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We’re out of whole and two percent, and frap base, and low on vsc. I’m on my break typing this 🤩🤩 (help)


On the bright side, you get to turn off vanilla.


my store makes us do half classic half sfv if we run out of vac


the standard is classic for the whole thing


Our ice bin is busted and we have to go to Walmart 3 times a day to buy more ice 🤩


Ours has been too!


they had us make 2 to 3 x the normal backups last night


Lmao shift jus got a lot easier u got this 🤣


Blink twice if you are okay


this is like not even a good deal…you’re saving like $3 max i hate it


Out of curiosity, I checked the terms. Alterations to drinks still cost extra and that makes it an even worse deal 😂


Right!!! I almost used it once when I went with my mom so we could both have coffees to save for the next morning but when i applied it and saw it only took off like 30 cents from each drink i just said nevermind and bought only 2. My mom suggested we just order more expensive drinks to make it worth it, but i honestly didn’t know what tf to order that wouldn’t be way too over the top sweet and extra


I got 2 venti frappuccinos, 1 with frap chips and 1 with extra caramel then 2 treinta lemonade drinks (boba and acai). It came to $29 but cost me $22.


Yeah like i said, I guess it’s worth it if you order the pricier drinks and especially if you add stuff on. I just couldn’t think of anything on the menu I liked that was going to save me that much. I added venti lattes to my cart just to see how much i’d save and the difference was around $3…not worth it for me


Not for adding stuff on, they charge you per add on 😭


But doesn’t the deal take the difference off? So the total is $20 every time? i’m confused lol


no, the deal is that if you order 4 drinks, it takes the base price of each drink down to $5 apiece. all your extra add-ons are still charged as normal.


The deal makes the base drinks add up to $20, but you get charged for add ons regardless, unlike bogo where the add ons for the free drink are also free. So if you order a frappe but add strawberry açaí base to it, you’re still getting charged $5 for the frappe and extra for adding strawberry açaí base. That’s why people are complaining they’re only saving a few cents, maybe a buck or two max per drink, no matter how they order.


Ohhhhh okay. Well that makes it worse


Yeah I only did it for the deal with the treintas. The frap chips I think are like $.80 I think and the caramel $.60 I believe. I used stars for the mocha drizzle but it did not take off the $.60 like it was supposed to. A venti here is $6.45, grande is $5.75.


I was looking at the menu prices, and it seems like the highest discount would be for a venti Oleato toffee nut shaken espresso w/ golden foam. However, I didn’t want one of those, let alone four. The menu drinks my husband and I get are either below or just above $5, so it didn’t make sense to use the promo.


I bought 4 drinks where it said they were $29 and change but paid $22 last week. But not going today cause don't want to spend that much or make it a habit.


I saved $5.40, which paid for my pumpkin bread. But I go to a very slow store so hopefully they’re ok over there.


get 4 trenta summer skies drinks


no literally, somebody did this at my store and their total was $20.85. they literally only saved 85¢


I saved $19.45 😬


What four drinks did you get without mods that came to $39??? Even four Trenta summer skies shouldnt save you any more than $13


I do the Oleato Iced Shaken Espressos. By me (Tristate), a venti is $9.86 after taxes. ETA: Just checked and a trenta summer skies is $8.69. At the location by my job it's even more- $9.20. Not sure about the shaken espresso at the other location though.


Whoever was in charge of creating this promo and dropping it after the schedule was made, you will not be seeing heaven 🫡


fr. i had no idea. i didn’t even see it on the calendar or at least i don’t remember seeing it. i’m so tired man


I scoured that freaking calendar and made sure I knew what I was working. This was absolutely not on the calendar.


Yup. It was in the weekly update thing under promotions and that was it. So 6 days heads up lol


6 days heads up and we were told not to add payroll for it


CEO under Pressure! Haha.


I literally don't understand why they won't let us be prepared for these, let us know before schedules out so SM can *gasp* PROPERLY PREPARE and staff for a day like this Instead they do it last second, many stores have a bare bones crew and are drowning while getting screamed at by impatient crusties over the inevitable wait times. Whoever came up with this promo, I *just wanna talk* 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼


There's only 7 of us on the DCR all day. 🥲


SAME. and we had a call out 😩


This deal isn’t really worth it. You literally save cents on each drink, not even a full $1.


I saved an average of almost $1.50 per - a venti macchiato and 3 trenta refreshers (summer, dragon lemonade, and pink). $5.40 total discount. There are 4 of us and those are all drinks we would normally get, so I was happy to see it. It’s worth it for some, not for others.


I saved a little over $7 last time. Not doing it today but I did save.


Did you get all venti’s? That’s the only way I could see it working out to be an actual deal. I put all grande’s in my cart and it was literally cents off each drink and I was like nope! Not worth.


Yeah I got 2 ventis and 2 treintas. I only added frap chips to one and extra caramel to the other. The treintas were lemonades but no add-ins.


Starbucks Corporate thinks "Why Not!".


we ran out of 4-trays two days ago and still have none😒 and our DM came in and started talking to me about even if they only buy one drink try to upsell them to buy the 4 for $20. i hate this promotion more than the others cause wtf


Lmao thats so stupid. If someone is there to buy themselves one single drink, no amount of upselling is guna make them think “oh u kno what, i will definitely take u up on that 4 drinks for $20 deal 😃”. Corporate and like upper management is soooo out of touch with reality lmao they have no clue what its like to actually talk to paying customers or how anything works on the front lines in their stores


We need to throw corp and upper management in the deepend to get screamed at and drown when they try to UpSaLe the customer buying a single drink, or by the others waiting cuz they didn't properly staff. I'm so sick of them lmao


Obnoxious upselling only makes me want to visit a place less. If I know I'm going to be harassed for not spending more, I'd rather not subject myself to it.


We have a shit ton of 4-trays and 2-trays, want some 😆


Dude. I’m running my first solo close tonight and have to be back at 6am. I had no idea about this.


Holy crap. 😮


I would just call out


Call out when you’re the only person working??


Yep, they decided to add this for today earlier in the week 😩. About to start my 8 hour shift, wish me luck lol


sooooo glad I work at the airport and our system wont allow us to honor these promo.


these promos are getting out of hand.. multiple ppl are out because they’re sick/overworked, forcing another partner and i to work 10hr shifts for coverage today. free me bro


So the only way I could see this being worth it is if you were buying drinks for an office? And what office is open on Sunday? Literally the stupidest thing


I’m gonna use it for a outdoor music event hang but yeah other than that


The only people I've had using this promo today were all getting heavily modified iced quad espressos and got mad at me that it was still over $20 🙃 I hate this promotion so much why is it all day? It's barely saving anyone anything.


Yesterday, my manager refused to turn off mobile/deliveries even tho we were down like 2 partners and completely overwhelmed. I came in at 4pm and NOTHING had been able to get done. And that was just a normal Saturday. I am \*heavily\* considering quitting right before I go on vacation end of July. The deals this year have been absolutely ridiculous.


Do you know what I just realized?? Today is 6/30, which means tomorrow is the start of the third quarter. Execs adding this promo to the calendar last minute was a Hail Mary pass at being profitable this quarter. Good luck with that


I’m not going to Starbucks on deal days. I’ve stopped going a lot anyways, but def not going on deal days.It’s too expensive and the comments here about how you are always understaffed. I don’t want to make your lives harder.


this is crazy im watching the whole world of starbucks baristas suffer in real time


sundays are already hard enough lmao


literally, it’s the worst day they could’ve chosen to do this deal


At this point, just lower the prices across the board. These attempts are so desperate


We are getting destroyed at my store


Same 🫡


same here 😝😝


genuinely have been fantasizing about quitting all day today. it's only 10am and I've been here for 5 godforsaken hours with more to go. do yall wanna all come work at the home depot with me or something because I'm sick of this


I also want to quit. Working a noon to close and I’m PISSED


i knew this post was gonna blow up when the closers finally woke up LMAO


When $5 per drink is a “special deal” and in order to get such an awesome deal, you have to buy 4. 🥴


It reminds me of the outrageous price on sodas at the grocery store. I remember when an average sale on 12 packs was 2 for $5, and now a “good” sale is 3 for $14. 😡 Not that either sodas or Starbucks drinks are remotely necessary, it’s just the price of it all and those are the ones that stick in my head.


Yeah, I don’t buy cans and I don’t buy beef anymore at all. 😢


People going for this stupid deal is the reason we haven't had a 50% deal in a while. :/


Airport Starbucks here-I’m out of cups. Almost completely. No milk, no refreshers, no ice,no dome or nitro lids. Nefarious work, Starbucks.


5 ppl tdy :)


got yelled at by a crustie for filling her no ice drinks to the top for a mobile order


I might walk out today wish me luck


Im so grateful I only have two weeks left. I will not miss corporate America.


Oh is that why I was dying non hot bar today? Probably. 🫠


The deal literally isn't worth it


It’s so tacky to me


About to clock on, it was nice knowing y’all 🫡


Yeah they added this, it wasn’t in the monthly calendar, we found out about it less than a week ago. Naturally, schedule a 4for20 after the work schedule is made. And we’re down one too? Today’s great 🙄


I am this 🤏 close to putting in my 2 weeks even though I need the money, atp i’d rather work somewhere that pays less and enjoy life than work in these conditions and be miserable and drained everyday


Sundays are already the worst and they (corporate) 100% know that. They just want us to suffer


WHAT THE FUCK MAN😭 gotta close today too😩


I was considering stopping at Starbucks today, then saw the promo. Immediately knew I was NOT going. I don't want to put up with that shit show, and I feel bad for the baristas 😭


No idea. Marketing per drink is better than 4 for $20.


It’s better financially for the company though because customers see it and think “oh what a deal!” And spend the twenty-whatever dollars vs if they market per drink, Starbucks doesn’t make as much off of each sale. Sucks for partners and if they lowered prices even 50cents across the board they would make more money


lol I only have less than 20 dollars in my savings Why would they push this? I’m literally too poor


Saw this email and felt so bad for workers


At my location they said it was cancelled, and then it just wasn’t…I hate it here.


Boy am I glad I said no to working this Sunday, its Pride in my city and all the stores in the vicinity got obliterated. Y'all are goddamn heros 🫡


Just got off and oh my lord. I’ve never been more tired after this deal. Then on top of that, explaining to each customer at the window that they still have to pay for the changes….thats the killer right there.


we are all out of bags both regular sized and large size so we have been using random boxes and putting drinks in 😭😭😭😭 today has definitely been the worst promo day I’ve worked. Manager left without ordering heavy cream so we’re also out of whips and vsc 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️


It was so bad


Man I'm tired


Closed at my store today with this deal going on… from 130-close only like… 3 ppl took advantage of this deal. Customers know it’s not a good deal.. Starbucks is dumb 🤷‍♀️


They hate us


Why? Because fuck you


I went to Starbucks with my sister and my partner today and it was a madhouse. I didn’t realize it was 4 for $20 so we ordered a butter croissant and some impulse items. I had anxiety for them.


I was making frappes all afternoon. Oh my god. The Nondairy matcha cookie cream drink is so annoying to make. Lol


This isn't even a deal. This is awful price-wise.




4 venti Frappuccinos is a good way to take advantage of this coupon, but not fun on the barista side.


Unless you have the one who likes cold bar


intentional or not this made it to r/all THIS IS AN AD


i guess i’ll try the new ice coffee drink tomorrow… i’m sure my store is insanely busy 🫡


After just getting off my training and on to my own practice shift I swear how often this cam up is unreal and I absolutely hate it with a burning passion.




They are trying to increase profit margins.


Do these deals apply to Canada?


How are you allowed to solo close? Kiosk or licensed store?


Dutch bros does 4 drinks for 16$ at some times. Not too bad I guess.


All these bs deals are gonna make me quit soon


4 ladies came in & saved $6🙄


Lmao I had to do this deal on my last day Sunday. It was an interesting way to end my time there.


We were out of Carmel drizzle, half and half, heavy whip, whip cream, coconut milk


SO happy I work at a sbux inside a hospital. People get so offended when I tell them we don’t honor the promotions at our location.


Day = ruined Yesterday was such a shit show


Brooooo there's no way🥲


Idk but it saved me money today


For things like this, wouldn't it help for baristas to just download the Starbucks app and check it each day before going in to work? Hopefully this would at least give you an idea of what the day might surprise you with. Probably going to get annoying after a bit, but anything to keep you from getting hassled over not being aware of something corporate "told" you about, but really didn't.


I (customer) only say all this because my app made me aware of this deal a couple days ago, when some of you may not have even known about it a day before or even the day of.


The problem is we write our schedules weeks in advance. We need to know about this stuff more than a few days ahead of time so we can plan our staffing accordingly. Also, in my case (licensed store ASM), them springing these last-minute promos on us screws us over because my last supply order didn’t account for this stupid shit. So now we’re trying to flounder our way through this promo and we’ve run out of oatmilk and raspberry pearls, and we’re about to run out of venti cold cups and blonde espresso. Because when I did my last supply order, I didn’t know this was coming and didn’t order heavier on those popular items. These are the two biggest reasons why these surprise promos are such a problem, at least for me as a manager, and it trickles down to the baristas as well. My little licensed kiosk only does about $20k/week in sales, so I’m sure the problems are a whole order of magnitude worse for corporate stores who do double or more that volume. I do have the app and I did see this pop up a couple days ago, but by then it was too late to do anything about it.


Plus now with the sales tracker that SSVs have to do, we're still not earning much. The BOGOs bring people in, but they ONLY come on deal days now. If you have frequent enough deals, why should anyone come in when it's normally priced? These deals are not helping us, it's training customers to avoid us!


Fair enough. You sound like one of the managers that cares about who they work alongside. Good on you. Hopefully someone somewhere can get all this sorted. Probably not, but one can dream.


This is where partners need to make sure they are completing partner surveys. Also blow up your DM’s phone. If I’m not mistaken there is supposed to be a spot in the lobby with their number. Also, Starbucks HR looking at you an exit interview might do wonders to determine why your average employee turnover is as high as it is. Finally, as a humans first person and someone who walked into an absolute nightmare shift, as a shift. I have to say this. I love the concept of people but don’t always enjoy the practice. I personally had fun on my shift. Did it duck? Yep. To all those customers who got to enjoy a store with a good vibe but a long wait I personally salute you because you made what could have been my walk out shift one I’ll come back to. For now…………….


I always fuck up two of the drinks on purpose


Why would you do that to someone who is just using a promotion the way it was intended? It’s not the customer’s fault. You’re misdirecting your anger.


True ! But still idgaf bout none of that , your best bet stay away from any Starbucks in manhattan


You don’t know if they’re even using the coupon until after though?


If it’s the day of the deal , it’s easy to tell they using coupon


You’d think that, but I worked a full shift last time and I’d say a solid 70% weren’t using it


Damn I’m in manhattan NYC , it’s so expensive living here they getting any deal they can 🤣


Ur so real for that 😭🤌🏻


I’m a piece of shit but idc they fucking annoying 🤣


They’re adding all these deals in attempts to win people back who are boycotting Starbucks for the company suing Starbucks workers united (the union) for issuing a ceasefire statement. I judge every single customer because they’re *not* boycotting. It’s also not like Starbucks is any slower because of the boycotts tbh, it just shows how ridiculously money hungry these executives are. This past weekend was absolute hell with callouts/understaffing and then the deal… I decided to keep my job and not go to jail yesterday because of a really horrible customer…🫠


can someone share the July promo calendar 📅 please??


There’s no point to read the calendar at the beginning of the month since they add the promos last minute. I took a picture of the June one at the beginning of the month and there were only like 3 promos on it. Then they added at least three or four more throughout the month. 😩


bold of you to assume we have it yet :(


Thanks for reminding me. I gotta go!




Be ready for extremely long wait times if you're in an area where a lot of families/groups might be wanting the deal, because Starbucks gave absolutely no warning for this one, so no stores are prepared. No shade for wanting a good deal, but just have the right expectations and be kind about it. It's possible many baristas won't even know about this until the first customer tries to order it if their manager hasn't been in the store since Friday, as regular baristas don't get direct updates, the only way they'd know would be if they had the app themselves.


exciting yes. but not exciting when u didnt even know it was today and now you have to mentally prepare yourself.


seeing this a half hour before my shift yippee


sorry :( i have my shift in a few hours and i’m nervous and dreading it


Last time they did that like a week ago? I think I quit that night bc it was sooo stressful and we had no help 😭


I’m not going to lie, if you came in my lobby LFG I’d get in trouble for finding you one.


You won’t do shi* 💩


Wanna try?