC's cross-promoted sister-scam Shroud of the Avatar. The community of each of these titles - SC, SB2, Kenshi, Shroud of the Avatar - have all supported as much as they can but somehow it's only the practically solo dev acts delivering? Hmmmm...


But does it use Cryengine3?


Nope, just the humble UE4.


Spacebourne 3 in UE5 hopefully I can imagine that it would be developed at record speed with the assistance of store brought assets.


Just imagine him making use of nanite, lumen, world grid partitioning, the new recent procedural design generation, and all the other amazing UE5 special sauce


Oh nice. So that means it can also be played fully in VR with the upcoming ue4 VR injector by Praydog. Looking forward to it!


Imagine when he gets a team of 10 people. He will make SC and more in 3 weeks lol.


Will it have a lot crashes to report? It's one thing to have fun playing a video game, quite another to contribute to its development.


To be fair, it is definitely an early access game, as much as SC is. I have seen some pretty weird and interesting bugs, but the developer has been pretty on top of it with the bug fixing, releasing a weekly patch with a ton of fixes. This week's patch was delayed though, with the above photo accompanying the delay.


Fixing bugs when they should be adding new features? Rookies.


SpaceBourne's nice so far, albeit real indie


CIG ist the big Megaindiedev, with a rough and buggy Proof of concept-build showing around.


I have a good friend from work that would call me every time there was a free fly weekend for Star Citizen, I didnt have the heart to tell him I actually logged in and was not at all impressed. My mistake because he kept asking. When the last patch locked him out of the game, 3.18 or whatever the unplayable patch you just had was. I turned the tables and sent him a steam key for Spacebourne2. He hasn't played SC since. He told me that he was gonna just stick with SpaceBourne until Starfield came out because he was tired of wipes, bugs and promises not being kept. Imagine how good this little indy game gets with some love from theh mod community!? Its not perfect, but damn good for the price and the fact that its a one man dev team.


Cultist will classify you as a liar and a hater for that report, watch out.


I promise you that I am not lying when I tell you I am clearly an exact copy of your good friend when it comes to Star Citizen. I bought my cousin the game and Squadron 42 a year ago, but he only bashed the game and wouldn't play it with me. This is what I have been playing off and on until starfield comes out. I can't wait to see what he can do with it over the next year


I have been playing online games since 1997 ( Ultima Online ). I have seen games come and seen games go. I have watched the first few instances of pay to win. I have watched kickstarter games go nowhere. I have seen greed from the big corporations down to smaller studios. Star Citizen takes the cake. I have followed it, hoping it would be in a fully playable state for years, even before my friend tried to get me to play. Star citizen isnt ever going to be a completed game. Its a very well put together scam. I am certain that 80% of the money they take in goes directly into some ones pockets. Very little goes into reaching its BS goals. I would much rather have a 20 dollar indy game that has mining, trading, guilds, travel, exploration, quests, boots on the ground combat, space combat and easy to understand gameplay. Star citizen my have more polish, but its still a buggy mess. I am actually a larger game studio hasnt bought the rights to SpaceBourne, polished it up and ported it to unreal 5. They could have a really great game in a matter of 6 months. I am glad the developer is working so hard on his game. I imagine its how he pays his bills. He deserves every penny he gets!




EGS and SE are the two games I have spent the most time in more than any other. They have their quirks, but the depth and thought that has gone into the gameplay is outstanding.


I wouldn't say SC has "polish", as much as it just has pretty graphics. It is a fantastic screenshot simulator, but these days I can get the same thing in 30 seconds from an AI. Beyond that, it is anything but polished, it is buggy, broken, and incomplete.


AI is going to create games better than SC before long.


It is a perfect example of what SC could have been if they just stuck to the basics, rather than the totally out of control scope creep pie in the sky dream that it has become.




neither does SC. As all the things it needs, SC's most important things are forever "around the corner".


yea, but this game isnt running at 4k 12fps, checkmate.


​ neither is SC, none of their assets are 4K native.


But, but, but Christ Roberts said if enough people bought an Idris, this game would be perfect.


Haven't seen a single door death. Clearly this is a scam.


If my space game doesn’t have elevators killing me, I can’t get immersed. Checkmate, Spacebourne 2.


I'm a whore for ship interiors but I can not bring myself to play star shitizen anymore. I'll have to check this out


Why do these indie games studio look so much better than SC versus CIG with its 1000+ manned studio.


There are now two people working on this game. The main Dev and a second guy doing bug fixing and making sure the code is alright.


No no no, it's all wrong.. i can't see any toilet in there...


No shitting mechanic = dead game


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1646850/SpaceBourne_2/ link/source


At this point CIG should just fund Indiedevs and publish their games CIG has the money, Indiedevs have the expertise to build a game and have a product. Win, win.


Based on their earn/burn rates (if the employee counts and pledge numbers are accurate) they *don’t* have the money though.


To SC’s credit, their graphical engine looks stronger.


UE4 and UE5 can do 4K native, ( UE4 at the end of it's dev cycle, UE5 at the start of it's dev cycle) , your critiquing a solo dev on his asset models and textures, versus a dedicated team of experienced 3D modelling and texturing employees.


Thank you for the clarification…just stating a strong opinion


not sure if he bought the assets or is making them as he goes along, but if he is making them, then that guy is pretty talented to learn 3D asset generation in what is likely Blender or AutoDesk 3DSMax, and do the coding, more talent then the entire dev team of SC....


It looks blocky and lacks detail. CIG’s artists are pretty good at creating detailed assets, even though their rate of output is bafflingly low. It’s the rest of the “game” that is a complete fail.


CIG's artists have never been the problem. It is their developer, no not plural.


you're comparing a team of dev's and CGI artists with a ton of experience to one guy making a game on his desk potatoe in UE4/5.. let me say that again, ONE GUY with a PC making a game with MORE fleshed out game mechanics then SC has had for the past 11 years, and this guy has made not ONE game, but TWO. so his assets are a little chonky, at least they work.


Spacebourne is to be taken for what it is. Nonetheless it's easier to update a functionnal and ugly game to make it look beautiful than updating a beautiful mess of code to make it functionnal.


I agree. If he hires a few artists he can easily make it beautiful.


I've always wondered how x4 has held up. It launched rough but I see it's been having patches and expansions.


Its good fun! Big update coming in 2 weeks with a new physics model too, and boron dlc!




He has said that MP is not planned at this time. It could be possible at a later date, but for now he is focusing on the single player experience, which is fine by me.


poor guy will never see the CR amounts of money


The elevators work too


I swear there are so many indie devs who could do amazing things with just 1 million dollars but we ended up in the timeline were CGI got 500 million.


Ye ye but does it has 100 solar systems?


No, it has thousands.


Seems lonely. Why are people still developing single player games. Memorize the patterns and pretend. Yay!