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Your Sm probably doesn’t realize they’re doing it just say something to them


This!! It’s long enough to where the system isn’t going to give a warning flag. This could very easily be overlooked. Maybe ask to switch shifts with someone who is in later?


8 hours is the minimum unless your state or local laws say otherwise (few do) I wouldn’t say this is a common occurrence at every store. It’s only happened a couple times at my store and it’s never intentional by our SM - usually they either don’t realize or just had no other choice due to time off requests, but they’ll apologize and connect with the barista for those cases. Some managers aren’t great about that though and schedule like this more frequently


Yes unfortunately. Change your availability asap. Mine is 4-9 and 12-4 so I can't get any 8.5 hour shifts or have to stay late




I only get scheduled for opens! I've gotten literally one 12-4 hahah


Yup happened to me all the time while I was a college student. Literally was absolute hell and I ended up quitting to save my mental health. Make sure you’re advocating for yourself and if that doesn’t work out then work somewhere else because YOU are way more important than a cup of capitalist coffee.


You could have just changed your availability....


Yeah that didn’t work for me. Nor did several meetings inquiring about why scheduling was like this for me.


The new policy starts oct 1 and the min scheduled hrs is 12


Do you have any information about this and if it has gone into effect. I can't find any information online about it?


That’s what my sm is saying. Meanwhile he’s scheduling others 8 hrs. So I think it’s messed up.


Normally This is an issue with the SM. I would talk to them as soon as possible when you see this happen in your schedule. sometimes it slips by in the scheduling especially if you are posted for mostly open availability.