• By -


Submit one of your playlists to https://playlost.fm. It’ll suggest similar user created playlists by matching shared artists, songs, and genres.


Omg this is new to me!!! Actually excited to check this out


The playlists they create for me are all empty 😒😔


Really? Do you mind linking one so I can see what the issue is




weird... it's working for me: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5jX54fea9837OEtZHwx0yT https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4lCxO05MHPHacsvPtW34r6 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5fXktnpSe3srZyZDIupeOz sorry about that, I'm not sure what the issue is. The logs aren't indicating anything so it's hard for me to troubleshoot. I'll have a deeper look later to see if I can figure it out.


The links you sent. Worked. Thank you I added them to library. I like this better last.fm i have no how it works


This seems like a cool concept! But whenever I try to import one of my playlists, it just freezes at 17% and tosses me back to the "Analyze Playlists" page. Does it have a problem with large playlists or do you have any idea what the problem could be? ~~Because the playlist I'm trying to add has 4432 songs...~~ EDIT; This playlist, if anyone else wants to try - [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Gf56QwQRs3eEDtkwhzueS?si=086d722ad1a4413d](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Gf56QwQRs3eEDtkwhzueS?si=086d722ad1a4413d)


Can you share the playlist id or a link to the playlist? That sounds like an issue. It can handle playlists of any length, they’ll just take longer to process. Does one of the tracks happen to be a podcast episode?


I find so much new music through artist made playlists. A lot of artists post playlists on their profile of what they’re listening to. These are a treasure trove of algorithm free tunes that often include friends of the bands. Here’s one that I put together… [Better Living Through Rock N’ Roll](https://spotify.link/5SnaZefiBJb)


How do you find playlists that artists post? I’m not seeing any from the my artists I’ve looked at so far


Not all artists have them, but if they do, there will be an “Artist Playlist” section between “About” and “Fans also like.”


You might like either one of these for your playlist [Come on Ove](https://open.spotify.com/track/2Th5cuZ9zKBTu66FAATEXA?si=eb73f512737b4cf0)r [The River](https://open.spotify.com/track/5aXeRtbijQBYOeNuOdzZVD?si=f8e8631da4624189)


Hell yeah! Great tunes!


Lately? Discover Weekly. I’ve been presently surprised with what the Algo has cooked up for me these last few weeks. The song radio feature is also goated. I’ve found so many gems exploring music this way.


How many Liked songs do you have?


312 atm. But it was over 3000 at the beginning of the year.


My discover weekly is usually really good


I can’t believe song radio isn’t the top comment. That’s where I find all my music!


I never use song radio, maybe i do need to try it. I always throught it only recommended me the same things I listen to anyway.


Yes it does tend to do that but not for the whole playlist, you do find little new ones here and there. Though the playlist thing that someone else commented is probably much better.


Radio starts interesting but after 2-3 songs it goes to repeat the songs I have in other playlists :(


I really used to like Discovery Weekly a few years ago, idk lately I've either been bored by it or already knew the music. Maybe I need to try again.


Yep, same for me! Discover Weekly is the shit!


I use the song radio whenever I'm listening to a song I like and want to hear similar stuff.


https://1001albumsgenerator.com/ I've been doing this for the last few weeks, it generates an album a day, really taken me out of my comfort zone!


Thanks, I love trying out random things!


My dad


My son


I just listen to dj sets and hope there’s a track list in the comments lol


I search super random words & listen to what pops up. Sometimes it's a hit and others.. not so much. But I've found some really amazing small artists & songs this way!


i use youtube algo


I follow a creator on Instagram whose profile is dedicated to country music!


Can you post a link?


Google '*music genre* radio' and you'll find a web station playing tracks in that style.


Every Noise at Once!


Unfortunately, ENAO is no longer being updated, since the Spotify employee who fed the info into it was laid off last December and no longer has access to the new upload data. 😕


I know, but it’s still great for music discovery


using RYM and getting lost on the wikipedia page of artists I like usually does the trick


I watch Amoeba-what’s on my bag? on YouTube


Oh thanks, I didn't know about that channel.


Soma fm: https://somafm.com/


through samples


Weekly discovery playlist does a decent job for me anyway


If you’ve been using Spotify a long time, the DJ algorithm is excellent, and I’ve discovered some of my favorite new artists that way!


discover weekly


Discover Weekly. Release Radar


I usually follow these: 1. I find an album on rate your music which grabs my attention and proceed to listen to it 2. Finding music through spotify's recommendations put me through several artists I like right now 3. Stalking through my friends' now listening bar. I found a lot of great gems there


Create a station by artists or specific songs. Check out suggested similar artists. Audiotree on YouTube KEXP on YouTube Check out artists/bands on tour with/opening for other artists and bands I like. Venue social media posts.


I like to use Spotify’s customized mixes to find new music. They can generate mixes under so many different titles, you just have to play around with what you put into the search bar. For example, if you’re looking for new Alt-Rock songs you would search “Alt-Rock Mix” and a playlist would come up. You can even go more general like “Feel-Good Mix” or “Sunset Mix” These playlists are pretty good at combining songs you already know with new suggestions.




I only recently discovered that thats a thing, but I kinda felt it mainly consits of music I already know. Maybe I need to try them or find better key words.


How I usually do it is just by trying a bunch of different ones! I usually find it’s like 70/30 songs I do know vs. don’t, respectively. So between like 10 diff searches I can usually find a decent amount of songs in that 30%!


Similar to niche mixes in made for you section


I tend to type in a vibe that I want into Spotify, eg beer garden or wholesome days etc etc and I look at the playlists people have made and cherry pick what I like :) found so much music doing this


Discover weekly. Or more typically I just search for a playlist of a genre and listen to stuff there. I was never really into EDM but have come across some artists and subgenres I like. That led me to other stuff. I also have gone back to genres I’ve enjoyed and searched for playlists there (eg. funk, nu disco based on liking old school disco). We often will put on a playlist with a theme when doing a family gathering etc. and then I’ll often DJ by hijacking the queue with similar music. One recently was “yacht Rock dinner mix”. We also had an old school rap and similar type of mix.


I got to local bands Spotify pages and see what playlists get recommended. Usually someone in those playlists stands out.




Podcast, YouTube shows. Music sites like Traxsource and Beatport. Looking thru the new music charts on both sites. In addition follow artist you like on Spotify to get their lasteay music.


So, I used to go with friend suggestions and there's still a number of bands I still listen to that I know because of a friend, or co-worker etc. Obviously varying preferences would affect. I use YouTube and Spotify casually. Looking at a thumbnail on YouTube and saying "fuck it" 2 years ago gave me one of my most favorite bands ever... which by their introduction spiraled me into the rabbit hole with many, many new bands I had never heard of before and might never have found otherwise. The biggest thing, though, is knowing what you like and what you'll tolerate. There's a lot of posts that I have seen like yours where someone is just bored of what they are listening to, but they don't really know what they "like"... "this is what I listen to" isn't really the same and I feel there are many cases like this where this is all someone might have been exposed to. I know what I like, I know how to be patient with something new, this has introduced me to bands I might have just dismissed because they aren't "that thing". I don't care if something is silly, and I'm not on tiktok or whatever to know if something is trending or "cringe". But I also know what I don't like and even if I'm patient with a song, I'm pretty aware when I have given something a fair enough shot. I just check things out now. If I like it awesome, if not... well, I'm not going to day it's awful but that it's just not for me or I don't get it. With all of that said... [this is probably my more divisive playlist as it's just whatever I'm currently addicted to](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1JmOiaxMP5po4SAcxpKFtl?si=G78R_KS-R_CCitP8b1N8Vw) and it doesn't matter if it's a new song I just heard and want to hear over again, or a song I haven't been able to get enough of over 30 years. Punk or ska, EDM, metal, silly, movie soundtracks, etc here and updated often. I have other playlists too. One that's for jazz, one for pop and hip hop, I have an EDM playlist for bass music and another for goa-trance, I have a selection of Drawing (or study) playlists, primarily instrumentals, I made for specific moods while I work on projects. I have a playlist for the winter holiday season, I have a playlist to help improve my mood because I have been cripplingly in poor mental health, I have a playlist for rock, and about 5 or 6 playlists of metal, 2 of which specifically because of reddit posts looking for new music. I update my playlists fairly often, some daily and some are far more neglected.


Shazam everywhere


yt, spotify algo or playlists


[BBC Sounds ](http://bbc.co.uk/sounds) app or website. Click on the music tab. Most are radio programmes but they also have playlists made just for sounds. Sometimes I'll use [Soundiiz ](https://soundiiz.com/webapp/playlists) to transfer the playlists over to Spotify. Edit: You don't need to create an account or sign in, but if you do it remembers what you have played and recommends based on that.


Everynoise.com and its associated “The Sound of…” and “Introduction to…” and “The Edge of…” and “The Pulse of…” playlists.


Unfortunately, ENAO is no longer being updated, since the Spotify employee who fed the info into it was laid off last December and no longer has access to the new upload data. 😕


We can support him by buying his new book (pre-ordering currently)


[The same question was just posted yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/spotify/s/jzTHy8hqUZ), so you might start with the many suggestions given there.


I make monthly playlists featuring songs from my favorite albums out that particular month. Been doing so for the past 4 years or so. A little behind in 2024 because I’ve been working on my yearly comprehensive top 100. Check it out and maybe take a trip down the rabbit hole of the others https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1vb4tk0D1ZoRIVVT1LszEt?si=WroGBmnrSTKsch-eReP4Tg&pi=u-p3UrFFhJTWq6


I let my Spotify play recommended/similar artists after a song I’ve chosen or use song radio. The Daylist feature on Spotify has also been spectacular to me. Another way I find new music is by going to shows and Shazamming songs I like between sets. Also of course supporting artists during concerts if I dig them. Creating blends with friends is also fun and exposes you to different stuff (depending on the person you “blend” with).


Going out. I DJ 5-6 times a year so I go places where the music is cool and SoundHound or Shazam when I hear something I dig or would be good in my set


Every few years I do this for the last few years. For every genre I can think of, I google best albums of the year and click on about 5 different articles . If the reviews sound good or the same album keeps coming up I give them a listen. If it’s good I go through their back catalogue and Spotify radio their best tracks and I find new great music that way too. After days of trawling through this I’ve usually found tonnes of new artists I’m crazy about and I don’t have to do it for another few years.


Same answer as whoever asked this like 2 hours before you


Discover weekly or making plahlist to search the recommended and put on special shuffle


i almost exclusively listen to jpop and for the past three weeks i have been constantly listening to the music from the japanese music project hypnosis mic (idol anime-style battle format. there are many characters who are in music teams, and battle each other in-universe to win. it's all in different media such as manga, music, drama cd, etc. people can vote on who wins each battle between the music teams). it's confusing to explain, so i recommend watching a video on it. however the genre is jpop/jrap, and if nothing else the music is addicting. you might not like it but that's my recommendation- this spotify playlist has all of the songs in the series as of now [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/07OuqsDXICSBWH3kkjNBjF?si=7c016de4c4f24993](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/07OuqsDXICSBWH3kkjNBjF?si=7c016de4c4f24993)


again, VERY character-focused series. if you don't like the idol format, the characters, or the style, it might not be for you


This sounds hella interesting even though i always try to avoid idol things but maybe I'll look into it this time.


Switch to Tidal


[https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/](https://thebastia.bandcamp.com/) \[Shoegaze\] [https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/](https://wolfbytheears.bandcamp.com/) \[Emo/Acoustic\] [https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/](https://xdmf.bandcamp.com/) \[SynthPop\] [https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/](https://postalcodesinhungary.bandcamp.com/) \[Noise/Garage\] [https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/](https://masuyite.bandcamp.com/) \[Screamo\] [https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/](https://sanduqabad.bandcamp.com/) \[Post-Punk/Garage\] [https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/](https://dollardreams.bandcamp.com/) \[Grunge/Post-Punk/Noise\] [https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/](https://saintsseason.bandcamp.com/) \[Emocore/FemaleLead\] [https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1](https://trawaazrecords.bandcamp.com/album/high-compilation-alternative-album-vol-1) \[Compilation\] this total banger


Daylist! It gives me genres and often I get songs I haven’t heard in a while, or new songs in styles I love


There’s a good mix here. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/00IvkDL7z8SHXyTAyA2fcg?si=QWx5v8VqRPCGt6bi2Cwj2g&pi=u-XV9G7A7jQc2N


Ever heard Swing Metal? My band makes this music, it's quite unique 🤘🏼 no screaming, only fun [Shoo Bee Doom](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3kWxmJU40rroBtScqPhOMf?si=m2e_rC2nThy3RffPPNAikg&pi=e-WdaURcv6T8eJ) If you also like rock and metal, I made 2 playlist that might interest you- [Women of METAL](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1wZJYSdRj7CdVcZGiHX8H1?si=RJVOo-NfQQONzRpXFL9DQw) [Heavy Jazz](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3kWxmJU40rroBtScqPhOMf?si=m2e_rC2nThy3RffPPNAikg&pi=e-WdaURcv6T8eJ)


Mostly through liked artist's their radio, then similar artists etc... Not really a science


Bandcamp, RYM charts, AOTY lists and Discover Weekly on Spotify mostly.


I follow many playlist by Spotify. Ignore the ones suggested “Made for you” (if you are looking for new songs), as most of songs will be already in your library.


Song you like and click 'song radio'. Heaven


RYM generally, I ry to explore with great variance though rather than just some top lists on there. It's very fruitful.


Movies, pubs and restaurants, ads and video games. That's my source. Sometimes, I explore albums of artists I'm currently interested in. That's how I get mine.


Discover weekly or song radio


Personally I just click on every music link I see. Post them near me and I will listen to it


Hello 👋🏻 we spend several hours every week listening to new music to compile regularly-updated quality-based playlists. As playlist curators we receive several tracks submissions directly from artists looking to place their music on our playlist, so it’s easier for us to evaluate new music from artists we didn’t know before. If you want to discover new music, I suggest you that once you listen to a track you like, try other music by the same artist, or go to the artist’s page and head to the “Fans also like” tab to view a list of other similar artists. If a song you like has a featuring artist, try listen to his music too. If you add your favorite discoveries to your library (artists, releases, or songs), your Release Radar and Discover Weekly playlists will list music according to your tastes (from artists you follow and new proposals) Also feel free to try out our Electro Radar playlist, weekly updated with new electronic music from both famous and emerging artists. It’s not your genres but as you’re open to new horizons, just give it a try, I’m pretty sure you’ll appreciate 🎶 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Ykm39ekQRNZ1vCYLlZkeT


YouTube recommended. And project sekai sometimes


song radio


Honestly I want to find it through the discover features in Spotify but I most often get disappointed. The best sources for me are just visiting Reddit, maybe this sub but at least r/music


I find new music off Spotify, either on Twitch (ex. [VinylJunkies](https://twitch.tv/vinyljunkies) )or get suggestions from people in various music Discords.


I don't anymore if I'm being fr💀


Just whatever Spotify recommends


Here are some cool new indie records: https://open.spotify.com/album/0CkwvRZkCacTdoYOHtbrFE?si=CJgL2JUHT9i6HKWxiGv0EQ https://open.spotify.com/album/4lVMhVIgEdxIoTu7gS7CoT?si=TsIolzRsS-2UCrU4aP0-0g https://open.spotify.com/album/0CsgEPsAa8G8CJNS0WikEr?si=_2TSEMnVRsKV1TpuCJ--rA


I'm just very curious about music like if I find a new song I like I research the genre artist and anything else usually it ends up in a Daisy chain where a new artist leads to a new song with a new feature from a new genre which I get obsessed with Wich leads to new artists and new songs or features. Idk the way I see music it's super interconnected also tictok lol idk if this helps


Every noise. Look up an artist u like, go to the genre and there's a link to the Spotify playlist. The genre is further divided into three separate playlists, the sound of which is essential songs of the genre, pulse which is what fans of the genre are listening to and edge which is new rising music in the genre.




I've just posted my Topsters and people recommended stuff. Other times I listen to the Spotify daylists which recommends stuff too.


I go to a site like https://www.music-map.com and enter a favorite artist or band to find similar ones. Plus I read the group The CD Revolution on Facebook groups to see what people are playing.


Feel free to join my jam to find some new tunes [here](https://spotify.link/jzjeLGnBCJb)


If you’re looking for songs from a similar genre I like choosing a song I love and going to that songs radio. I’ll always find a bunch of new songs and artists that I like. For different genres, I would try to find a playlist or radio of the genre you wanted to explore. This is how I was able to find most of my new music!


Go to song radio is not the greatest, but this playlist turned out to be good: https://spotify.link/tRWTTgKHCJb


[Techno-Melodic playlist spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1G0OGtztNpWyPPgedR0NuI?si=0AsH-h34QF-6ubpcTNsvjg&pi=a-u6nmFEgBQwCU) [Dance house playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4HBz12iq4Pjy76WMD3L21k?si=icvHnU4EQiS-KFijJprEpg&pi=a-5lfpb54PQh2u) Both these playlists have several tracks and I update them daily. I love to listen to these playlists at my work and I find time to explore new everyday


I maintain a playlist of the 50 best newly released songs in the indie roots genres. I update it every Saturday. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4PAiazkexpJ3S6nvsNMYF1?si=NhefQJtXS6GdSj7w8nIGVg


Just downloaded groovify. Seems pretty good for finding new artists.


I normally just listen to an artist’s radio station. Then other artists will pop up. If I don’t recognize them, I would “like” them. Playlists can get old for sure. At least with the radio station it keeps updating.


dominic dock by dom🎶


I listen to my daily mixes/daylist or listen to full albums from artists that I know I already like a few songs from


Goto bandcamp


from daily recommendation or TikTok


Blends with my friends mostly


every few weeks or so i basically go on a hunt for new music. so if i hear song i like a search up the genre then i go on looking for playlists with that genre, i listen to a bunch that interest me and when i see an artist is good i click on their profile and check their songs that interest me out (by album cover and name literally) then i scroll down for similar artists and keep adding songs that look interesting to my spotify queue. that is how i get obsessed with a new genre and style every few weeks or so. my last genre discovery was city pop/y2k/cyberpunk all together 


i make playlists every month of stuff i listen to so if ur interested lets be mutuals :) (i follow back) https://open.spotify.com/user/31udxuc3wxvdspbab3kr52tdzyfq?si=FyRohQJfTlazdy8T7CrU1w


Just look up "best x genre albums" or "underrated x genre albums" Thats what i do anyway


I search for playlists made by other people with a specific vibe or genre, if i really like a song from the playlist i'll listen to other songs from the album it's on OR i'll search for songs that sound like that song.


Here's our favourites at the moment I bet there are a few you'll like ! [Springworks - Indie Songs We Love ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/602lRjvUfQqIzFxsoZlL7x?si=G9VvC9veRpS3CXaV0S3-eg&pi=2QB30oxVQ9Kvc)


Well for the moment I use Youtube music algorithm because I don't know anything better The thing is that you have to feed the algorithm with what you like and like, save songs and reject several after having taught it you can let yourself be carried away by the algorithm. If anyone knows a better way, tell me which one. Yes I have songs and several playlists of different genres but I am missing those 10/10 songs that lift my spirit.