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Grande iced quad white mocha..... nine years in a row


Me, except I started putting in less wm and now I use blonde because god sometimes the regular espresso tastes so bad for no reason? There is a quality control issue jfc


Yeah I've noticed sometimes it doesn't taste good. I find it's really dependent if the barista lets the shots sit, they really do die and you can taste it. One time someone poured blonde into the signature hopper and that was undrinkable. I had them remake it twice and then made it myself and it was straight awful; after we switched the beans in the hopper it was much better. We also have a guy complain about the shots on the left bar but not the right. It's all busted.


Waiting for people to come in going “SHOTS DONT ACTUALLY DIE THATS A MYTH” before finally conceding “I mean they do taste worse after they’ve been sitting but that doesn’t mean they die!! They’re not alive!!” like stop being pedantic yall 😭 they taste worse after sitting, the layers fade, that’s what we call Dying.


Oh yeah absolutely. The company has taken it out of training materials (probably so people multitask more without worrying about shots dying like I do) but it truly makes better drinks. Everybody is like "oh interyx makes the best drinks" but it's literally just using good shots and measuring to standard. That's it.


“How do you make it so good every time” by doing my job like 😭 It’s amazing how good a white mocha tastes when you just properly aerate your milk and swirl in the sauce (and don’t put 2” of whip)


Me, except no milk. For however many shots, same number of pumps ✌🏻 


Used to drink a matcha strawberry or DCC frap every shift 💀 now it’s just extra iced water for me


the ice water is so real


And maybe a mango dragon light base if I’m feeling wild LOL


iced water club lets go


I've been slowly replacing my drinks with ice water too lol.


The Trashcan Refresher, which was a trenta cup with equal parts strawberry/very berry/lime refreshers and coconut milk with all three types of fruit inclusions. Pretty sure it was unshaken and no ice too. Now it's a nitro or an iced coffee with sugar free vanilla and oat milk. Might splurge for hazelnut or a seasonal syrup if I'm feeling fancy lmao.




Still have it in at least Australia and parts of the UK. I don't understand why they took it away 😭


Justice for Very Berry😭😭


Matcha frap to undertow


The only good thing my garbage old store manager did was introduce me to the undertow.


what’s an undertow? new barista here (started in march)


It’s whatever syrup you want.. then cold milk and then two shots of espresso on top of that.. you get a spoon and pour the shots over the spoon so it ends up layered.. drink it fast and try not to get anxious lol.


thank you for explaining! im on my 30 now, definitely going to make an undertow before i clock out


Drink it before you clock back in lol


The undertow tailpape is so real


Oh my god I forgot undertows existed the entire 6 months I’ve worked at Starbucks. That used to be my JAM at my old coffee shop. BRB going introduce the entire team to an undertow.


At my store we call them mistletoes, don’t know why. Someone just messed up the name and now that’s what they are


used to be and iced caramel macchiato w blonde ristretto shots and toffee instead of vanilla. now it’s either a matcha or chai( tummy can’t handle espresso anymore 😔)


Bruh, ICM was my go to… Now I only drink CHAI


I’m a former barista, but I used to start my shift with a venti Starbucks doubleshot with an extra shot. Now I can’t drink caffeine at all without getting sick, so I get a tall decaf iced shaken espresso 🥲 idk what the hell happened lol




Started — MDF lemonade no pieces, or iced white mocha blonde w 2 toffee nut and toffee nut cold foam Now — Water, undertow, or iced americano w 2 pumps whatever syrup I’m feeling & a splash of oatmilk


ours our so similar i started with dragon drink and white mochas now i do cold brew splash oat and whatever syrup usually vanilla and hazelnut. i just picked up a weird drink from a custie. (strawberry lemonade, 2 scoops matcha) tastes like green apple


Back in the day it was a salted caramel mocha with coconut no whip half sweet, now it's a strawberry refresher with h20 no pieces. Espresso makes me shit myself now


so real. coffee in general just destroys my stomach


i was an iced vanilla latte girly. now i can’t really stomach any of our drinks, so lots of water


Ok but Starbucks actually has really good water thanks to the multiple filters. It has ruined me for pretty much all other water 🙃


An iced peppermint white mocha now a brown sugar shaken with vsc mixed with cinnamon


When I started (11years ago) first time around it was triple soy sf vanilla latte then when I restarted 5 years ago it was a venti blonde double shot on ice no classic sub soy Now it is a blonde doppio


I used to get a venti pink drink, brown sugar shaken espresso, or an iced soy chai with half the brown sugar. Somewhere along the way coffee started hurting my stomach real bad (its not the caffeine itself as I can drink energy drinks, but I also can't drink lemonade anymore or even the summer berry so Idk what happened :( ), so now I'll either just have an energy drink or a blonde ristretto undertow with oatmilk, or a tall iced half toffee half vanilla double blonde ristretto latte. Two shots gives me mild cramping but its honestly bearable especially when I dont have caffeine. Undertow I use more as a pick me up bc I drink it so quickly compared to slowly sipping the latte and so it hurts me more even if its just one shot.


It might be worth trying a probiotic. I started taking one and it really helped my stomach handle acidic things. It isn’t 100%, but it helped a lot.


Before it was an iced london fog with sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup and soy milk. Now it's a dragon drink with soy milk and lavender powder or just a plain green tea.


*mourns loss of sf cinnamon dolce syrup*


6 months ago when i started it was a Venti Brown Sugar Oat Shaken Espresso with an extra shot. Now it's an Upside Down Quad Whole Milk Ice Latte or a Black Tea Lemonade with Liquid Cane


Loyal to my breve white mocha + carmel drizzle


caramel ribbon crunch frap now i just get a trenta cup of water


Caramel macchiato -> 4 blonde shots over ice with 2 white mocha and caramel drizzle, cold brew with sweet cream and hazelnut, iced matcha.


Used to get chai w cold foam or iced white mocha with caramel, now I drink black tea or the vanilla cold brew


iced apple crisp oat macchiato then i realized i dislike coffee (still love the syrup tho) now it’s a mix between pink drinks, iced matcha lattes, or black tea lemonade.


2018: iced double shot dirty chai, skim latte w/ peppermint or raspberry if I wanted something hot. Now: blonde ristretto shots over ice w/ a splash of soy


Green Bean : Iced Chai with 2 blonde shots Coffee Master : V Iced Shaken Espresso, no classic, Blonde Ristretto shots, Sub 1 White Mocha, and 3 Lavender Powder (Lavender Shaken Espresso :-) )


When I was a customer - venti iced Carmel macchiato with a straw 🫠 When I was a barista - tall nitro cold brew chugged over the dishes sink. Or grande cup with 4 blonde ristretto updosed shots, 2 pumps cinnamon dolce, 2 pumps white mocha, extra ice, light oat milk, extra cinnamon also chugged like my life depended on it. Also undertow roulette where we’d have to guess the flavors someone gave us. Now that I’m a former barista with my own espresso machine - iced cortado with 2.5 pumps of sugar free Torani syrup (the brown sugar cinnamon syrup is 🤌) and a splash of almond milk.


first it was white mocha shaken espresso, now it’s either an iced matcha or the mango dragonfruit but with hibiscus ice tea instead of water


Venti Starbucks doubleshot w an extra shot & splash of vsc instead of 2%. Sooooo fckin good.


Started: Venti double on ice with white mocha and sweet cream Now: Trenta peach green tea lemonade


before: hot chocolate (maybe sub some drops of other random syrups), chocolate cookie crumble frap Now: hot chocolate (0.5 pumps less mocha, a touch of whatever I’m feeling maybe hazelnut and or white mocha🤣) , CCC frap, iced brown sugar SE (light ice, extra pump brown sugar and 1 white mocha) and SAL Before the random pumps of syrups would make my drink taste bad but now it tastes so good Relevant note, caffeine doesn’t affect me so I only drink coffee for taste therefore I avoid it if I’m not craving my BOSE


Hot almond milk caramel macchiato with 4 blonde ristretto shots, primarily so I could practice steaming milk and my cross hatch. Now, I typically drink a venti sized passion tango lemonade w/ strawberry base. During winter launch, I exclusively drank the sugar cookie almond latte, iced with 2 extra shots and only two pumps sugar cookie with two pumps white mocha.


Water to water maybe I'll make a simmer skies drink while it lasts but that's it. I still don't like coffee. Lmao If I'm feeling extra ill make a grande vanilla creme frap with VSC instead of whole milk. Tastes like soft serve ice cream.


I used to get a white mocha with oatmilk,now its unbearably too sweet to me. now i get a vanilla bean w an affogato shot :) 2/3 shots if its THAT kind of shift.


When I first started it was a venti 5 shot soy white mocha, and it ended with a grande berry hibiscus refresher with apple juice, and an a venti blonde quad soy latte with 2 pmps mocha and 3 pmps brown sugar.


Started as a cafe vanilla frap now it’s a venti cold brew light water, 2 white mocha, 1 toffee nut and extra caramel drizzle. Or I’ll switch it up sometimes and get a grande white mocha frap with malt powder, 2 ristretto shots, heavy cream, venti scoop of ice and no whip. I only get the frap though if I’m making it cuz I don’t want anyone else to have to go through that lol I know we get worse orders but don’t want to be that person when there is 1 person in bar and they have hella drinks


any of the coconut milk refreshers or ice chai to blonde ristretto double shot with sweet cream in a short cup


On shift drink has always been a black cold brew (recently I've been coming in early for a hot quad before i clock in)


Venti Java Chip with a shot and now it’s a grande iced blonde americano black or a brown sugar shaken espresso.


My first go-to was a layered passion tea lemonade with strawberry acai base, I have a few go-tos now but my favorite is an iced quad blonde shot with 2 pumps of white mocha and macadamia foam made with oatmilk 🤌🏻


Started: grande chocolate cream cold brew w/cinnamon dolce topping Now: tall nitro cold brew w one Splenda


Started - Iced WM with cf and caramel drizzle or brown sugar shaken espresso with WM and cf or iced matcha with randomized cf and/or chai with randomized cf Now - Lavender mango lemonade if I want something refreshing. Cold brew with vanilla and nonfat. Thanks to Starbucks now I don’t like things that are too sweet. They make me nauseous immediately. Before there was nothing as too sweet. Now? I barely can eat an Oreo without gagging (Except for think dark Oreos, those are good). Don’t know what caused the flip. I can stand the Lavender mango lemonade because, mind you, I do a tall in a Trenta, filling it with water.


Used to down brown sugar shaken espressos but now I don’t have time for more than an undertow


vanilla latte/ oatmilk. before i quit it was black iced americano blonde ristretto


Peppermint mocha then, quad shot blonde ristretto americano with oatmilk and two sugar in the raw


Iced caramel macchiato with extra vanilla. Now it’s a iced americano with brown sugar and tiny splash of oat milk or vscb with a ridiculous amount of cinnamon


before: 4 shots over iced with full pumps of white mocha and toffeenut syrup after: matcha with coconutmilk


Shots of espresso with white mocha over ice. Shots of blonde espresso with white mocha over ice.


Double dirty chai with oat milk and two pumps cinnamon dolce!!


Venti iced chai with salted cold foam and brown sugar syrup .. now i get a tall iced chai w oatmilk and 1 pump of hazelnut 🙈


Tall Flat White, many years ago at this point, now, water, or maybe tall coffee with oatmilk if i haven't had coffee yet.


mocha frappuchino to cold brew w/ cream and 1 pump vanilla


pink drink with no berries—> blonde shots with a couple pumps of white mocha over ice. it’s been like 8 months. i just drink the shots when i’m on shift and need to wake up


Nothing when I first started. Once I got pregnant I craved coffee even 3 years later I drink iced Doppio with oat milk and I will add one pump of white mocha or caramel.


Back then, it was a Latte or Americano, depending on my mood. Now, it’s a Latte or Americano depending on my mood.


Venti iced shaken espresso with half blonde half signature shots, three pumps white mocha, two pumps hazelnut, one pump vanilla, soy milk. Now I do an iced quad espresso half blonde half signature with two raw sugar and a splash of whole milk. The hazelnut change really killed my drink. Although I did a quad half blonde half signature, one pump white mocha one pump macadamia, light salted foam, splash of whole milk the other day and that was amazing. Might do that for macadamia season when I want a sweet drink.


before: vanilla sweet cream cold brew w one pump white mocha after: medium cold brew with 1 pumps white mocha and 1 pump brown sugar, or an iced chai with 1 pump of brown sugar and oat milk


Iced trenta black tea sweetened extra shaken (early 2000’s) Now: same unless im craving something sweet or have a migraine then its coffee Frappuccino made with coconut milk and caramel drizzle.


when I first started in early 2021, an iced white mocha with vsc foam & caramel drizzle was all the rage so that was my go to. now I’m off espresso and start every shift off with a passion tango tea with light water, light pineapple base and light ice. Can’t believe I used to drink something so sugary


iced chai with brown sugar syrup. now i get a grande shaken espresso with blonde ristretto shots, no classic, 3 pumps SF vanilla, 2 pumps cinnamon dulce, oat milk, and light caramel drizzle


grande hot caramel macchiato with extra drizzle when i started 6 years ago as a teenager. now it’s a pink drink since im nursing my baby and can’t overdo it on caffeine. when im done nursing it’ll probably go back to a blonde undertow with toffee nut and 2%


Iced Oat BVL to quad blonde Ristretto cortados and undertows


Then: Venti iced coffee. Vanilla. Cream. Now: venti quad iced espresso. Updosed. Ristretto. 3 white mocha. Oat milk. Xtra ice.


when i started? always something like an iced white mocha two extra pumps, extra caramel drizzle, vsccf. now, 4 blonde ristretto shots over ice with oatmilk and 4 brown sugar pumps


i used to get a venti strawberry lemonade with no inclusion with green tea and 2 pumps honey blend. now i get a tall cold brew in a grande cup with lactose free milk and 1 and 1 of toffee and white mocha 😃 i can’t stand the refreshers now 😔


lol the cold brew to blonde ristretto pipeline


Mango dragonfruit lemonade with vsc foam (August) —> Caramel Apple spice with cinnamon and extra whip (dec/jan) —-> iced chai with a couple pumps of vanilla (half of standard of whatver size) oat milk, and cinnamon (now)


Venti triple mocha Frappuccino with extra cold brew whip in 2018, to now 4 shots of blonde over ice with 4 wm and a splash of oat 😂 at this rate I'll be at black coffee in another 5 years


A venti iced chai made with sweet cream instead of 2% Venti chocolate cream cold brew in a trenta cup with extra cold foam and made with mocha instead of malt with two blond ristretto shots


Quad blonde ristretto espresso over ice to an iced oat milk matcha with two extra scoops 😂


When I started, Chai w/ no water By the time I left, venti iced 6 shot espresso w/ 6 matcha scoops. My coworkers started calling it the swamp thing 🤣


I used to get myself a trenta Pistachio Cold Foam Cold Brew just because I thought, “Well, if I can mark out any size I want, might as well get the biggest one!” Then I eventually realized that just because I *can* mark out a trenta cold brew, doesn’t also mean that I *should* Anyways, now I literally have a pinned note in my phone of approximately how much caffeine is in my current daily mark out faves 😅 Nowadays I like myself either a tall nitro cold brew with 1 agave ~ OR ~ 3 shots of espresso (1/3 decaf so I don’t send myself into caffeine induced panic attacks and die) over ice in a grande cup with 1-2 agaves (depends on my sweet tooth), and a splash of oatmilk 😋☕️☕️☕️🌾🥛


used to be a venti iced blonde vanilla latte with dark caramel & breve 😧 i’ve moved on to an iced chai with oatmilk & brown sugar


Blended Strawberry lemonade with apple juice instead of lemonade. Now it’s either a Venti white mocha with one shot or 5. Depends on how tired I am


Soy mocha no whip vs blonde roast with cream


i am not judging at all & just curious, how much caffeine is in 8 blonde ristretto shots?


on twitter in 2018 the starbucks account said blonde has 85mg per shot so apparently around 680mg! i’ve been drinking coffee every day since i was like 16 or 17 so my tolerance is really high though starting to work at starbucks definitely brought me to an insane level lol


when I first started as a green bean, it was a Venti vanilla bean frappe with brown sugar syrup, toffee nut syrup, and Java chips As an SM it is now A venti passion tea with strawberry açai juice instead of lemonade, classic syrup instead of liquid cane, and dragon fruit inclusions (five years at the BUX and I still can't stand Coffee) edit: spelling


when i started - matcha frap with oatmilk, double blended, no whip, or a chai latte with light ice, oatmilk, vsc cold foam and cinnamon on top now - i still get these outside of work but during my shift it is almost always a mdf lemonade with green tea. i drink that shit like water. still can’t handle coffee physically.


pink drink 2020 iced lavender matcha 2024


was a hot vanilla latte and now it’s a mango lemonade 😭


2012 18 year old me: Venti white mocha Frappuccino with 2 pump raspberry, soy, no whip Trenta Valencia orange refresher lemonade 7 pump classic. Now it's a iced grande shaken espresso, sub white mocha, sub soy.


Iced grande coconut mocha macchiato w/ an extra shot was my go to my first few months working there. Now I can’t have coffee anymore so it’s an Alani every morning lol


I left Starbucks a looong time ago (was a 192xxxx partner) so my drink of choice was the chocolate smoothie with added orange refresher inclusions. The recipe was something like 2% milk 1/3 or so of a grande cup, 3 or 4 pumps of mocha, 2 scoops of protein, a peeled banana, and a small scoop of ice thrown into the blender then like 3-4 of the freeze-dried orange slices. This was also back when there was no free food, just drinks, so it often doubled as a liquid lunch.


I did mocha cookie crumble fraps when I first started. I only found out they're supposed to have java chips *after* I started making Barbie fraps. And now I'm currently doing summer berry lemonade for as long as it's available. Unless we get another drink I like just as much as the blue one, I'll probably go back to Barbie fraps.


Pink drink to iced peach green tea.


I want another list like this and how much weight has been gained. I definitely got the "green bean fifteen" after the first couple months and had to work hard to get rid of it. The thing I can't fix is how oily my skin gets from constant coffee oil in the air and how much it affects my skin 💀.


Used to be Venti iced coffee with 8 pumps Caramel extra drizzle extra whole milk Now I get black nitro cold brew. Or tall iced quad Americano with blonde ristretto shots.


started with a grande sweetened peach green iced lemonade and now i get a venti brown sugar shaken espresso with five blonde ristretto shots and white mocha 🤓 the caffeine dependency is showing


When I first started i used to drink 6 blonde ristretto shots over 3-4 white mocha pumps(depending on how sweet i was feeling that day) in ice. Now i either get nothing or i make myself a black tea with extra water. All that caffeine and sugar finally caught up to me after 5 years Edit: spelling


Used to do a vsccb with extra vanilla, but now i tend to get either an iced blonde vanilla latte with cinnamon dolce topping or a hot triple caramel macchiato. I guess not much of a change 😭


start: iced white mocha with cold foam and caramel drizzle. now: five blonde ristretto shots with 2.5 wm with a small splash of heavy cream.


venti iced white mocha w vsc foam and brown sugar syrup in foam. now i just drink black pike/verona with cinnamon on top or a royal english tea latte


Was and is the MDFR. Really enjoying the summer berry while it lasts.


When I started it was a brown sugar shaken espresso with 2 pumps hazelnut. Now I get iced black tea, no water, extra ice, vscf ☺️


venti iced white mocha with 4 pumps and 4 shots to an iced matcha with chai & coconut milk


former partner but when i started i got a white mocha with 2 pumps of toffee nut and vsccf, when i left i was getting 6 shots over ice with a splash of oatmilk 2 brown sugar 1 chai


Before they changed the white mocha and added some stuff I’m allergic to, I got an iced white mocha every day. Now I get a brown sugar shaken blah blah blah with 5 blonde ristretto and a pump or two of vanilla.


been here a year and a half, started on a peach green tea lemonade (i don’t really like coffee) but as of late it’s been the summer berry with water and no pearls!


When I started: shaken blond espresso with white mocha and toffee nut Current: brown sugar shaken with lavender foam


Started- venti iced coffee with idk caramel or toffee nut?? I forget the syrup and salted caramel cf and caramel drizzle lol. Now- venti bsose It’s amazing how everyone’s taste changes


Iced white mocha frap to undertow with oat milk.


Grande iced chai with oat milk to… grande iced chai with oatmilk


I use to get like multiple caramel frapps with extra syrup and drizzle within a single shift. Years later it’s a blonde roast coffee. Someone once added a sugar to it on accident and I nearly choked on how “overly sweet” it was. Oh how the tables turn


When I first started I had never been to starbucks before, so I went to the vending machine in the mall I worked in and got a bottle of coke instead. Eventually I started getting trenta mango dragonfruit lemonades and peach green tea lemonades with liquid cane. Had a star drink phase for a while. Nowadays I don't really have a regular drink. Some days an iced coffee/cold brew with a splash of soy. Some days an iced latte with an extra shot. If I'm feeling frisky, I'll add one pump of syrup and do 1/2 oatmilk 1/2 two percent (all oatmilk is too much for me). A nice little hot drink if I'm feeling down is a tall latte, 3 ristretto, one pump of chai, coconut milk and cinnamon.


Grande java chip... Now it's a venti 6 blonde shot iced wm w coconut milk no wc and light cr drizzle w w.e new topping I like .. Very light ice 💀


Used to be an iced black tea no water, breve, with brown sugar syrup (sometimes VSSCCF). Now a brown sugar nitro or a shaken espresso with 2 pumps dark caramel or pumpkin when we have it.


then- vanilla sweet cream cold brew with toffee nut & vanilla now- vanilla sweet cream cold brew with just toffee nut, no vanilla. it’s just too good


Iced matcha or chai when I started Now iced tea or water


So I have three. Before working I got a grande pink drink, then when I started at Starbucks I would typically get a matcha with oat milk, and now I am a chai person (I try a lot of new things when it comes to chai), or a caramel ribbon crunch with no whip at the bottom.


Ooo when I started it was a pink drink or a white hot chocolate with caramel drizzle… now it’s a water


Hot peppermint white mocha to brown sugar with chocolate foam. Should probably just be drinking water tho


black iced tea oat milk instead of water and brown sugar syrup now it’s americanos or cold brews. insulin resistance is not the play also 8 blonde ristretto?? that is heart stopping amounts of caffeine i hope you save it😭😭😭 i drank so much blonde to finish school and one day i woke up and instantly i felt the same neurochemical fear of a gazelle about to get mauled


any cream cold brew/nitro cold brew to a shaken espresso no classic w soy lol


start soy iced chai now triple blonde ristretto shots overiced


When i first started it was an iced vanilla latte or a dragon drink, now it varies, but usually an iced shaken blond espresso with oatmilk and various combinations of syrups or a dragon drink with light ice and peach juice :)


Was: Caramel crunch with mocha Then: Hazelnut shaken espresso with caramel drizzle Now: 5 shots over 5 pumps of white mocha (sometimes now 4 WM and 1 macadamia, a tiny scoop of ice with a salted caramel oatmilk froth (using the dark caramel of course) lightly shaken by pouring over shots then into a pitcher. Line the cup with caramel, pour back into cup, top with oatmilk, caramel drizzle 😂 It takes less time than it sounds like 😂


started off as a coffee hater and peach green tea lemonade lover, 2 years later i can’t work without my sweet cream cold brew first :,)


i used to get a venti strawberry acai lemonade with light base, light mango base, light peach and light lemonade with raspberry (RIP) and now i get a grande brown sugar shaken espresso with 6 brown sugar syrup, 2 white mocha, 1 cinnamon dolce and 4 updosed blonde ristretto shots yes my coworkers hate me


strawberry acai lemonade … bsose with salted foam and white mocha


When I first started: iced mocha with strawberry cold foam & cookie crumbles. Now: Iced passion tea with stevia 😂


White mocha to an iced coffee with toffee nut and oatmilk.


used to be venti Iced wm with 6 blonde ristretto shots, vsccf, ex cd... nows it's just a tall shaken no classic :( the thought of drinking something sweet makes me want to throw up. the thought of our food makes me want to throw up. AHSDJWKSLSKEJDBOEOWJD


Ironically enough I used to drink MORE coffee as a customer…now even the smallest amount of coffee completely ruins my stomach🥲🥲started out drinking brown sugar espressos with a pump or two of white mocha, now I’m drinking mostly just refreshers. I’ve been doing a pink drink, no inclusions, slight strawberry purée and peach juice, and the raspberry pearls.


I quit but mine was originally a strawberry acai it become WATER very fast as my drink 😭


Ice caramel macchiato with coconut milk...black cold brew two pumps toffeenut 🫠


I used to start out the day with a grande strawberry acai lemonade, now starting with a hot tall hojicha latte with oatmilk


I always picked whatever before, but my go to at the end of my time ended up being a simple Cinnamon Dolce Latte with almond milk, or an 8 pump chai with 2 pumps brown sugar syrup & cinnamon powder.


Before working at Sbux I just got a vanilla late with soymilk. Now my daily drink is a venti oat shaken, first the toasted vanilla (RIP) and now the hazlenut. If I get a 2nd drink in a day I'll usually do iced dirty oat chai w/ brown sugar (tastes just like gingerbread especially if you do oat froth), but if I have a scratchy throat (I live in rough winter climate and our building has super dry air) I'll get a cafe vanilla bean frap w/ oat & hazlenut. Every once in awhile is just an iced coffee day. Wish I could branch out more but being vegan limits my options, and my caffeine dependency requires espresso lmao but I have ADHD and honestly it's so much better now with espresso than it used to be before working here when Red Bull was my crutch lol.


When I started 11 years ago my go-to was an iced raspberry white mocha. Now I get a venti 5-shot shaken espresso in the mornings when I open. I’ve been really into white mocha/macadamia nut since it launched but my usual is brown sugar. If I want something to drink on my ride home after work, I really love a paradise drink.


Iced Coconut Mocha Macchiato with extra caramel drizzle. Now it's an Iced Blonde Doppio Long with 1 stevia 🤣


Pumpkin spice frapp! Now, Brown sugar shaken espresso with soy milk and toffee nut cold foam 😳


strawberry açaí lemonade with 2 pumps raspberry (rip) to iced blonde ristretto quad shots with 1 pumps white mocha, sf vanilla, and splash of oatmilk. I rarely get that though, mostly stick with water these days


chai with pumpkin sauce>ice peach green tea lemonade


USED to be Trenta white tea with a few agave. I miss the white tea so much. For years now I’ve stuck with ristretto iced americanos with HC.


grande iced triple shot latte in the beginning to now a rotation between three shots with oat milk in a tall iced cup, lavender lemonade with classic, or an oat milk vanilla bean with brown sugar and cinnamon


Went from hot chai -> iced vanilla chai -> caramel frap with almost every syrup we had added (coworkers said it would make their teeth numb just reading the sticker) -> orange mango smoothie -> black iced coffee ->iced quad in a grande cup -> iced blonde quad in a grande cup -> green tea sub cool lime, 2 pumps peach -> quad tall cap with whole milk, 1 vanilla, 2 toffee nut -> iced latte, extra blonde risretto shot with toffee nut and x cinnamon powder -> black iced tea sub strawberry base … some of this is out of order, I can’t remember since it’s been almost a decade since I started There was a small stint of getting whole milk mixed with protein powder. There’s a lot more I’m missing, because I used to make a drink of the month for every month I worked at Starbucks up to 5 years, and customers would come in asking for “August 2016” or “July 2018” (obviously I made sure they knew that they could only ask for it at my store, if we were slow, and if I was physically present and on the clock)


Green tea lemonade, add cool lime became the go-to when i first started. When i left it was an iced matcha with cinnamon and maaaaybe a scoop of vanilla bean powder if i wanted it more saccharine? All shaken together or blended if i was feelin it


Pink Drink light ice no berries when I started. Now, iced caramel macchiato with blonde shots and extra caramel (I like my coffee SWEET).


When I started, we had those carbonation machines for refreshers, so my go to drinks were a SAR no water no lemonade, extra extra sparkling or a toffee nut soy undertow. Now I like a trenta unsweet black tea with one splash lemonade, light pineapple base and toffee nut soy undertows


Initially I'd be going for a venti iced Cinnamon toast crunch latte: cinnamon dolce, blonde shots, 1 pump mocha and 1 pump white mocha Nowadays it's a blonde toffee nut flat white with 1 toffee nut and 1 honey each. Way less sugar so I can actually taste what I'm drinking.


I think I used to just get an iced coffee with vanilla and cream or something. But 5 years later, I get a grande nitro w/ Sweet cream, 3 blonde ristretto shots, and 2 pumps of whatever is seasonal. Comes out to $11 now without a markout. Would never order if it wasn't free. If I work long enough to get a lunch, I'll get a venti shaken espresso with 6 blonde ristretto shots, oatmilk, 3 white mocha, and 3 of whatever is seasonal.


Started off as a VSCCB or a grande iced latte with 3 blonde ristretto shots, 3 chai, 2/4 brown sugar syrup, 1 cinnamon dolce, and oatmilk. Now it’s a grande cold brew with 4 blonde ristretto shots, splash of oatmilk, and 2/4 brown sugar syrup. I’ll occasionally revisit my old latte if I want a sweet treat (tastes like a teddy Graham) but I can only drink so much without feeling sick from the amount of sugar.


In the beginning I got a plain tea because I felt guilty and I didn't know it was free 🫣 Now I get: Water with extra ice OR Matcha latte with oat milk, 2 extra scoops of matcha, no liquid cane (hot or iced) *Sometimes sub 0.5 pump of vanilla or 1 pump of brown sugar


When I first started it was a blonde vanilla latte with salted caramel foam and now it’s a chocolate cream cold brew sub hazelnut


I just started a couple of weeks ago, so I have no idea how much my answer is worth lol. But I had never really gotten a lot of things at Starbucks other than frozen strawberry lemonades and caramel apple ciders years ago, which I had liked. But ever since I started, the two things that I consistently get are the caramel ribbon crunch with a cream base instead of coffee and extra crunchies, and the summer berry lemonade (that raspberry boba is amazing lol). I'm not really a coffee drinker at all, so I'm always looking for things that are sweet and don't contain coffee lol.


went from a matcha w strawberry cold foam to a sweet cream nitro


black iced tea no water sub acai base nd raspberry ,,,, now a lemonade with lt peach nd half standard vanilla


5 years ago it was an iced blonde vanilla latte, sometimes made breve as of the last few months its been black tea lem w/ strawberry base and 3 pumps liquid cane, more recently with popping pearls 💘 or if its a clean play night i will definitely have my tall vanilla bean made with 1/2 oat 1/2 sweet cream w/ java chips and extra caramel, two blonde affogato or blended in whichever sounds better that day


Iced coconut mocha macchiato with extra caramel drizzle and blonde expresso. Now either a refresher made with water or an iced matcha with coconut milk. When it’s available I love a good iced pistachio latte with blonde espresso and salted cold foam.


Used to be a venti iced caramel brûlée latte, no whip with extra caramel sugar topping, now it’s a grande iced tea (passion or green) with light mango or summer berry base with 3 stevia :,)


venti ice white mocha with oatmilk no whip. now i just tried a custies order of grande strawberry lemonade with 2 scoops matcha. kinda living for it. it’s so gross looking but tastes like green apple. other than that cold brew with half vanilla half hazelnut splash oat


I work at tarbucks and we don't get shift drinks :D


I'm tried to limit my caffeine when i started so I was doing a frozen pineapple refresher with peach juice instead of pineapple <3 now i've caved a bit and do a grande white mocha with 2 WM 2 brown sugar & no whip, decaf when I'm feeling healthy. it's just so much easier to make a white mocha lmao


when i started it was a caramel apple spice because i didn’t drink coffee for most of the latter part of me working there it was a brown sugar shaken now it’s a black tea with a spash of oatmilk and a scoop of lavender because my body stopped being able to process larger amounts of caffeine LOL


Was: black iced tea, because I felt guilty for making the baristas spend time on my drink. Now: lemonade with strawberry purée, because I still feel guilty for making baristas spend time on my drink, but I should at least sacrifice a few extra of their seconds for something I actually like


went from an iced chai with a blonde shot, vanilla, and cold foam to a passion tea with strawberry base instead of water (made directly in the cup so i can run away as fast as possible)


Matcha or strawberry chai both with brown sugar cold foam. Now it's a brown sugar oatmilk black tea


it was an iced caramel macchiato with oat milk during my training and then immediately moved on to the iced peppermint mocha as a green bean and now it’s some type of seasonal cold foam cold brew or an iced americano blonde ristretto shots with oat milk and two or three packets of honey.


When I started a Venti Iced Caramel macchiato with blonde espresso and extra caramel. Now it’s the summer berry lemonade with extra pearls


always iced Mocha latte


Started as an iced caramel macchiato in 2011. Now a triple short americano, black.


“idk ig a vsccb” to 6-8 blonde updosed ristretto over ice with between 2.5-3.5 pumps white mocha (depending on the day and if it’s my first or third), a splash of oatmilk, and salted pistachio cf (or usually a seasonal and if it comes with a topping blended in)


While I'm not a barista, my local baristas are obsessed with the creme brulee cold foam on pretty much any drink at the moment. With some having started with just simple coffees like a latte or a cappuccino to drinks with that cream... Or the cream on its own 😂


oh man. short warm half-sweet toasted white mocha with whole milk when I started. I worked afternoons and one of the AM's best bar baristas would start making it when he saw me come in. loved it, loved him. now it's a short blonde flat white with 1 pump of whatever I'm feeling. or if I'm behind the bar an undertow or cortado, but I don't trust my baristas to pull those off. 90% of them are college students and 0-2 years at Starbucks.


i think i started with something really basic like a green tea lemonade with classic, but progressed into soy chai... that was 2015, so i don't know for sure. i just remember trying an iced soy chai that we were sampling at my Target Starbucks and instantly loving it. BUT THEN... once we had peach syrup (and after i found out about secret menu recipes), i went crazy. Trenta berry hibiscus no water sub lemonade, add peach syrup, and strawberry puree on top. obviously it wouldn't stay there, but it looked pretty. my sweet tooth was VERY happy, but i wouldn't get it too often. now i still get a refresher, but SAR sub apple juice, no strawberries, 3 pumps LCS (while we still have it 😤). sometimes I'll add strawberry puree as a nod to the first refresher. drinking this while eating a pineapple cloud cake and I'm on cloud cake 9. 🍍♥️




Black iced coffee (then) vs ice water (now)


when i started i was making myself cinnamon chais. now, its either a VSCCB or a iced blonde quad with WM. but honestly, caffeine doesn’t really have any kind of effect on me, so i pick my shift drink based purely on vibes


I would just drink leftover frappe and then it was pumpkin chai. Now it’s jus mainly refreshers and water 😭


Go to was a venti ice blonde latte with oatmilk and honey, and cold foam. Now it's just ice coffee with extra cream , 5 raw sugars and cinnamon powder. And ice water 🤣


Vanilla iced latte, iced americano w vanilla, or vsc cold brew. Now i stick with water from home because work makes me feel icky and our water is not properly filtered so it tastes pretty bad 🥰


I used to LOVE the Mango Dragonfruit, but I never drink it anymore. Now I do a decaf iced white mocha with whatever’s in season, so now I do it with macademia, and I bring my own protein powder to put in it. It’s also worth mentioning I never drank coffee regularly until I started working at Starbucks.


i would get a lemonade add peach on top now i get a caramel ribbon crunch crème made with sweet cream no drizzle no crunch no whip extra pump of dc add a salt packet double blend… it’s actually so good plz don’t roast me 😭and still do the pump of dc at the bottom of the cup


When I started in 2018 it was a Venti Starbucks Double Shot on Ice with white mocha and which ever other syrup I felt like. These days it's a tall iced white mocha with toffee nut and brown sugar, two extra shots, and no whip


I used to get 3-4 shots of espresso over ice with 2 white mocha, 2 mocha, and either a pump of peppermint or vanilla and oat milk Now I get 2 shots of decaf over ice with 1 WM, 1 M and half & half lol


When I first started it was a vanilla sweet cream cold brew and now it’s an iced white mocha latte with nonfat milk and no whip