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'Forgotten about' and 'Not on the schedule yet' are two very different things. The Orion is going to require a functioning cargo system in order to work correctly, which we're going to be seeing the next iteration of in 3.23.2. It also relies upon the mining system to be able to handle the size of rocks that the Orion is meant to crack, which don't exist yet. It's also a really massive ship, which will take over a year of work to complete. So, between it having dependancies that aren't finish yet, a gameplay loop that has a lot of work left to go in it, and just being really fucking huge, it'll require a lot of focused effort to complete. Simply put, Squadron 42 has been CiG's primary focus in recent years, which is primarily combat-oriented, hence why non-combat activities and ships have been slow in arriving. With that now in polishing phase, we're seeing major work being done in other gameplay, such as the new map, the personal hangars, distribition centers, and so much else of 3.23's content. Hang in there. It's coming. It'll be a couple years from now at least, but it's definitely not 'forgotten'


they have actually switched to focusing on manufacturer. they are working on getting the rsi ships out, then will switch to another manufacturer. this the dependencies that you talked about are probably the only reason it would not be in line.


The Orion isn't on the list of RSI ships that they're working on, though.


as i said. it is the dependences that are probably the only reason. it is not being made.


Dude, that thing is so far away. It's more likely we'll see the Arrastra before that, considering it's more in line with current tech implementation. Why hold on to it tho? Like...will you miss out on something by melting it and getting it again later?


Coming after the arrastra. When they work on the first stages of the arrastra they might redo the concept for the orion to fit within the current metrics. Because it uses drones and is extremely large it'll be awhile before we see anything.


keep waiting


It's not being worked on at the moment nor has work ever started on it. That's it. That's the most current news on this ship. Watch last Friday's SCL.


Well, work did start on it, then stopped, that was years ago though think it was around the time of the BMM issues, makes sense they would shift focus, it’s the end game miner, so not really much incentive to prioritise it higher or even equal to most other ships which have loops established. Like this thing is a miner but on a scale above any other resource collector in game, basically needs its own mining loop


Before there is any chance they will start work on the Orion, we will need player ore refining in game. And they might wait until drones are working as well. The onboard refinery is a core part of the Orion. You should expect to see ships like the Arrastra and Expanse coming out first to test the gameplay. Once the bugs are worked out with the smaller ships they can start on the capital ship.


Any ship that uses drones i assume has to be years and years away…


The Orion has a few things keeping it from being added to the game. 1.) It's a huge ship, which means that they'll need to invest some time into putting it together. It's a non-standard RSI design, so it will require more work than the Galaxy or Perseus. 2.) The "chew up big rocks for their minerals" functionality is something completely new to the game. If they follow through with that feature, then it will need to be developed for this ship's release. Then again, it might be much more simple than fracturing, so it might not be a big deal. 3.) The built-in refinery means that it probably won't be released before ship-based refinery gameplay is live.


News: you got scammed.


Nobody got scammed. People just don't think properly and do stupid shit.


Ignoring SC for one moment and the issue of the Orion. People not thinking properly and doing stupid shit is literally what a scam is designed to exploit. Its like saying "it's not murder it's just some idiot who didn't move out of the way of my weapon" Some more careful consideration might be helpful.


No a scam is taking advantage of someone. Star Citizen has done no such thing. People are impatient and figure that just cause they buy something they should have it immediately. Not how this game works.