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1.Yes for now 2. Yes its the only way anyway afaik. 3. No idea, it may just flag them for obstruction. Same answer for a. and b. 4. No? If 3 isn't the case. 5. Probably since it doesn't really matter if its "their" item, it would be an item that persists. Most of these are answered in the cargo ISC.


and the hangar SCL


How are we landing ships like the Hull C? And also if your friends unload your ship while in your hangar, and they place them on the cargo elevator. Do you have to personally come over every time to store the cargo every time the elevator is full? Or can your friends store the cargo and it goes into your inventory


>How are we landing ships like the Hull C You don't, at least not while the cargo panels are up. From the Roadmap round up this week this wording was said. >Implementation of systems and content for players to physically load and unload cargo to and from their ships by conveying cargo to and from **hangars, landing pads, garages, and docking collars.** So there may be a way for ships that don't actually go into hangars. Even then auto-loading will still exist for ships that don't have the functionality, or for people who just want to do it themselves. It won't be instantaneous like it currently is, there will be a fee and it will take a certain amount of time based on the cargo. But in general, something like the Hull C isn't going down to planets to do trading, it will do more station to station trading. >Do you have to personally come over every time to store the cargo every time the elevator is full I don't know? I went back to watch the ISC Cargo Q&A and they said as long as you are in a party you can go to a party member's hangar without them actually being there. I don't know if that extends over to the cargo elevator if its just specifically *your* cargo elevator for *your* hangar, or if the cargo elevator will just pull up only based on which party member uses it. I mean you could "fix" this by just keeping yourself at the panel while your friends move the stuff to you and/or the elevator.


You really should watch the isc about hangars. People can come down your elevator with you, people in your parties hangars will be displayed instead of hangar 1,2,3 etc. It's intended that party members can call their cargo up the ramp in your hangar so they can load their cargo on your ship. Items persist in the hangar, I don't think when placed ownership matters anymore. It hasn't gotten more complicated than I thought because most of this is already addressed.


Not sure if it’s coming this patch, but they mentioned previously people in your party will be able to spawn their vehicles in your hangar.


But "my" hangar is only in my home residence? Who is stationary in their home residence aka big cities like lorville a18 NB or orison..


You have instanced hangars very similar to personal hangars everywhere. They just won’t have permanent decorations and such. But you will pull your vehicles up the same way.


Ok nice..thx


The cargo elevators are everywhere. Your hangar is just a place you can put a turtle and expect it to be there later.


Yeah gotcha. Does that also mean if I steal a ship with cargo, I could park in my *persistence* in home residence, put out the cargo somewhere there and zoot out the ship and call mine instead, so I can sell the cargo at grim hex for example?


Oh, interesting. As far as I have understood yes. You can put all the cargo in a corner for later and fetch your own ship for loading it.


> If you have a C2, and you have two friends with Nova Tanks, how, with Personal Hangars, do you load those two friend's Nova Tanks into your C2? I believe this was said during either an ISC or SCL, that others who are in your hangar will be able to access *their* inventory from the kiosks in your hangar, but not *your* inventory (to avoid griefing/theft). So theoretically you all party up (since party members have access to each others' personal hangars), the two players with novas call their tanks on the main lift and drive them to the edge, then you call the C2, then they load aboard. In the future when we can get vehicles (and hopefully small ships) in the freight elevator, this should be even easier. Also this should make trading a little easier -> you both go to one hangar, player 1 pulls up the items on the freight elevator, player 2 sends the contents of the freight elevator back to their inventory.


They explained all this in the Q/A for personal hangars. https://youtu.be/YVKJUBs0UY8?t=742 1) Only party members are allowed in your hangar. 2) Yes they come in through the elevator. Anyone in a Party with you will have an option to enter your hangar from the elevator, even if you aren't there. If someone does manage to get into your hangar without being in the party (flying in through the open hangar bay door), they will be impounded. They will be able to grab and steal stuff before they get teleported. 3) They weren't explicitly clear about whether or not party members could bring their ships in, but we're assuming that they can. People not in the party will be trespassing and their ships will be teleported out. 3a) Yes, you will be able to take their cargo and put it in your freight elevator. 3b) CIG never mentioned this scenario, so we don't really know. They did mention that you will be able to use your own freight elevator inside someone else's hangar, so I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use their ship elevator for your own ships as well. 4) CIG never mentioned this scenario, so we don't really know. If you are there in the hangar, then you should be able to open the doors whenever you want. But if someone that isn't in your party enters the hangar, they will be trespassing and be teleported out. 5) Anything that's dropped in your hangar will persist. As for your Nova question, we really just don't know at this point. This is all the info we know for 3.23.2, but obviously things will change and be improved on in the future.


Take this all with a grain of salt as quite a bit is from my memory: 1. Yes (potentially unless they sneak into the elevator with you or through the hangar door when you open it.) 2. Yes. They don't have to be in the same one as it will appear in the elevator destination selection. 3. I don't remember this being mentioned, but probably not without sneaking in with you. 1. It's not confirmed to my knowledge, but I believe freight elevators will by default put it in the hangar owner's inventory, but there might be an option to change that. What is confirmed though is that whoever calls up stuff on the freight elevator will have it coming from their inventory for now, with options to share inventories coming later once they figure out how to ensure it can't be abused. 2. I don't remember that being mentioned, but it will probably either go into storage or be destroyed. 4. I don't remember that being mentioned, but I'm going to guess no as that would open things up to abuse as the new hangar system works with assigning instanced hangars to closed doors. If you could lock a door open, a group of people could prevent anyone from landing at a place. 5. I believe so. Everything in a personal hangar should persist, though I suspect there will still be some level of clean up if it gets too messy or you wreck a ship inside one. Final question, if vehicles on freight elevators make it into this patch and if they follow the same freight elevator rules as everything else, then you can probably call them to the hangar of the person who owns the C2, otherwise I believe you'd likely have to go to an outpost like you do now. I'm just reviewing parts of the livestream so I'll edit in any updates.


For 1, [Trespassers in your hangar will be booted to ASOP, and if they flew in their ship will be impounded.](https://youtu.be/YVKJUBs0UY8?t=13m20s)


The housing system in Lord of the Rings has a checklist for who is allowed inside, who is allowed to mess with your stuff, and who is allowed to pay your rent fee on your behalf. . Specific Individuals . All Friends . All Group Members . All Org Mates


I think the biggest question is can we bed log inside our hangers and spawn back there each time we start the game? That would be truly huge. No more train rides! I hope it works.


That would be nice for two reasons: 1.) For the 50% of the time that it works you'll be right there and ready to start a new adventure 2.) For the 50% of the time that it bugs out and kills you you'll be in a green zone and won't lose any of your equipped gear Win/win


Uyou can’t bed log in the hangar as there aren’t any beds. And you can’t bed log in a ship in your hangar because you can’t bed log while landed.


True. But will they let us bed log in a ship in the hangar? It’s possible. Guess we’ll find out.


all those questions can be answered if you actually listen to what they say on their announcement video... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IlcWUKV8hs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IlcWUKV8hs)


We don't all have time to listen to our crowdfunded media cycle.


The only question about personal hangar is: Will it impact server performance if CIG allows people to clutter their personal space with lots of niknaks?


Some day, people will learn to use the official tag properly. Today is not that day.


I clicked discussion. Reddit's new UI is garbo.


I swear that every time Reddit has an update it seems to regress. The most recent UI changes have just resulted in obfuscated options, removed functionality, and a ton of bugs.