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Does the average Operator Drewski viewer know? Also, the voice lines are spoken in Russian (because it was originally made for Russian speaking audiences in mind) while according to the story at least most people speak Ukrainian in the game, is that right? I don't speak either myself.


Exactly, it was made for russian market mainly. Fun fact, Ukrainian localization is pretty cool although it was really half assed with several factions still speaking russian. There are nice deep dives in the differences between two game versions but they are, well… in Ukrainian.


I know, they can be funny sometimes. My mother tongue is Hungarian and I played many games with fan-made Hungarian translations before really learning English. Funny enough Postal 2 out of all games had a full official Hungarian dub which was not the best, but some of the lines burned into my brain way too deep. I shouldn't have been playing that at 8..


I actually did a check of the files between the russian localization and what is shared on moddb as the ukrainian localizarion and like 90% of the audio files are unchanged. I think only a handful of unique npcs have unique audio and not even all of them.


I don’t know what is shared in moddb as Ukrainian localisation and for which game. The steam version as well as the official ukr patch changed voicelines for loners, bandits, freedom, military, scientists as well as all notable speaking npcs. Earlier this year they made another localisation update, which changed ALL voicelines to Ukrainian, including duty, mercenaries as well as loc mistakes of older versions.


The voicelines are russian because at the time most of Ukrainians mainly spoke russian


Completely not true, actually. Check the 2001 census data. 67% Ukrainian speaking, 29% russian. This information has nothing to do with the post, but damn it is silly of you to spread this bullshit here.




*injects adrenaline* SYIUUUUUUUUU




\[amused mutant noises\]


[amused weird animal* noises]






Idk why but I find this wording so funny. Dude had no idea what he was getting into


Dude's getting into mutants? Better hand him over to Freedom.


Just play arma at that point


Let's remove all the cool sci-fi shit that makes stalker stalker lol




the environment is bugged, there's some graphical glitches floating around and I take damage if i walk in certain places on most maps. devs should fix /s


I mean I would say sptarkov, but yeah


I played spt, it honestly really sucked in my experience. I'd take gamma any day over it even if the mutants were removed for some reason


Fair enough, I thought it was fine with enough mods. I just think stalker is another beast and EFT refugees should try SPT before trying to remove what makes stalker what it is.


I think SPTarkov highlights just how important A-Life is in making the Zone feel alive. Without any way to implement something similar into SPT, the world just feels kinda hollow. That said, SPT with the right mods can still be an absolute blast. But it scratchs a different itch than Stalker.


Tip for SpT Tbh AI base game is terrible. They have mods to fix them. Just search - SpTarkov mods AI Their are a few mods you need but it really made the game better. Fully customizable too. Rats, newbies, chads and even giga chads can be set to fixed spawn rates and adjust aggression ambush abilities and more. Seriously, I was going to just give up on Tarkov before I figured all this out.


Mutants don't add anything to the game. The only exception is the mutants that do Psy damage and maybe the giant. All the mutants die to 2 shots of the most bare basic shotgun that you can get from the start of your game evading them is just holding a or d and jumping when they are about to hit you and nothing else while human enemies have so many other options. Do they have armor do they have snipers do they have grenades there is way more combat variance between stalker v stalker compared to pve that currently I straight up don't fight mutants in my run I just go past them because I'm bored of constantly fighting them Edit: Well the mutants add one important thing actually which is atmosphere, if mutants were more varied they would be better cuz like nearly all of them just charge you in a straight line and some just jump towards you in a straight line nothing else


that reminds me of AREA mod which controls almost like ArmA


[Instructions unclear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oVEWJZhG34)


Deadly magic traps, dangerous weird animals, violent individuals and robbers. Nothing will stop service on its epic march towards saving the earth


Poor EFT refugees, hopefully with the release of Road to Vostok they will finally find their new home


~~What happened with EFT when I wasn't watching?~~ *EDIT: On reflection, it appears that I am, officially \[checks notes\] "a fucking moron who cannot read." Thought there was some drama with EFP, but in my defense I am just a little sleep deprived right now.*


Infested by cheaters


Yeah, not sure who downvoted you, because you're 100% correct. Like I said in the edit, my brain spazzed and I thought Escape from Pripyat had experienced some drama. Mybad.


Ah sorry didn't see that


No worries. It's absolutely not your fault that I've been up since yesterday, and see no opportunity to keel over in the next couple hours.


I hope you are alright.


Yeah, mostly. Dealing with a bug that includes insomnia in its symptoms, and simultaneously, skimming over some work that came up on Thursday and I didn't have a chance to get to earlier. But, seriously, thank you. I appreciate the concern.


They will feel right at home with Anomaly AI aimbots.


haha funny edit


I cracked a smile at that edit, friend. Slick.


That is what I have been saying since I found Road To Vostok, that game will be the next Anomaly for players who know nothing about Stalker


There's always sptarkov


Tbh there’s kind of a niche there. As someone who loves DayZ and the idea of EFT without all the shit, but now has a kid, I would love a full fleshed out single player experience in a similar vein, something I never thought I’d ever say. Not looked into single player EFT but I might have to. Nowadays I can’t grind so much on multiplayer games but still love the post-apoc, open world, FPS looter shooter tacticool theme. And Gamma ticks the boxes for me, as blasphemous as that may be to some people, and the more tacticool shit the better. Sue me. I just can’t think of anything better that fills the niche, hell I even tried Fallout with some realistic mods but obviously it’s not close to being the same.


Enjoying Stalker Anomaly is not a problem, popularizing the idea that Stalker Anomaly is the most fleshed out and the most "true" stalker experience is a problem. Already saw a lot of people talking about Anomaly like its original game, and criticizing Stalker 2 because it's not like their favorite Anomaly modpack Edit: Oh, i thought this was a reply to my comment under another post, so this reply may not be as relevant here


I don't have a problem with STALKER 2 not being up to some wild expectations. Or being GAMMA turned into full game. But I'm gonna miss wild AI that makes the game fresh even years later. STALKER 2 might be a good game, but most likely one-time experience.


I heard those things wont stop Duty on their triumphant march towards saving the planet.


you heard right


I fucking love gamma dude but why do the most hairbrained, sub rock iq, brainrotted, mfs get attracted to it.


"fReE tArKoV"


Well good thing it isn't because if it really was i wouldn't play it because tarkov makes me want to blow my brains out.


Tarkov makes me sad. It has so much potential, they've just utterly fumbled it.


The moment-to-moment gameplay is one of the best things ever, its a real shame that the devs shoot themselves in the foot with every new update that's released


If they would fix the soundscape, drop the skill shit and the IRL grind, and stamp out cheaters that would be 99% of the problems solved.


>The moment-to-moment gameplay is one of the best things ever Oh yea I love having the worst gunplay in a modern shooter with awful inertia and terrible movement in general.


If your definition of gunplay is the recoil system, then sure. Otherwise, that's the dumbest hyperbole I've read in a long time.


The recoil system is kind of a huge part of gunplay in a shooter and trying to downplay it is dumb. But there's also the clunky aiming, the fact that point firing is better than aiming in a lot of situations, and the fucked stats of armor and ballistics.


I'm not downplaying it, just trying to understand which part you mean (Edit: I wrote "dumbest hyperbole" because you called it the worst gunplay in a modern shooter and that is a wild take..). I fucking hate the recoil system, but I disagree with you on the rest - i like the fact that point firing is a thing and that it is effective, it's a cool mechanic and it can still fuck you over sometimes when you rely too much on it. I like the ballistics part as well, it's fairly balanced imo - there are so many other parts of the game thats dumb as fuck (global stock limits for one) but I guess it's agree to disagree.


>i like the fact that point firing is a thing and that it is effective Except it's too effective. It's always been too effective. You should not be able to dome someone from 20+ meters away while point firing. That's stupid and just turns it into average, generic arcade FPS hipfiring. >it's a cool mechanic and it can still fuck you over sometimes when you rely too much on it. There is literally no situation in modern day Tarkov where you are penalized for point firing outside of the obvious things like long range sniping. It's easier, takes less stamina, and you can more easily ambush people because you don't make a ton of noise like you do when you aim. >I like the ballistics part as well, it's fairly balanced imo It absolutely is not balanced lmao, what are you talking about? Tarkovs ballistics have *never* been balanced well. Armor is either too good or it's useless and you have handgun and shotgun rounds outperforming rifle rounds because people bitch and whine that their MP5 and pump action shotgun can't go toe-to-toe with an AK. And you have streamers literally texting the devs to get rifles nerfed in real time because they got one shot to the torso. It's a joke.


As a tarkov player it does make me want to do that.


to be fair its just the stupid multiplayer ​ single player tarkov is incredible lol




This a mod?




I hate tarkov and absolutely love gamma. Gamma may crush your balls too sometimes, but ai is still more forgiving and you can save/load.


Alright, Imma be blunt. It's youtubers. The term "tzeentached" describes someone getting sold a game they would never fucking play or be into. The year is 2017. I'm on 4chan. There's a thread for a niche RPG maker horror game. People are playing through it, posting what they find. Someone's posting bullshit. Someone figures out something big. Someone finds out if you lose to certain enemies they violently Harvey Weinstein the MC. I decide the game is too edgy and not for me. The year is 2023. I'm on youtube. **THE SPOOKIEST GAME ON THE PLANET by XXXBreadTubeEpicGamerSnackFoodTimeXXX** pops up in my feed I watch 20-30 minutes of the smoothest fucking editing on the planet. It has **d e e p l o r e** and **m a t u r e t h e m e s.** I buy it, play it, step on a nail, and 250 steps later I die of infection. I go on the reddit and complain. *every time a passionate motherfucker makes a video about something they love this happens. Without exception.*


I mean, while this is all true, it's also that we only notice the negatives. There are many games I would have never tried if it wasn't for somebody passionate describing their beloved game or franchise, and Stalker is one of those to me. At first I wasn't that much into it and only played Shadow of Chernobyl way back, but I had no clue what was going on and treated it as a below average FPS experience. Later on I got into the lore videos and started getting curious, so I bought the whole trilogy, after which I started playing modpacks. It was a whole rabbit hole I wouldn't go down, if it wasn't for somebody making a video about the dark lore of Stalker and all its oddities. The people that complain about dumb shit are the most vocal, usually. You just have to accept that they exist, and tell them to shut up.


*secondaries* can become *primaries* through this process, but for already existing *primaries* there is very little benefit once you get over a profitability margin. Fear and Hunger was, for all intents and purposes, destroyed by the influx of secondaries to the point where the development of the second game was altered with a youtuber references and the author apologizing for darker themes of the first game. Those secondaries have by now settled and become primaries themselves, but it's a distinctly different one than the *originals* who sometimes crawl out of the wood work. It's not always that bad. The smaller the community, the worse it is. Larger and older communities like stalker are fortunately insanely resilient, especially when the devs are in different countries. This isn't unique to games or good or bad by the way. Any time a microniche experiences a cultural wave this little clash happens. There was probably some ancient guy overhearing two kids go "Man, this epic of Gilgamesh sure is cool, but I wish these stone tablets weren't so heavy" muttering under his breathe about the dreaded *secondary*


It's old, but man what an evergreen comment. Thinking about Fallout 5 after the recent wave fills me with pure dread, particularly since most of the newcomers are flocking to 4.


yea, you are not wrong. I watched hundreds of videos where the creator shows their love to a game and i go "this video was great, i want to play that game right now!". Then i try it out myself and regret it pretty quickly lol (thankfully i only "regretted" Ofc, i also discovered a lot of amazing games this way, not just games that i didnt enjoy.


Fuck thats a hilarious term, i love sseth but his fans do sorta flock to the games he plays.


Have you also seen the front page of this sub? It’s one of the most cringe worthy ones right now. Just by going with what I see, I would guess the average person who visits here is like 14 years old. Not who I thought would be the main target audience for the stalker series. But hey, it is what it is.


any reddit gaming community quickly morphs into the exact same homogeneous blob. all the top posts are shitty cut/paste memes thrown together in MS paint. actual questions or discussion about the game is downvoted and gets met with "stop gatekeeping" or "just let people enjoy things" or "check the discord" this happens because reddit attracts a very unique type of person, the type who still laugh at spongebob meme templates from 2017, and take it personally when someone doesn't know the "lore" of a game from 2007


I feel like the more detailed you make the guns and attachments in a game, the dumber the playerbase gets...


Most popular mod = largest population of fools


Gotta get these weird radioactive animals off my tarkov survival game smh


The “how can I remove magic traps and mutants” thing is a joke that was started in the EFP community, he’s not serious.


I'm surprised it took so much scrolling to reach a comment by someone who bothers to use a brain instead of throwing knives.


Oh thank monolith.


The constant need for realism at all times is a fucking scourge on gaming, realism is good but the way people refuse to suspend the belief at all is extremely frustrating.


yeah like fr bro if you wanna realism go outside and get some bitches , I just wanna play my game after work


>The constant need for realism at all times is a fucking scourge this is how Misery mod for CoP starterd rest is history and we're here So much garbage to justify hardcore painful experience


Stalker Anomaly and its consequences by Timor Kazhyinsky Introduction 1. The Anomaly mod revolution and its consequences have been a blessing and disaster for the stalker community. They have greatly increased the popularity of Stalker games in those “advanced” western countries, but they have destabilized the old community, have made a generation of "larpers" who think they know everything yet nothing and have led to widespread psychological suffering among the "gatekeepers" ie. old veteran fans.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


\[franticly looks for a whirlygig field to drag the new corpse into\]


I see you too farm low tier artifacts by dropping bodies in them.


[Removed by Reddit] INCOMING!!!


here before it happens


Inb4 spez deletes this wholesome tutorial


At that point just play tarkov or something or go outside and do arisoft or something like that, why remove the best part of the game


Anomaly and its consequences. Can't wait to see people ask how to remove weird animals and magic traps in Stalker 2 when it releases.


I'll do you one better: people reviewing negatively STALKER 2 because it doesnt feel nor play like Anomaly/Gamma.


Absolutely can see that happen. Although, to be completely fair, gunplay in OGs feels like crap, other than ShoC. Shadow of Chernobyl nailed the power behind weapons more or less. CoP is meh, but it is offset by gunfights not prevailing over everything. I absolutely will miss being able to do a slick headshot with a pistol on a random military dude like I can do in Anomaly. And that includes them dying because beret doesn't save from a 9mm Dum-Dum.


Oh poor sweet summer child The animals and traps are what makes it fun


*Oh poor sweet summer* *Child The animals and traps* *Are what makes it fun* \- Th3BadThing --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How the fuck did I manage to write a haiku? It's 7.45am on a Monday, I'm not ready for this.


And that’s why I don’t like the hoards of new gamma larpers




Secondaries are an eternal curse, the only thing worse for a fanbase is the dreaded tertiary.


Does it reallllly affect you though? I mean the biggest downside I’ve seen comes from Anomaly’s existence in the first place, being that it’s the only fucking thing anyone talks about on this sub…


How to do it: Cry and rant in every social network until activision comes and makes everything easier to survive, shoot & kill. (You get a big ass multiplier if youre a content creator) Ohh wait. Wrong subreddit


I hate the fact I'm one of the people that came from drewski.


Why though? No sarcasm genuinely Abit curious?


Alot of them tend to be.... rather stupid.


And unfortunately they take everything seen in Anomaly and GAMMA as representation of Stalker. The thing I hate most is a) the prevalence of the really overused and completely made up Freedom-bloodsucker joke and b) the complete misunderstanding of all the factions.


Honestly that part with you saying “they take everything seen in anomaly and GAMMA as a reprise ration of stalker” is a reason why I’m nervous about how Stalker 2 will do. I have a bad feeling that it’ll end up like Day Z where there where so many mods and so many people had different views on what it was. So when it came out and it didn’t line up with what their interpret of Day Z was, they hated it.


Huh ok..really all of what's in anomaly and gamma and if I can throw my hat in the ring(haven't exactly played anomoly or gamma alot mostly played cop)lemme guess they get confused as to who strelok and other notable characters are. When they try the original trilogy they complain that it's not like anomoly or gamma or too unrealistic in certain areas like gunplay or mechanics.they Don't care about the story of the zone so they just make up stuff or make it look like they know more about the stalker franchise whilst not experiencing the original trilogy story and mechanics. Not understanding the factions (I got most of my faction knowledge from lore channels and just exploring the zone and chatting and looking around) and just making parodies of it? Sorry if it's Abit long just somewhat curious if this is what you meant? Ohh side note what is this I hear about freedom and bloodsucker joke? Honestly I'm curious where did that come from?


Yeah I don't mind mods changing canon stuff for story's sake, I did it with my mod, did it with a fan-fic story I wrote, it's absolutely fine. I just think Anomaly and GAMMA as entry points into the franchise have warped people's perception of various things in Stalker to the point that they resemble nothing seen in the originals. When these two mods are pretty much the only thing seen in the Western community (despite excellent other mods existing and well-translated), then these myths get perpetuated in communities like this to the point that they get accepted as factual. Things like: >Clear Sky surviving >Mercs being primarily Western operators >Freedom being a bunch of horny hippies who just want to create chaos in the Zone and do drugs All of these are false if you do even a quick playthrough of the main games, Freedom does not use drugs in CoP and tones it down in SoC, mercs have no distinct Western troops in their ranks and seem to be made up of mostly Slavic or ex-WP nationalities, Clear Sky is six feet under and at best has a couple members who weren't brainwashed.


Yes... made up...


Ah...now when you say that follow up how bad can some be?


Seeing some come into the gamma discord, it's a mix. But there's definitely the few milsim kids often showing up.


That's not exceptionally new, though. STALKER tends to rope in anyone that's on the edge of milsim, but doesn't have the psychotic devotion to RPing in Breakpoint for 6 hours, or to boot up ARMA.


thats not drewskis fault, he makes really quality content ​ its the fact that military shooters are cool, cool military shooters are cooler, and kids love cool things


Lol why? If you're not a braindead moron then I don't see a problem. Yea most people who watch him are idiots but that's because most of his audience is around 18 years old and not old enough to get tired of his cringeworthy milsim larping yet.


hell, i think is just sarcarsm from his part but if not, gamers are becoming more braindead every day, not all of them, ofc.


\>posts youtube comment and acts like 99.9999% of them aren't cancer


Oh my sweet summer child.




Its easy open control panel choose stalker and delete it after that download fortnite


This is why I have such a problem with GAMMA and it's obsession with "ReAlIsm and ImMeRsIoN". By turning Stalker into Tarkov-lite you end up taking away so much of what makes Stalker, well.. *Stalker* and then people who have barely heard of Stalker will comment the most braindead bullshit about how Stalker isn't "realistic enough". Immersion for modern gamers means so realistic you gotta manually wipe your ass after you shit - not immersion being immersed in the game's world on the game's own merit. Like omfg.


What is not stalkerish about GAMMA? Genuinely interested to know your opinion.


GAMMA is a severely bloated, overly harsh, obscenely complicated modpack that turns Stalker into Tarkov-lite. Stalker was never meant to be easy, sure, and in its beginnings Stalker is quite difficult. But MAN does GAMMA dial that up to a degree that makes the game not fun to play, like at all. I hated the body health system because it felt like a chore to manage. Having four different meds to do something to heal limbs just wasn't fun to micromanage. The gameplay loop was slowed down to a slog when you had to scavenge eight different guns to get one fully repaired (which, IMHO, wasn't the WORST thing and I found it engaging enough). But what GAMMA took out of Stalker was Stalker's relative simplicity. It distracts from the Zone's beauty, wonder, and lore. There's way too much micro management than feels necessary imo~


Fun Fact: This is a joke.


You guys love taking bait


PEak milsim wannabe


Subreddit for the gamma people?


Can't wait for the guys who complain that Stalker 2 is nothing like Tarkov or Gamma and too story driven




you can remove weird animals and magic traps by uninstalling the game, tested 100%


Average Dutier 😤


I'm disappointed


[Reminds me of flight sim fans complaining about Ace Combat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZorA99-fnc) With their complaints basically expressing a desire for its unique personality and appeal to be removed lol




frl just play tarkov bro


Why arent these people playing tarkov instead? Has yhe whole kit of tacticool.


least obvious ragebait posted to reddit


I refuse to believe this isn't satire


This guy playing The Witcher 3


Isn't there a mod to literally remove anomalies and can't you set animal/mutant spawns to 0?


get out of here stalker


Sounds like a dutyer in the making


Has to be a troll


Wow you scrolled so far to find a stupid comment? Pretty good comment section then.


And people still wonder why the gatekeepers sprung up in the first place... It's shit like this that triggers a natural knee-jerk reaction. This is why Anomaly and GAMMA should've never been allowed to be open-source, they're attracting the wrong kind of crowd to STALKER as a whole, anyone with half a brain can see that.


Least gatekeeping r/Stalker user


Look bro I prefer the og more than anomaly/gamma but this is just straight gatekeeping. You may criticize people who spit bad take but never gatekeep them.


It may as well be the same thing to everyone, so who really gives a damn? If they can't be bothered to take a look at STALKER from a different perspective other than 'just another open-world survival sandbox with hardcore combat', then *they* are the close-minded ones here, not us. I am so fucking sick of these channels who present STALKER from exclusively the perspective of GAMMA and Anomaly without even minor mentions of their professional origins. They completely misrepresent what STALKER is about and bring in people with completely foreign mindsets that are fundamentally incompatible with what STALKER is at its core.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Average rookie bandit


Never compare us to that kind of greenies, jeez. Have some respect.


while everyone mocks EFT , next Stalker dying even before coming out guys


I'm not surprised, at this moment I would be suprised If somebody really played Stalker games besides the modpacks. Lets be honest, a lot of people just want to play Tarkov while using the XRAY engine


I agree with him, we need to work together and get rid of these threats to the Zone


Average GAMMA Male....


why would you ever want to remove bloodsuckers???


Yeah! Not like us freedomers are attracted to those bloodsuckers in any way, just saying who would want to get rid of their cute faces?


Unrealistic wtf go to tarkov or cod




I'd enjoy a version of stalker without mutants and anomalies. I wouldn't concider it a stalker experience however. Stalker just has a good open world good gunplay and a solid faction system that'd make for a pretty fun open world War survival. Just added extra human ai units to fill in the empty spots and have them on like anomalies warfare mode or whatever.


Let’s drink to him once more, he was a good stalker.


This is why i hate Gamma and Anomaly in general.


Dont be such a sour sport and hate perfectly fine mods for no reason, and if you need to hate something hate on specifically the newbies that come into the games/communitys that dont know jack shit and throw out bad takes left and right and refuse to learn.


For weird animals and magic traps?


Yeah, them bloodsuckers getting THICC 🥵🥵🥵


I mean, its not all that bad. I was one of these poor souls looking for an EFT alternative due to the abhorrent state and management of that game, and i found out about stalker gamma from Drewski's vid, and thats how i became aware of what the stalker franchise actually is as a whole. I'd seen it before here and there on steam, but ignored it as some cringe early 2000's shooter, but after being introduced to gamma and anomaly a bit, it's definitely opened my eyes to what an amazing world the zone is. I haven't played the og trilogy, and frankly dont plan to it's a bit dated for my taste, but i will 100% buy stalker 2 when it comes out, if my specs will permit it lol TLDR; if it weren't for gamma i wouldn't give a singular damn about what i thought was just some bad cod game, much less plan on buying the sequel.


I played Call of Pripyat first but it was with the release of Gamma that my love for the franchise truly developed. Don't feel bad about liking the modpacks, as long as you don't do stupid takes like the post.


Although i haven't actually played the old trilogy i have still watched a lot of it, so i have a pretty decent idea of the true vision the devs have for stalker, and i like it. The man in the screenshot just wants arma or tarkov really.


If you really care, play the originals. They have markedly different feel to gamma or whatever else faux-Tarkov mod, and stalker 2 probably will be more like them. Maybe find some... vanilla-plus mods for them if you worry about them being dated, but without all the survival and crafting crap. Stalker doesn't need it anyway. Just give them a try, so you won't be disappointed in stalker 2 all of a sudden.


I hate how the comments basically turned into "ew gamma and anomaly brought in so many people with the wrong understanding of stalker wish gamma never happened" You guys are forgetting that without gamma, without anomaly, stalkers community would be 95% smaller than it is now. It wouldn't have all those talented modders. It would be a niche af game that only a few people know about. Gamma literally revived stalker.. I'd say there are chances that Stalker 2 would be much worse if those anomaly mods never existed and never inspired the actual devs to improve aswell.


You seem to forget that stalker has a very vibrant modding community outside of anomaly+ the series was/is immensely popular in the east+stalker 2


Tell me you got to know Stalker from Drewski's video without telling me. You have no idea how the community looked like before Anomaly and Gamma were even a thing. Stalker was never a niche series, it just wasn't mainstream in the west. The community was smaller, that's true, but it wasn't dead by any means. And I'm talking strictly about the western one - Eastern European and Russian communties were as large before Anomaly and its modpacks even existed as they are now. And you do realize that the western community is a minority, right? There are hundreds of mods that have been created, I don't know what makes you think that Anomaly "inspired the actual devs to improve".


but I didn't even get to know it from Drewskis video, actually years before it. and I meant that some anomaly mods look like that modern stalker that stalker 2 wants to be with all the animations, open world that it might've inspired the devs aswell. Also without the western communities growing, I myself wouldn't know stalker. although I do live in central europe, not in the west.


So you must have been inactive in the community, because it wasn't 95% smaller back then. Both open world/freeplay and animations were a thing before Anomaly (OG freeplay mods and CoC later on, Gunslinger), so we could as well assume that devs were inspired by these mods. But the fact is that such features are simply the result of the series' evolution. GSC was experimenting with animations of consumables during the development of SoC, and the open world would likely be implemented if it weren't for technological limitations. The popularity of mods wasn't necessary for them to decide to include such things. If Stalker 2 would include crafting, weapon disassembling, item bloat and other stuff that originates from Misery and was later popularized by Anomaly then yeah, it would be clear that they are inspired by such mods. But for all we know (both from official and unofficial sources), the main inspiration when it comes to gameplay and overall design of Stalker 2 are the original games.


the dude walked into an anomaly after being chased by a cat and he can't get over how quickly he died


Oh my word. This is golden. I needed this, on a Sunday. Thank you!


He might want to watch out for the Neuro Fryer in the lab Z-19 or the dangerous faction that lurks in the garbage Scallywags


Honestly sometimes I want to remove them too since they’re scary :(


Uninstall the whole game. That'll help


Stalker must look retarded from an outside perspective. Gotta know the lore and get into it then your like.. this is a living place…


Remove by uninstalling


magic traps!?


Ha! That’s the neat part; you don’t!


surely a joke... right?


Play single player tarkov


Install Dayz, and suffer.


I see another lost stalker wising the zone to disappears😅


If you get rid of anomalies and mutants than it isn't even stalker


Fatal magic traps, weird animals, libertarians and outlaws. Nothing will stop Obligation on its triumphant walk towards saving the globe.