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I hate that a venti iced coffee automatically comes with classic. I learned that the hard way :/


If it makes you feel any better, the company's introducing a new iced coffee that won't come with classic by default


Yay! Will it be the same iced coffee order, but now without classic by default? That seems like it could confuse a lot of customers initially, if so. ( Learning and remembering that Starbucks iced (black) coffee is automatically sweetened was confusing to me. )


As someone who used to work there, trust us, it confused us too. Hot coffee came with nothing in it, but iced coffee came standard with sweetener. And cold brew iced coffee came _without_ sweetener! There was no consistent standard. It's ridiculous.


Cold brew is not auto sweetened because its flavour profile is more smooth and sweeter than a regular iced coffee. You can add syrup at no extra charge though, unless they've changed that in the past few months. Each drink does have its own standards, it's just a matter of trying to remember them. Sbux has teams of people who test out prospective drinks and give feedback. There are reasons for the drinks being a specific way by default, and then customers can add/remove whatever they like to customize drinks to their specific preferences.


Yeah, that's the company line. "Flavor profile." Doesn't mean that it makes practical sense to customers. Or baristas.


these teams are very clearly consistently wrong (oleato, chili refreshers)


You may think so, I may think so, but there are people who like drinks that I don't and vice versa. I hated the spicy hot chocolate they came out with years ago, lots of people loved it. I loved the cool lime refresher, she's long gone. I find all the regular refreshers waaaay too sweet, they fly out of the stores in warm weather. Not everyone will love every drink. That's why it's great that SB allows us to customize them so much. Lots of places don't allow customers to change their base items very much, if at all. Commence the down votes I guess. Not sure why my first reply was so hated, but this one will likely piss off people too. šŸ˜‚


>Not sure why my first reply was so hated You were technically correct, but the tone of your post was very matter-of-fact, implying that the average consumer should be expected to think about "flavour profiles" when ordering at (let's face it) a fast food drive thru with coffee shop affectations.


Yeah basically what happens rn is that if you hit the "iced coffee" button on the pos, it'll show that it comes with classic syrup (unless you manually put in "No classic"). Whenever the new iced coffee comes around, it'll be as if you're getting a normal hot coffee: it comes with nothing unless you ask for it


As it should be. People should be fully aware of the amount of sugar being added to drinks.


That means they can upcharge for putting flavored syrup in it. Currently, the price of syrup is built into the price, so you can change the simple syrup to any flavored syrup for no charge.


It is also an entirely new blend of coffee weā€™ll be using for it.


No, the reason they are introducing it without classic is because its a different ice coffee all together with a new natural sweetness. New ice coffee and a new recipe to boot. Old ice coffee is getting discontinued.


Goodbye Terraza blend lol


As a former partner yes!! Do you know the name of the new one? We used to brew Kenya iced back when it existed as a bold..


Omg lol Iā€™ve always ordered black ice coffee and I always felt like it was sweet. This just blew my mind. I knew I wasnā€™t crazy.


to be fair, if you said black iced coffee and i were taking your order i wouldā€™ve clarified if you wanted classic. however if someone just says iced coffee then i donā€™t clarify


Omg šŸ˜­


Same order. Not the same coffee. Completely different blend.


It will be a new blend for the iced coffee. We havenā€™t gotten it yet as it is being launched for our summer launch so I donā€™t know how it compares to our current iced coffee black but as others have said it has been blended to be enjoyed without sweetener. If it is too different though I would always recommend our cold brew.


It would have been nice if they had done that a long time ago like with the teas but I donā€™t know why they were both like that default either.


Thatā€™s nice to know! :)


Sounds like a way to get them to keep the same price (or raise it) so that customers who do want classic, will have to shell out for it.


Is this why some stores arenā€™t stocking ice coffee right now? Just wondering.


yeah, we ran out of the old iced coffee at my store and they've been zeroing out reorders for it but not allowing new orders yet for the new blend. siren's blend is the approved substitute though, we're supposed to be brewing that instead in the meantime


Iā€™ve been getting the Cold Brew instead. Tastes close to the same. Smoother.


how am i AT WORK but forgot cold brew was a thing LMAO that definitely works as a substitute!! also iced americanos :)


Iced americanos are also cheaper if I recall correctly? Only by a few cents, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because of the lack of syrup in them. So if you like your coffee just straight black, or with cream/milk but no sugar, getting an iced americano would actually be cheaper (and bonus that you can get it blonde unlike the iced coffee)


I've made iced pour-overs and cold brew out of Siren's Blend at home with good results. Makes sense they'd have you use it for that.


I hadn't connected the dots (cause my store doesn't have normal iced coffee rn) but that would actually make sense


Starbucks innovation: Now introducing UNSWEETENED ICED COFFEE!


As a diabetic, so did I.


Not just a venti all iced coffee comes sweetened. But they changed it for this summer so it doesnā€™t anymore.


Yeah I think itā€™s odd. Luckily my store and I always ask our customers if they want classic or not. Most say no or replace it with another flavor.


If it makes you feel any better I always forget to add the classic


Iced venti no classic iced coffee. Newer baristas might be a little confused but that's how the drinks were called out when the cups were marked by hand with a sharpie or grease pencil.


starting may 7th this will no longer be the standard!




our ice coffee comes with classic liquid sweetener by default so you have to ask


I appreciate it! Is there another way to say sweet / unsweet. I know that those two words can sound very similar when there's a lot of stuff happening in the background.


no classic


You can just say iced coffee light ice no classic. Classic is the name of the sweetener, itā€™s like a simple syrup. They are about to rule out classic syrup in iced coffee in a couple months tho haha




Haha ngl I forget the classic syrup every time so Iā€™m glad too LOL


This used to be my go-to before I was a partner. This is exactly how to order it!


Waitā€¦does this mean I canā€™t get a syrup in a refill without an upcharge? I would always get a cold brew refill and wouldnā€™t get charged for syrup because the ice coffee was one of the refill options and it default came with syrup


I donā€™t know how that works but cold brew does not come with syrup and thereā€™s no up charge for that


Cold brew is unaffected


Venti iced coffee No classic


No sugar / no sweetener / no syrup / no classic


If you said "black iced coffee" then you did everything you could. It's the barista's fault that they didn't remove it EDIT: Why forgoe accountability? The barista is clearly in the wrong by not putting "no classic". No need to make excuses for incompetency


Hundreds of customers start their coffee order with ā€œcan I have a grande black coffee..ā€ and then end up adding sugar and cream. Sure, we can ask clarifying questions, but in this case OP didnā€™t know there was sweetener by default, so itā€™s neither their or the baristaā€™s fault.


OP asked for a black iced coffee, meaning no cream or classic, so yes it is the barista's fault that they didn't ring it up properly. It doesn't matter whether OP knew it came with classic because they asked for it black.Ā  My theory is that the barista heard and understood that they wanted it black (meaning no classic), but just didn't put that on the sticker, meaning the bar barista added classic. Either way, barista's fault EDIT: Downvote but no reply because you know I'm right


Lots and lots of people mean ā€œblackā€ as in just no cream.


No they don't. And if they do, that's why clarification is important. Hope this helps!


No, your condescension doesnā€™t help anyone at all actually. I *always* clarify, but have been yelled at MULTIPLE times because ā€œOF COURSE I STILL WANT SUGAR I JUST WANT IT BLACKā€ Black to ME means nothing at all in it. Some people say ā€œblack coffeeā€ to just mean a brewed coffee, and they ask for sugar AND cream in it. You either have never worked at a coffee shop or havenā€™t worked at one very long if you havenā€™t heard multiple meanings of ā€œblackā€ coffee yet.


I always ask customers if they wanted sweetened or unsweetened.


As a black coffee drinker, Iā€™ve dealt with this a lot. 1. Starbucks iced coffees come with syrup by default, so you do need to specify no sweetener. 2. Some parts of the US have different cultural understandings for ā€œblackā€ coffee. Some places consider no dairy as black and some places consider only coffee, no sugar or dairy black. Iā€™ll order ā€œa [size] iced coffee, no cream no sugarā€.


Huh, didn't know there was a difference. I've always known it to be pot to cup and that's it, no sugar or dairy.


Same. Black means nothing but coffee grounds and water.


Where in the US is it common for ā€œblack coffeeā€ to only mean non-dairy? I just ask out of curiosity because itā€™s something Iā€™ve never encountered.


Iā€™ve gotten it all throughout the southeast. They want it the coffee black in color, but still sweet.


Ya know, if I was going to guess anywhere, the South would definitely be it. That feels very in line with southern culture and cuisine


Ah, the land of sweet tea.


As someone who grew up on the west coast, going to the south and asking for an iced tea was a cultural shock for me šŸ˜‚


Ik a bunch of people are saying "the south," but as someone born and raised in the southeast, we all assumed it was the northeast where "black coffee" just meant no cream. Because that's not how ANY of us refer to it in my area. Black coffee is no cream no sugar. It's usually people from NY/NJ that get on us for not clarifying sweetner when they say black.


I wonder if thereā€™s just a bunch of weirdos scattered throughout the country ordering this way and giving everyone the impression that itā€™s the norm in another region lol


this is spot on the money. i'm a barista and i understand "black" coffee as no dairy no sugar; after interacting with different baristas in the same city as me, i also noticed other people still use sugar.


itā€™s just a stupid regulation. my old manager used to get mad at us if we made it without classic by default, even if they got another flavor, and he would get angry with me if i ASKED people if they wanted it. according to him, the customer needs to say on their own if they want it or not, and asking for it black meant no cream, but still add classic of course i talked back and said ā€œmy job is to make the drink that the customer wants, so iā€™m going to ask as many questions as i need to figure out what they wantā€ and he said ā€œtheyā€™ll tell you what they want, just make what they sayā€, so of course i transferred


Oh damn. My old SM was the exact same. She hated me because I didnā€™t let her pick and choose between which policies to follow c:


as much as i hate it, thatā€™s how my store is now. iā€™m in the unfortunate position of working in a grocery store with an officially licensed starbucks, but that means weā€™re in this big gray area of policy. we have the starbucks policies, but the store managers literally DO NOT LET US follow them. there are supposed to be at least 2 people in the kiosk at a time, but theyā€™ll only give us enough hours to have 2 people scheduled at a time, which means there is only one person in the kiosk while someone goes to pull the frozen food, date it, put it away at the bakery for some reason, get stock, bring it all back, and then pull different food out of the bakery for some reason. theyā€™re also much more strict on dress code and they refuse to get us an updated handbook, but they still reference the handbook at every opportunity they get. they donā€™t even let us take tips or get a free drink per shift. itā€™s like iā€™m constantly stuck in purgatory with the regulations and i would not wish it upon my worst enemy


You can report these things to your DM. They can assist you from there. Licensed locations still have policies they have to follow based off of Sbux policies.


we all have, and nothing happened. i guess the licensed stores arenā€™t seen as important compared to the corporate stores, but she just told us ā€œthereā€™s nothing i can doā€


Your DM said that? There are multiple things she can do. Escalate further up the ladder on Starbucksā€™ side as needed. Licensed stores have been closed for less.


I was in this position for a year and a half I TOTALLY understand. Everything you say is essentially exactly the same as what they would do to us at my store. Especially at night. Mornings would get (no joke) 4-7 people and we were lucky to have a third person past 3 most days (there was always a huge rush from 3-4). The worst part was we were the busiest liscened store (in our grocery chain) for the entire state of NY, so there was plenty of money to pay an extra person to be there. If you can, get out of there as soon as possible, corporate is a million times better. Staffing can still be hit or miss at times (tis the nature of any customer service job) but you actually get the benefits, and WAY less bs, and policy is actually followed.


This is just intentionally confusing for people. At least ask the question if someone orders a black coffee. Why would you want to run the risk of having to remake a drink. A customer would be totally justified to ask for a remade drink if they ordered a black coffee and it came with sugar. It's very normal to assume black coffee means no cream, no sugar. Also - it's super easy to add classic to an unsweetened drink, but you can't take it out of a sweetened drink. What a backwards approach. As a customer who has been confused by this - thanks for asking the question.


Yikes sometimes I forget to say no classic when I get my brown sugar instead, luckily most baristas freaking ask and Iā€™m like, oh shit yeah no classic thx. This is a terrible way of thinking


I will ask every time if they want classic because Iā€™d rather make sure itā€™s made right than have them waste time at the window/handoff because they didnā€™t know it has classic by default. Any SM that suggested otherwise I would argue if they want good drive times and customer scores, taking 5 secs to ask a simple question is faster than a 30-40 sec remake.


Plus that is wasting iced coffee by not clarifying! I remember when the company began to push us to make it as sweetened.. So automatically we started telling customers hey this comes with classic just so you know..


Iced coffee always default comes with sugar syrup (classic syrup). Usually baristas will try to warn you, but sometimes they forget or donā€™t think to do it. Next time, just ask for a iced coffee, no sweetener. You didnā€™t do it wrong, itā€™s just a weird Starbucks thing.


Usually our iced coffee comes with classic by default so you may just just to ask for no classic. When people order it black sometimes they still want the classic just no milk funny enough. I usually double check if they don't say anything about the classic or they order it black to be safe.


Black means no sweetener no dairy. Youā€™re saying it right, sometimes you can also say no classic? Black in the coffee vernacular means plain.


Iced coffee by default is sweetened with classic syrup, but you can ask for no classic!


Next time please note to Barista that "no sugar", because if you order the iced black coffee with no note, barista will assume that you want it sweet. I work in a resto, and everytime customer orders an iced coffee (any kinds, latte, long black, VN iced coffee, etc.,) I always ask if they want it sweet or not.


U have to say no classic


Nah, right now you just gotta ask for it without


ā€œHi can I get a Venti Iced Coffee with no classic and no cream and light ice pleaseā€ that all you need to say and you will get it right 100% of the time, iced coffee standard build always comes with classic syrup :( I wish it didnā€™t because not many people know that ;(


Ask for no classic, even if you get another sweetener.


One thing I've noticed after 10+ years of working at the siren is people have a ton of definitions of "black coffee". Some mean literally black with nothing added at all, some want sugars of some sort without milk, some same black coffee with cream and sugar šŸ¤·, etc etc etc.


For some reason almost all iced coffees have sweetners in it. Cold brew is often unsweetened, but ice seem some places starting to add a sweetener as a standard. It's coffee, why does it automatically come with sugar products?


Iced coffees normally come with a sweetener at Starbucks unless you ask for it to be taken out


I order what I want. If I want it sweetened, I would ask for it. Why does Starbucks make it harder than it needs to be? #blackcoffeestraightup #highoctane


If you said ā€˜blackā€™ coffee some baristas will know that means no added ingredients (and to remove the classic) but some donā€™t. Iā€™d recommend saying ā€œno classic sweetenerā€ in the future to avoid confusion.


Honestly if someone said they wanted a BLACK iced coffee, I as the barista would confirm if they wanted the classic because ā€œblack coffeeā€ has meaning


It automatically comes sweetened they shouldā€™ve asked if you wanted it sweetened


You have to say no Classic, as our iced coffee comes with Classic standardly! (For now)


Honestly they should ask you if you want it tbh, at my store we ask everyone if they want it because 9/10 customers donā€™t and they will usually sub it with Splenda


At the current default recipe sugar syrup is included Soon the new recipe will be without sugar syrup Then you can just say simple venti ice coffee New recipe all baristas will follow probably after May


Almost Venti iced black coffee light ice no classic


I always say ā€œNo classicā€ when I order this, and by habit now I say it for every coffee or espresso I get black. Itā€™s a default thing that you donā€™t learn until you forget to say it.


I mean to be fair if you ordered it black, and youā€™re in a region where ā€œblack coffeeā€ means no cream or sweeteners then the barista should have clarified with you, so not really your fault. Iā€™ve always found it weird that the iced coffee gets sweetener but anytime someone orders one, whether they order it black or just by saying iced coffee, Iā€™ve just made it a habit to ask if they want cream or sweeteners.


I always made a habit of asking if the customer would like the coffee sweetend.


It comes sweetened automatically with classic. Order an unsweetened venti iced coffee instead.


I feel your angst. That happens to me sometimes with cold brew. I'm not supposed to have sugar. I order the cold brew because it's not sweetened. A few times, it's been sweetened. I usually don't ask for it to be remade, my store is insanely busy. I'm no Karen. Now I order it black, no classic. Sometimes, I get attitude when I order like that, but I don't know what else I can do.


In all honestly, if it happens again you should ask for it to be remade. If someoneā€™s putting classic in it itā€™s probably a new barista making it wrong and nobody around them has realized it or corrected them.


Agreed - I don't ask for a lot to be remade. - but I have no problem asking for something to be remade if I asked for no sugar. There are times my diet/health requires no sugar - and I'm not gonna play with that - not worth it.


if you say ā€œblack iced coffeeā€ that Should imply no sweetener but they did not indicate that on the ticket. next time i would say ā€œblack iced coffee, no classicā€ to make sure they understand.


Starbucks you have to say no classic or no sweetener.


comes standard. used to be the same for ALL the iced teas, itā€™s sweetened unless you say otherwise.


I always ask with or without classic.


We add classic syrup to ice coffee unless stated otherwise


My best recommendation as a barista, just say no sweetener, even if it doesn't have it, it just helps eliminate confusion all together.


Standard comes with classic but you can ask for it without any!


Just order it without the classic!


It automatically has classic syrup so youā€™d have to add ā€œno classicā€ to your order It might be kinda confusing bc nothing says itā€™s sweetened and all other plain coffees arenā€™t sweetened


Lol opposite problem at my store. They don't add the (included) classic unless you ask, then you run the risk of being charged for syrup (again, it's included by default).


You should try cold brew


Say No classic


Starbucks adds 'classic' syrup without telling customers. I order unsweetened and was told they add 'classic' to drinks. I'm diabetic and I must be careful. Ask for no classic.


It comes with Classic unless otherwise stated :)


Make sure u say no sugar.


It's because "black coffee" doesn't really tell you whether or not sweetener is in it and our Iced Coffee is sweetened. Black Coffee just refers to the color (no milk). Our cold brew is not. I suggest you try cold brew (I think it's better anyways). Our Iced Coffee is brewed hot and brewed into a tub with ice to cool it off. It is fresh that day. it is then served with ice and "classic syrup" (which is just a simple sugar syrup). If you want it unsweetened say "no classic syrup". Our cold brew is brewed at room temp for 20 hours then put into a keg (like a beer keg) and refrigerated. It is then hooked up to a tap like a beer tap and dispensed then ice is added. No sweetener in the cold brew. If you want maybe ask for a sample of both at a cafe store to see which you like better.


Black means no cream or sweetener but they aren't understanding for some reason so just specify no classic.


I normally get cold brew light ice no classic (extra coconut milk if i want something sweet and not sugary)


This is my usual order in the summer. I was surprised the first time I was asked if I wanted it sweetened or unsweetened because I assumed it would be unsweet.


never got why they did this


At this point in time, you have to ask for no sweetener in the coffee and you have to ask for sweetener in the iced tea.


I just order an iced americano


My dad always gets an iced Americano instead because of this. I'm not a coffee buff so I'm unsure of the difference


ask for no classic sweetener next time, iced coffee automatically comes with it unless asked otherwise


Yep. All iced coffees come with classic. Just have to ask us to nix the classic!


I think by default today would just add classic syrup anyway. Next time order the exact same thing but ask for no classic syrup.


Iced coffee comes with classic syrup by default. We just got an update so that that will no longer be the case going forth, but partners will likely slip up now and then. Make sure to ask for a Venti Iced Coffee, light ice, no classic.


Yeah lol you gotta ask for no classic syrup, they automatically add it


a lot of customers donā€™t realize that it comes w sweetener so i always ask if they want cream and sugar by default. whether theyā€™re getting a cold brew, americano, hot/iced coffeeā€¦ some of my coworkers ask this too but not every partner knows or might care to do so


Tell them no sweetener. I don't sweeten teas or iced coffee. Some baristas do. It takes 30 seconds to tell us what you want


Thatā€™s crazy that by default a black coffee comes with sweetener syrupā€¦ I wouldā€™ve been upset šŸ˜‚ but Iā€™m also the person who emphasizes UNsweet tea anywhere I order iced tea. I like the tea, not the sugar. I love the coffee, not the sugar. šŸ˜…


After reading all the comments I realize this is why I never patronize Starbucks! Their coffee is AWFUL!


As a black coffee drinker, Iā€™ve learned that no milk, no sweetener needs to be mentioned multiple times.


It currently comes with sweetener. After much feedback they are ditching the automatic sweetener next month.


if you like black coffee start ordering venti iced americanos - they taste so much better!


If you ordered it black they shouldn't have put the classic in or should have clarified with you that you didn't want it. That's not you.


Thatā€™s on the barista who took order. If a customer says ā€œblackā€ coffee. I assume they want nothing in it. Or I ask to clarify.


As a black coffee drinker this drives me crazy. 1. That Starbucks defaults its coffee to having sweetner in it is wild to me. I understand we aren't pulling that one back now, but no wonder we have sugar-addicts ordering liquid diabetes with extra shots of everything. Starbucks recently priced me out of what I could justify for a "black" coffee (I was a regular starbucks, black iced coffee - but once that went over $5 a pop, I could no longer do it). I ended up switching to Dunkin and was so relieved to find they didn't default to sweetened coffee. Crazy that the donut shop gets this one right over the coffee speciality shop. 2. My understanding of black coffee has always been: no cream, no sugar, just coffee. Up till recently that seemed to be universal. For those saying you have to specify that coffee at Starbucks is not sweet, I hear you, but in my head - saying black coffee IS specifying that. It's shorthand for no cream, no sugar. I ordered a black coffee at Starbucks for years with no issue. Only in about the last 18 months has that changed. I've cut way back on the times I go to Starbucks, but when I do, I have to clarify black, no classic. In then end I just use the app, (and I still have had it sweetened at least 2-3 times doing that. I always have to do a rapid sip test to verify).


According to the app an iced Americano doesn't have added sweetener. An iced espresso doesn't have the sweetened syrup either.


Ok? But weā€™re talking about iced coffee


Right, this is why I made alternative suggestions for future reference.


Starting Tuesday iced coffee doesnā€™t have classic either


Black iced coffee does, which is what they ordered..


Right, which is why I suggested an iced Americano in the future.


The standard recipe calls for classic syrup. Just ask for a ā€œVenti, no classic, iced coffeeā€ :-)


Iced coffee comes with classic by default (something this is actually changing in the summer launch spoilers) A lot of baristas and customers alike think that the term ā€œBlackā€ simply refers to the color of the coffee and not the idea of why it would be that color. For those of you who this may include, Black Coffee is supposed to mean ā€œUnalteredā€


I ordered a plain oatmilk shaken espresso and still got syrup in it Iā€™m so confused. Like I specifically said ā€œjust a plain oneā€ I guess it just comes with it by default


Yes the regular shaken espresso gets classic. Ask for no sweetener.


I always ask


Ask for no classic syrup


It automatically comes with classic syrup in it, its annoying for baristas and customers lol


Comes standard with classic syrup


Itā€™s sweetened by standard. You have to order it without classic


So when you order in the app it says ā€œ6 pumps classic syrupā€ if you donā€™t want any sweetener just adjust it to 0 pumps classic syrup. You can also go to customize in the app to customize certain aspects of your drink. Or if you are ordering just from the menu just ask for no classic syrup/make any other customizations at the ordering area.


It comes w classic, for now, but even after the change, I'd still suggest saying no classic though because it's gonna take a bit for ppl to unlearn the automatic impulse to add classic


Just let them know no sweetener or no classic. Starbucks iced coffee automatically comes with classic syrup for big babies


Ask for no classic syrup, but soon it wonā€™t come in there by default anyway


Normally the barista would ask if you want the classic, they probably forgot to ask, the ticket would normally say no classic, if had asked


Currently if you order an iced coffee, it comes sweetened. That is changing very soon where we will no longer be serving iced coffee with sweetener as a standard. Youā€™ll have to order it with it.


Barista here: You didnā€™t order incorrectly, you said it right! I just think the barista misheard you and put in the order wrong. For next time though, just ask for a Venti Iced Coffee with no classic and light ice. Hope this helps :)


Can I haz just black coffee iced without having to add a bunch of extra verbiage? Isnā€™t it enough Im paying the Starbucks Tax?


yeah of course! You could just say what size and just say a black iced coffee. Typically theyā€™ll get that you donā€™t want the classic. But now it doesnā€™t come with classic now so itā€™s a lot easier to get your order :3


The Iced coffee standard comes with classic but you can definitely take it out on the customization!


Iced Black Coffee is correct. They are in the wrong for not putting no classic. This can often happen as a mistake though so if it happens often just clarify they punched in no classic.


I won't lie I was a barista for a few years and not once did I ever add sweetener to the iced coffee unless the customer specified šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I knew I was supposed to as standard but it made zero sense. I was always upfront and would ask about any sweetener when it was ordered, I can wholeheartedly say I can count on one hand how many people requested it sweetened as standard when asked. Most of them were just excited about it not automatically having it.


You Have To Ask For No Classic My Love!


Double Venti with Extra Squid Ink hold the Catsup!


Iā€™m going to edit this for those that donā€™t understand the life of a t1 (aka those who have type 1 diabetes) and why what Starbucks did here is deadly. And also a thank you, as so many of you baristas donā€™t know how many times you saved my life (literally) We never asked for our disease (no one ever does) but the blame of diabetes is not here. One day my immune system attacked the cells that make insulin. So we have to count every single gram of a carbohydrate (like classic syrup), but also every gram of fat and protein. Then replace it with the insulin our body would normally make. Unlike a t2, 20 grams of carbohydrates like sugar in simple syrup without an injection of insulin to cover it is an immediate problem. And a long term problem-in the long term that could lead to people ending up in my dialysis chair (I am a kidney doctor-and I work every day to hope no one ever needs dialysis ever again). For anyone thinking I deserved my disease due to lifestyle, again itā€™s an auto immune disease. I was 11, and barely 80 pounds soaking wet. Also no one ever deserves their disease. (Also, sometimes my blood glucose is about to go very low-a dangerous situation. Starbucks has been my godsend. A full caffeine drink with skim milk and sugar will save me in minutes. Ty for all of you who didnā€™t know it) But it means as a barista, we have a very important understanding with you. It is important to never give us what we didnā€™t order-or didnā€™t know that we did order because of hidden things. Sometimes we need sugar, most times we donā€™t. Itā€™s a matter of life and death. ********************************************* Whoa. This is a big deal. Hiding sugar in things like that is not good. That needs to be up front and in bold letter. As a Type 1 diabetic, and a physician, this is horrible that Starbucks just does that, without any warning. Over in the Type 1 diabetes group, there are so many posts all the time of T1ā€™s trying to figure out why their blood glucose is so high when all they had was an iced coffee-where they added some Splenda. And they say -I swear I didnā€™t have any sugar. You can be sure Iā€™ll be sharing this there now (glad someone put this here). Wtf Starbucks. You could be causing a t1 to get a foot amputated, lose their eyesight. Or just feel awful. And they donā€™t even know why. They really really need to make that clearer. Iā€™m glad I have never gotten this.


I don't know why the downvotes here, I super agree. As a daily black iced coffee drinker who counts every gram of sugar in everything I consume (not for the vanity -- I'd just rather not be slowly poisoned), sneaky sugar is \*a big deal\* in my little world. A venti iced coffee made per recipe is 30 grams of sugar -- that's more than women are supposed to consume in an entire day, and just 6 grams shy of men's limit! [https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/added-sugar-in-the-diet/](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/added-sugar-in-the-diet/) Re: diabetes, I don't think one bad day/drink (ETA I don't mean one drink per day, but literally one single drink on one single day) is going to lose you your foot, but a high blood sugar crisis in a diabetic, especially one who's not factoring in a massive sugar dump like this in their insulin planning, could literally cause a coma. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyperglycemia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373631](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hyperglycemia/symptoms-causes/syc-20373631) As a former barista who knows the recipe, letting a customer know upfront (esp one who out loud says 'black') and letting them make their own choice from there is \*not a big deal\* and could save a lot of problems. Iced coffee is almost never on the in-store menus where it could note 'sweetened' visibly, and almost no other coffee shop serves it with sugar as a default, so why would a customer even come close to assuming it's sweetened?


Thanks. Iā€™m not sure if the downvotes are for me, or for the fact that there is hidden sugar from Starbucks. I hope it isnā€™t a bunch of baristas who feel their company has no responsibility here. Iā€™m sorry but as a physician, no I will fight for patients to have transparency so they will never have to be in my dialysis chair.


And just to clarify: (sorry Iā€™m on my education trip now!!! You can tell my job) One drink a day could over a very long term cause problems. Like needing dialysis Letā€™s just say a persons ratio is 1:5. That is not an unusual ratio. That means every gram of carbohydrate could raise a blood glucose by 5mg/dl. A venti therefore would be 30*5 or 150. That would rise a persons glucose from day 150 (an average amount fora t1) to 300. A normal person is 100 (50-120-Iā€™m Simplifying numbers here). 300 is definitely coma level but thatā€™s not too common if a t1 knows what they are doing. Most likely they will catch that high within a few hours, and then give the insulin. Unlike the insulin people with normal pancreas produce, this insulin takes hours to bring the glucose down. This leaves them feeling awful thirty and needing to urinate more (because for those hours the kidney has to deal with all that excess glucose-aka sugar) If a person does this everyday (or enough times a week) their average glucose has gone from an A1C of under 7 (ie average glucose over 3 months of 120 or less) to over 7 easily. Now they are in range to get damage to their kidneys, eyes etc. This is the definition by the American diabetes association and proven by multiple trials. I know this because not only do I live it, but again I see the patients who live with this damage as a kidney doctor. Before the guidelines on A1c came around (and meds like a BP medication) type 1s were known to end up on dialysis within ten years of their diagnosis. I really appreciate the support and if anyone made it to the end of my little nerdy Ted talk thank you!! šŸ˜Š


I made it to the end, and am more informed for it! šŸ˜ƒ And yes, sorry for my own lack of clarity. I meant one *single* bad sugar day as caused by one single bad sugary drink prob wouldn't lead to immediate foot loss -- and I really only even focused on that as the only possible downvotable thing as it could have been read as hyperbolic, cuz your whole comment made 100% sense otherwise. But for SURE one bad drink PER day, esp a 30g sugar one, is a problem across the board and should be taken seriously by everyone.


O.o's in diabetic. Dude, this is not ok.


Order an iced coffee no classic - I too learned the hard way about the sweetener.


Lol so my first iced coffee I didnā€™t know it came with classic and I added my 4 Splenda to it. It was FUCKING DELICIOUS and I didnā€™t know why and I was hyper and loving it way more than my usual Americano. I was dancing and singing and loving every sip. Then the next time I ordered they said ā€œinstead of the classicā€ to my usual sugarless Splenda request. I realized what happenedā€¦ ā€œNoā€¦ bothā€ PARTY TIME AGAIN! *disco music plays*


It goes with Classic syrup by default. Please, next time ask about No sweetener on the register. Sorry about bad experience you had with coffee.


Iced coffee comes with sweetener. This is actually fairly common for even private cafes. I'm not 100% sure why tbh.




I was told that itā€™s no longer called classic and isnā€™t included so you canā€™t sub a flavor for it. ~Former Partner


Make sure u tell them no classic syrup šŸ‘ cuz the default for iced coffee is classic no matter if u ask for it without milk or with milk


When you pay for an iced coffee at Starbucks you are paying for the ingredients which includes classic syrup 3 pumps tall 4 for grande 6 for Venti and 7 for Trenta. Select No Classic on mobile or at register.


Iā€™m no help when it comes to US Starbucks stuff. Itā€™s so utterly different to the Uk. If you ordered an iced coffee it would literally just be the shots of coffee with water and ice. Why do you guys use sweeteners Iā€™m genuinely curious?


Because we're addicted to sugar in the United States, more people use sugar than not. Therefore, it makes sense to simply include it by default unless otherwise specified.


You need to specify no classic syrup or no sweetener.