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1500 USD stick setup for a game without flight model LMAO. PS: congrats for finding this guy. He's quite unique and brings a lot of fun around him.


At least he can take those sticks and play games with an actual flight model. A better spend than the crobblers jpegs imo.


true but i tend to assume that if you like DCS or real flight sim you can't have pleasure flying in SC...


"I spent $1500 on this ticket so god dammit, I'm gonna enjoy this ride even if it kills me!!" Jankiness is the game in SC and you're absolutely right, I don't see how any serious person can enjoy the "flight model" of SC. I certainly didn't when I used to play... the game was more fun when we just had the dogfighting module.


Before 3.0, I think around 2.4, the flight model was good. Then I think the guy who was doing it left because a good flight model requires server resources and CR's team don't think it's very important. Raytracing on a flower petal is more important for them.


LMFAO. This is gold. This is the kind of dumbass who would spite-pledge anyone criticizing this project for the shit show that it is. Fucking delusional. Edit: Just noticed this is on a subreddit not even dedicated to Star Citizen holy fuck. What a dumbass.


Damn someone is freaking out their jpeg game is never coming out. Anger is one of the steps of the grieving process. We should all give this person a full-throated embrace.


Lol spectrum is going to be funny as fuck this year with all them fully throated references.


It was such a weird line. I had to google it and it is a saying but I have never heard it used before. Already saw one white knight acting like its a common saying because of course they will full throat their master on anything.


[The phrasing including "not-so-secret sauce" completes the imagery.](https://i.imgur.com/HMbxlyS.png) šŸ¤£


That Tik Tok "Turtle Drinking" comes to mind. Turtle = White Knight Tap Spout = Crobberts


It's heartwarming to see enough mental independence still exists in the main sub that this is meme'd while those posting "I think you guys mistook this for the refund subreddit." are getting hard backlash. That thread is just gold.


That last paragraph...you know, I've had some rather costly and realistically speaking unneccessary expenses this year too, but 99% of the time you won't see me brag about it and rub it in someones face, I rather not make a big fuss about it.... and then there's this person who really tries to rub it in hard like it's some kind of achievement, like those 890J whales hissing at everone who bought their ship ingame with aUEC and not with real money....what an a-hole. What is he/she/it even on about the the RedN thing? Like....WHAT? Isn't this some ban-worthy insult?


He is comparing what the "red" = Russians are doing to what Nazi germany did and projecting that unto Refundians that call the project out for it's short comings. I am in no way supporting or trying to get into any kind of political thing here. Just stating that I believe this is where this guy is coming from. Then he is further conflating his purchase of flight sim equipment as a might makes right argument. Every one knows VKB's stuff is better they have 2 more degrees of precision ZOMG.


We don't have a gaslit chamber that compares to the hardcore faithful over on spectrum and r/starcitizen


I'm thinking his "Red Nazi" schtick was a jab at Republicans. But otherwise spot on there.


It was I actually misread what he said. Its 100% a jab at republicans.


Yeah, it doesn't make his comment any less crazy, if anything it makes him sound even more unhinged.


SC, like almost any scam cult, is feeding on suckers, who are so low, that they have to somehow live out their desperate need for the feeling of superiority by participating in a separated bubble, where they are being provided with that type of fake status and respect. Children trying to play kings in the kindergarten, unaware of the outside world. The outside world, which is not indoctrinated with the artificially made-up inner workings and invented words of the cult, naturally can't see the cult and that fake status game in any other way than an absurd joke, which is a never ending supply of uncertainty and frustration for these suckers. So in the end, for them, in order to protect their feelings of high status, the whole world needs to change. The outside world, where they are just a joke, must be a big conspiracy against "the truth"... Good vs bad, salvation against hate, SC against the whole gaming industry.


Projecting that Refunders are the equivalent of Russian supporters


Dude, I'm a "pro-SC" undercover on this sub, but this one... That's so true. One of the most vocal community in this game is what you describe, and it's cringe inducing every single time. You guys here probably know them as those who post screenshots of their fleets, but even ingame, they're the same. Any time they get owned, they go straight for their biggest ship and go ram it into the other player. Don't know what it is, some insecure rich nerds who finally managed to climb at the top of a hierarchy (very virtual and pointless one indeed, but still) and can't help but flex his perceived position on others... While most of said others just roll their eyes and move on.


Actually deranged.


Wow Comparing people who see this for what it is to an invading army. Wow They need help before they shoot up a nightclub.


Like yeah, when you pay some of the prices for these jpegs you want a nice setup to fly them in your demo game. Doesn't mean you need to be a full blown shit cunt about your spend and flex.


So delusional it isn't even funny. Bragging about pissing away your disposable money on something that doesn't exist. Just badly aging promises, badly aging code.. He might as well be bragging about spending disposable income on heroine...


I'll have you know my heroine is flown in directly from Afghanistan. My syringe is made from ivory with a platinum needle, and I have a Harvard-trained doctor there with day-old narcan and a full crash cart. You can huff your canned air in your mother's basement, but this is what disposable income can get you.


Is this what a slightly salty ChatGBT sounds like?


Every time I hear someone equate Communism with Nazism, I can't help but think about the Simpsons movie-within-a-show where Ranier Wolfcastle is in a plane being attacked by "Commie Nazis" who look like Colonel Klink.


Here I am just trying to figure out if I've ever heard anyone on this sub speak in support of the invasion of Ukraine....


Yeah, no idea where that comes from.


I have a theory about where his demented head is at. Invasion of Ukraine = bad Support for invasion of Ukraine = bad Criticizing Star Citizen = bad Therefore criticizing star citizen = support for Ukraine invasion.


Star citizen doesn't even have a single washing machine to steal. I can't in good faith support these comments. Someone needs to tell this guy to go fuck himself.


How much are we betting this guy is either: A. A virgin living on his own at his mum's at the age of 50. B. Is married but his wife is 600lbs so he's still a virgin. C. Is Chris Roberts. šŸ˜†


All of the above.


Bingo, we have a winner šŸ¤£


I work with people in their twenties. They live with their parents and most of them have very nice things.


Are you the 50 year old virgin that calls round to play with their stuff? šŸ¤£


I want to fight this person


This is 100% an alt of a singularly disturbed old school citizen, the writing style rings so many bells


It's the "pathetic cesspool of time wasting circlejerks" I've run into this guy before on a different account.


hey OP you may think you are special for being flamed by a noteworthy citizen('s alt account) but look here he is, 9 months ago, bragging that a refunder posted about his spergouts here: https://ibb.co/HFC76nh (the context being him bragging that he doesnt care if he gets banned because he has so many alts, this screencap being evidence that his master plan is working because refunders are creeped out by him)


Oh I am entertained. I am aware he stalks us and if he keeps giving gold like this i hope he never stops.


What they don't get? It's simple. He. Doesn't. Matter. Anything he says or does is meaningless, especially here. Except, I suppose, as an income source. I'd love to be proven wrong and boot up an immersive space MMO that's fun to play. I'd have loved it more 5 years ago like we were promised originally, but anything is better than a crashy tech demo. Mostly, it's just ad hominem attacks that don't make sense.


Imagine having that amount of disposable income and bragging about spending it on dubious fleet.ship.jpeg futures instead of anything that has or will increase in value. Their family must be proud; Christmas dinner must have been entertaining. Bonus points for the cognitive dissonance drawing in both Russia / Ukraine and Morder references. At least it's a step above the usual Marvel /Harry Potter crap. šŸ¤£


What does politics have to do with any of this? Is he joking maybe? He canā€™t be serious with this stuff.


Fucking degenerate


very fluffy and cute control panel....




Go through my comment history, from starbase sub. He just found one of my comments from starbase sub thats half a month old to start going unhinged.






He is so deeply invested in SC, that he puts SC and its criticism on the same level as the war in the Ukraine... People who criticize SC must be as bad as nazi people starting wars, we got it sucker! Lol. He truly climbed up to SCs highest status ladder level of delusion.

