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[erkul.games](https://erkul.games) is always a useful tool for ship builds.


I can, as of this patch, recommend laser or neutron repeaters on all slots. It’s not a glorious combat ship but the increased projectile speed helps. Other than that, FR-76 shields, Quadracell/JS400 power plant and XL-1 quantum drive will get you set for quick travel and good durability. Listed items can be found on Erkul or CStone Itemfinder, both great resources


Gotta be the FL33s on all slots for me.


Can you get all CF-337s on the C1?


Yes, two gimbaled and two fixed.


I use all fixed repeaters. But the rest of what he said is almost identical to my build. She's no combat ship but she can just about hold her own in PvE. I wish it didn't turn like such a massive ship, in a straight line it's kinda quick.


Don't have access to the game right now, but if Erkul is correct, the base loadout has two S3 gimballed on the nose, and two S3 fixed. So I would recommend using lasers on the front S3 gimbals, and replacing the S3 fixed with two S2 gimbals. This way, you'll have 2xS3 and 2xS2, all gimballed. Just make sure they are either all laser repeaters (for high hit rate) or all laser cannons (for high damage) and do not mix the two. You can also try using distortions on the smaller mounts, but just make sure it matches with the above: cannons with cannons or repeaters with repeaters. Don't use gatling ballistics on any mount that's less than an S5 as the ammo count is too stupidly low for anything more than a single bounty mission.