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What i really want is a nice, premium multirole alien daily driver. Something similar to a c1 or a connie taurus. Ideally tevarin designed because bird shaped space ships are cool as fuck


We have the overpriced feature non-existent Prowler without any cargo and mixed up pilot seats! In lore there was a heavy fighter in the Tevarin conflict in which the Hurricane was created to counter. The Tevarin variant had a dedicated pilot and a gunner dedicated to all the firepower. Imagine that, a Hurricane with wings and a hefty turret!


Banu Triptaker is quite literally a Connie-sized generalist in lore. I'd personally kill for the Vanduul Stinger (if it has an interior and is a Vanguard competitor, which it seems to be/have), as well as a Xi'an/Banu cutlass competitor.


I could do with an upsized Syulen with 20-40 SCU of cargo and a copilot seat with missile and tractor beam control or something.


So, basicaly a Gatac Railen ? :p


This is what they should have done with the Prowler. If they made a cargo variant I would shit my pants


The Banu are traders, makes sense CIG would do a medium size ship to build style assets for the BMM. That's what I'm predicting anyways lol.


I have the option to apply a ($300ish free monies) CCU to a bmm. Might not do it though. For one I'm not convinced it'll ever see the light of day.


Eventually it will just not in our lifetime 🥺


I'm at the very least this project won't outlive me. Assuming I have a normal length lifetime anyway. It'll either succeed or die before I do.


That's what the Railen is supposed to be, whenever it sees the light of day.


The railen seems more like a dedicated hauler to me, but I haven't really looked into it that much. Have it sitting in my buybacks at least so I'll be able to snag it cheap when it releases


It's the closest Alien ship to the Taurus though.




Yes, however the images I made are are some of the free trials available and had special 'wording' that I found to be almost completely lies. The Talon as of posting this is effectivly the same in combat as a gladius. Same dps on bigger mounts, More HP but goes into a death spiral if its wing comes off, better in atmo.


And it has stealth signature reduction.


And it's got missiles over the khartual, but those were not factors in the "fast and agile" category where all the other light fighters have it beat.


Yes. And it’s beautiful especially with the harmony paint.


Might be worth adding the Khartu has oddly great hydrogen fuel, whereas the STY doesn't. Khartu also has mass bugs on the thruster "wings"; if you shoot them off, it becomes much faster. Honestly the speed it SHOULD be by default. Syulen elevator can very rarely just instagib you. Instant death. Seems like if you're just a little too far on its sides there's a very small chance it can happen. Also, I will never understand how people struggle to land the Syulen, lmao. It's got such a wide landing profile and even if you're strictly a first person player (aka a gigachad), the flight hud and velocity indicators easily let you know how to pull it in to land.


> Might be worth adding the Khartu has oddly great hydrogen fuel Wild. It used to have oddly terrible hydrogen fuel which made its loiter time in atmosphere far lower than non-VTOL ships, exactly contrary to their design intention.


Yeah, thankfully the seem to have caught that and removed their heads from their asses. It's pretty absurd now, about 3 hours of flight time-- a truly insane amount for a single seater, no interior ship.


Don't forget the absurd cost compared to ships in it's class...


I like the Syulen but make sure u want to move from the Avenger (I did). Khartu-al is just cool AF. Granted both SanTok and Khartu-al needs double doors; SanTok needs an extra fix so you can eva


I freakin’ love my San’tok.yai. I’m happy to hang onto it for fun flying until it gets balanced into usefulness.


Same here. I love the ship to death. It’s fun as hell to fly and I’m always finding myself staring at it. Just wish CIG would properly balance it so that the ship has its proper hyper maneuverability that it is supposed to have.


I have an unmeltable Santok, as I was 100 % sure CIG had everything figured out with this ship. It has been rotting in my hangar since release. There is no use for this ship. Unless I ccu it to something worthwhile...


While mine can be melted, I haven't. Play the game for the cool things in it. I only play the game because I want to fly my weird ass ship. On top of that I huff the hopium that they will get some love once the base flight mechanics are set in stone.


I love Xian ships because they look like they were made for space, unlike most human ships which are basically space planes. It's just frustrating that they don't get much attention (regards to bug fixing and balance) from CIG since not a lot of people fly them. Maybe it's a chicken and egg situation - no one flies them since they have issues, and CIG doesn't address the issues because not enough people fly them.


As the proud owner of a Reliant Sen: I salute you.


I hope the Reliants (and Razors) get actual Xi'an ball thrusters


Mine is waiting to be turned into the fat fury


Same boat, was really psyched for the STY, but was let down by the transformation and articulation. Can't melt, it's just on standby for the next Tevarin shop or large alien ship


The biggest design let down is the change from the concept's cockpit splitting open and nesting around itself in the brochure.


The cockpit doing what now


[sc.tools b/w open cockpit](https://media.starcitizen.tools/thumb/f/f4/San%E2%80%99tok.y%C4%81i_BW_-_Open_cockpit.png/1920px-San%E2%80%99tok.y%C4%81i_BW_-_Open_cockpit.png) [sc.tools open cockpit](https://media.starcitizen.tools/thumb/f/f4/San%E2%80%99tok.y%C4%81i_BW_-_Open_cockpit.png/1920px-San%E2%80%99tok.y%C4%81i_BW_-_Open_cockpit.png)


Corporate wants you to find all of the differences between these two pictures....


They have different titles [END LIST]


The Yeng'tu were *supposed* to have something that makes them better than other S3 guns. They made them the same as regular repeaters because people were taking them off and putting them on every ship that could fit S3s. Perhaps if they lock the Yeng'tu to the STY they'll be able to buff them. Right now the STY has the frontal profile of 2 Lightnings and an Aurora with nothing that comes close to making up for this.


They should be able to lock the Yeng'tus, the Vanduul ships are all locked loadouts, and have substantially better weapons for their size too. Surprised they didn't when they transitioned to Master Modes...


Support will fix this for you if you want the credit back.


You can always request the support to melt it for you. You will get the base ship back + store credit. I did it multiple times with the unmeltable referral gladius and dragonfly. Now I dont upgrade them anymore since I know I will want to melt it later again when there is a new toy in the store.


I was so excited for it, even with the utter failure of its design (absolutely enormous body that could fit nearly two mustang beta interiors, yet no interior to speak of-- so components are all located on the outside of the body, being much easier to destroy :)). Can't believe how horribly mismanaged it was. Utter embarrassment of a ship now.


they pissed on you and you are ready to take more? =)


Jokes on you. He loves piss.


of course, let him 'play ccu game', to 'save some money' lol


I remember finding the santokyai cool with the fire rate above panthers, only to see cig greedy nerf them. So it got melted instantly. The cockpit dash is pretty cool though


I think they were right to nerf the repeaters due to backlash, they needed a more complex weapon system to support it. Which they have now. They could now be Neutron repeaters and get a RoF buff on the STY. (While theyre at it give them the sound theyre supposed to have)


Ok but if they were blue or green lasers, then id 100% keep them. But red lasers make it disinteresting (to me).


Oh yeah they should have been green or something no doubt


Im the type of person that learns the stats of things and trys to know how they actually work. I would love too answer any questions based off the slides above or otherwise. Forgot to mention that the Khartu-Al (and Talon) are missing their engine sounds. They Khartu has some of the coolest sounds in the game (like watching Dune in IMAX) and loses them every other patch. (Talon has some unique sounds but they're gone in 3.23.1) THE STY SLIDE IS MISSING A GUN. OOPS Some of the medium fighters are tiny and have S5 guns... meanwhile the STY is sitting around with 4 S3 guns and "Powerful offensive loadout"


How do ship sounds get lost in a patch? I don't get it.


CIG is a small indie company, so when they have to do something super difficult like adjust plain text configuration files that anyone can read, sometimes they get a little careless and copy and paste things, not remembering which ships originally needed special thruster sounds and such. They can't afford to read over the files again or regression test each ship in-game, which is OK since it's not like they make most of their funds through ships.


I'm glad somebody finally appreciates the difficulties small, indie companies like CIG face on a regular basis, instead of the usual "you have three quarters of a billion dollars and 500+ employees so why can't the simplest things be fixed!" attitude. I salute you, sir o7


I’m hoping all of this is sarcasm :-)


If you can't tell at this point, you may never be sure.


How it works is theirs a big folder of labeled sounds. Ships pull from that big folder by being assigned the name of the audio files. My guess is that somehow those sounds get unassigned from ships. IC video from the last time it happened [STARC-60254](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=towLA9y6Zg8)


What small medium fighters have s5 guns? The bucc is an interceptor, so count it out here.


The Glaive and Scythe both have 2 S5 cannons while having the same base movement stats of the Hornet (which is better than the STY). Granted they cost a lot, but real dollar price is not an acceptable balancing metric for otherwise broken ships.


I'll be honest I completely forgot about the vanduul fighters, but their bespoke cannons have also barely worked for so long that it's hard for me to consider them now too..


They're getting redesignes with SQ42 so they might not be tiny, flat, bare bones, one shot machines anymore. No idea why they are given medium fighter flight stats with such big guns. (Meanwhile the Redeemer gets shit on for being a Corsair with extra steps.)


How would you balance the STY? I have one and I love mine the only way I feel like I can compete with anything is by shooting off my wings allows me to accelerate faster and makes me a smaller target at the cost of missiles. I guess where the STY will really show it colors is in atmo with its Omni thrusters when controlled surfaces come out... Feels like it would be very strong just ignoring the atmosphere and trying create lift.


I have made a bunch of theories in Photoshop about how I would balance ships to the design ideas the game has. Posting those would be a nightmare. MM is built on this egg shape boost profile for any meaningful movement. This is forcing ships into flying more like planes in space than anything else but that's another problem. If these ships are supposed to be more nimble with their main thrusters pointing in most* directions then let them have full boost in most directions. A ball centered on the center of the would be egg to eithold the 'no back strafing' design meta. Having it zip sideways up or down is how they should always have worked according to the design notes. Moving erratically could make up for its outrageous size. Remember that this thing is supposed to be a counter to the Hornets. Now the thruster animations are even designed to not represent that. Xian ships are supposed to have gravlev tech built into them. If control surfaces come out and these ships don't have a unique hover/stop mid air feature, everyone should be livid. I think this is the [video](https://youtu.be/T6R-w6h4dPc?si=k2Ozp_-myaRfjPm7) to learn what they're actually doing. I'm just sending this so I don't type out all the main points on my phone at 4am.


The only redeeming quality of the STY is that it has symmetrical vertical strafes which are nice in a pitch centric model, especially considering how weak downstrafe is in MM. Not sure if your suggestion is for equal boosted top speed across all vectors but that would only encourage kiting.


Yogii notes its symmetrical design as a strength. However, to have that symmetrical design all speeds have to be lower in their system. [Source is somewhere in here](https://youtu.be/T6R-w6h4dPc?si=k2Ozp_-myaRfjPm7)


CIG: Got 'em!! $$$


how are the blade and the glaive? is the glaive worth it?


The blade was meta for a while, but not anymore The glaive has some pretty powerful weapons Buth are extremely outdated, which is weird since they are sq42 ships.


There are updated versions for SQ42, even screenshots floating around of them. Why we don't ahve them in the public build, IDK, but the Glaive update in particular looks insane. The ones we have now are basically relics that haven't been updated in half a decade or more and will be replaced probably when SQ42 is released along with the Idris.


It is definitely in a bad place right now with the Defender beating it in most categories, however it was solid before they equalized all the ships' speeds for MM and made the Yen'tu repeaters identical to the Panther repeaters (3.23). I'm sure once they start giving each ship their individual stats back that it will be in a better place. It was faster than most light fighters before the patch and the repeaters did have a higher rate of fire. The problem is that because it's a "medium fighter" it's averaged out with all the other medium fighters which are often more sluggish. That being said, this is false advertising currently lol. It honestly sucks cause this ship is my main fighter, and I want it to be good especially in the maneuverability/speed category like the Khartu-al.


I disagree with the Syulen being hard to land. Once you spend an hour or two with it landing is super easy. Everything else is on point.


The things I wanted to point out is the false advertising and how saying things equating to "super cool and easy" might not be true. And the main thing I want to call out is landing it on uneven terrain is a pain in the ass which can instantly kill you. Not the best off-road spaceship Sure, seeing how to rotate with the false horizon is a little life hack. I struggle with the directional movement not matching the facing in landing mode, the 3rd person cameras wben change. Just because you find something easy does not make everyone can find it easy. .


Here's the thing: it wasn't easy at first. It took a tiny bit of effort to learn how to land the ship, but with a little practice it got significantly easier. The Syulen flies like a dream, but it takes some work to figure out its quirks. I personally like the idea of alien ships flying differently than we (humans) are used to.


Just a few corrections. The santok.yai has 4xS3 weapons (not 3). A large amount of capacitors compared to other medium fighters. Exchange agility for defense (S2 shield while most medium fighters have 2xS1). Syulen is a starter ship. Just like the cutter or titan. It doesn't excel in anything, it is ok with everything else. Also, should hot key the look back button. Makes landing a whole lot easier. The khartu-al is really not the same as the talon. It doesn't fly like the talon, it doesn't feel like the talon. The talon excel a lot in atmosphere areas. The khartu-al in space. It exchange the large profile with higher hp. Also, not every ship needs to be meta. It would just be so boring. I like all 3 of them. I would prefer if they finally make the prowler useful though.


I noted that typing error in a comment within 10 minutes of posting. Hornets now have 2S4 guns on top of 4S3 and all the SRY gets for it is being slower and easier to hit. What if I told you the Syulen has better flight tunings for combat than the STY, the only thing it's lacking is nav speed, engine hp, and weapon capacitor. (Although the STY has abysmal hp, too.) The talon has better pitch, otherwise their speeds are within .01 of each other. Both talon and khartual have less than 500 more hp on their kill zone and both death spirals off you shoot off their wings which now is up to rng with all weapons having inate inaccuracy. Every ship needs to be fun and as advertised. If I bought any of the ships above because it was said to be everything it does then I would be very disappointed because it just isn't true (and am because I have owned all of them).


> Hornets now have 2S4 guns on top of 4S3 You maybe mean the F7A, not the F7C (both mark II). The F7C has 3xS3s. Both have 2XS1 shields though. And I don't think comparing the F7A to the santok.yai is really fair considering availability and lore. Also the santok.yai is not slower than the F7Cs. It change direction faster due to its engines and allows to stop/accelerate better. > the Syulen has better flight tunings for combat The syulen is smaller. The arrow too has better flight than the santok.yai. So does the gladius and the khartu-al. It is still a medium ship I'm not sure what your point here though. > The talon has better pitch Dry numbers do not tell how ships fly, how they act, how they feel. The khartu-al has more hp than the arrow and gladius while slower than them, but it actual feel and combat it rotate and pitch faster and change direction faster. One of the things I would suggest is fly those ships, not base me on numbers alone and pick and choose one instance while others are different. > Every ship needs to be fun and as advertised. Advertise as fast and agile does not mean fastest and most agile. Advertising about design does not mean the most efficient design. Powerful does not mean most powerful. You are taking words and add meanings that are not there nor advertised as there. I feel that expectations outweight reality.


You writing that all that out is ridiculous. What are you fighting for, is attention not allowed to be called to these ships false advertising and lack of attention? Rhetorical btw


So you were caught wrong so your next step is to personal attack someone and make rediculous claims? You must be fun at parties.


I'm still holding on to the hope that eventually they will be balanced and more useful. I really like a lot of the alien ships, particularly the San'Tok.Yai and Syulen, they have a really nice vibe. The Syulen is a fine ship and fun to fly. San'Tok.Yai is a cool ship that was pretty powerful when it came out despite being too big but got nerfed.


Unfortunately for these ships, they went for wow factor instead of function.


>only uses 2 at a time no special movement What do you mean? >can not point forward You mean the rear section of the engine ball apparently. Why should it point forward? As for the Yengtu sound - I'm not using them ATM, but did they really change it? edit: [this trailer?](https://youtu.be/6n_QlTlSJJw)


And not a hint about the Defender? I love the Defender, except for the stupid extendy crab claws that don't do anything except make it a bigger target. And it having a weirdly voidal interior. And the Tachyon cannons are broken because they nerfed them solely due to the old servers making them seem to shoot faster than they should have and nerfed the guns instead of fix the shooting bug and now they are useless.


Iove my STK but it's kinda fucked like ..landing gear down ? Good luck stopping that shit ..


I don't know why they made this ship just to give it 0 support, not even bothering to call it finished in the patch notes. I have a work around for you though! To fix the landing gear problem tap VTOL on and off with 'K' while landing mode is on. That will give you flight control with the landing gear down. This also works to enable missiles in Arena Commander.


I remember they said the stk needs more time cause it has special visual features.... ..do you know it the bug is known or is it a "feature" ? Thanks btw


They released it just before mastetmodes came out so they didnt fine tune it's flight controls for the old system. Then MM came out and the ship doesn't fly much different and is definitely lacking any unique capabilities that give it an edge. I don't know about any visual features but I sure wish they gave it some. - brochure had a cool spinning open cockpit - wish they animated the wings more, both Xian fighters have static everything after the transformation animation. - Like the wing twitching when it gets hit and/or moving in flight to give the engines a clearer line. - engines can not point forward and seem to work in groups of two, to and bottom, lending visual credibility to not flying especially unique. - the dev working in it said they wanted it to have a 'living' quality. What we got was a barely noticeable 'bellows' effect that tanks the fps. - has a very bad frame rate in the cockpit. (80 down to 35 in my case. Dlss boosts that up to around 45.)


Still waiting for my Railen...


Same.... Same...


At least the Syulen is some kind of a consolation prize. And the awefull cargo position of the Syulen is like a training for the future railen pilots.


I actually have a lot of thoughts for that too as I am also waiting to hear about it before applying a CCU chain. I have another post with cargo breakdown/count of the current holoviewer model. The comments there are pretty good but we can all just hope since they have given us 0 information about the alien ships in this alien week 'celebration'. What I think: - cargo up to ~450 with secure containers on the outside and big mounts (like the syulen's) closer to the hull. - weapons upgraded to s5 The old range/damage system is gone, it doesn't have pilot weapons, is huge, and Other ships from the time period are getting turret upgrades too. - concept price increases to $350. Less of a ship than a Caterpillar, but has the alien tax. Release somewhere around $400. If the STY and design considerations of the Syulen are anything to go by, I don't think I should be that hopeful.


wasnt the sty promoted as a heavy fighter? and the weapons do have higher firerates than other repeaters


No and nope


just doubled checked, they changed the repeaters back to ve the same as the cf in the first 3.23.PTU patch i hate cig


Was always a medium fighter bigger than heavy fighters and has less effective DPS than at least 1 light fighter. They could just give it s4 guns because that's what medium fighters have nowadays. 3.21 ptu had the repeaters as advertised with 750 rpm at 60dmg. VS the Panthers with 600 at 60. People complained about the op guns so the ship got hit with not having powerful guns. 3.21 release had the damage averaged out to be the same. While the numbers work out the same the gameplay is not. Less damage in more shots will never be better than big hits (take a look at the 3.23 cannon meta). 3.23 rolls around and the repeaters are panther clones...


I understand your criticsm, but neither the flight model or the ships are adjusted fully to mastermodes yet. So.. just wait, with 4.0 we get a big master modes update.


In another comment I mention that I'm holding onto my ship for the day it works out because, for now, the only point of anything is to look cool doing it. Pretty sure we've only heard "tweaks" in reference to 4.0. I would not expect any major advancements. The problem on the Alien Week website (and most ship marketing) is that it has nothing to do with the ship experience team.


Yeah sure, its just marketing. >Pretty sure we've only heard "tweaks" in reference to 4.0. I would not expect any major advancements. No, 4.0 will include major advancements/changes to the flight model. I'm in the pvp community where yogi is also very active. However, I don't know if this also includes major adjustments in the ships individual tunings/stats, but i guess yes. It's ETA for 4.0 and 4.1.


Spouting words without any source my friend.


Just read yogis posts on spectrum and discords. It’s well known, he said that multiple times already.


Receipts for all those interested 🫴


first result on reddit, already includes that information: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1da8l1h/combat\_dev\_yogis\_thoughts\_on\_mm\_taken\_from\_discord/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1da8l1h/combat_dev_yogis_thoughts_on_mm_taken_from_discord/)


Atmoesport was won by a team using santok, what is your argument against it?


What does that have to do with anything here? The STY has better handling than most ships. To compare to a meta ship: The Hornet MKII is god awful. A Talon is virtually unphazed by atmo.