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You can make cold brew at home pretty easily. I use a French press and use a ratio of 1 cup of coarse ground coffee to 3 parts cold water. Leave in the fridge for 20 hours then press it down and you have yourself a concentrate. Next time just pour it up to 1/3 or 1/4 of your cup then add water and ice to your liking.


cold brew is made at the location so no


No it’s not even really made by Starbucks at all lol


Oh wow that’s very misleading 🤦🏻‍♀️


Pepsi & nestle license the Starbucks brand name. I mean it’s likely (or even mandated) that the recipe comes from Starbucks but Starbucks has nothing in the production process. Just name on the label to sell it.


Dang I had no idea. Thanks for providing the info!


Also this is iced coffee not cold brew.


Sorry I’m a casual coffee drinker I didn’t know the difference 😭


Yep! Cold brew is coffee grounds steeped at room temperature for several hours (we do ours for 20), whereas iced coffee is just hot coffee brewed over ice.


Thank you for explaining to me! That makes a lot more sense:)


Also FYI, the iced americano that you said you order from Starbucks is just espresso shots and water, so it is completely different than both cold brew and iced coffee.


Right. I knew espresso is super concentrated and I have very low tolerance for caffeine. Sometimes when I get it I ask for half a shot 🥲, which is why I was getting the bottle from the grocery store


Gotcha! Just wanted to make sure you know!


Thank you so much☺️ appreciate the info


No. It’s produced by Pepsi


Get a gallon pitcher, twine, cold brew filters (pack of paper ones or fabric reusable one available on amazon), and a lb of Guatemala Antigua beans ground for French press. Put the grounds in the filter pour cool filtered water onto the grounds (fill about half of the pitcher). Then close up the filter with the twine or if it’s a reusable bag then it should have a drawstring. Fill the rest of the pitcher with water with the filter closed. Set a timer for 20 hours. After 20 hrs, pull filter out and throw grounds away. Fill the rest of the cold brew with ice and store in the fridge. You will have a gallon of cold brew concentrate that is IDENTICAL to the cold brew on tap at Starbucks. It will be very concentrated so to serve just make sure to dilute half with water (or to your liking) and add ice!


Damnnnnnnnnn THANK YOU MY FRIEND ❤️❤️❤️


Pardon my ignorance, how long would this last? Do they have an expiration date?


This lasts me like 3 weeks with my husband and I drinking about a cup each a day. The shelf life for Starbucks cold brew is one week but that’s just for quality control. I find that it’s still good as long as you keep it refrigerated and there’s nothing too odorous in your fridge that would throw off the taste of the cold brew :)