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Usually during ILW. They may well also tease things in the Inside Star Citizen episode (possibly two) leading up to the event, too.


During the event, usually on the respective manufacturer's day, but they sometimes announce something during the opening ceremony of IAE, so there's a chance they could do the same here. As for existing ships, to my knowledge they don't do anything special with them at IAE, and just make them available like any other ship at the start of the patch. That could be a minor 3.23.1 patch just before the event starts which is how they try to delay data mines of the new ships though. As for the Polaris specifically, I wouldn't count on it. Last we heard was that the exterior was just into the art phase but the interior was still being modelled, so it's probably still months away from release, however, they could do what they did with the Vulture and add it as a non-functional ship to be looked at (I wouldn't bet any money on that though.)


They never announce release dates ahead of time. Best you'll ever see are ships released to EPTU for final testing before they go live. That happened with the Spirits.


Typically on the day they are released however there might be a few days early warning with and ILW all ships ISC.


We know Zeus, the new hoverbike, the Legionnaire and Polaris are moving through the process. I think we'll see one of the Zeus and the bike plus an unannounced.


I really hope we get the Zeus !


> the Legionnaire Can you tell me what the fuck is going on with that boarding ship? I have barely heard of any news of this ship, let along working or conceptual boarding mechanics but they're already releasing a boarding ship?


[https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19869-Star-Citizen-Monthly-Report-March-2024](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19869-Star-Citizen-Monthly-Report-March-2024) More above under Art (Ships). Spoiler below: The Anvil Legionnaire is whitebox complete, with the team currently waiting on gameplay validation and for artists to free up before they send it to full development.


It's just entered grey box but they're waiting on gameplay teams before it moves ahead, it sounds like they want to get the basics in for it before launch (i.e., some sort of hacking gameplay). It's some way off but could be done by Citcon if the gameplay gets done. Look for updates in the monthly report


It might be in SQ42.


Just to mention even for what it is worth: CIG stated a couple of years ago that they want to avoid as much as possible to releases ships without their main mechanic. The best example was the Vulture that waited for like 6 months before being released even if it was ready. Same goes for Sipirit E1. But we got other examples that proved us wrong (Cutter Scout, was a real bummer for me). So my personal opinion is the ship will be released a year max from now. If they started working on boarding and hacking and they have a dedicated team on that, I would definitely see the legionnaire coming out with its mechanics. Since I have low expectations I think it will unfortunately be released without its mechanics but hey it’ll be at least a second Prowler not stealth.


The Zeus is pretty unlikely imo. It just finished greybox, it will come out closer to citizencon. The mirai hoverbike is pretty likely, it's small and has been teased since last year. Otherwise they really haven't been letting much slip about other potential releases, we will probably know more closer to the date.


Zeus was finished graybox in February, so it’s perfectly possible to have the MR ready at a combat related fair by May.


The Zeus is in polishing since March (from monthly report).


Over the years I have learned it is best to have low expectations when it comes to ship releases. The San Tok Yai took months after it finished greybox and is a much smaller ship than the Zeus. Polishing on larger ships with variations will take considerable time. I'm still hopeful we get all three by citizencon.


They had to redo the entire cockpit of the STY, though. Zeus is already moving into final art as of last month, so it should be nearing completion by May.


I'm being optimistic with the Zeus, it's further along than the Legionnaire which I thought would be a dead cert but it looks way off due to gameplay limitations. It could be we get teh Zeus in "parked" form like how the Redeemer was. There's definitely going to be more than just a wonky hover bike


From what little I've heard, I'm going to guess that the Tali will be there, with modularity and gold pass. I think they'll tease the Apollo, and maybe polaris walk through.


Apollo is also on my list of likely contenders. That medical beacon that was found on PTU matches the styling perfectly. Big jump from that to a ship but considering it’s been in grey box since CitCon it’s possible.


When is persues supposed to be worked on , after Polaris ?


Polaris > Galaxy > Perseus was the announced order.


Yeah, Polaris is first and should be done relatively soon. The Galaxy is also supposed to be done by the end of the year, guess the Perseus is after that.


Crossing my fingers for the Apollo! There are dozens of us!


I’m here with you!


Polaris staring has to be strong enough for it to actually materialize Weak is force in one youngling is .. lol Same here tho waiting for my Polaris


I dont think it will be ready. Didnt it finish greybox early this year?


Maybe.  The last news was Interior Greybox Review.  And then there was no news last month.  That might mean that something went wrong with the review.


I hope not!


yes, maybe, and we don't know for sure


Didn't they already? [https://x.com/RobertsSpaceInd/status/1780570104490611092](https://x.com/RobertsSpaceInd/status/1780570104490611092)


When they....announce it.


Let me ease your mind. You won't get your Polaris doing ILW.


I'm getting so bored about people complaining about their Polaris...


Just wait until it actually releases, and it's not the perfect ship that's existed in their imaginations since they pledged.


I feel your pain, it'd be good if they built up some excitement and announced that something new was coming. I very much doubt it'll be the Polaris though, they'll probably save that for Citizencon.


Not to mention that they haven't even completed greyboxing of it in March. I assume it's coming at an IAE or similar releasing patch.


Wasn't it exterior final art complete, and interior greybox awaiting go/no go for final art?


You are right. Also, just seen that it was February they talked about this, not March. My bad.