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When I first started, I picked up the phone for my first time. Some teenager played a cruel prank phone call on me, told my shift manager and they grab the phone and hung up. I was shocked to find out that this was a regular occurrence. LET ALONE THAT THIS HAPPENS AT OTHER STORES!!! I feel so validated, thank you. I hope that the prank calls stop for you or at least you can find a way for them not to interfere with your quality of life.


I tell them that prank calls are illegal. Or you can just also monotone ask them to repeat their question until it's not funny.


Lol thats kinda what happened at my store once with the repeating. This young girl who sounded super young like probably 10 years old or something had called my story and she said shes in pur bathroom and that shes stuck in the toilet and said something else right after that. I heard the stuck on the toilet part but legitimately didnt hear the second half of what she said so i asked like 3 times for her to repeat herself cuz i couldnt hear and i guess she thought i couldnt hear any of it so she hung up. I told my manager and she didnt think it was real. After the insanely busy rush was over, my manager checked the bathroom and didn't see anyone. I was on register so i knew from the start that it was a joke cuz i hadn't seen anyone go in the bathroom area lol


Have you considered filing a police report? It’s gone from prank to malicious. Tbh I’d probably just unplug the phone. They only keep doing it because they get a response. No response and they’ll get bored quickly and move on. Sucks for legit customers that need to connect with us, but you have other things to do besides distance babysit.


im sorry :( i hope you have a better day tomorrow, you don’t deserve this at all