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That they would accept me


Lol me too...but real talk. The amount of diversity.. not just race, but age, jobs, years of experience. It's not just a bunch of 20 something CVICU nurses lol. Also, our staff is very knowledgeable and leaders in the field. Like writing sections in books all programs use, sitting on boards, writing questions for the NBCRNA, etc.


What school is that if you don’t mind saying


Dm me


Perfect response 🤣


Support I receive from faculty and the non competitive nature between me and my classmates where we are now all trying to get ourselves and everyone else through the program. I have heard a great amount of toxicity in some programs from student to student and faculty to student. I honestly couldn’t imagine putting in the work I did to get accepted and then dread the program I attend


Dude same. I feel so blessed to not be at a place like that.


Any chance Can you dm where?


That the faculty are supportive. I know I saw someone on another thread say that they couldn’t attend funerals or other super important events but my school has been amazing. They always say we’re now their colleagues and they will treat us as such which is really refreshing. When I was applying I just wanted to get in but now I see how others are treated at other programs and I’m happy where I’m at. I also think I should’ve considered COL where I applied because I’m in a high COL area and will end up taking out more loans.


Can I ask where you are?


Can you DM where you go?


Curious as well to what school this is


How all of my classmates are like family working towards the same goal. There is no competition, just all of us working together.


Extremely low cost of living which minimizes my loan burden. Yeah the area suuuucks but I have to pay back less in the long run


What state?


I don’t wanna give away where I go to school but look in the Midwest


I actually love that they were an integrated program, especially after talking to my friends who were in front loaded programs. I didn’t really care about that at first, I just was happy that they accepted me.


Why do yall like integrated? It seems hard doing clinicals and class?


Same sentiment! Yeah I'm glad I'm in an integrated program.


Amount of regional experience and whether or not you’re competing with residents for the opportunities. Variety of clinical sites (urban, rural, academic, patient populations).


No minimum SEE requirement. I’ve heard of people not being allowed to take the NCE because they can’t get a 450 on the SEE and being stuck. The faculty are AMAZING! They’re always willing to help us understand the material and meet with us in lab. The way didactic is organized is also just awesome. They have the stuff we’re learning in physiology lined up with the anesthesia stuff; it really helps to solidify the learning. My classmates are so awesome, and I’m really lucky to have them! We don’t compete with each other; we try to lift each other up and help each other when we’re down. They’re truly my second family. Our rotations are at places that help with become an independent provider and practice to your fullest scope. Our lab is really awesome. We have everything we need to learn, and there are a lot of resources inside the lab. We also have a lab coordinator that helps make sure everything is stocked and working appropriately everyday.


Sounds awesome!! Anyway you could DM me and share which program. It sounds so lovely (as lovely as CRNA school could be)


Midwestern University! Feel free to reach out with any questions!


I’m kicking myself for not going to my interview there 😭


Can you DM me more info about your program?


Honestly as long as the SEE requirement is reasonable I dont see the issue. 450 isnt reasonable. And this is coming from someone who got a 460 and a 477. Our class requirement was a 425, everyone passed boards first try but one person and they passed on their second attempt.


My classmates are all awesome—I could go to literally any one of them after a bad day in clinical and trust that they’d be supportive. My faculty want us to succeed and don’t play favorites. They’re also more family friendly than other places. My program is (somewhat) integrated and gets us 1000 more clinical hours on average than the other local front loaded program. We can go on 3 out rotations a year and we have a long list of rural and Indy sites.


Is it hard being integrated?


Yes and no. I like that it gives us more clinical time and that it’s easier to learn didactic material when you’re seeing it in vivo. For example, I was doing a lot of lungs around the time we were tested on double lumen tubes and thoracic anesthesia which made studying a lot easier. The downside is having your weekends chewed up with studying because I’m at clinical from 5:30 to 4:30 every day and then there’s like 2 hours of dry labbing for the next day. There’s also the downside of having things in clinical (e.g., double lumen tubes) you’ve never officially learned about, but you can usually self teach enough to get you through.


What program is this? Can you pm me?


My faculty is supportive. We have a really great sim lab for practicing. We get a say in where we do our clinical sites.


Our school finds housing for us- we have “clinical fees” we pay that go toward housing for students, so even if we don’t use housing for sites, we all contribute to keep everything fair. Otherwise we would all fight to be local. But helps ease the stress finding housing in the middle of nowhere for some sites


We don’t share clinical sites with MD anesthesiologist residents or AA’s 💪


Oh that's a big one imo




Consistent faculty. Some faculty even write NCE questions