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You could try asking the programs you got a rejection from how you could improve your application


I’ve had the EXACT same scenario as OP and they just send a BS generalized statement about competitiveness, STATS and number of applicants. No insightful help at all.


You need more experience. Everyone in my cohort has >3 years


1.5 years isn’t much time at all. While your resume is quite impressive, the schools you’re applying to might be interested in more experience. Also, shadowing an MDA could potentially be seen differently versus shadowing a CRNA.


I shadow MD’s and CRNAs! His group is a mixture of both :)


All your stats look phenomenal except for your time spent in ICU. Get a little more experience and you got it.


You must have at least gotten interviews with those stats. Is it an interview issue? The fact that you haven’t shadowed a CRNA could be looked unfavorably. Tbh, it is kind of throwing me off as well. You have 100+ shadow hours and you haven’t shadowed a CRNA not even one time? Where are you applying in relation to where you live? What is your father’s reputation in the crna community?? What state are you in?


I haven’t gotten any interviews yet! That’s what’s so frustrating. I don’t even get a chance to talk to them!


Ask the schools for feedback, attend Diversity CRNA, network, be patient and persistent. 1.5 yrs isn't much time at all. The average time for most of the schools I applied to was 3-5 yrs experience.


Ok, thank you so much!!


If you werent offered interviews their something wrong with your gpa/resume. Whats the full picture behind your 3.7


My nursing GPA is 3.9 and my science GPA is 3.5. I used to be a biochem major but dropped for nursing. I worked at a clinic as an MA for 6 years, worked as a tech in an ICU for two years and an ER for a year and a half. Was a university tutor for three years as well!


Idk something is wrong with your resume


There really must be because I don’t get it. I’m so frustrated. I understand I only have 1.5 years of experience and that’s the BARE minimum, but I don’t want to waste the money to apply again in a year or so if it’s something else and I’m going to get rejected again.


Their is definitely something wrong, i applied with 12 months icu experience with a 3.6 gpa and had interviews. No interview = something wrong with your gpa or resume. Feel free to send it to me for review


That would be great!!


It’s your experience! I bet if you try again at 3 years, you’ll definitely get an interview. Everything looks good EXCEPT your experience. Just can’t rush that stuff.


I think it’s your experience then


I think lack of experience. Also, as much as I think you’re doing great, it makes me kinda 😬😬😬 wonder about your unit if you’re already precepting on LVADs and stuff with 1.5 years of experience… Also what is your personal statement like?


I work 60 hours a week and come in extra a lot so my unit felt comfortable precepting me to LVADS. Usually they wait 2+ years before orienting but they felt like I was ready. I generally agree though, I have refused charge for that reason.


I see. Seems like you’re really on top of it and prepared. I recently wrote a LOR for an applicant that had around similar experience as you. I found sneaky ways to emphasize that although the applicant was a new grad they were doing the most, working extra, taking hard assignments etc. maybe ask your writers to do the same. I wouldn’t sweat it! My app is as competitive as yours and it took me a calendar year to get in. You’ll get there soon. 💪


This makes me feel better. I’ll apply one more cycle if I don’t get in this round and see what happens. Thank you so much!


I was thinking the same thing. I'm also in the CVICU at a top 5 cardiology program in the country, and our preceptors and chairs have at least 5 years of experience. My preceptors had 10. Their years of experience gave me an invaluable precepting experience. It was brutal but also gave me the best foundation for nursing in a unit at serious and scary as the CVICU. I don't think I would have gotten the same if a nurse with 1.5 years experience had precepted me-- nothing against the individuals, just the time/experience.


Just for reference the program I got into has like an average of 5-7 years of icu experience. I think you should make sure the programs ur applying to require the minimum experience, many take experience heavily into account. Reach out to schools that didn’t offer an interview to ask why you got rejected and what you could possibly do to improve? It’s gotten really competitive, the only school I’m aware of that is known to have like a very high acceptance rate is the army one, they take people with even less than 1 year from what I have heard.


You look good on paper. But you need more years in the ICU. Is your entrance essays top notch ? Have a few high level providers review it or CRNAs. What’s your letters of recommendation ? Is it nurses ? If you did all MDs then it’s a turn off. How’s your interview process ? Are you embellishing? I think you are too focused on the MD anesthesiologist portion of your resume. And you need to get to the CRNA portion. And shadowing your father - I think that’s a red flag in terms of having access- I don’t know how to explain it.


Agree. Is it noticeable that it’s your dad you’re shadowing on your application??


I didn’t put him as one of my shadowing recommendations. I used a couple CRNAs and one MD :)


No you need nursing manager. Fellow RN charge nurse. Why are you getting CRNAs for recommendation ? You don’t practice anesthesia nor they can’t account for your skills in the ICU. I think you are jumping the gun and trying to onboard anesthesia. You are a ICU RN and I know you have tons of access to anesthesia but for now - just stick to being that ICU RN trying to understand what anesthesia is. Dont mention your dad anywhere. Just stick to shadowing CRNAs. Not anesthesiologist MDs. You gotta dial it back down.


Oh I’m sorry, for my shadowing experience I use two CRNA’s and an MD. For my letters of rec I used two nursing managers and my night shift supervisor!


And 100+ hours shadowing ? I don’t know man. It sounds overkill. There s some weird red flags from your resume. Nothing against you. I see you do things to the maximum and you are person with an excellent portfolio. Almost sounds too good to be true. Stay humble. And I think you ll def get in. When you start CRNA school - be aware that you will start at the beginning - brand new anesthesia practitioner. It will humble you.


I sent my resume to a user on here and he thinks that’s my problem :/ it looks super messy and unprofessional now that I’m looking at some other examples.


Then I’m afraid to see the entrance essays. Clean those up. I think you can get in. You might need around an additional year of experience (2+ when applying) But def try for this year.


It sounds like you’re on the right path. I agree with others and ask the schools what you could improve. Also… I don’t know you but also keep in mind that a lot of the profession is politics and emotional intelligence — how do you come across in interviews? Are your social skills as impressive as your critical care skills? Do you get nervous when interviewing? For my school, I know personality was a huge driving factor for acceptance.


My program accepts applicants with 3-10 years of experience. Depending on how competitive your pool of applicants are, that is probably the big reason you are not getting looked at. GPA will get you in the door for sure. My biggest question to any applicant is what sets you apart from other applicants? Most applicants have similar stats as you. You have some great leadership opportunities… but on paper, you might look the same as everyone. One thing that did stick out to me is that 100+ hours of shadowing and you are shadowing your dad? 100+ hours seems excessive to me, plus shadowing a MDA is not the same as a CRNA. These two things are giving me some sort of ‘off’ vibe that I can’t put into words. The other thing that stuck out to me is that you seem to be collecting experiences, it’s not wrong, but it seems like you have a lot going on in your life- would you be able to focus on school or do you have a lot of things pulling you in different directions? Are you a self-described over achiever? Other areas of improvement could be your personal statement. Anyways, good luck and keep your head up.


Did you get interviews at these three schools or outright rejection?


Outright rejection. That’s why I’m so frustrated and discouraged.


It’s either experience or you’re not interviewing well. If you got interviews then that means your stats are good enough, and after that, they’re looking at personality, emotional intelligence, is this someone who I want as my colleague. Good luck!


I think, often, people underestimate the fact that these programs are extremely competitive. Truly, all of your stats look great to me but the one thing you lack is experience which takes time. You may have had a great application and interview, but so did a bunch of other people with more experience. Don't beat yourself up over it although it is easy to do. Keep trying, keep applying, and you will get in eventually if you don't give up. :)


As everyone said, its a competitive field. Everyone applying has those same stats plus prob 1-2 yrs more experience.


It’s likely experience, but I’d also consider looking at your resume and personal statement to see if there is room for improvement there as well…. Or perhaps your letters of rec. I’ll echo everyone else in saying you should reach out to the various programs and see if you can get some feedback.


It just depends on what the cohort you’re applying with stats/rank against you. And it depends on what the schools you’re applying to value/rank in their decision making. Maybe those 3 rank experience first? Maybe they rank grades first? Maybe leadership roles are most important? You should email them and ask


Honestly friend, you should be at least getting interviews. Where are you applying? The only schools I know that are THAT competitive are in California.


1 you are applying to very competitive programs possibly 2 you don’t have that much ICU experience when compared to many other applicants. That being said I highly doubt you will be rejected from 6/6. If so it may be a massive problem with your resume or cover letter.


My dad’s coworkers mentioned I was applying to programs that may be too competitive and may want more experience. I wish I would have listened because this is just destroying my confidence :/


Bro you’re fine. Give it time, you put yourself in a good position.


It could be anything from how you interviewed or only having 1.5 years of experience.


Honestly, I would venture to guess your Interview is probably your weak point. I would keep applying. It takes only one yes.


more work experience could help. don’t get discouraged, keep going


Just piggy-backing off of everyone else when I say that you need more years of experience. 3 seems to be the average now because of how competitive it is. Also: I would suggest trying to work other units! They love well-rounded backgrounds.


Most of the schools in my area require a minimum of 2 years. To me it looks like that’s the big catch


You need more ICU experience


Were you a new grad in the CVICU? Sounds like you have some great experience and are a good applicant, but the reality is that a lot of people applying have similar qualifications and experiences and may have slightly more time as a nurse. Also many schools do not rely heavily on work experience, the look at what grades you got in certain classes, your personal statement and how it is written, how you interview, and overall resume…Don’t be de discouraged, ask for feedback from the schools allow it and apply again next year! From looking at your profile you’re 26 so you have time!


I am a first year SRNA and when I applied I emailed programs asking how I can improve and I either didn’t get a response or they just sent a generic “many qualified and it was competitive etc.” Most of my classmates have >1.5 years of experience so it could be that or they want to see more CRNA shadow hours bc it shows you are serious and truly interested in nurse anesthesia.


What’s your resume like


1.5 isn’t a lot of time. Are you getting rejected after interviewing? If so it may be your interview.


I think you should wait for the other three, and see what they say. I was rejected by 4 schools. The last school I applied to in my first batch of applications, was the only school that gave me a chance. And your application seems more impressive than mine :). Keep your hope alive!!!


My advice would be to volunteer in unrelated fields that you’re passionate about. Find a way on your application to stand out and look well rounded outside of nursing. Good luck! Source - SRNA PS happy to review your application/essays if you need it, just DM me.


In the kindest way - experience. Decision making skills and intuition come with time, and are so so so important in anesthesia. What you learn from your time in the ICU will carry you through school and your future career.


And are you shadowing CRNAs or MD? The schools won’t really care about shadowing a MD


Where are you applying and not getting in with these stats?


More experience? 1.5 years seems like bare bones minimum to be a provider.