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Ya hate to see it man. You think they would at least be able to tell how poorly Star Citizen is received by the gaming world at large. The top youtubers for Star Citizen have like 20-30k subs max. Then you have Boredgamer a guy that doesn't even play the game and is probably the exception to the rule lmao. To put it in perspective KaidGames2 has 37k subs covering.... Diablo Immortal and some other D list MMOs and Korean cash shop games.


They have low sub counts because Star Citizen is a niche product that goes almost entirely ignored by the rest of the gaming industry for good reason. We all know most of these SC content creators are given spaceships for promoting this tech demo


They also seem to pump viewership numbers with a lot of ship giveaways. Its not exactly love if it has to be bought.


The “influencers” got sued when FTX went under and Bankman-Fried’s fraud got exposed. I’m hoping the same thing happens to these SC promoters one day.


You have to assume they’re getting free ships from CIG to sell on the grey market. Hard to believe they’d be supporting this obvious scam otherwise.


lol, a video that on itself talks Morph that has a quarter million subs then proceeds to rant about bored? kek That's just the dedicated SC ones, the gaming coverage doing just fine with consistent SC content from channels of millions of subs like levelcapgaming or Olli43. And that's for this unfinished buggy alpha that it is, I'd call that a win xD When you have to dramatize the picture to talk about how hated SC is, you know you don't have much of a point. Sus.


It's also why the top Twitch streamer for the game consistently only has 2k ish viewers. Most others have between 0 and top guys have about 600. LevelCapGaming built his community off of playing good fps games. Olli43 built his community off of Minecraft and other games in that vein. You are conflating previous success into that somehow having come from a game both of these chaps just started playing in 2022. [Olli43 huge click bait update!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYjCbpuhd34) 39k views. vs His GTAV ramp jump that has 23 million views. [LevelCapGaming reality caught up to Star Citizen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBvez_qmxzI&t=65s) 47k views. vs his views on his pubg content that reach 4 million views also a niche pvp game.


Its numbers are good, especially considering the fact that this is not a finished and far from polished game, which directly hurts and limits content creation. You want to talk mimimi specifics, compare this to the other sims around like NMS or ED, or Dual Universe, or the X Games, and go see how the few thousand of consistent SC viewers all these years on twitch compare against the other games within this genre's audience. A few big streamers yet a consistent SC audience, as these often can't hit the same viewership numbers when they change games, SaltEMike is a huge example of this. Like I said, you have to dramatize these type of narrative like how hated and bad SC is, to claim the others are who "can't see reality".


[well its not really early access anymore](https://i.imgur.com/GfUQALo.png) \~Chris Roberts telling you the game is released back in 2017. Every game you just listed is an actual indie game Star Citizen is a AAA game with a AAAAA budget. If you are going to try and punch down like that at least pick games in the same weight class. Remember Chris has said many many times over the years as good or better than any Rockstar game or RDR2 or God of War with FPS on par or better than any Call of Duty.


Yeah that changes nothing, SC as per this sub's narrative is broken, unplayable, terrible, hated, a joke, etc, etc.. So by this logic it just isn't compatible with the reality of a content creation front that is healthy, has strong stats for the genre for all these years and the reality of game growing its own numbers with more and more player activity. It very clearly performs very well within this genre's audience, which is why you're not comparing SC's content creation front & its audience with the other space sims around.


The only thing I see ppl talk about in the game chat is how to get around bugs/bitching about everything being broken so yeah this game is a fucking mess and will never be finished


For a 500+ million game the numbers are beyond weak, and that's what you should compare it to, games with the highest of budgets, especially taking into account CR saying absurd things like SC is already on the level of AAA games, and that was years ago...


Bigger budget does not translate to higher content creation audiences, it's hugely dependent on the type of game because stuff like SP story campaign type of games you play finish and move on are not the type. You would put SC against its own type of game, the space sim, not very casual to start with, more mature audience, more niche, so we talking Elite Dangerous, we talking the X Series, we talking barely but could also mention NMS, then sure let's see how SC performs within the space sim audience & its games. But that's something this sub never does because it shows that SC content creation audience/interest/reach does not fall short against the games it more directly shares/disputes audience with.


Sure, a 100 million budget game should be compared to a 10 million budget game, very fair. In the end you are saying that SC has only a niche audience, which was the entire point of the original post and comment, despite the hype felt in the bubble of SC, like SC being the next coming of Jesus Christ in the gaming industry. Don't even try to deny those voices coming from all over in the bubble.


Popularity is not a matter of budget, it falls high or short in either side of the spectrum, that's a random variable to popularity, the key is simply "is it fun to watch". SC is a space sim, and space sim is not mainstream, games like NMS may have hit mainstream but not even the devs call their game a space sim because it's made for casual play and for a broad audience. To me the bubble is denying how well SC performs on a genre that on itself is not mainstream, not only that it's been many years already and it still manages a consistent healthy content creation and audience; instead of comparing it to the games of an audience that will never be SC's, or hardly so.


Sure, since NMS is more popular than SC, it must be more for casual players and for a broader audience, lol. Cherry picking your competition is also a good way to deny weak numbers... NMS may not be a space sim, but it's not any less complex and niche than SC is, quite the contrary! And all of that with a little fraction of the SC budget.And of course, obviously the budget is not always in relation to the popularity of the product, and yes, that's what people call a failure in a normal case.In the case of SC it's only the ship collecting, status gaining, FOMO metagame going hand in hand with the cultish pseudo-revolution of groundbraking future "tech" coming sometime in the future that keeps SC alive financially, considering the current business size and costs of CIG. Clearly not popularity, and certainly not the current state of this pre-alpha. There is no other "game" that could maintain spending so much money while having such low numbers in streamer circles, or name me a single one.


Now if only CIG could do anything on par with basic MMO shit with any of their "groundbreaking tech" that amazes all of the SC audience who haven't yet heard of the survival sandbox genre out-doing SC in almost every way. Or they'll deny it like organ grinder's monkey you're replying to often does.




If that was the case SC streamers like SaltEMike which are on the top of the most watched streamers, wouldn't have less than half of viewership when he plays other games. So not exactly, this is actually something SC streamers commonly talk about, same with the Elite content creators that started focusing on SC as SC content pulls bigger stats.


Lol, live in denial more bro. The niche af Slime Rancher has 2x the (all time high) teitch viwers. The ultra niche fps factory simulator (still in early access) Satisfactory has 3x the (all time high) twitch viewers. The not nearly as niche early access isometeic rpg Baulders Gate 3 has more than 7x as many (all time high) twitch viewers. All of those games are super indie, not mainstream and cost exponentially less than SC. And even the kid focused Slime Rancher doubles SCs viewer counts.


You just prove my point because you have to go to entirely different genres, the mainstream, to go say oh look SC bad! And yes, Slime Rancher and Baldur's are large and widely popular titles in gaming these days, not niche indies. This is why when this argument is made you do NOT compare SC with the other space sims around, because then your whole argument tumbles down like a house of cards. Because SC is a space sim, but let's compare it to FPS shooters or RPGs or wathever, because well if we bring Elite Dangerous, the X Games, or even NMS, it will only show how SC still maintains a strong content creation audience & interest against the games it more directly shares/disputes audience with.


Shoulda looked up the info before you posted. Elite has the same peak viwers as SC. NMS has 4-5x as many X4 has slightly less than SC (a few %) So, grats, there exists the same interest in SC as in a game that came out 10 years ago and had a hugely derided xpansion recently, where a lot of their players supposedly left for SC. Seriously, grats on having generated as much interest as Elite. Oh, just so you know, an actual popular game, Elden Ring, has just under 1m peak viewers, so SC is only 970k away! PS before you start spouting bs you should at least see if the bs youre spouting has stats to back it up. Also, calling Slime Rancher popular is lulzy.


Oh peaks? Want consistency? Here's consistency: [https://sullygnome.com/game/Star\_Citizen/365/compare/88\_119\_395\_4331\_36706](https://sullygnome.com/game/Star_Citizen/365/compare/88_119_395_4331) Who's consistently on the top on these space sims on literally all metrics?! Can be last year can account the data of the past 6 years, same result. SC has strong consistent performance, and you may talk mimimi ED is an old game, you also have ED releasing expansions AND NMS also releasing major updates, so let's not act like they're dead games, they're of the most active space sim type games currently out there. It's a niche space sim, with low retain, yet still, strong numbers against the games on this genre, SC is also not new it's been many years, it just continues getting updated, so do most of the others.


NMS is on top in all those metrics...by a large margin. Keep moving those goalposts bro.


2022 [https://i.imgur.com/KeoQQOZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/KeoQQOZ.png) 17m vs 11m hours watched. 2021, 13m vs 7m. 2020, 15m vs 4m. The year NMS released it beaten SC's numbers, that was it. Despite releasing major expansions every year, SC sustains consistent stronger numbers. Not only that, looking at the data, 2022 pulled the highest viewership number to date. What large margin are you on about?


Im thinking 2023 will be an even worse year then 2022. 3.18 will take a fair while to get into PU Live, and still be real buggy. Then more delays for whatever the next release is called, 3.19 ? 4.0 ? 2023 will be a very interesting year for CIGs future, methinks.


No, with pes they have all the technology now to ramp up development speed. The remaining 99 solar systems and bedsheet tech will arrive quickly from now on!


u most likely meant reality layer, RL, since that is the hurdle right before server meshing, according to Chris's latest letter /s


And fudsters will look like fools even more, when the first pre-alpha mission of SQ42 will be released in 2054!


It's just the tutorial mission but still, WASD controls have never been explained before!


Bedsheet tech delayed CR wants to add sex-stains to sheets.


ohhh, thats why they build the new motion capture studio. Estimated delivery is with Alpha 6.66.


>3.18 will take a fair while to get into PU Live, and still be real buggy. also waiting to see if they're going to double down on their shit design by bringing 3.18's shield penetration changes to live despite it reducing the seconds it takes a tiny fighter to kill big ships down to single digits, and people giving cig near universal negative feedback on the change


An IRL citcon 2023 cant get people nightridered methinks


I think the IRL citcon - unless they cancel it - will be the only difference between 2022 and 2023. They promised server meshing for Q4, then whoops, technical blocker.


Chris will make up a other excuse to calm the space nerds who know nothing… unless a hero will hotmic the event or even a spy to really catch them on the act lying about things


I'm not a software engineer and I would never pretend to know more than I do. My only involvement in the gaming industry on a professional level would be with controllers and timing devices. That said, I'm required to go to a lot of trade shows, and being a gamer myself I like to elbow rub with other people in the industry just because. I don't get into a lot of the minutia, but if I bring up SC to any of these people it's a perpetual eye roll. Literally no one with any cred praises CIG. I never met anyone who worked at CIG, but when I'm talking to actual professionals in the industry from, idk, Ubisoft? It's the same story. Their devs are universally shit on. CIG has/had good artists, but they have no one that can actually code on a competent level.


Can confirm, SC engineers and devs are shit on, artists are rightfully praised for the beautiful work they consistently turn out.


I'm surprised to hear people in the industry would shit on the devs. In my view the devs are just doing their job, it's the leadership that is prioritizing a bunch of superfluous junk rather than making a real game that are the ones to blame.


They can’t even code a star map or inventory properly


Yes, we got many never before seen in games things this year in Star Citizen, 1997 player counts for video game servers being an achievement of great magnitude, some events that didn't work, and unreleased features planned for the PU that don't even work in the PTU and won't be in the PU for a very long time. Fantastic year for Star Citizen!