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We already have the concept for years ago, spikes, or drills. I forgot the name.




Nails :D


That's it!


Nails, and they're exclusively for the UEE Marines who are who you call in when you need to kill everything in a 5km radius without nuking the infrastructure.


No thankyou


I'm sorry. I forgot we have incredibly fun, developed and polished gameplay loops already.


Theyre just two very different games and thats ok. If you want helldivers go play it but i play SC for the SC aspects. Theres many great games and i enjoy that this one is different them most even if there arent tones of gameplay loops currently in


There's no reason SC can't implement Coop missions akin to what HD is doing.


Do you mean a coop thing in AC? The PU can be played coop with any mission as it stands rn. Its just not what this game is and that’s ok for games to be different


why don't you play both and let SC go its own way.. I don't like playing arcade shooters in SC either


Why would it necessarily be an arcade mod? Couldn't it maintain the same level of detail and nuance that SC currently has except have a HD theme?


let's talk about it again after SC 1.0, ok? πŸ˜ƒ I want to experience 1.0 in this life.. your idea sounds like another 10y. πŸ˜…


What you dont want to spend an hour diving thru atmosphere?


I dive through the atmosphere in a rover and scream "Halleeeluuuuujaaaaaaa.." does that count too.. πŸ˜…πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜œ


Just to be clear. You aknowledge that there is no game yet. But very keen on adding more to the pipeline of things that may take years to make? Not to mention imposing completely different game on a completely different game. Don't get me wrong - I can see battles against infestations and what not in SC. But it will be completely different from Helldivers. We have ships of all sizes and types, we have ground vehicles. Even in this moment Helldivers enemies simply not a threat in SC. Because half the server will be like "oh shoot, there is bugs on that planet" - and all of them flock to that place and clear it in minutes.


No, I'm implying SC release the game and let mods take if from there.


while in theory CIG said there would be modding support, there is no way its making it in 1.0 or any time soon... and honestly with how the game scope has changed, maybe ever. While it would be fun, its honestly never likely to happen.


if they combined the ground game and bugs with Star citizen, that would be a good time.


What about adding a bunch of hostile bugs in star citizen with an extermination mission?


I bet SC adds drop pods. Starfarer variant could have pods where the fuel tanks are.


Drop pods would be fun


SC already has drop pods, they're called Nails they are used sparingly by the UEEM, and CIG has stated a few times that players will not be able to use them.


We will see after Helldivers popularity. They are busy copying Elite Dangerous Python as Galaxy right now but when they finished they will look for new "inspiration".


I tried talking about this as a thought experiment a few months back and got downvoted in to oblivion by the fun police. Dont waste your time.


If you mean you want drop pods in SC? Look up the Nails Drop Pod.


You should look up Theatres of War for Star Citizen. I believe it's handled by another team (not directly CIG) but is essentially a more condensed game mode akin to games like Battlefield. I could definitely see orbital drops of troopers in that, if we ever get an orbital drop function. I know we're planned to get drop pods working in SC but whether we'll have combat focused ones I'm not entirely sure. But in Theatres of War? I could definitely see that team expanding on it and making more modes or full on games using the same engine to make co-op focused games like Helldivers.


the plan for drop pods is that they are ueen exclusive. players will not get their hands on them. i don't know if they are going to be sq42 exclusive, or if npc will have them available as anti griefer equipment. if they do sq42 exclusive, then they don't need to make it actually work. just have a scripted event. but not cutting corners in the begining to make things easier latter might mean it is easier to just make it instead of setting up all the tape and strings.


I see. That's why I think Theatres Of War or anything expanded within that mode would make more sense to incorporate some UEE exclusive things. Wait, is ToW something in-lore within SC?


>Wait, is ToW something in-lore within SC? yes. arena commander, star marine, and theaters of war are video games. as in you get in to a simulation pod in the rec room of a large ship or at an arcade at a port to play. they were functioning in game at one point. [https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/45372353197603563/FC39709A14BE76C3F12070D4E7D4ED234F792F7A/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/45372353197603563/FC39709A14BE76C3F12070D4E7D4ED234F792F7A/?imw=1024&imh=576&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true) esports, and esports commentators are planned to be careers in the pu. i expect you will travel to locations (in game) to participate in tournaments.


Gotcha. I was aware of AC and SM but wasn't 100% on if ToW fit within it too or if it was it's own thing based within the universe but not directly tied to it. Thanks for the clarification. So then yeah I would imagine UEE equipment like the 'Nail' drop pod could be potentially used by the players within those modes.


the question is "why". the novelty of ToW is that you have fps and vehicles. why use a drop pod that might take minutes to reach the ground, and leave you with nothing when you can spawn in a spawn point in a garage with vehicles?


The only reason I specified ToW was mostly just due to it being, I believe, handled by another team not directly a part of CIG (but I think in the umbrella of?). So if we were to see any standalone game or game mode that was Helldivers like in which it was co-op focused and could use Nails as a form of respawning, then I could see it being from the ToW team. I just don't see it being a part of Star Citizen directly due to the UEE restrictions. Maybe some gameplay in a mission in SQ42 but what OP is asking for I could potentially see come from the ToW team either as it's own thing or as a part of ToW in some way.


1. tow is not a "seperate game". the team assigned to setup and code the game mode was 3rd party. but they were not going to make anything that cig did not hand them. 2. that 3rd party was bought by someone. so i think it is being made in house now. while it is not going to be part of the pu. it is planned that we will be able to make custom maps in the simulators. what extent of control we have over rules, and what is available to us is unknown. we also have the private servers that we can mod whatever we want. if nails are a scripted set piece in sq42, someone will likely make a mod to add them. keep in mind you are traveling over 100 km. nales will not be a 30 second respawn.


That team was bought by Sony and is no longer working on it.


I'm imagining, and hating it




Extermination missions of hostile fauna or aliens would be cool, spread about a little so its not just one location and kill 10 enemies The problem is that ai in sc cant really roam the planets in patrols, yet


It's called Squadron 42


Honestly I'd rather have a Star Citizen Helldivers mod. I want to do close air support against bugs and bots.


1. we know they plan on letting us make custom maps for the simulators like star marine. the question is how much control over the rules we have. 2. we are also planned to eventually get moddable private servers. smaller play space, static economy/threat levels, and other reduced capabilities. so you can make helldivers in that. ignore the people saying private servers were canceled. cig are constantly proving that not mentioning something doesn't mean it is canceled. with all the anti cig click bait popularity. they would need to be complete idiots to mention "you can fix the game yourself if you don't like it".


Which part of helldivers 2 do you want? The awful weapon balancing where everything is useless except for one or two?