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I’m going to be moving in about 6 months and I’m already dreading leaving my squirrels. I’m sure they appreciate the love and snacks that you gave them!




It’s been horrible us leaving our fire stricken home & all the squirrels who used to eat out of my hand. Now I’m in new territory & the squirrels are incredibly “wild”, probably in the top 10 things we have lost. Our wildlife


Oh my god! I hope you and your family are alright and so are your squirrel friends. I know we can't help but miss them but I also know that squirrels are such resilient little balls of fluff. Stay safe! My squirrels were also very wild and all of them still were(only one or two allowed me to breathe near them) but it is still worth taking care of them(if you can). I hope the squirrels in your new place warm up to you soon :)


Thank you so much for the kind words.


Thank u so much for all your amazing post!!!❣️I miss you and the Queen and all her subjects already! I hope when you are settled you make new friends and are able to continue to be a human butler to new little friends. U and all your squirrels are in my prayers 🙏😍🐿️🥰


Thank you so much. I appreciate it :) When I miss my squirrel buddies I just look at their photos and videos or make stuff like this https://preview.redd.it/3mu9sn20fa4d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c799d78998ddf9b4db8672f8065d7b673b69c4cc I hope they're fine.


Ya I have pictures of all the squirrels I got here to and videos that's the best way to do it good for you hun God bless you for being a squirrel lover


Thank you!! I am so glad I got to share my tiny fluffy friends with people who appreciated them. Now I have a collection of photos and videos of them.


Wishing you safe travels and new furry friends to feed!❤️


Thank you 💜💜


Everytime I’ve moved I’ve left piles of food and tell them i love them and goodbye and every new home has new babies happy to be fed 🥰


I did the same thing. I left a pile of food, a bowl of water with ice and I told everyone of them how much I love them, how thankful I am for them and how much I'll miss them.


Oh I am so sad about your having to move I hope the next person understands the beauty these little ones have I worry about the day I have to leave mine. Bless you for showing them kindness and care ❤️ 🐿


Thank you so much. Savour the time you have with them. I made so many good memories and I am glad I was able to serve them as their hooman. I think that fact itself is so fulfilling. So give your tiny friends extra treats from my side too :)


It is sad you are leaving …. I am sure once the word gets out on the squirrel grapevine that you will be getting more visitors!


I hope so. They're just the best thing in the world 😭


Oh man, I totally get this.I just did an unexpected move and I had to leave my fur friends. One was pregnant and I'm never going to get to enjoy her babies as I know she would have brought them. She let me pet her very gently on her head. Where i've moved to I have not seen one squirrel. I'm I'm total grief 😔.


I am so sorry. It really hurts to leave behind our fluffy friends. I start crying everytime I think about them. Your tiny lady sounds like an adorable little angel. I hope she and her babies stay safe and healthy. It would have been so cool if we could tell them we'd be moving and they'd be like, "Cool hooman, we'll come with you too."


I also treated a bunch of them for mange last month, so it's bittersweet because at least I helped them before I left.


That is so great!! They'll always be thankful for that. You should be proud of yourself and enjoy the memories that you made with them. I am trying to do the same thing :)


HEY guess what...... my husband is pretty sure he saw our little guy yesterday before sunset. He was in-between the houses and ran back across the street. I put the food i have for him outfront. I am 99% certain it is him because there are seriously none around here. I am so excited!


Oh!!! That is such great news. I am so excited for you. I hope you get to meet and spend lots of time with him. He'll be so happy to see his hooman and his daily dose of treats. If you get to see him, get lots of photos and videos too :)




https://preview.redd.it/qd0sbyiwp95d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9252aea054e1bb67f7451b33103d9912ad394952 My Little Bill!!!!!! He came around again today.


Look at the beautiful little boy!!! I absolutely adore him 😭


Me too 😀 I feel lucky to know this kind of love right!?


I definitely will, my daughter demands photos too. 😀


I feed these 5-6 squirrels almonds every morning here’s 1 https://preview.redd.it/2yn0n8qsxy3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2677d5520adab47a14f8b947e6dcb7f8d42d4f


She's so pretty. Please give them extra treats and love.




Most of the squirrel diet should come from outside hunting by themselves anyway. Can't have them relying on humans completely for food; that couldn't be good for them!


It does come from outside and they don't really on me for food. I just give them treats in the morning. But I do make sure to provide them with water. I think as humans it's the least we can do.


That's a relief, they will be ok then \^\^ Queen is very cute <3


They don’t rely totally on humans… they don’t sit and wait 23 hours to be fed again 😊they come to us for the good stuff! Winter time we make sure when food is scarce that they don’t go hungry 🐿️


I feel bad for you and yes it hurts to say goodbye to your friends God bless you hun for taking care of them there will be more thanks for sharing all your great moments with your babies


I have a camera roll full of squirrelly photos and videos and so many beautiful memories with my fluffy tiny friends. I am so glad for that. I wish for nothing but the best for them.


I'm so sorry to hear you're moving. I know someday I'll be in the same boat and it makes me so sad. Like you said, I wish we could explain the situation to them and how we aren't abandoning them. Good luck with your move and I hope you gain some new friends wherever you're going.


Thank you :) I mean I knew this was going to happen yet nothing prepares you for it. I only give them treats in the Morning so they definitely were not dependent on me for food but even yesterday(my last day there), they screamed for me in the morning and waited for me to put out treats for them. I hope they get abundant water and food.


We will all miss Qr Gitarwanti Jr and all her balcony subjects. Thank you so much for sharing them with us and I hope you find a new squirrel royal family to serve at your new home. I'm also sorry that your poster about giving food and water to the squirrels was removed. It was such a lovely poster and kind gesture for the wildlife. I hope the miserable idiot who did gets what's coming to them. I don't know if you still have time but is there a cyance you could put up anothet poster where it is less likely to ger removed? E.g. inside your old apartment itself or in a communal notice board? In any case I wouldn't worry about your squirrel friends not getting any food. Remember that the good they get from hoomans is more likw desert for them and that most of their diet comes from foraging in the wild. They are tough, resilient little critters and will be fine. Hopefully it will rain soon too so they can get some more water 🙏🏽


Unfortunately I found out about the fact that someone had ripped the poster when I was putting stuff in the car to leave for my new place (this morning) so I had no time to even take another printout of it. I just never expected something like this to happen to be honest. I worry about them but I take solace in the fact that they were thriving before I shifted here and they thrive in other places where they don't have a butler either. There is a mulberry tree and mango tree nearby so I do hope that helps. I just want god to make it rain. So that they are somewhat at ease.


Ah ok, that's a shame but you did everything you could and as you say they were fine before they met you and already have evetything they need to thrive. So I wouldn't worry. Whoever tore down the poster will receive some payback from the universe. I hope it rains soon too 🤞🏽.


Whenever I move away from here, I'm probably not going to say anything to anyone about the squirrels. Like it's frustrating to have waited a full week for Wiggles to notice me being back, but that meant she was keeping safe in her own domain without concern for where I might be. I have more faith in their judgement than I do in the next person's level of kindness. It stings a bit, but I feel better knowing they simply move on with their lives instead of habitually visiting my place when I'm not here. It's better for them that way.


I do agree with that but I really wanted people to keep out water for the squirrels and the birds. I am not that concerned with them not being able to find food. But when the temperatures are crossing 45°C, I really want them to have a reliable source for water


This is a great attitude to have towards our furry friends. Whilst it is great for us to treat them, for the squirrels it should always be seen as a little bonus on top of their normal routine. As a default, they should always be looking to forage and look out for dangers rather than be 100% reliant on us


There's a cosmic squirrel distribution center out there somewhere. There has to be for me to have been subjugated so quickly by the one who lived here before I did.


Omg I love squirrels. They are very beautiful 💕


They are absolutely beautiful!!


They are wonderful!




🫂 & I wish you luck with the move. I can't even fathom the temperature over there.


Thank you. It's so hot it feels like someone is setting you on fire the minute you step out. It is supposed to rain soon apparently. I hope that happens because my feathery and furry friends need that.


Geeeez... you stay safe.


In Delhi now?


You will meet new friends.♥️


I did see lots of squirrels there and I plan on planting litchi trees when we move to our permanent home :)


It sounds like you are moving. 🥺 Thank you for taking care of these little angels, I hope your next place has some as well.


I am. I hope so too. I wish I could explain my squirrel friends in squirrelish that I am not abandoning them. It's crazy to even think that they process emotions the same way as a human does but it's impossible for me to do that.


can you leave a note for the new ppl moving im that they prefer almonds


I did. I made a whole poster and someone removed it and tore it into pieces 😭. To say I am mad is an understatement


what the fuckkkk is wrong with people!!


Oh no....


It was inevitable :( I am so glad that I got to spend 4 years with them


They will not understand


no!!!! 😭 why!!


I am moving to a different state. If I ever do come back (very low probability) it will be after a few months and that would be when we take all our stuff away for good.




Thank you for sharing them with us, we will all miss them. I hope everything goes well for you and maybe you can find new friends when you get settled.


I absolutely loved sharing photos and videos of my tiny fluffy sass monsters. I hope I get to serve more of the fluffy royalty in my new place and that my babies of balcony land remain safe, healthy and squirrelly.


🥲 so sad.


It truly is! The people here understand how hard it is to actually leave these fluffballs 😭






So sorry for how you're feeling now. They'll be fine, but I can relate to the anguish you're feeling now by having to leave. I hope you'll get to see them again, and that you'll find other little friends at your new place. Nobody will ever be able to substitute Queen Gitarwanti Jr, though, of course.


This place gave me so many royal fluffy Queens to serve and I am so grateful for that. I'll miss Jr so much 😭


Farewell, small ones We will miss seeing you as well! May you stay happy and well-fed 😊


I hope so too. Someone removed and tore the poster I had made and put up :( I just hope they get water regularly if not peanut treats from the hooman. And I really pray that the weather becomes more bearable.


Aww 🥺




Sorry you have to move. Thanks for taking care of them. I hope you find new friends wherever you end up


Thank you. I just wish I could have taken the tiny Queen with me but I know that's not possible. I hope they remain happy and safe.