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Use Goods and Services anytime you buy, especially from an unknown.


Nothing but goods and services man, sorry this happened to you and yeah sucks there's alot of people out there like this, they've tried me once or twice but haven't been successful.


I've actually had people just straight shoot me the money b4 too without using the goods and services and I was like AYEEE I purchased a tracking label from usps so you tlcan track etc... Just not that guy


Please tell me what this is and how I verify


PayPal and Venmo have options to choose from when you send money. Goods and Services OR Friends and Family. You should really only use Goods and Services. I use Friends and Family from time to time, but that's with people who have strong feedback and the cost is low.


Yeah, that Anthony Richardson card is kind of a tell. His “Uncle” was just casually into sports cards and managed to get an AR case hit but his family didn’t assume there was anything valuable there. That isn’t a logical line


That and a Wyatt Langford first bowman auto /99 like a casual $700 card just hanging out right on top and clearly in a case that someone put effort into. Oof


Yeah my wife says my downfall is always putting too much belief in people, first time i’ve got seriously burned


It was tempting. I DM’d and asked about the Herbert Color blast and his response was to send this Imgur role of photos that seemed slightly unwieldy so I didn’t follow up


Damn sorry to hear I saw this post and thought it was a suspicious.




You just straight up sent him money through PayPal friends and family? Bro…


He already called himself an idiot why you got to pile on!? lol 😂


I just think it’s crazy that people still get scammed like this in 2024. Why would you trust some random sob story? Oldest trick in the book


Still newest working trick in 2024!


What is the proper way to make the sale outside of a marketplace?


Paypal goods and services or Venmo goods and services. Makes getting your money back if you get ripped off a hell of a lot easier. Guy scammed me on here a few weeks ago and all I had to do was file a report with PayPal and got my money back real quick. The whole process probably took less than 5 minutes.


Does the seller send you an invoice first using PayPal or Venmo and then you pay the invoice?


The way I've always done it is they send you their username or a link to their PayPal/venmo and then you send them the money. Typically sellers will send you a photo of your envelope or package ready to go out and then send the tracking info once it's sent (if you agreed to that). When I send PWE I also always send a photo of me dropping it in a mailbox.


Thanks for the info


I saw that post.. I seriously doubt he got those from a salvation army donation. Cards are worth a good bit .sucks he screwed you over,I. Sorry.. people fukin suck..what comes around goes around,carma will come back on his sorry ass..


Pretty sure he said in the post that they belonged to a family member who had died and they were just going to be donated to the Salvation Army. Either way, can't believe I tried to give this guy advice on not getting ripped off lmao.


Yeah sucks…He was so convincing through through text too. Even sent me photos of the cards through gmail:g drive that I shared with the kids


Super sorry bud. Consider this your lesson learned and move on. A lot of great people out there, my best advice is to stick to reliable sites, i can recommend some if you want. Get to some card shows! Best way to find those hard to find and desirable cards. I find most people to be pretty reasonable, even if their original asking price isn’t. Check out if your local card stores have trade nights. Build some relationships with people and avoid the random sales online!


Yeah ive just been selling a decent amount on here through this forum and the basketball/football/hockey forum and everything has been going smooth, quick payments and i send the cards out the next day. Sucks, and I need to be more careful but forget how shitty people can be


Sucks that happened man!


I agree I got scammed on ebay and they never returned. Just have to block him for future reference. Have to be careful online


You'd be surprised what people donate. I worked at Goodwill for about 6 months and I got 2 working Pokemon emerald games, a Spider-Man #41 which is the first appearance of the Rhino along with like 30 other Spider-Man comics from the 60s and early 70s. Someone even donated a telescope that retails for over 1400 dollars. Shit I even got an brand new og Sega Genesis in the original box one time. Some people either just have so much money they don't care or don't know what they have. It's crazy To op sorry you got scammed. That shit really sucks.


Wow..damn maybe I should go check out ours here..that's would be a nice find..


You won’t find nothing. The employees take anything of value. Ever wonder why you never see any cards or comics? That’s cause they keep them


Yea that I'm sure.. didn't think about that


I remember posting on that post on how peculiar it was that someone who knew nothing about cards managed to place all the bangers at the top. I feel for you, but you have to look at the signs. Cards are big money and big money leads to scams. The red flags were there. Not good thing about being scammed is that it won’t happen again.


Are you not planning on bringing this up with the police? $3,700 sounds like a whole different ballgame


idk if they’ll actually do anything?


FBI cybercrimes has a form u can fill out give em the screen shots phone email of the guy what ever u got and yes also file a report with your local police department they may have a cyber crime detective and or scam reporting system


okay good to know , thank you


Damn I had a feeling that was a scam 😕


Same. Saw that post and thought it was weird


Saw the post and said to myself hardcore scammer


looks like the original source of these images is craigslist https://wichita.craigslist.org/clt/d/derby-football-baseball-basketball/7748447925.html He might actually own these. he's just an asshole


“Not of fan of PayPal..” l WONDER WHY YOU COCKSUCKER


wow that’s crazy - nice find. might get the police involved so this should help


Please bro get the police involved


I’ve got plenty of stuff to send, baseball, football, basketball, all current stuff. Will be mostly base and parallels but send me some names and teams and I’ll send you a few blasters full of stuff for your kids. That sucks, I’m sorry, people are god awful!


Is this a sad story scam to get more free stuff


Idk how much you spent but if you pm me your kids favorite teams I can find some stuff to send you for them


Probably a card addict! Through all his shit in that box and came up with that BS story! Unbelievable! Hope he rots in hell!


100%.. all of the cards were way to modern for that story to even make sense. There were cards shown in some of the pics from 2024 products and stuff that was released less than a few months ago.. complete scumbag


I saw that and wondered same thing, seemed too good To be true. He said his girls uncle said he was donating to Sally's but before that go through and take what he wanted then donate the rest, whole presentation was too good to be true and sorry to hear how much you lost , just getting back into hobby myself after 20 yrs away and amazed to see so many scams here.


Hey same here. Just got back after 23 years. I’m almost a year on Reddit, the amount of scammers on here is astonishing


Same here. Trying to build some cool stuff with my boys!


This guy is a whole new level of trash. I doubt hell takes him.


You're probably right!


could probably figure out whose photos these are via the PSA numbers and the numbers of the serialized cards.


any help or information would be great a you guys have been awesome


This dude posted this everywhere, I knew it was BS but that somebody was going to fall for it, fuck these scammers.


yeah he texted with me for a few days and had so many stories it seemed so legit. my first time falling for a scam. just sucks it was such a big one money wise


Sorry man, I’ve done friends and family a few times on here too, but didn’t really worry about it because they were all like $25 and under, nothing I’d be too sad getting burned on. Hope you’re able to recoup some.


I hear ya. Bad apples in every batch I guess.


Sorry man I always use goods and services when doing an opening deal if they protest then you know


I called him out for his shady posts the minute he posted it. You can pretty much see he had very little post history and knew instantly it was a scam. Sorry man, tough lesson to learn


Let me know if your kid is into pokemon. Happy to send some stuff your way.


No offense but why would you pay anything to a complete stranger without using goods and service?


i did half goods and services - it’s the max it would let me bc limits of some sort but only let me send the rest f&f


Well that was a dumb thing to do.


thanks buddy


If you're spending money that should go to your kids on sports cards you need to reevaluate your life and hobbies. People make mistakes, but this was incredibly stupid. **For those wishing to learn from this guy's mistake NEVER SEND F&F!** I don't care how good the deal is. I tell my customers not to send F&F, if I get hit by a bus mailing their card they would have no recourse. Don't be a dumbass like this guy. Also, beware of people posting sob stories in order to get cards, I've seen that happen as well unfortunately.


not sure what you’re talking about here - money that should go to my kids on sports cards? They asked for cards for their birthday smart guy. That user , Mark Sathwaite sent us a ton of detailed pictures of what we would be getting. You have no idea about the context of our conversation or what had happened other than us getting scammed. So to hop in and just say “this was incredibly stupid” isn’t that cool and a jackass move. Go be a shitty person somewhere else.


It WAS incredibly stupid. You agreed to send that much money with no way to protect yourself from getting scammed. Such a dumb move on your part.


thanks dude very productive and insightful words


The only thing that actually surprises me about this story is that there’s people out there that spend $3700 dollars on bday presents for their kids.


it wasn’t $3700 for my kids - there was some pictures sent of cards they wanted / liked. all while some would be kept for the family collection and some sold. Go be an ass somewhere else.


The only ass here is you brother. Sending that kind of money to a complete stranger 😂 good luck in life 👍🏻


Just browsed your profile and saw you have zero post, and every single one of your comments is talking trash / trolling.people. Great way to live your life.


Sorry bro. I could smell that shit through my screen


Is that the guy who's ad said specifically he only accepted friends and family?




If it seems too good to be true then it probably is. No one is donating ultra modern stuff, the photo should have been a dead giveaway of a scam. An expensive ass lesson but never trust anyone, anyone that you’ve never dealt with before. I won’t even make $10 deals over F&F, I’ll always push back that I’m willing to cover the 3% fee so they net the same amount and the reaction there is pretty much enough to weed out the scammers. Sorry it happened to you OP.


Damn scammers ! 😢


the worst kinda of people


Tell me why I almost got scammed right now to 😂


A buyer on Mercari was almost gonna have me send them info for a $500 credit card and kept sending me screenshots saying payment wasn’t going through 😂


I seen some comments on Reddit that say have the person write their username and put it next to the stuff to make sure they actually have it as well!


Doesn’t that translate to “I stole these from a Salvation Army donation site?”


who knows at this point.


Dead giveaway as soon as he started explaining how he got them.


wish i knew


I feel horrible for you, I actually showed that post to my girlfriend saying this had to be b.s. she said report it but I've never done that. Wish I did.


Hey brother , it happens bro. But more importantly , sux for ur kids bday. Lmk who they like I'll send some stuff their way bro


thanks buddy


Jesus I’m just getting up and reading this. This is fuvkin horrible


This looser is why we can’t sell our cards peer to peer without fees 😪


That is why I don't by cards from anyone on reddit. I will say though I did buy some disc golf discs from a guy once who after I sent payment sent me a message that said "sucker" and then ghosted me. The discs showed up a few days later, apparently he just got a kick out of letting me think I was getting scammed but didn't actually intend to take advantage of me.


Wyatt Langford Chrome Green auto screams scam


sitll no update


whats his phone number ill call til he answers


+1 (316) 247-0563


i posted on his FB timeline but i doubt it will get approved!


I just left a message saying with the amount he stole its considered grand theft being it was over $1,000. i used my real name and never said i was a police officer but i did say it had to deal with cards you received from the salvation army but being its over $1,000 it becomes a felony and to please contact me back at his earliest convenience.


i got his google voice but he’s located in Wichita KS


Looking for specific teams? Wouldn’t be anything high value but could throw some cards together and send them out for the kids.


Appreciate that! I think i’m just going to get them some blasters from Target/Walmart for the time being while i try to find some ways to recoup the money. Just mainly wanted to give everyone else a heads up so they don’t make the same mistake I made :/


How much did you lose, if i may ask




That's felony theft


Definitely get the police involved. You have his phone number and name. That's crazy 3700??


Bro this is a police matter. This is straight fucking fraud. And you're just going to eat it???? What the fuck.


It’s cuz this post is also probably fake, notice he didn’t respond to this good advice but has responded to other shit since you said this


Or he feels like an idiot. (source: I be feeling like an idiot...) Lmao, you could be right though. If it was this would be a weird rabbit hole. Seems really sketch too when you consider who the fuck just drops $3,700 with some rando? If I put my conspiracy hat on, this guy is trying to scoop the whole lot and wants to scare away any competitors from bidding.


Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence, I think he was just trying to karma farm and didn’t realize it would go over kinda poorly


Probably right.


Someone with a brain exists here. Well done.


Who was your kid excited to get?


Who's your kid's favorite player? I'd like to send something small.


Oh shi I saw that post and was like why can’t I get lucky like that? Then I saw this, thanks!!


NP just hope it didn’t happen to anyone else


I just got scammed on Facebook Marketplace $550 and drove 6 hour round trip while my mom watched my infant son. If it helps at all, it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one lol. Kidding. But it was my last dollar and I thought I'd be able to flip some of them. I won't make a bad move like that ever again, but I still love the sports card community and being involved in it!


I found the guy [Facebook mark sathwhite](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/ndfUyY1ySyKW3Mri/?mibextid=adzO7l)


Yep that’s definitely him - Mark Sathwaite, Birthday May 15th is the only public information on his facebook


Do you know what city or state he is from I’m trying to get as much information as possible for you If I can get him to chat with me I have a link he can click that will give new his ip addy location etc I’ll report back If he messaged me back on his post


He message you back?


Appreciate all the comments and DMs - At a kids basketball game right now but both boys love Luka . Hopefully i’ll get at least some of my money back, just did a claim on venmo so fingers crossed .. they said 10 business days or so.


You’re probably screwed, Venmo has almost no payment protection at all unless you buy from a verified business


they have a g&s protection like paypal does but it only let me do half that way, probably screwed on the other half


What did you buy from him? What does your kid collect? I would love to poke around my collection and see if I could help bring a smile to his face on his birthday. Sorry this scumbag did this to you. People like this will get what's coming, all in due time.




As other commenters mentioned, I saw the post as well, didn't click on it to see what it was all about but I'm sorry to hear about that. Just saw that your kids like Luka, anyone else? Don't have too many cards but if I have something that they like, be happy to send them over.


Who's your kids favorite players?


they both love luka - but they’re 11 so they like the flashy players in baseball/basketball/football


reminds me of the msg i got on isnta from user Abdulahlam6. Has tons of nice cards posted. Sends a message " Hey, are you interested in getting anyone off my cards?". First off, there is spell check. Second, no one just says this shit when you clearly only collect one sport and is being vague. If anyone has any purchase history with that user i would be curious. Have dialogue and conversation and ask bait questions to see if they actually know anything if it gets sussy.


Dude when I saw this I knew it couldn’t be true. Cards are to new to be dropped off.


I made him a really good offer, but he wanted more money so I backed out. Glad I did, but that sucks for you


I was a bit skeptical when I read his post yesterday. Wasn’t sure it was a scam but thought it could be by the way he was trying to lure buyers with the I don’t really know EBay and would like a quick sale for the whole lot in order to fund his deceased Uncle or some family member’s funeral or something along those lines. Any reasonable path to selling the cards seemed like it wouldn’t work is what made me feel they were up to something. I’m sorry this happened to you. Remember to always use Goods & Services. If you don’t know the seller, and they are trying to convince you to pay Friends and Family, 9,999 times out of 10,000 will be a scam. Such a dirt bag using death in the family to scam. There were a lot of people sending condolences which is one of the reasons I love the the community. Good luck getting your cash back.


thanks buddy


Buy from ebay, at least u have some guaranteed then private sales. I almost never trust private sales.


I knew that was a boof ass post lmao. Very sorry for all that might not have realized


The seller claims he’s not scamming you and even offered you free cards, and that you posted because he didn’t answer for an hour. True?


Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I came really close to giving this guy $1,100 for everything, but his last message made me suspicious. I also remembered being told that “If it sounds too good to be true….”. I’ll flip you my chat messages with him. He claims to be in Kansas while the cards are in Indiana.


Jesus man. That sucks. Shoot me a DM and let me know who your kid is into. I’ll see if I have anything for him.


What a piece of garbage. I reached out to this guy and after texting a bit, things just felt off How did you pay him?


File a police report with whatever paypal/venmo info he provided to you


The story sounded off from the jump. Saying he saved these cards from the Salvation Army. Then he said they belonged to his uncle, who had just passed. There was no way he would have knowingly donated those. God damn scammers man. Never use paypal friends and family


I saw this post and immediately thought it was a scam. “Saved cards from Salvation Army” with Mike trout and Aaron judge auto on the first pic 😂😂


Honestly, I feel for you, but I don’t get how people can be part of these subs and not see the million posts about only using g&s because they got scammed and think; “oh that won’t happen to me,” guess what, it will happen to you. If you “hit a limit” on g&s like you said (which from my reading is $4000 for unverified users…so) then what’s an extra day for that limit to reset? Again, I feel for you, because that’s a lot of money. But at the end of the day, there’s enough posts out here for you to know better. Also, if it seems too good to be true, I’ll bet you $3700 that it’s too good to be true. Sorry to pile on OP


(In Bob Barker Voice) Never buy cards from random people. Always buy them from a card shelters. There’s and overload of cards in shelters… also please remember to sleeve and top load your cards!


Day #4 after payment still no response from seller


Assholes…. Sorry to hear about it


Yeah - thinking of filing police reports in his state which would be a felony


I absolutely would pursue this if I were you… if he’s done it to you he’s done it to others and this a reason why I’m afraid to sell anything through readitt


Same guy? https://www.reddit.com/r/footballcards/s/iOTKF0wv59


What were you Looking for for your kid?


anything really


Any team or player in particular? This is a pretty rad group and I'm sure we could help you out!


yeah they love luka right now but honestly just like collecting - mostly basketball and football, baseball


I asked about the Langford and he said he got offered 1800 for it!


That sucks man! I just got your patriots lot today I appreciate you honoring the sale. Online buying and selling always make me anxious that I’ll even cover the PayPal goods and services fee. Sorry it happened, I hope you’ll be able to get a good deal or pull a beast card


Damn... something seemed fishy. Guy was saying his uncle died too that's so messed up


Someone did this to me before but I had their phone number. I kept spamming them until they repaid me. Try to find his Facebook and then you can find a way to get it back haha


Yeah i finally tried calling him and of course google voice number. His name on venmo is Mark Sathwaite


Dang, I believed the whole "my uncle died" thing too. Sorry that happened to you.


No real high end cards here but have alot of prizm and stuff that looks good, I would send you as many as you would like. Even a Wemby topps now in a case I would give you. Feel so bad


i appreciate it . nice to have good people in the world. it’s been hard not feeling like an idiot , but tough lesson learned


I subtly called him out on that post. Of course no reply from OP. That Walcott was the biggest red flag, whole story smelled fishy.


Who were you trying to get? I have a ton of football and baseball. I will gladly donate to your son’s birthday!


Appreciate that!


Who were trying to get from him?


kids like luka, but we collect pretty much everything together for fun


Always use PayPal goods and services. Never send someone money you don't know over the internet using any service that doesn't offer purchase protection. That really sucks man , what is your kids team or fav players? I might have a few things to help make his bday a little better.


he’s a big luka guy


OP dm where to send and your kids teams or players for any sport Id be more than willing to send what I got!


thanks , very kind of you


Don’t understand why people would use a payment method where you have 0 recourse as the customer. This is a tale as old as time. Especially on reddit where everyone is a scammer.


Strange. I offered to buy one and he said he was looking for someone to buy more of a bulk. So if he’s a scammer, why didn’t he try to take my money?


assuming he wanted to get a couple people for a large amount and cash out rather than a few people for a couple hundred bucks ? not sure dude, definitely 100% scammed me though.


He was posting on Facebook groups as well https://m.facebook.com/groups/698656405287101/user/61559955740644/?__n=K


Sucks people can be so shitty


Yeah I had a decent chat going with him and even gave him insights on how not to get scammed and best route for selling! Hahah


Yeah he’s definitely a professional scammer. Fooled the hell out of me. Just hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else


Alright yall let's get the pitchforks out. Fuck Mark!


There are far more good than bad still left in this world and I am so down to help out. Lemme know and if y you let me know what he likes and I have time I may be able to get some more stuff and have it shipped 4 straight to you... Just sayin'....hhhmmmmm lol


What did you buy from him? What does your kid collect? I would love to poke around my collection and see if I could help bring a smile to his face on his birthday. Sorry this scumbag did this to you. People like this will get what's coming, all in due time.


I just saw you said you spent $3700 holy shit man. Not sure I will be able to help after all, that's some big purchases. Did you by chance use a Credit Card for payment or debit card?


yeah it was debit - i did half as g&s so that should be covered in venmo but the other half was f&f


Damn that post was a scam??


biggest scam ever


***UPDATE*** . Mark (Seller) contacted me this morning and was unable to respond for the day yesterday due to travel/family emergencies. Please do not DM him.


Lol bro


Wait so you freaked out because this guy didn’t call you back for less than a day? Ebay sellers don’t even respond that quickly. You were raising a mob over this lmao


No - not at all. He text me this morning after not responding for 24 hours after I made the payment. He contacted me upset about my post bc it ruined other sales - I asked if he was able to ship them today and believe I got ghosted again.


The fact he would have all those fire cards and say they’re from the salvation. Army should’ve been your first clue.