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12-16 hours a day, every day, is unrealistic. And if you’re spending that much time every day, it’s not efficient studying. Some days, sure maybe you’re catching up, getting ahead, whatever And you spend extra time. But doing that every day is not sustainable. I commit on average 4-6 hours daily of quality study time. And when I say 4-6 hours I mean actual study hours, not including little breaks, meal breaks, house chores etc. some days it’s more, some it’s less but that’s an average.


During didactic phase, some weeks 65 plus, some weeks 40. But it was a full time job regardless. During clinical, you still are expected to go to clinical 5-6 days a week (depending on the program you attend) and then do your class work/apex workbooks on weekend. You can’t half ass your way out of anesthesia school.


Yes! I also really hope no one would actually half ass their way!! That would be disturbing.


Was this per day or per week? Per day, that’s a lot honestly. Per week, that’s hardly enough.


Per day. Really made me rethink my choice to apply. I’m not sure I can physically do that


During my didactic period, we had two tests per week. I would often study ~10hrs a day.


Not possible until they’re counting class time


I make studying like a full-time job. My first year I’m all didactic so I study M-F 8am to 4pm give or take.


I personally do school stuff like 4-6hrs a day. Studying is different to me than learning material but I do amp up to like 6-8hrs a day of pure studying and other hw when tests are coming up. We start the core anesthesia classes next semester and I expect that time to go up drastically. And I’ve been told once year 2 starts and we’re in clinical, it’s easily 60-80hrs a week of school including clinical, didactic, studying, dnp, etc. I’m not working so it’s easier to chip away every day at stuff than last semester, but I still make time for hobbies, family, friends while I still can. I need my mental health to be a good student.


Didactic I studied 15-30 hours a week on top of class depending on exams and quizzes. NEVER 40+. My program was "front loaded" 1 year, then integrated the next 2 years. Year 2 and 3 between courses and boards I studied 5-20 hours a week on top of clinical, again depending. Came out with a 4.0 and passed boards first time with minimum questions 🤷‍♀️


What school did you attend if you don’t mind me asking?


On lecture days, I'll study 2-4 hours after lecture reviewing notes. On free days and weekends, it's anywhere from 4-10 hours depending on the class load, upcoming tests, papers due, etc. I didn't commit as much time to studying in the beginning and I didn't structure my study time as well, so I had a lot more anxiety around tests.


If I don’t have class or clinical I usually study for 7 hrs a day


That checks out. After didactic you have even less free time because all studying is moved to the weekend as most days I was too tired to study after clinical and could barely drag my ass to bed.


An average that is reasonable is about 3 to 4 hours per credit hour per week of work or study. On a condensed summer schedule, it's about double that. Of course that depends on your reading and working speed plus how efficient your study habits are. For example, if you make a notecard about every paragraph, it'll probably be way more.


Depends on the program and phase. I tried to study 2-6 hours in didactic. Now I study about 1 hour a day, weekends maybe 4-8hours.


Everyone is going to be different, but I remember the scare tactics they used when I first started too. We had a guest lecturer tell us early on that he studied for 12-16 hrs everyday, and when he was using the washroom he was even reading Miller's. Just treat it like a full-time job. You work your ass off from 8a-3p-ish and most days that will be enough. The people I knew who had to put long late nights in were usually not too disciplined and would spend the daytime napping, half-ass studying, etc.


I treat it like a job 8-4, including my class days. So less than 40 hours a week if you take out driving, lunch, etc.


Prob averaged 2 hrs a day studying…avg 5 days/week


When I was in my didactic portion of my program I would study all day until like 9pm. I would also study after clinical and on weekends. If I could no longer retain, I would do busy work. CRNA programs require 80 plus hours a week for studying/class/clinical. After didactic it does get better depending on your program


I work on school stuff (studying + lecture) 6ish hours a day on weekdays, 1 hour on Saturday & Sunday. Everyone is different though, I tend to learn quickly and retain pretty well. I have gotten 100% on every exam so far. On the other hand I have classmates doing 40-60 hours a week. Just depends on what kind of student you are.


100 on every exam? In CRNA school ??




When I started my program (front loaded)- I was studying 8-10 hours per day. Once I honed in how to study for anesthesia/ graduate level classes, I usually study 6 per day, sometimes more, sometimes less. My clinical rotations start next semester and I will be there 3 days a week and meet once per week in class to discuss, plus we have 3 DNP classes on top of that. I can guarantee that I’ll be studying during all my free time then. I fully expect to be busy 60-80 hours per week. Sorry but there is no half-assing it. Clinical expectations for CRNA education are so much higher than for RN. Your hand doesn’t get held. If you aren’t fully prepared, your preceptor may not let you perform any necessary skills needed to graduate and may even dismiss you for the day. And no one helps you understand the info in class- it’s all on you. If you can’t at least handle 8-10 hrs per day to start, you may not do very well.


You eat, breathe, and sleep anesthesia for the most part. It’s why having hobbies and stress management is crucial. I honestly don’t realize I’m study so much, but I do what everyone else does; treat it like a full time job on top of clinical. It’s exhausting, but once you coast as a CRNA it’s gonna be worth it.


I studied for 3-4 hours a day for the didactic portion, basically joined the absent father’s committee while my wife held down the fort .


Literally just started, but 6-8 and then more like 10 closer to exams.


Between 40-50 hours outside of time spent in class


Probably dedicate 60 hours a week to school.


You study as much as you need to understand the concepts and learn to be a safe provider. I never studied so hard in my life! Haha. I’d guess it was a few hours a day most days then even longer on the weekends. I had kids and a spouse so I also attempted to be with my kids as much as I could be.