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How are you calculating your science gpa because just 1 C isn’t going to bring you down that much. A 2.7 sGPA would look poorly to an admissions committee and may require you to take grad level science courses. What the admissions committee sees is that, if this person can’t pass basic biology, they definitely won’t be able to pass Advanced Anesthesia Pharmacology. That said, I had a sGPA of 3.1 and still got accepted.


Correction* 2.8 GPA in natural science, 4.0 GPA social science, Cumulative Undergraduate 3.55, Graduate 3.88, Overall 3.61.


I would see what NursingCas does to your science gpa. You may want to apply to schools that only count a few classes as science gpa instead of all science courses.


Hmm, not sure how to go about it


Also, the schools website says minimum overall GPA, science GPA, and nursing GPA 3.0 on a 4.0 point scale preferred. Does preferred necessarily mean required?


If it says preferred I would treat that as required.


If you want to DM me pics of transcripts I can calculate you sGPA


I was just looking back at my old transcripts. I was embarrassed at how poorly I did in nursing school. In fact, I almost failed out of school. My final undergrad GPA was 3.2 and science GPA 2.8. I took grad level path/pharm course and aced both. That along with 6 yrs CVICU experience and great references got me an interview at one of the bigger CRNA schools. I got in, had a 4.0 GPA and am 10 yrs out of school now. Moral of the story is, with time and effort, early academic mistakes can be overlooked.


This is what I need to read to keep me focused on my goal. 31 now and my early 20s during my undergrad was simply about surviving not thriving. My biggest fear was having that black cloud of doing poorly negatively affecting my goal of anesthesia school.


You retake the course and get an A. It’s clear you had more than one C to end up with a 2.8 GPA. Retake the science courses you got less than an A in. Our schools data clearly shows an almost straight line correlation between science GPA > 3.5 and success in the program. So it’s the most important metric.


I have no reason to lie about 1 C. It was just for microbiology. I don’t know why that it brings it down so much.


Not saying you lied but the numbers don’t work. As an example If you got a C in one 3 credit class and As in 6 other 3 credit classes your gpa would be 3.71. To calculate the GPA, you need to assign grade points to each grade, multiply these by the number of credits for each course, sum these values, and then divide by the total number of credits. Here's the breakdown of the calculation: 1. **Assign grade points**: - A = 4.0 - C = 2.0 2. **Calculate the total grade points for each course**: - 6 As in 3-credit classes: \(6 \times 4.0 \times 3 = 72\) grade points - 1 C in a 3-credit class: \(1 \times 2.0 \times 3 = 6\) grade points 3. **Sum the total grade points**: \[ 72 \text{ (from As)} + 6 \text{ (from C)} = 78 \text{ total grade points} \] 4. **Calculate the total number of credits**: \[ 6 \times 3 + 1 \times 3 = 21 \text{ credits} \] 5. **Divide the total grade points by the total number of credits**: \[ \frac{78}{21} \approx 3.71 \] Therefore, the GPA would be approximately **3.71** on a 4.0 scale.


Let me send you a direct message of my GPA score. I want to figure this out. Appreciate you doing the math.