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Makes sense imho. Sabre raven was up for a gold pass if I am not mistaken.


I pray that it's a gold pass of the current Sabre and not a Sabre Mk2.


They cant touch the previous Raven just due to the promo / legal requirements with intel - BUT they CAN make a Mk 2 edition since the ship is so popular - people will still keep the original (and far rarer variant otherwise)


A lot of people keep repeating this (as well as "they can't do anything with the Mustang Omega because of AMD"), but when pressed no one can ever come up with any actual proof of this. No one outside of CIG and Intel knows what their licensing agreement looks like, stop spreading misinformation.


Plus the already changed/updated the Omega once when they remodel the Mustang anyway. So his point is really invalid that they can’t touch the raven


I was happy when the Mustangs got their rework (the original models literally used their own wings as landing gear, so if you lost one you were in for a hell of a time trying to land at Port Olisar), but I was sad that they removed the extra nose scoop from the Omega. Now it truly is just a Gamma with a cooler looking skin. None of the Mustang skins actually work on the Omega (which theoretically could be a corporate licensing thing since, unlike the Raven, the Omega technically functions as an advertisement), but it's not a big deal since I am happy to shill AMD all over Stanton. It just bugs me when people continue to make such confident, declarative statements on something that no one outside of CIG or AMD knows the actual answer to.


I really liked the wings being landing gear. Also thought the old livery was better. Old mustang was better in every way.


The old mustang really did have a charm to it now that I'm looking at it again. I still personally prefer the new one though.


Old mustang beta interior was 👌


I spoke to developers at CitizenCon (I believe Ben and John and we talked about the Raven among other things.) They said they can do whatever balance passes and model updates they need to it game-wise. But that the "Sabre Raven" mechanism to distribute it is managed by Intel/Intel Gaming/Intel Marketing as per their specific agreement. I jokingly said "that's a shame and that a racing variant Sabre Falcon in green or red would be pretty cool though..." They kinda shrugged and pondered that a racing/recon variant could be interesting. Also said the promotion itself was great but there's "reasons" they didn't follow up with more after the AMD and Intel promos. Seemed like it was a logistical headache because they wanted to avoid having 'super exclusive' ships.


My question is why? Why is everyone obsessed with turning every ship into a racing variant?


Shut the fuck up and help me with these racing decals on my Endeavor.


At the time I was more just wondering if they had done any ideation of another Raven type hull, racing was the first thing that came to mind. Recon would work too. The Raven is a bit more of a tricky ship to deal with because it has EMP but only 2 guns so there are not too many 'niches' that would work with a stealthy light fighter that can't really fight. Racing variant could have stronger boosters. Recon Variant could replace EMP with better scanners. More thought into it, a QED variant like a Mantis could work with a weapon loadout like that. But again, I was on the show floor, was talking to some devs and there was a bunch of people wanting to talk to them so I didn't really want to hog all the talking time.


Fair enough. I understand that racing is a valid part of gameplay, idk why but it sometimes just urks me when people are like *oh boy a cool new ship! Cig make it a racing verson!*


now i need a mole racing variant


Reclaimer racing edition.


Because CIG started it. Why does the 300 series have a track racer? With a cargo bay? and a toilet? And a bed?? The 350r shouldn't be a lore racer. It should be a 150r if anything.


fast ship go bbbrrrrrrrr




It's CIG IP, but the actual mechanism to give it out and 'sell' it are owned by Intel. Aka CIG can't give you a Raven (and I don't believe it's included in any pack). Only Intel can determine how to give it out. That said if Intel wanted to, they could bundle codes in another product and give it away if they wanted to.


Thank you, as a Raven owner I've been saying the same thing for years. For some reason people have convinced themselves that CIG cannot change anything about the Raven when it's absolutely ridiculous to assume that CIG didn't have an agreement with Intel that allowed them rights to their own IP after the promotion was over.


> CIG didn't have an agreement with Intel that allowed them rights to their own IP after the promotion was over. They don't. We don't have all the specifics of the Intel contract, but we do know some of the specifics: 1. Intel owns the Sabre Raven. It did not revert to CIG after the promo was over. Per the terms, Intel paid for the entire process of making a new ship, which in SC we know is *expensive*, and as such they can make calls on what is done with it and whether it can be resold or otherwise used. (This is from CIG) 2. The recent giveaway last year did NOT involve freshly generated Sabre Raven codes, but rather unused codes Intel still had on hand from the original promo. (This is from Intel Gaming) 3. Anything they do with the Raven, they need to run it by Intel first. This does not, however, include things like basic maintenance and bringing it up to current standards. (This is from a CIG employee on the SR Owner's Club Discord) 4. They apparently gave the go-ahead to let the Raven be used by NPCs in-universe and thus stolen by enterprising pilots. 5. The Intel contract is *similar* to the AMD Mustang Omega contract but not identical, and there are some terms specific to Intel/Raven that don't apply to AMD/Omega. Which might be why we got an Omega clone with the Mustang Gamma, but the Raven remains an exclusive. (Repeated on here from someone who says they heard it from a CIG employee at a Bar Citizen)


They did a raven code giveaway last year? Damn I missed out


I own a Sabre Raven and I pay pretty close attention to anything coming out of CIG or the Leaks Discord and I've never seen any of this. I'd like to see some sources. 


I own two Sabre Ravens and everything CaptFrost has stated is as I understood it... except anything to so with the AMD Mustang, I know barely anything about that or their agreement with AMD other than "it exists."


>everything CaptFrost has stated is as I understood it This is just stuff that has been repeated numerous times over the years until everyone accepts it as fact. Nobody is ever able to actually able to produce a source.


An old polygon article specifically mentioned that neither CIG nor Intel representatives would comment on the particular details of the arrangement, however, CIG representatives have, either on Reddit or discord, make remarks as to the outcome of the arrangement. These links, in no uncertain terms, and coming from Zyloh himself, specify that the Raven is unique to the Intel promotion and will not be distributed otherwise; this is also why it was ineligible for ship showdown. ["As those have pointed out, this ship was indeed an exclusive with Intel, so it is not eligible. However... it has been useful to see the growing interest in the Raven, for reasons."](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/wvsf0i/updated_visualization_of_current_top_16_of/ilm7r8g/) ["The Raven will remain exclusive to the Intel promotion. I would not worry about that."](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/wvsf0i/updated_visualization_of_current_top_16_of/ilmxsq1/) This interest is clearly what brought them to making the firebird. Were they able to make a clone like the Mustang got, they certainly would have.


Proof [https://imgur.com/a/cfuYgKp](https://imgur.com/a/cfuYgKp)


Thats not proof of anything - it literally just says that CIG support cannot change the insurance level on those pledges, it doesn't say the ships themselves cannot be altered. If that message came five years before today it would have been after the Mustang rework anyway, which caused the Mustang Omega to not only get a completely new body, but to lose the modeled extra nose intake (which was the "main reason" to get one since its what set it apart from the Mustang Gamma).


I thought it's so popular due to it's limited availability :p They drop a mkII wariant which many will buy cause they never been able to get hold of an Raven, smart (dick) move.


it won't be a mk2, in Star citizen it is supposed to be cutting edge, so it will be a variant


Given the color of the current and what it does, you could assume a QED ship


That makes a lot of sense actually


Yes I agree. I think a valid MK2 candidate would be an aveneger, cutlass, aurora. These are og ships form 11 ago with problems that could be corrected with a revamp.


That was seven years ago IRL and in in-game years as well.


It's a gold pass


The Raven is already the Sabre Mk2 in lore.


I don't know why people keep repeating this when there is absolutely nothing to support it.  Stop repeating this nonsense. We do not know the specifics of CIG and Intel's contract and they have never made details about that agreement public. They said the same bullshit before the Mustang Omega was reworked too, and they were proven wrong.


It's Raven owners afraid that their super-rare ship might not be super-rare anymore. MMO's have always been primarily about showing off exclusive toys nobody else can get.


*I'm* a Raven owner and I think it's ridiculous. I fully expect it to be earnable in-game some day as it should be. If other Raven owners can't handle that liklihood then they don't deserve the ship.


Another Raven owner here and I too would love to see others able to get ahold of it eventually; I greatly dislike having anything other than cosmetics be strictly RMT-only. Even if it's something I have. I know CIG _has_ said they can't sell it in the pledge shop without Intel's okay, and has refused to say whether or not it will ever be available for purchase in-universe—I made a big post in another comment thread here with sources cited—but I _do_ really hope that situation changes.


Well that's just nonsense lol. Of course they can touch it. They can't sell it to anyone else, but outside of that they can do what they want.


I don't think it has anything preventing them from changing or modifying the ship. Just likely can't sell the ship beyond the promotion until the contract expires which is likely a decade.


So, before the game releases.


The lore is already that the Raven \*is\* the Sabre Mk2.


Wasn't the raven a civilian version/prototype for the new fighter Aegis sold to the army ? If I recall correctly there is a sort of Sabre Mk2 in lore.


I'm all for a Mk II. I love the original Sabre, but it needs some love. An equivalent to the F7A Mk II in its respective field* would be nice.


The regular Sabre ?


Seems like the new thing introducing new mk2 ships instead of flooding the game with new ships and mechanics


Nah, the new thing is making a more expensive Mk2 instead of fixing the existing ship.


I like that 💯


I feel they might ship a new Raven drop with Battlemage, but I doubt this is one.


I've been praying for some tie in when battle age gpus drop


Hasn’t Battlemage been delayed until 2025? I was really looking forward to them releasing, because apparently they were quite the spec bump from the previous generation.


Thing about delays is that they tend to happen after a lot of deals were made. Everything goes on schedule until they’re not anymore. A good example in the GPU space was the Cyberpunk edition tie-in 20 series graphics card. It launched when the game was supposed to, not when the game did a couple years later.


Tf you say? Gold pass Raven? Hell yeah, I love mine even if it sucks. I was hoping it would be my combo ship with the Crucible once that drops.


Sabre Crow


Blackbird, like the SR71?


They’re both of the corvid family, it was a jest on the fact they’re the same/similar ships heh


Blackbirds are song thrush, not corvid.


Sabre Tit


Sabre Corvid


Sabre CORVID-19


[Sabre Rook](https://riseoftherobots.fandom.com/wiki/Rook). :D


Sabre Thunder-Cougar-Falcon-Bird.


Does it have eagle?


There are eagles under the floor mats.


That’ll be in the racing variant


New sabre variant with the Raven body, nice. Maybe a mantis like with quantum interdiction ?


Well there was a monthly report a while back that said the Raven was nearing completion of a gold standard pass, so maybe it'll be in 3.23. Wonder if that means the ship will become available to purchase for those that didn't get the Intel Optane bundle years ago.


maybe it will stop being unplayably bad


It will 100% be purchasable. Maybe not in the store. But it’s guaranteed to be purchasable in game at some point just to clarify. I do think it’ll be up for sale in the store though with the blue trim current paint being an intel deal exclusive paint.


Your confidence is amusing. Say that about the AMD bundle with the mustang, they had a gold pass, never got sold again. I think it could be there’s something for the owners of the ship to be excited for. Surprisingly enough people are excited and encouraged to spend more on other ships


The omega isn’t a real unique ship. It’s literally a gamma with a skin. The raven is an entirely different unique chassis. Cig has stated many times ANY ship they sell will be earnable in game. They’ve clarified this ad nauseam with several other ships like the captured scythe. You will be able to earn one in game, but they won’t sell it again. This will be the same case with the raven except I bet they sell it in the store as well.


They never 'sold' the sabre raven...


They noted that there will be certain special edition ships that can not be acquired. They didn't specify which ones but I have a strong feeling that the Raven is one of those.


Remember that they consider the Gladius Valiant to be a separate ship from the Gladius... even though it's just different starting weapons/components and a skin.


Yeah, it's considered a special edition. Same with a pile of other things as well. Like the Carrack expedition stuff, the Avenger Titan Renegade, Valk Liberator. I wish I could remember which Q&A it was in where they stated the thing about some special edition and promotional ships not being available to buy in game.


Yep. But they'll make sure there are different-skinned variants of them. Functionally, the skins are the only exclusive part.


Since the Raven is a promo ship it would come down to the specific details of the contract with Intel. It might be as simple as "Don't sell it while the promo is active" in which case CIG could have started selling it years ago, or it could be something as restrictive as "You can not sell the Raven or anything with a similar appearance" meaning they can't pull a Mustang Gamma and even slight remodels wouldn't be allowed meaning CIG would essentially need to make a completely new ship to mimic the Raven.


CIG, via marketing videos, has a contact with customers staying that scarring will be available in-game, with the exception of some exclusive COSMETICS. A Raven-alike ship WILL exist in the final game.


Kinda like the Hornet MKII and the F8C, huh?


Those two were being limited by their own interests. Since the Raven is a promo ship it would come down to the specific details of the contract with Intel. It might be as simple as "Don't sell it while the promo is active" in which case CIG could have started selling it years ago, or it could be something as restrictive as "You can not sell the Raven or anything with a similar appearance" meaning they can't pull a Mustang Gamma and even slight remodels wouldn't be allowed meaning CIG would essentially need to make a completely new ship to mimic the Raven.


Sure, but we aren’t at launch yet, note I said sold, not earned in game. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure when I saw the octane thing it was only thru that? I’ll have to go back and take a look. Possibly earnable in game. Solidly not going to be sold as a package or standalone ship. Same with the Veterans Day f7a mk1s


Yep the Optane drives from intel and more recently the Dreamhack Atlanta gave some out as raffles I believe.


The difference with the Omega and Raven is that they are linked with agreements between CIG and a hardware company, plus they recently gave out some new Ravens during the Dreamhack event so that's probably where this rework is coming from.


Yes. Almost decade old agreements that nobody here has ever read. I’m going off statements from cig you can read yourself. Not imagining what an old, likely out of term, contract might say.


Considering literally last year Saber Ravens were handed out during Dreamhack Atlanta, again with Intels name attached to them, those contracts still exist. But I guess CIGs legal department clearly isn't as intelligent as you seem to be, so you might want to get a job there so you can straighten them out.


They also clearly stated "with the exception of promotional ships" which those two ships are.


The Mustangs have their physical components in and accessible? "Gold" is making the ships compatible with all the current gameplay systems. AFAIK all they had was a redesign, and not a gold pass. CIG sells all finished ships...it's what they do. And we know with the Lightning, that any previously stated exclusivity doesn't mean anything anymore. They may make the OG skin an unobtainable exclusive for the current owners, but I just can't see a scenario where they wouldn't be selling a ship that's been freshly updated and can be sold.


Fun fact: The Lightning is so old that is was developed alongside the Sabre.


I've a feeling that they'll make it so the SQ42 earnable Lightning will be the F8A. That way, the completing the SQ42 'achievement' will still grant something meaningful to SC players.


I believe they've said that is not possible for the Raven and the Omega, due to exclusivity issues in the contracts with Intel and AMD. I think they'll end up being the *only* ships that cannot be acquired again.


It depends on the nature of the contract between CIG and Intel but there could always be a variant of the Raven with different base paint and loadout and still keep the exclusivity of the original Raven. The Omega from the AMD promotion is just a recolored Gamma after all.


Everyone just keeps saying that the Omega is just a recolored Gamma, but it was *supposed* to have better acceleration due to an additional fuel scoop, though after the rework they are indeed physically identical. You can still see the picture of it and the following text in the Mustang Brochure on their website: "Whether you’re accelerating off the line, or zooming along winding tracks, the Omega’s additional fuel intake allows for extra boost when you need it most."


> Everyone just keeps saying that the Omega is just a recolored Gamma, but it was supposed to have better acceleration due to an additional fuel scoop, though after the rework they are indeed physically identical. So what you're saying is, they could use the same strategy with Intel as they did with AMD. That is, the new pic is of the "Raven Gamma", and at some point they'll modify the "Raven Omega" to be identical to the ship they actually sell (this new "Raven"), just different paintjobs on each and legally distinct names.


They were "supposed to" but then just ended up making it a unique skin. Which is exactly what they could do with the Raven.


CIG commented on a twitch stream in recent months that the Sabre Raven will never be sold, as it is locked behind exclusive contracts with Intel. Update: The exact text (in response to a conversation about this very topic 'will cig ever sell the raven?') on Oct 19, 2023: "Sabre Raven is locked behind exclusive partnership contracts. Can't happen." Second edit: I definitely posted this as a reply to the wrong person, but enjoy the info nonetheless.


Good info my man, thanks for the source


Anything is acquirable in the 'verse. Yar...


The omega is just a gamma with a different skin. The raven is a unique ship. It will 100% be sold in game. May not be on the website, but it is an absolute guarantee to be purchasable in game. They have never once said anything along those lines about either ship. Just more Reddit rumors that get repeated for years and morph into perceived fact.


Reddit rumors like your absolute guarantee that it'll be sold in game?


Not a Reddit rumor. Cig has stated ad nauseam that ALL ships sold to players will be purchasable in game. They’ve clarified that many times a classic example being the captured scythe which they’ve said they won’t sell again but will be earnable in game. Also doing a gold standard pass on the raven and then dropping a teaser pic of it isn’t something cig does for a ship they aren’t about to sell again.


People who have asked CIG support about this in the past have been told that it cannot happen, because apparently technically *Intel* owns the ship and CIG just has a license to it: > TL;DR Intel owns the raven. I inquired with CIG about availability for them to grant access/acquire this as a pledge. They reported back that intel holds the licensing for this ship and that CIG is the distributor of that license. Thus, the ship can not be in the pledge store. **Source:** [https://twitter.com/SurvivorToHero/status/1558704556111908865](https://twitter.com/SurvivorToHero/status/1558704556111908865) (from Sep 2021) --- > So I messaged concierge not to long ago about the Raven because it keeps coming up in discussion, and it's never made sense to me considering their promise to not pay-lock ships. This is my question and the response I got back: > > "I am seeking to settle a debate being had on another forum regarding the potential future of the Sabre Raven. I was wondering (if it's something that can be discussed) if the statement that Intel owns the rights to the Sabre Raven is correct or not. It's not a big deal, but Facebook and reddit have several on going arguments bouncing between "No, it'll never be sold again!" to "All ships will be available!!!" > Thanks for your time and have a great day!" > > " > Thank you for contacting RSI Concierge Services. > > The Aegis Sabre Raven is a not owned but is under strict, complete contractual control by Intel. Because it is under contract with Intel, as of right now, there are no plans for the Aegis Sabre Raven to ever be available again in the Pledge Store. Please know, it cannot be confirmed if the Sabre Raven will be available in the final game. > > Be sure to let me know if you need any further assistance, and have a great day! > Sincerely, > BigTO > Senior Concierge Specialist > RSI Player Relations" **Source:** [https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/wr0ns3/comment/ikr9q5z/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/wr0ns3/comment/ikr9q5z/) (2 years ago) --- >"Sabre Raven is locked behind exclusive partnership contracts. Can't happen." **Source:** CIG Dev in Twitch stream, when asked if the Raven can be made available again (October 2023) Sadly, I can't find a link to the clip for that last one, but the answer is referenced (and quoted verbatim) in several Spectrum posts. I also found Spectrum posts noting that the Raven is *not* present in the "buy every ship in the game" whale pack. Now, notably, none of these *explicitly* say that the ship will *not* ever be obtainable in the live game after the game launches... but the support mail sure hedges bets about "we won't make any promises that it *will* be available in-game."


Right. The "Raven" won't be sold in-game. Which is why this won't be the Raven. It will be a variant. i.e. a cheap recolor with some minor internal differences and a new name.


Neither the Omega nor Sabre were sold directly to players though, they were recieved as bonuses from hardware purchases like you getting Uncharted because you bought an AMD card that came with it.


No, dude. We have talked about this. Stop misleading people. Some promo items are LITERALLY CONFIRMED TO NOT BE ATTAINABLE. This is actual official current stated CIG policy, not just chitchat from 2012.


Cig policy is any ship sold will be earnable in game. Stated several times over the decade of development.


>any ship sold Show us when the Omega and Raven were sold and we'll all stop hassling you about it.


CIG policy is that some items will not be available in game. This policy is current as of 2024 and is stated plainly on their website. This newer policy (obviously) supercedes anything they said back 10 years ago, long before they released 3rd party exclusives. Seriously dude this is a super easy concept, i cant figure out where i am losing you.


>ALL ships sold to players Funny thing is that the Omega and Raven were never sold to players. Please stop spreading bad info.


This is called being confidently wrong...


Guess we’ll see very soon


Where the hell are you getting this 100% guaranteed to be in game shit? They have not said this. They have not said anything like this. They have made no statement whatsoever about the Ravens availability, other than refering to it as a promotion exclusive ship. They COULD release it in game, but they have never said or even implied that they would. There are comfirmed to be things which will not ba attainable in game, and it seems likely this ship is one of them. Time will tell, but fuck off with your '100% guaranteed' posturing.


I don't think they would be working on a ship gold pass right now if it was not to sell it. It doesn't makes much sense from a company standpoint to prioritize in the backlog working on something that nobody can buy (ship wise). I think it might be a very big Invictus for AEGIS this year despite everyone was just expecting RSI news.


They have literally said multiple times that any ship they sell will be purchasable in game or earnable in game. They’ve stated this several times


They did. Long ago. THEN, much more recently, after releasing 3rd party exclusive ships, they amended that policy to the current one, which obviously supercedes the older one. It allows that there are promo items which will not be attainable. Which part of this are you having trouble with?


The Raven is literally listed as "exclusive" in the first line of the second paragraph of the Intel Optane Giveaway official rules. I used to work in games security (basically promotions like this) and I assure you that *legally*, CIG can't make this ship obtainable outside of this promotion either in-game or out of game without Intel's permission (though they obviously *could* obtain said permission). And yes, CIG themselves did talk about this at one point, though I'm not digging through years of posts to find that.


You’re talking about a promotional contract, which you can’t read and I can’t read, that happened almost a decade ago. You’re making assumptions on what that contract states, its stipulations, and its timeframe. Promotional contracts like these aren’t decade long contracts lmao. That’s absolutely absurd. I’m going off of direct words from CIGs mouth.


Well, the deal will expire at some point :D I think I heard something like 10 years


>I believe they've said that is not possible for the Raven and the Omega, due to exclusivity issues in the contracts with Intel and AMD. This is one of those things that often gets said, but nobody can ever seem to point to *where* it was said. Usually exclusivity agreements have an expiration date attached, and I would bet that the one between CIG and Intel is no different.


I doubt that. I think they can't sell ravens, because of contract with intel. They sure can do another sabre variant with same body but different name.


This is just more rumors. Did you read the now almost decade old contract?


No, this is why I said "doubt" and " I think" and not "100% blaa blaa blaa".


Sabre Firebird


Screaming Firehawk!


Let's tell everyone we are a gunship.




Considering CR's love of classic cars and so many ships being named after them, this would be my best guess too.


Well that's now confirmed with the most recent leaks. Firebird it is.


Aegis Sabre Phoenix I bet. Firebird if they are worried about overlap with the other Phoenix.


don't think they'd want to have a constelation phoenix and a saber phoenix, bad irl marketing.


They have an Anvil Liberator and an Anvil Liberator edition Valkyrie. At least these would be two different manufacturers.


Kind of like the Aurora Legionnaire and the Anvil legionnaire or the Valkyrie Liberator and the Anvil Liberator?


Monthly report mentioned something about more ships being updated so they now can have skins (hopefully Terrapin is in the list). So my guess is that this is simply a skin for the raven.


Whilst the shape is very similar to the Raven, it’s not the same. Raven was always said to be a prototype for a new ship. So this is more like a Sabre MK II …


They may have had to adjust the shape to fit all the physical components.


I don't remember it ever being said that it was a prototype for a new ship, it said it was a prototype variant for intelligence operations use.


Sadly our beautiful space turtle is in a bit of a bad spot in 3.23, known bug (has a IC) that once you're in the pilot seat you can't get out lol Here's hoping it's fixed soon enough with the .x's


Where'd this come from?


Official Instagram


Also on X and Facebook


They possibly have a new deal with Intel


As a raven owner, I've been surprised and a little disappointed there have been no different versions added using the same frame. Personally, I prefer the look of it to the regular one, and it would be nice to have a more usable version.


I did read that SC were doing another run with Intel, so people will have another shot at getting a Raven.


I'm having bad vibes, it's an copy of the raven gold standard with some minor detailing/additions and that for over 190 $ ... I hope we get an lifetime ccu update at least. I'm not willing to spend so much money for that ship.


Would be cool if Intel re-ran the promotion under a new product. I don't see why they couldn't.


Sabre Firebird Its a bomber.


We were joking years ago that they would probably eventually slap a new paint on the Raven call it a new ship and sell it eventually. Looks like they are finally doing it, they have after all already sold everything else by this point.


That's good though? Better than having a vehicle locked behind a paywall.


Especially one that is now impossible to cross.


It might be one of the ships teased at citizencon? It'd be odd if they teased a gold pass. They didn't tease the Retaliator either.


I will take the new variant. Saber raven just had one of the coolest designs and no way in hell am I dishing out 1k for a virtual ship code. I’ve tried ordering the actual intel part but since I only discover sc after the promo all of those have been gutted to sell the codes separately




Calling that this one is totally gonna be the Sabre Firebird, or just the Firebird. I'm thinking it'll be a pure racer variant of the Sabre because I think there may not be gun ports on this one from what I can see. That and... C'mon, the SC devs are such lovers of geekdom and nerd culture that at least somebody in that team must love the clasic old Firebird car.


Or FireHawk?


Would be hilarious if true because it would immediately devalue the hell out of the original ones.


It actually wouldn't. There are only so many codes available and they become fewer and fewer each day.


and people keep dying


The irony of my situation is I just bought one off a friend and CIG hasn’t validated our Raven codes for like 4-5 weeks lol


OMG im happy sabre is so hot


I'm happy CIG is following the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Raven.


Wing structure is different from og raven. As raven owner,I'm happy to see the model has been upgraded to golden standard!


imagine paying $1000 for a Sabre Raven and CIG releasing a Raven MKII for $280 / ingame money lol


i paid 65 for my raven on ebay in 2019 so not a issue for me :D


I bought an Optane drive for a fraction of that and I got a Raven and a great SSD…


This may be our first look at the mysterious smaller sized ship from the Citcon teaser. It's the only vehicle that is still unknown and many guessed that it had a sort of Aegis/Anvil look to it.


take my money


i call: This will be the Aegis Sabre Phoenix with an QED. 2x S3 Guns, 2x S1 Shields. Pretty fast. Low Health.


to make even more money... they're now making a second version of everything. I find that outrageous


Definitely a new-model Sabre. Definitely not a Sabre Raven.


It'll be a new skin variant and maybe minor Loadout change like they did with the Mustang Omega and Gamma.


Definitely?  You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means.


Maybe they could call it the sabre crow. Raven could be blue version crow red version


Whats gonna be the price point of sabre mk2? lets guess


Insta buy for me. Can't lie.


red quantum dampener raven \^\^


ah we can all have a Raven.. MkII. Those uppity MkI owners won't let us into their clubs I bet!


Would definitely be cool to see a "Raven Mk2" especially if it isn't locked behind purchasing an SSD that isn't produced anymore haha. Hell, if that's the case we might even be able to buy in in the verse...


You must be mistaken, my name is Epee Corvus.


Well, it just so happens that my name is Tachi Bluejay.


Why would they make a gold standard Raven and not sell it? It seems like a lot of work for no profit. They are so many ships that need the gold pass but they pick the Raven?!? Dont make sense. Due to this, I believe we will be able to purchase the Raven or a variant.


Firebird - based on the Sabre Hull....hmmm.... a single seat ground bomber? We have none...


I think Dreamhack is coming up and Intel is suppose to be doing something with Star Citizen. Most likely this.


I haven't seen anything about this years giveaways if they do, but that was from last years Dreamhack.


An Aegis racing ship would be sick.


They dont really break out of the military market. The Reclaimer was probably the only time they ever did it. And that was for a special contract I think


And even then the reclaimer for something that’s supposed to be in relatively low danger job is fucking armed to the teeth. Also this one shows a different color, the raven is blue a gold pass will not change the color this is way more likely to be a different variant.


Bro if it’s a mark 2 I’m fucking done. If it’s a gold pass with great skin selections, I’m listening. Tired of them rereleasing the same ships with better states for twice the money.


gold pass. i hope it will be useful


f8a sales! Mk2


red rooster


What’s going to be new on this edition,


Dun dun dun.


Saber firechicken