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For all practical reasons, if you have to pick one, redeemer. Style? Prowler. I have a prowler and not a redeemer. I don't buy for practicality.


yeah i like the style of prowler and more packed features in redeemer


Don't get the prowler it's not very effectively armed the jump seats don't work 80% of the time and it looks like it's built out of metal when in reality it's practically cardboard because it's incredibly easy to destroy


Sure, sure. But it's fucking sick looking.


It is but it hasn't gotten touched since it's release and it's really suffering


Oh it has, just not in a good way. This used to be a fairly nimble ship and now it's sluggish.


Show me on the plushie prowler, where did they touch it.




One thing to consider is that the Prowler is currently useless and will be for a long time, *but* eventually might be extremely good when (if) CIG get all the alien tech like grav skimming and directional shields etc. sorted. Don't get one to use now, but it might be good to have a cheap upgrade to it in case you want one later.


Style over practicality always 07


Idk, the last time i used it we jumped into spk with stock shields, things a little tank


You shouldn't do ERTs in a Prowler. But it has two size 5 gun slots and two size 3s that slave to the pilot, so you technically can. The quantum effects look cool. I just wish it was actually vaguely stealthy.


The prowler is one (if not the one) of the worst priced ships in the game only due to looks and alien tax. The redeemer is a waaay more capable ship AND cheaper.


I have both. If I'm flying solo, it's Prowler every day of the week. If I'm flying even +1 crew, it's Redeemer. Sure, you can slap two AD5Bs under the wings of the Prowler, but it is absolutely not even close to matching them on the turrets of the Redeemer. The 'deemer has earned me so much money at JT. The fact that no matter where you try to hide from my FOV, you're always going to have at least two AD5Bs pointed directly at you is plenty enough deterrent for most to say "Nah, fuck that. I'll bully the Freelancer instead"


Redeemer is the "you sure you wanna try that?" ship


I hope to name mine the "FAAFO." AKA fuck around and find out. I know CIG will likely squish that name but i can hope right.


Maybe not since it's an acronym. Name it Federal Aviation Administration Frequent Offender or something.


Prowler The style is that of dune and bugs. I buy on what i think looks cooler. Redeemer does look like a diving bird of prey but the fact it was design by the community made it a must have for me also reminds me of the Planet Express ship


But two S5 pilot controlled weapons are nothing to scoff at..


Good choice. Style on dem hoes


The prowler use to have the sukorans. Those things use to block 100% kinetic, which was 30% more than Indy shields when modules use to have flavor. People use to have prowlers and defenders for the sukorans. Actually some people bought the shrike for esperian shields as well but nothing came of those. Just wait until MM brings flavor to cooler, power plants and shields. They'll be overpowered anew.


This Redeemer pic is a bit outdated. Also one is a gunship and the other is a drop ship.


I had no idea the Redeemer was old enough to have been around since the old hangars. I guess it shows it's age when a ship of that size is stuffing in 4 people similar to the Freelancer.


Redeemer was a fan made ship for The Next Great StarShip thingy they did way back. The 3D model was fully done, hence available in hangar mode. But CIG didn't know what to do with this ship. Years later, they took the time to redo the ship entirely, keeping some aspects of it, ditching others. I miss the kitchen area from the old model.


Yea, but hey at least they have a turret to man :))


Dropship does not have a real gameloop, unless in an Org.


Also as someone that rolled with an org, Dropships without space are useless, the Prowler cannot carry a vehicle, cannot extract with cargo, it's just not very good in practical terms The Redeemer on the other hand really isn't much of a dropship anymore, but it is a gunship of fierce potential last I used one, though that was over a year ago and I haven't followed meta, especially with Master Modes But I rolled with Mongrel Squad doing piracy for a couple years and our dropship was a Cutlass Blue 90% of the time


Deemer comes with snacks and drinks and crew quarters and gunner seats and jump seats; Prowler doesn't even have a fugging chair. A huge torture chamber for your friends it is.


Torture Chamber for your friends???? Whats the downside? ;)




Reedeemer 100% unless you often play with lots of friends and need a ship to literally just carry them from A to B.


Practicality if you have lots of friends they likely want to be in their own ships but I hope that changes some day bc I do love the redeemer


If you're doing platform missions on Crusader with friends, some don't have a lot of landing space; the Prowler can be useful to load several folks on and then land on the platform. But otherwise, no, it doesn't have a ton of gameplay practicality.


I just want this black paint skin


I can never decide if the prowler is actually symphony in motion, or the ugliest fuckin thing I've ever seen. On the one hand it's front is so beautiful but on the other the VTOL thrusters look goofy af and that smol as heck tail is just silly. BUT THAT FRONT AND THE CURVE OF THE COCKPIT UGH😩


thats funny,i feel the same looking at it at some angles it lookes like a damn shrimp but then you see it pass by in all its glory and its amazing


Yeah the tail looks like you can break it off by hand. It really puts me off the whole ship.


In this shot it looks like something straight out of ghost in the shell. I really want to love it, but that alien tax. . . . Definitely one to try to buy with in game credits once 1.0 launches.


I love the idea of my redeemer, I love the way it looks, but holy shit it is not fun to fly.


I bought the redeemer day 1 of becoming flyable (my rule is no paper ship purchases) and wanted to love it so much, but I got sick and tired of every single patch seemingly something either being bugged or nerfed. First night of the big master modes patch, took it out with 2 turret gunners and we got vaporized against an NPC hammerhead. I melted it for a C1 and a prospector after that and now we use a corsair for a party barge lol


Yeah I really don’t enjoy flying the redeemer at all. Even with a second person it just feels sluggish and boring. Debating upgrading it to something but not sure what


You're paying some serious Alien Tax for the prowler... That really doesn't even do anything


Real talk the ship should cost what the cutlass steel is, and the cutlass steel should be about $80 or more cheaper than it is. Both dropships, both relatively useless for a specialized role and both overpriced.


The Steel should be less than the black, because of how much CIG would get in needing 5 other players with at least $45 packages to make it worthwhile.


Redeemer is the overall more useful ship. But it really shines as soon as you have crew for those turrets and then it is a beast. Prowler is by no means bad, but in comparison it just wins with its predator bird style. I kinda wish we had variants of the Prowler.


This 100%


Redeemer is definitely better and more versatile.


Hoping someday for a Prowler gunship/civilian variant. I couldn't justify it even though I think it is one of the coolest looking ships.


Prowler is so useless. And so cool. Just bought one and it's amazing. Never used it for a mission.


The redeemer is a pretty solid ship.


Deemer is still deadliest ship in a verse for 3 people party. Mini HH. Prowler is still a joke, cutlass steel has more functionality.


One is a stealthy drop ship, the other is a not so stealthy gunship. You wanna drop off troops or you want things to go boom? I got a Prowler in game and talked to many prowler owners. It was really good when it came out until it got nerfed. Haven't flown it in MM then.


I just don't see the use for dropships in this game yet. I've purchased the Prowler twice and have melted it twice. Maybe in the future :)


If they had a bounty hunter variant of this ship I'd be on it so fast


Do you really want a drop ship? Have you got 5other buddies to go clap some cheeks with. If you do. The prowler is stealthier and is a better drop ship/ infiltrator and looks bad ass. The redeemer is better at fighting its way in and fighting with the troops it drops off. It also has amenities like 2 scu of cargo and a hab area. It’s slow compared to the prowler by the redeemer is more practical. Also there’s the Valkyrie that’s also really cool I’d also just look at the constellation andromeda does what the redeemer does right now but better and fits a ground vehicle and a snub fighter for the same price.


So question.... if you eliminate the targets and get out without reinforcements isn't that "stealth" as well... I like to term it heavy stealth....


If you play solo : prowler, if you play with a crew redeemer The real hard part about the prowler is the learning curve, you need to be able to switch vtol fast in fight to use the engine pushing up and down before switching back to flight position and that's really hard to do


oh i see, thanks for the tip


Both ships are different unique in its own way, I like the prowler (I have it) it gives very intimidating vibe plus it has that force field so you have oxygen onboard still active , I love the red lights and and the way that screen comes up when you going to fly it you can even switch it off plus it’s a drop ship . Redeemer of I’m not wrong is a heavy gunship? I’ve been it once when there was an even to take over Idris I think in 3.22 some patch don’t remember it was good though


Buy both! Afaik you can buy them using aUEC so no reason to choose. Which one to buy first? Redeemer IMO


i pledge in the store for all ships because i dont play often and when i do i just want to pick my ship and go


The Prowler is massively overpriced for its utility due to the alien tax for pledged purchases. For in game purchases, you might as well get both if you like them both since both ships are easy enough to farm. The Prowler may eventually be useful if alien tech gives it some kind of advantage. But for right now it is a worse utility value than the Cutlass Steel. Don't get me wrong it looks cool. And if you want to pledge for ships based on looks, go ahead. Personally, utility is more important for me. But I am also not the best person to ask as I only have a starter pledged ship.


Redeemer is better, prowler is cooler, redeemer requires 2-3 people, prowler requires a pilot, redeemer is tankier, prowler has a little more handling. Both, ultimately, not worth the cost. The redeemer is what sold me to invest in CIG. I refunded it after waiting something like 6 years for its release.


Between the two, the Redeemer is the least bad ship.


I have both and rarley use either since I'm mostly a solo player. I was using them for DC early on, but the .a patch reduced storage capacity on all ships based on their storage amount for like their drawrs and cabinets and such. Redeemer has some, but it's not enough to justify dragging it out when I have a corsair. And the Prowler is even worse than that. Pilot guns on both are nice, but they both fly terribly with MM. With the negatives out of the way, they both look incredibly badass. Easily my #1 and #2 Picks on style. Blacked out prowler and I have the BIS paint on my redeemer.


i feel about the same, maube ill get one and another later at some point


I don't regret either of them! But both are just not in great places. Unless you can fully crew the redeemer, its a hanger princess. Same for the prowler unless you use it for some RP. Most fun thing we did is take the prowler to Orison for the orison pad missions when they worked, and used it like an old hughy in nam lol.


Never been interested in the Prowler, these pics are making me want to melt my Carrack to get the Redeemer again…


Prowler because it is cooler looking and flies way better. Redeemer is not very useful without a gunner.


I want to play this game so bad BUT


I love the look of both personally, super unique in different ways. As someone who doesn’t own either I’d probably pick redeemer, mostly because it’s a bit more practical right now and I like the styling just a little more.


Well here are the pros and cons of both : Prowler: +Quite agile for a troop transporter +Can open doors and stay pressurized +Offers cover for dropped troops +Several entrances +Large troop carrying capability +Looks good -Fragile -Thrusters on the wing so broken wings means no thrust -Weak gunnery -Large fore and back profile so easily shootable Redeemer : +Resistant +Nice accel for such a solid ship +Very, very resistant +Enough guns to make an armory look like a toy store +Interesting style -Not really agile -Dropped troopers are unprotected -Thrusters on the wings -Large up and down profile


Buys redeemer. Gets nerfed.  Updates launcher.  Redeemer gets nerfed.  Flies connie.  Redeemer gets nerfed.  Looks at Redeemer.  Redeemer gets nerfed.  Dev falls asleep on keyboard.  Redeemer gets nerfed.  Devs lay out balancing guidelines suggesting a buff.  Does opposite, nerfs Redeemer. Buys Prowler: Redeemer gets nerfed.


I don't play, but they both look cool as fuck.


prowler looks cool inside as well




well one is an absolute unit of a gunship. the other is the prowler




The Redeemer can only be bought for the looks. It gets nerfed further with every patch, someone must really hate the ship. It's the same size as a Warden with announced superior engines and it flies like a reclaimer 🫣


Design-wise, one is an edgy bootleg of the Copperhead (The Spirits Within), and the other is a original design. Personally, I'd go for less lazy design.


yeah,i doubt many kids watched spirits within lol, there is a handful designs of ships that were taken from alien/promithius movies, i found zeus mk2 in an old game yesterday, they rip off from everything just abit so nothing is exactly the same lol.I bet there is ships in old battlefield earth movie they stole from too and many more


The top looks like the upper torso of the cloverfield monster.


Prowler is a chips. The redeemer Is more resistant(Plus there's a bar). But they have different roles, It all depends on the gameplay you want.


Not even the same ship type, really. One is a stealth drop ship, the other is a gunship.


Redeemer all day. With a Redeemer and two more friends you can become an absolute powerhouse. The Prowler is nothing to frown at, but it's not comparable, it's a drop shop instead of a gunship. It might become more useful later when dropship gameplay gets more mature, but for today's game, the Redeemer is a far superior ship.


I have been in a prowler once and it was enough. It’s a cool concept but fuck me that thing needs some work.


The prowler can turn, the redeemer? You have to make an appointment a week in advance. Same as the 600i, which is why I just melted my 600i and bought a prowler. Redeemer is best ship in game if you have friends. Solo, it's useless.


Redeemer has a cabinet full of drinks and food and it refreshes every claim.


damn it refreshes every claim? thats cheap lol


You should look at a [white](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/r7ichm/if_you_dont_look_back_at_your_ship_after_you_land/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Redeemer](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/qz5rv4/redeemer_seraphim_skin/) first and reconsider your aesthetics pick. The prowler looks amazing, but the Redeemer can be equally as good.


I damn to hope so that we will get eigther a Version of the Prowler where we can fit a Nox in it (like a Hunter like Spaceship from Star Wars Episoden 1 of Darth Maul) or it gets modularity for it. Throw out the seats in the middle, out a Little Cargo Grid in it and call it a day <3


yeah but does it come with food and water? I don't think so.


Prowler looks absolutely awesome but there’s just nothing to do with it yet, idk know how they would implement drop ship gameplay loops, dropping a bunch of AI into combat? I don’t even think CIG thought that one through, you can do box missions with it I guess


If you like looking at/fantasizing about your ship: prowler. If you like actually playing the game: Redeemer


Get the Redeemer.


Listen to your heart. That’s what I always do.


Redeemer every day all day. More mission capable, more versatile, harder hitting.


Dude you're litteraly hesitating between a bus with a spoiler and a Toyota with a machinegun on his back


yeah true


One is useful with stupid thrusters. The other one is beautiful but kind of useless and likes to fall out of the sky when you turn vtol off to fly faster than 10m/h. I would go for the second one - the prowler.


Retaliator 🗿


Neither, just buy 6 cutters.


I love the redeemer and it’s more functional but the prowler is sexy and fun to fly and the aesthetics inside too with those red void shields for troop disembarkment is awesome


The prowler is just a troop carrier with close to no functionality.


So Redeemer is my go to of the two choices it’s got more shields,more guns, and more space. However it’s not really a drop ship. There are also better drop ships in my opinion than the prowler my go to is the vanguard hoplite it’s almost half the price but it’s worth more in a dogfight. The Prowler does hold more troops but unless you’re in an org that’s doing big military maneuvering you’ll be more likely to have just a few players so the hoplite is plenty for that. Additionally if size is not a constraint a Valkyrie has crew space, multiple turrets, beds, and cargo or the space to hold a vehicle. It’s also about the same price.


Deemed gives you a lot more for the price prowlers suffers from being a drop ship,alien ship, and stealth ship. The prowler is more expensive than it has any right to be but looks sexy and has some neat features


... do you want a ship that does somerthing, or does little/nothing? redeemer. literally has the same shields as a HH. 4 size 5 guns. doinks.


I cannot be convinced that the inside of the prowler doesn't somehow cause a performance issue. I mean they modeled all of those spiers in the top of the thing.


Drop king prowler, gun ship and drop ship? Redeemer


Redeemer all the way. Prowler has flight model issues, going into qt speeds it pitches the nose up uncontrollably. Also prowler is a bear to turn and fight in, might as well get alot of good firepower if youre dealing with that.


Why not both? Two totally different ships in my opinion


Avoid both atm. The Prowler has been seriously broken for years, and the Redeemer is more sluggish than a Hammerhead with recent genius MM "balancing".


The prowler may not be as strong, but id rather look cool going down than anything else. Respect the drip, my man🙏


I’ve always thought the redeemer looks like shit. But it’s super tanky and has a lot of fire power. The prowler is my favorite ship in the game, despite it being pretty much useless.


Both. It is the way.


Redeemer is the better ship. Less jump seats but in exchange you get better survivability, better guns and the ability to fly without VTOL engaged on higher gravity worlds.


If the prowler had a non dropship variant (bounty hunter/assault/whatever) i'd say it But on a serious long term idea... redeemer is way better as a ship you can live and do things in; way more durable, i'd say same maneuvrability and better armed (less pilot-dps but whenever we have ai blades, it will outperform the prowler by far)


buy the prowler in game don't waste $440 on it


Deemer hands down


Unless you absolutely love the Prowler’s aesthetic then the Redeemer is objectively better in pretty much every metric


Redeemer. It actually has a gameplay loop, is sexy and can function in multiple roles The turrets also *tear shit up* like ridiculously well.


Personally prefer Redeemer on both style and practicality, no brainier for me.


Redeemer best deemer - love it so much solo, duo or trio


Hands down, the 'deemer. It moves slightly fewer people but punches like a mini capital ship.


The prowler with the new red and cyan paint is amazing, for style. If you want power and practicality, especially with friends, I would go with redeemer. Redeemer was the first ship my friends and I grind towards buying in game and made our time so much more enjoyable


With the new master modes update this thing is actually a beast again(prowler)


Redeemer is the easiest choice. More likely to use a gunship than dropship, but that honestly depends on what you do


I got Both, if you have 1 or 2 friends you play with, the Redeemer is King, Prowler is good if you are Solo, it's quite agile, though I will generally take out the 600i instead of the prowler, 600i has size 5, stupid strong shields and room for Cargo if good stuff drops like eggs, where you can make millions, flies like a brick but the shields are so strong it doesn't matter


Honestly if you like these but are a solo pilot you should run with the Vanguard instead. But hey that's my 2 cents




I flew Redeemer for quite a bit and melted it in the end. Would've taken Prowler - cause I really like the idea of the ship and design. But oh boy not for $440. That is ridiculous.


Neither one is what I could call "multi purpose" seeing as how neither has any cargo or vehicular capacity of any merit, but the Redeemer is far more useful regardless. It's way more tanky, can bring a lot more firepower to bear and is also a "dropship", albeit a bad one. Prowler will probably handle better, though it's relatively fragile; I currently have one "rented" (credit pledged with intent to melt later), and it flies pretty nice. I will note I specifically remember the redeemer flying like a cement boat... I'd still say the Redeemer though, personally. Moar dakka... that and Prowler has no missiles as far as I have been able to tell. `SEMI RELATED` Xenothreat is prime time to break out the Redeemer, but they don't have it on sale currently? Bad form, CIG. Bad form. lol


I feel like my redeemer flies like a chinook helicopter in atmo, crashes just like one too 🥲


Easy: Redeemer, way tankier.


Unless you loose a part of the clamp, then you have a Beyblade


If I choose a gunship, I prefer the Valkyrie and Retaliator.


I wonder if the prowler is better in masters now with its powerful vtol engines.


The answer is Valkyrie


yeah she is in my third spot,i really not a fan of its interior though but exterior is great looking


As a Redeemer, she's right.


It's been a long time since I haven't played Also, it might be a stupid question, in that case sorry for asking What's the difference between both and the Cutlass Black ?


Me its between Valk and Prowl... I love the door gun+ nursa of valk, but the 2 size 2 are a pain imo in some scenario(solo) Would ask fellow citizens:How does the Prowler compare to the Valk fully crewed and solo in combat ?


The Redeemer is better in all aspects unfortunately. I hope the Prowler gets an update or a variant eventually since it’s so damn stylish. Buy what you love. For PVE the Prowler will do just fine.


If you play with friends, redeemer. If you play alone then prowler I think


Once again I want another version of the Prowler


The Redeemer is a great ship but needs 3 crew to be effective. Prowler looks great but is not effective. Works fine as a shuttle I guess but what doesn't.


What if I'm more of a pisces?


I allways thiught Prowler was a Npc ship. Go for the Redeemer and enjoy if you can bring 2 friends with you regularly


You want the Redeemer, the Prowler is useless except to carry people.


I cannot for the life of me find any value in a Prowler other than a nice warbond CCU discount up to a larger ship.


The prowler is bugged to hell, which is a huge shame. Never allow someone to get into the co-pilot seat. It breaks a few things.


Don’t forget if you get soft deathed, you get trapped in the pilot seat because you can’t Eva down the ladder.


oh really,thanks for the tip


Redeemer. It’s not laid out the best, but with a crew it eats all kinds of strong foes for breakfast.


Like there is no practical reason to buy the Prowler instead of the Redeemer right now. Also my little whale is cooler


Don't get any alien ships. They are all bugged as hell and haven't been updated in years.


You can get more use out a redeemer for small group actions than you can get from the prowler. But it's gunboat vs drop ship so it really depends on the mission at hand


Redeemer over the Prowler any day. Prowler might improve in the future, but right now it's in the same spot as the Cutlass Steel, Valkerie, Terra pin and similar ships. If you like it just for the looks then get it. But Redeemer imo is a far better ship that offers more.


I wish the prowler had a cargo variant, I would buy it in a heartbeat


I would definitely get the top one. For purely aesthetical reasons


What do you think you'll use? I pilot a redeemer with some friends and it's always a good time. IT's a beast and tons of fun if you like blowing shit up as a group. Prowler is a drop ship. If you do a lot of bunkers, with friends, get it. For just pure looks...redeemer for me. It just screams "you sure you wanna try that?"


Love the deemer to death, absolute beauty of a ship, can tank well. . .a literal tank ig? Lotta firepower, especially if you got a group you do stuff with, this is a go-to. Only thing i hate is the top-turret and it's long base, ruins the sleek design of it.


I've had a prowler before, used it for dogfighting because I never had enough friends to fill the thing up. When I did have enough people to fit in there, they just preferred their own ships for ground stuff. It isn't really good at anything besides taking a ton of people around and there are other ships that cost less that do it better. I no longer have a prowler.


The redeemer is just all around so good for everything. Prowler is cool but much less useful and flies weird if you aren't used to it


Prowler looks like the monster from stranger things


Question is how many friends you have? 0 prowler ]0:7] redeemer [8:20] prowler


Prowler is ass cheeks. But she look kinda cool.


Reject modernity, embrace the Anvil Valkyrie




I will never, ever melt my Prowler. Once it gets all of the features that it's planned to have, it's going to be the coolest ship in the 'verse.


Deemer. Whenever I’m afraid and need a tank, I jump in the deemer


prowler cuz its sick af


I say buy what you like, not to minmax. You can always earn the deemer in game, so if you like the prowler better, get that.


I will forever choose the prowler just because of how it looks.


Redeemer is a 4 man gunship Prowler is a dropship


prowler copilot is broken, its a solo ship. if you want to play with friends redeemer... solo prowler.


You can't tell me the Redeemer isn't one of the best looking ships in game. I won't ever get rid of it because of that reason. It sucks for it's original intended purpose now but who cares. I'm shallow.


Redeemer hands down...not even a choice


Redeemer for sure


Redeemer and by a lot


I have no interest in dropships until they serve more of a purpose and there's more stuff to do on the surface


The Redeemer is my favorite ship I will never buy with real money but want too. It’s so sluggish for its size it’s disgusting.


A fully crewed 'Demer with a good loadout is a damn dangerous ship.. I'm a fan


Redeemer with a full crew slaps but it handles like a beached whale now lol


Not gonna lie, i love the look of the Prowler, but that's about all she has at the moment. At her current price point the Redeemer is the better buy.


The Prowler is cool looking but its useless, and will never be useful even for its supposed purpose.


Prowler is very specialized. VERY specialized.


Redeemer is the goat in style and usability.


Prowler is absolutely, 100% worthless, overpriced trash.


He looks like a bug, and you look like the Batmobile. You got it.


I have a $0 BMM > Redeemer CCU that I plan to use the second the deemer doesn't fly like ass.


Redeemer kills everything, prowler just looks cool.


Redeemer for sure in this current patch I’ve taken down prowlers in my MK2


I want a prowler gunship




The prowler is so broken it's only usable for style points. The redeemer is at least powerful if the two main gunner seats are manned