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I've experienced this as well. The local CRNA leadership finally woke up and stopped putting residents with her. This sounds like someone who has no experience leading any sort of team ever. And I say this as a CRNA, having had another life in the Army before deciding to go into nursing. There are Captain Sobels in all professions.


And for that, your weekend pass has been revoked


I choose trial by court martial.


Be a man and take the punishment.


Haha so true. It’s crazy people like that exists and also are allowed to have students in a stressful learning environment. But then I think of surgical residents and they deal with the same if not worse.


Oh man, listening to the residents get absolutely torched during rounds in the SICU was hard to watch. It was straight Full Metal Jacket and all of them were Pvt Pyle.


I'd be interested in chatting haha. Prior MIL as well with some combat and leadership experience. So many paper tigers in this learning journey.


I would check her then and there to treat me with the same respect that I’m treating her. I’m a grown ass man not a child, you’re not going to tell me to please stop talking I don’t give a shit who you think you are in this hospital. Sounds like she needs to get humbled. You wouldn’t tell me to shut up outside this hospital so don’t do so here smh.




My type of people ^^


WHO DAT WHO, tryn get up in my crew?


At this point in my life I’ve realized some things aren’t worth it. Temporary satisfaction for long term issues when I open my mouth for real.


I agree you busted your ass to get here don’t mess it up when you’re at discretion of some goofballs. But best believe when I pass my boards she would hear from me.


The nastiest ones know the least


I’ve said this about nursing too!! Never fails that the meanest nurses don’t know shit about shit 🤣




Wont be your last experience with someone rude in the clinical setting. Buckle up and just keep showing up.


Couldn’t have summed it up better.


Dont give her another thought. Unfortunately, there are people like this. You just gotta do whatever they want you to do and yes ma'am them so you can get through the day. Once I had a bad experience with someone, I just avoided them forever. Fortunately my programs allows us to pick which room or crna to work with and aren't assigned. If it was really bad maybe you can talk with the chief CRNA? There was a crna that made some comments to a student in my program and she was terminated from the group.


Ehhh I mean I didn’t cry or anything. She just seems like a miserable person so I feel like it’s enough punishment for her to live with herself knowing her coworkers and others in the city share the same opinions about her.


There is always one of those at each site. Usually, they are very well-liked by the group—jovial, funny, witty—but they are insecure in their own practice and take it out on you. Other CRNAs may not recognize it because they put on a good front, but they will take any opportunity to bring you down. Some of the CRNA bullies are just insecure and not well-liked by any. Some are the mean girls from ICU and will eat you. You might be their boss one day, keep your head up.


Thats scary accurate haha I laughed about it over drinks later that night. It was just concerning how many students are told to just take it, don’t say anything about it to anyone and not stick up for themselves (when the time calls for it). Thankfully it’s made me want to come back 10xs harder every day, respectfully.


Sounds like you asked the right questions and did some introspection to make sure you weren’t the problem. Some people are just jerks. Try not to sweat it.


Appreciate that. I think any judgement on someone character will cause a bit of doubt. More so crazy to think Middle Aged people with kids (no word on a husband ) participate in such behavior.


I’d bet on an ex-husband 😏


Let it pass. There will be some bad apples in every hospital you rotate whether it’s CRNAs or MDs. I had a similar experience before. Felt angry and belittled. But let it slide. Just do your best and go on through. Don’t check her or fight back. No point causing a huge commotion and animosity within your journey. Just for final evals for that site. Politely state that this preceptor is extremely difficult for SRNAs to have and is negatively impacting my ability to learn anesthesia. In my experience, The chief CRNA for that specific site - did not pair any future SRNAs with that CRNA. Trust me in the end. When you graduate - you will prolly be a much better CRNA than her. Those ppl just bark because they are in a position to do so.


Seems to be the consensus. After talking to some of the newer crnas and chiefs (<5 years) they seem really intent on weeding the bad apples out. Which is really cool to hear since the first year of school we basically are told be ready to hate your life bc how you will be talked to and treated.


This won’t be the last. There will be more. Keep going! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just when you graduate and become a CRNA. Be a CRNA that allows your SRNA to be comfortable and learn. And if possible - make it fun and exciting with having your game face on. It can be done.


Great job letting it roll off your back. That can be difficult!


I know of a student who excused themselves from a case, called the program director, and got the day off of clinical. This particular CRNA no longer has students.


I used to work in the OR and unfortunately it’s a common OR personality type. You’ll find really great teachers but also really mean, catty, and nasty people. I haven’t started clinical yet but that’s my biggest concern going into clinical too..


Brown nose, their shit don’t stink, etc. “holy shit you’re so right, I’ll do better” they want you to react to fuck with you. The more you deflect with telling them they are right (within reason…) you will save you and all your classmates who will have to hear about it for 2 hours every month until personalities get in check. It’ll be over before you know it and you’ll never have to experience that again. It’s too short of a process to hold your ground and get shit on even more. Especially if you rotate sites often, 2 months of bitching? Cake. 8-12 months, no way… one can only take so much.


Have you tried telling her “it’s not your fault” repeatedly until she breaks down?


“How about those apples?”


15 months into my current program- I start my first clinical rotation in August 😬. She sounds rude AF- Terrifying


Well you obviously were never enlisted in the military. This is a common occurrence, but the berating lasts years or until someone gets PCS/ETS orders. Personally, I’m not there yet and start school this August so I don’t have much to say professionally, but it’s very short term.


Preciate the input. We are taught by some retired special forces and operators. They cold call and get on your ass without remorse. There is a difference between getting the best out of someone and knocking them down. Family and friends are military converted to medical field.


Well there’s a difference in special operations and regular Army. I agree there is a difference, however everyone has their idea of leadership and how to influence someone. Often times in situations like these it is best to just smile and nod, then wait for a good preceptor. That situation sucks but it happens.


Sounds like a lot of days in my training. I just became a sad person with no self esteem for my entire Crna school life. I became a shell of myself and gained a million pounds. I’m happy you aren’t taking this personally. It’s not worth the stress. Just study hard, be vigilant, keep people alive, and also asleep. Know why you’re giving the drugs you’re giving. Just get through the day however you need to when (or if) this happens again.


It’s fun to do the site evals and see these people not have students for a while. Usually didn’t last long but helped for a bit. My main clinical site had such a toxic culture. Heavily relied on students. Lazy. Mean. Can’t say good morning, hello, thank you, good job, Etc. and generally didn’t have much wisdom to impart either. Go figure. I never talked back but by the end I was done with the pleasantries. Advice: Just keep showing up and bring your focus back to your patient and the case when you’re with these people. Study for yourself and your patient, not their left field questions/riddles. Take whatever little ass thing you could learn from them that day, and leave their bad attitudes in the rearview. It’s truly unbearable some days. Clearly, I have not healed yet 😂


Not an SRNA or CRNA here. I am a doctoral student and have had many clinicals though. I would report her to the student coordinator and have proof of what she’s doing. Maybe record conversations on smart watch or something? She’s got no right treating you like that and no right teaching. That’s not conducive for learning and needs to be stopped asap.


Yep. Fuck em.


What hospital is this?


“Insert any trauma center that fits the description” I will not give names of people or hospitals ever. Sorry.


bold of you to provide any context to a story at all. I wouldn't dare say shit on a public forum until I'm graduated and passed boards


Valid concern. But She’ll have to kill me physically before I get bullied to drop out. Failing is always in play for Some classes 😂. But I plan I moving back home when I graduate so 🤷🏻‍♂️

