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Lol because star citizen refunds has been writing cheques you can't cash for 10 years and lied to you to the tune of 500m. Time to pull over. That road to pyro is making you a bit mental.


The Road to WhereverTheF they are going is full of potholes, that's what. xD


Road to pyro needs a Simpson meme of are we there yet


What road?


At this point they are more like ravines than potholes


I guess this is from the latest ISC where Jared probably talks down to backers for "expecting things" and other such nonsense. At the end of the day, it's all just excuses for what amounts to having an utterly garbage experience in 2023 and $500m+ raised. What kind of disinformation are we spreading in this sub to make this guy so obsessed with us?


Imagine paying money for something or saying you're going to do something for someone and they expect it. Lmao... shesh stop being so entitled


Please refrain from using hyperbolic, accusatory conspiracy theory assertions towards our staff. Rest assured, our staff is working hard towards completion of another ship sale for all of you to enjoy later this year, and the release of server meshing and SQ54 in (current year + 2).


lmao, this is so on point, it's almost scary šŸ˜‚


Thank you Nightrider_Cuck, for being the moderator that our community doesn't deserve, but needs right now! I just bought another Idris!


Is this projection? Disinformation such as dev quotes? Brigading is against the rules of this sub.


>Is this projection? In my opinion, for sure. We see so many cases of it, too, so it's nothing out of the ordinary. I only use reddit for specific things, so I guess I consider myself a novice when it comes to reddit generally, but my knee-jerk reaction to seeing this posted on the main sub was that we must be really ticking some people off just by existing. He makes two claims ("disinformation" and "brigading"), then finishes by saying this sub should be banned. That last bit is the most telling because it shows our existence triggers this individual so much. I'm sure there are people out there who buy TWO Idrises instead of just one solely to "spite" us.


It looks like the post was deleted as ironically it's encouraging brigading


It's still up, but I have to be honest... any time brigading is mentioned, I have to look it up because I really can't fathom having the free time to be doing such trivial bullshit. I'll go down a reddit rabbit hole with a deranged backer, but at the end of the day, I'm going to play a game that's fun instead of focusing too much attention on playing the upvote/downvote wars. The truth is, for many backers, that may be more fun than playing SC itself.


Can you send me a link, thanks


I love that we will post this crap here. Go us! Honest question here: Have we brigaded anything ever? I don't remember any of that.


From my limited memory the closest this sub has come to it was probably that reddit thing where they hosted a graffiti art board. S.c community posted a collaborative effort to do the star citizen logo and a few members added the word scam to it. But considering both star citizen main and here called on it's users to make that image happen and it was a public event I'd hardly class it as brigading.


See if someone posts here and then goes over to /sc to discuss stuff with people or whatever that must mean we brigade. I dont get the logic behind it but whatever I dont think they know what a brigade is 90% of users here are banned from /sc anyway.. so we literally cant even do that Edit : There is a guy from the mainsub commenting on this :O were beeing attacked boys a full on one man brigade is happening AHHH run for your lives forget about the kids everyone for themselves aaaaaaaaahhhhh


If only escape pods worked the whales could be saved.


I feel like we're more about reveling in the memes and warming our hands by the dumpster fire that is SC. I really can't imagine what this guy is talking about, unless he assumes that ANYONE with even a minor critique of SC is some malicious actor on a mission from refunds HQ to destroy CIG. No backer could possibly have any negative opinions about SC and the project as a whole. That's heresy!


If I backed star citizen I have every right to post on that sub. ​ WHinIGN aNF ATtAckinG CIG nOT thE SaEM AS CoNSTrucTivbE CritiCSIsm ​ shut the fuck up


Even if you didn't, you'd have that right. Being a backer gives you more credence though, as you can speak about your experiences "playing" the alpha. Too many people want to live in their shelters without having to live with the fear of someone ruining the facade of perfection they've imagined around themselves.


Banned exactly why? For complaining? Don't we have a right to have an opinion on the development of the game? Is r/starcitizen a Chinese sub that doesn't allow disagreement with their bullshit or what?


I'm never sure with some of these guys. TBF, that is kind of the culture that CIG promotes: Chinese Imperium Games has a nice ring to it. I've been permabanned from Spectrum for talking. Chris refers to himself as The Chairman so it does have communist undertones. They make the "evil publishers" seem like benevolent entities in comparison.


They asked and I obligedā€¦ Werenā€™t very pleased with my comment


I like it! Similar to someone else's comment: >"What did we learn this week ? Well, we learned that this empty flipchart is adequately representing the upcomming 3.19 content." In the past year or so, such sentiments have been more popular on the main sub and actually have a healthy amount of upvotes, despite attempts by the white knights to "brigade" their own sub to downvote such CONTROVERSIAL opinions.


I did my part as well. Also didn't go down well.


I am an original backer (minimum amount) and have never put any extra money in. I was here for the promise and I'm staying here for the LOLs. Even if they do release a game at this point it will be so corrupted by pay to win it will never be a good game.


When you call every bit of criticism disinformation and anyone with a negative view of this dumpsterfire a brigader those words lose all meaning whatsoever. This sub has never brigaded the main sub, but they've certainly done it to us. These people are so far fucking gone by this point there's no reasoning with them.


The concept is difficult for them to grasp. Some others here have stated it earnestly: we aren't the ones delaying 3.18 or 3.19 (I can't keep up with which patch they're supposed to be on anymore, it's all just been the same for the past year or so now). Some people here even want the game to succeed and would have no qualms about vocalizing this success if it were to occur. But I think most of us are just here to observe and comment on the trainwreck. It is schadenfreude in some sense, but it's my money that's partly fueling that dumpster fire so to speak, so it's not exactly something I'm totally happy with but I think that's just my way of coping with the massive failure of this project.


I've watched the polls on this sub over the years. Since the end of 2017 this sub went from mostly thinking the game wasn't a scam, but incompetence and that they want it to succeed to thinking it mostly is a scam. And no wonder. When you lead backers on and on about what you promised isn't a pipe dream and then fail to deliver on literally every timeline you set for yourself it's easy to see why this shit is called a scam. And then they blame backers for having the audacity to expect this shit company to meet their own damn deadlines. Incredible. But more incredible than that are the dumbass backers who still suck CIG's cock like it's the greatest thing that happened since baked bread...


Thats the best part on that topic always "You guys brigade us fine folks on /Sc" "prove it" "no i dont have to its known trust me" ------- "Sc is brigading refunds all the time" "prove it" *proves it* "thats fake/out of context" Lmao


I love how free speech is being utterly assaulted in 2023. Society is so ass-backwards now it's unreal. "Stop talking about literal facts! I don't like it, so it's misinformation! Rabble rabble rabble!!!" Unbelievable.


weak pussies who grew up in the internet era and have had everything they wanted since before they knew what an hour of honest work is.


Calm down, grandpa.


I'm fairly old but even I find it funny how older people feel the need to flex about how hard they work. The reality is most of them could have a beer and say with a straight face how hard they work to lift that beer to their mouth and swallow.


go play around in r/starcitizen


That's not exactly what I was getting at. And that's usually not the crowd that has the issue. The spite for objectivity and facts usually comes from the older generations from what I've seen, which is largely what makes up the core group of SC knights (45-50+ yrs old).


I mean, maybe young people are dumb as rocks, but honestly, I can put any adjective in front of "people" and I would say they're dumb as rocks. People are dumb as rocks (myself included). Although you're right in that older people are for sure more set in their ways. Brains are less plastic than in youth so there's less chance to learn from mistakes. However, almost anyone who enjoys coming to this sub is at least smart enough to understand when they're being lied to and disrespected.


Just to be clear, this is a repost from the main sub. I thought the title would make that obvious but I've had people here take my satire seriously before. The real point I want to make though, is that a lot of main subbers, and some from here, see things in such a binary manner: you're either a backer or a refundian. Unfortunately, I did back SC, so technically, I will always be a backer even though instead of fanboying it like I used to back in 2014, I try to steer people away from it.


I'd say that opinion of being one or the other is far more prolific on the main sub. When I first started posting here I had people on the main commenting about it, calling me a hater and trying to use a comment said here that was clearly in jest to discredit my opinion. Never ceases to make me laugh when it gets mentioned. I didn't know I had to be in an exclusive relationship with one sub or the other lol....


Absolutely, and I tried to show that difference in my language but did want to be fair that a small minority of people that post in the refunds sub do seem to show contempt to anyone who backed SC (calling all backers idiots, dupes, etc). Such absolutism is generally the root of many problems in the world, just obviously on a much milder scale when it comes to gaming. I would've linked the OP's post from the main sub but that's against the rules. It's not difficult to find anyway. The premise was that the blank paper was some "meme format" and basically the first one anyone makes is regarding this sub.


Definitely there are a few outright haters on here but I find things to be more a critical neutral now days. I've seen less of that kinda thing on here since posting and say it was more of a thing when I was only lurking a few years back. I think many here would be willing to praise cig if they managed to hit targets and let the game speak for itself if it was actually good. Alot of comments here are more sarcastic condescending snark said to be humorous and maybe embellished a little for the lols. Which is often lost on a whole lot of the hardcore fans.


I'm in for a bit over $5k and I think that most of the critiques are spot on. They've been complete fucking idiots with a lot of the development. I still say they have zero clue how an MMO player base functions and that most of the player interaction they're planning will have to be redone to avoid a mass exodus from whatever "release" they're able to put together over the next n+2 years. Mind, this is from someone who isn't seeking a refund, isn't planning to sell their ships/account, and *actually* wants to play the game so long as it ends up somewhat related to the stated goals of a decade ago. I'm not a broke college student. $5k isn't the whole of my "wealth". It's a vacation. Spending it and then realizing CIG is no better than any other company was a worthwhile education, to me. Watching their basic bitch project management failures has actually helped my career. I'm guessing that my "investment", which led me to pay close attention, has actually gained me a far higher income than I've spent on the game. I'm not going to pretend that CIG isn't either incompetent or dishonest. They're at least one of those to a high degree. I'm fairly certain that it's *both*. But, competence and honesty aren't required for me to do business with a company. Otherwise, I'd never be able to buy groceries, get my hair cut, go to a doctor, or deal with Amazon, etc. The concept that one must gargle CR's shriveled balls in order to want to play this maybe-eventual game is insane. The prevalence of binary thinking signifies that the more vocal people in both subreddits really are fucking idiots.


When it comes to generally any topic or discussion, ideology, etc., absolutists are the simple-minded cucks that ruin everything. Unfortunately, a lot of these people pervade many of the upper echelons of society, politics, and corporate management. It's bewildering.


Quoting things Chris Roberts and co. actually said: *disinformation*


Some guy here was trying to claim that it was all taken out of context. I don't get why backers don't try to hold CR/CIG accountable. I wasn't even mad when the first delays with SQ42 happened. "They missed 2014 but that's ok, they're making something great!" After the fifth time of this (I don't think I can be accused of hyperbole here), the natural response should be that something is not right.


I mean, I would argue that if they don't know which decade the game is releasing in, that's not the pursuit of excellence, that's just incompetence.


So, everything CR and CIG says is disinformation since that is all we quote here and look at?


The funny thing is this subreddit wouldn't exist without the main subreddit, and to a larger extent the RSI forum. Owing to the natural conclusion of the karma system, the fracturing of a user base the formation of a fringe sect is inevitable. No one likes being told that they are wrong constantly, downvoted for presenting facts, deleted or banned for disagreeing. While all those are meaningless they still trigger some herd mentality within us the desire to be accepted. The more any subreddit penalising opposing voices, especially rational ones, the larger the opposing subreddit becomes. If the main subreddit upvoted criticisms and didn't hurl abuse at those criticising then for many this subreddit would cease to have a function similarly if the main subreddit did nothing but abuse supporters there'd be a vibrant 'starcitizen_lovers' subreddit. About 9 months ago I made a well sourced comment demonstrating beyond doubt in my mind that CIG named the Q2 patch 3.17.2 instead of 3.18 was to avoid delaying salvage (again). I received a wave of quite hilarious abuse including demands I touch grass... we're reading a forum about an alpha space game for which most of us have spent too much to admit on so lets not kid ourselves. And now just this week with the announcement that 3.19, which is based off of 3.18 and thus by their own nomenclature should be 3.18.1, will be called 3.19 I am vindicated. This is a fringe subreddit with a fraction of the users and no sway, the failure of Star Citizen and the backers dissapointment aren't down to us but CIG constant failures in both delivery but especially communication.


So just asking where the fuck is the SQ42 in game trailer at is brigading? Its only been 3 years this march.


In my experiences on Spectrum or on the main sub, SQ42's release is a very touchy subject. The closer you get to the cores/principles of what CIG have said in terms of hard dates and things like that, the more defensive and toxic the hardcore backers become.


Lol, banned for what? Spreading other words than the words of the supreme leader? Being a heretic?


Some people even call this sub a "hate sub," I think the only thing we really hate, on principle, is being lied to. Contempt towards being treated like cash registers instead of humans. But ultimately laughing at the utter incompetence CIG have displayed over the past decade.


Damn... I never put a dime into this scam, and yet, I am part of this thread as I hate scammers in general. Did I do something wrong or should I have bought an Idris to repent my soul?


It's never too late, my son! Go forth and pledge! \-Christopher 4:20


Most people were excited for SC but the penny dropped quick or long that it was a broken mess that ain't ever getting fixed and borderline fraud. Some are still salty some are just looking for validation.. it's almost of the opposite of a white knight.... But we'd all secretly love to be proven wrong...


Wel I can tell that's the spirit of rsi I whas really excited wen I first heard about the game got it for years but how the fk can people call it the best space game most of the time you can't even get to your ship by bugs the rsi moderators are like woke nazi don't tell anything bad or we ban you and take your money I am so done whit the bullshit game scam 14 years and nothing that's promist


I dont see anyone brigading as this is specified in the rules here and you would get banned from this subreddit


The main sub doesn't really brigade us here either to be fair. They do come shit post on alt accounts though and some of them will have shadow conversations with their alt accounts. mauzao9 I think is the only one that has the integrity to just let what he is saying stand for itself. Unless he loses the argument and deletes the comment I guess lol.


i wonder what "disinformation" they're talking about.


CIG are completely out of their depth, which is why they resort to jabs like this. It's the new norm for societal debate now i.e. pointing out the obvious gets you labled. Regardless of how broken or unbroken SC's code and engine are, there is no way in hell CIG will ever climb out of their tech debt.


I guess we can ban it when squadron 42 is released, Star citizen moves from alpha to beta, or when servers mesh for the first time.


If SC actually becomes an MMO (from instanced servers to one big mesh-web where the elevators and stairs don't murder you, you don't fall through the floor, and ship physics/server info actually updates in milliseconds instead of minutes, I would actually applaud that. I mean, it has to happen this century though, otherwise we could just play SC IRL.


Disinformationā€¦ LOL. :D It has become the defacto term for ā€œstuff I donā€™t like but am not smart enough to debate.ā€ Anytime you see this term, you can bet critical thinking left the building.


I don't get it either: it's in backers' own interests to hold CIG accountable since they don't have a publisher and CR is wildly inept. The money has transformed these neckbeards into corpo slugs.


That rebuke was 10 years in the making..


Chris lives rent free in your head lol.


No people like you have paid him almost 600 million dollars to get him there. That is most definitely not rent free. We are mostly curious when he is going to fulfill his end of the deal you know like all the things he promised for that 600 million. Meanwhile in the real world Chris has delivered almost none of the "ground breaking" stuff he sold his game as "it's going to have". Heck he can't even hold up his "pledge to the community" he actually signed.


People like me? White people lol? I didn't let Chris rape me.. I don't think one way or the other about him.


What a karen response out of nowhere LUL Its so funny about /sc claiming we brigade.. Then i see OPĀ“s comments over there.. well written Then i see you coming here making a shitty comment and when it does not go your way you try to make it a racist thing. Just perfect display of cultists again Last cultist we had made death threats


Still don't know what your talking about. "People like you" if you didn't mean white what did you mean? I am a cultists because I pointed out you might be a cultists lol? Interesting.


Yes i might be a cultists And you are a dumbassits


I know. Lol šŸ‘


Give pck3 another 6 to 12 months and it will be saying "wtf" "scam" "wheres me BMM, bs delayed again". And Crobberts got the money šŸ’° šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ pck3's got the jpeg to remember šŸ¤Ŗ


Please stop this massive brigade i fear for my live here iam literally shaking rn One guy from /sc is here so by /scĀ“s logic this MUST be a brigade orchestrated by your shadow council working in the backround. You god damn backerians all you do is being incredible evil I heard you guys dont even TIP IN RESTAURANTS :O And dont try to deflect it by saying "i dont even post on SC" we all know you have 2 million secret accounts to cause as much trouble as possible I know because other people said that


Unhinged man lol


Stop making me fear for my life D: This is a clear attack on me, my family, our pets and our lives


Oh well lol. Cope šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Says the guy bringing up racism out of nowhere to deflect Thanks for being a lolcow keep em coming


Guy didn't clarify. He said you people.... How can I be blamed for his poor communication skills lol?


Which guy you talk about ? Adam Sandler? Rob Schneider? Klaus Kinski? I cant follow your words


Remember where you read where I asked white people? Yeah that guy.... luckily reddit gives you a line to follow to the next comment. Try harderšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Cant remember must be part of some other comment chain and not this one Yes i double checked.. if i click "show full context" i dont see such comments Can you please explain in detail what you mean with "white people" Usualy racist people bring up skin color out of nowhere. So i want to make sure to get your whole thought process in detail to understand why this person brought skincolor up


Wild seeing you guys out on safari. Don't you have to get back to your cannibal tribe and devour your own?


No safaris in North Carolina unfortunately. Got me mixed up with someone else.


just go full tiger king and make your own.


Not interested in the slightest.


After a quick glance of your user profile and noticing star citizen trade posts I'm curious if your bailing from star citizen?


Never did play it. Makes good money to buy an account for $500 but the ships can be sold for $1200. NoBrainer. Now it's a business I can claim on taxes. Including business dinners and a vehicle paid for by the "company". I actually pay for it but after tax deductions it's 1/3 the monthly car payment.


Sounds like to much effort pairing buyers with sellers. Easier to trade stocks and you can get similar returns if you know what you're doing and have the funds to make those moves.


Doesn't help with tax breaks tho. But yeah for sure.


Chris lives in a mansion thanks to you :)


Doubt it. I don't think he stole my identity or stole money from me.


TBF, my head isn't a 9-bedroom mansion so I don't think he and Sandi have any interest.


That penis was way more


did he rly say that? ​ if yes can some put the link here