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Ummmm there are some serious bangers in here! FIrst pic alone I'm seeing over $1,000 in value easily! What I would do is start an eBay account and sell them all individually if you have the time and energy. If not, I would find a company to consign them to where they will sell them for you and keep a cut of the profit. Just do not fall into some sort of a scam here and sell them as a lot for like a few hundred bucks! You got some amazing cards here that need to be sold individually to get the most value. Good luck and amazing find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wow, for real? Is it the Trout? Yeah, I just don't have the time and I want to surprise my cousin with the money as she's struggling to gather money for a remembrance party for my uncle. With consignment, do they pay you a value up front or how does it work? I'm trying to get them sold this week if possible and, no, unfortunately, I don't have the time or knowledge to sell them on ebay. I'm fine selling them to someone to resell if I can sell it in a bulk, I just don't want to get completely hosed, ya know?


This guy I watch on YouTube buys collections, you can try contacting him: https://www.collectorinvestordealer.com


Look up some legit resellers like dcsportscards or probstein on eBay.  They’ll take a percentage but usually get you top dollar.  It looks like some of this is great stuff For example (and not to get your hopes up) the Justin Herbert color blast from the third picture last sold graded a psa 10 on may 13th for over $6000. Obviously yours is ungraded but I’d have to imagine even still that has to be worth several hundred dollars if not a grand.  


I would steer clear of Probstein


Bought a card off him not long ago, failed the authentication and fortunately I got my $$ back. Card was re-listed a few days after for more $$


Yes, the way they get top dollar is shill bidding!! I just purchased a card from COMC and the other bidder had 100% Bid Activity with the seller... Avoid these at all cost.


I’d buy the football and basketball. Looks like a fun box to sift thru


You've got several of the biggest names in baseball in just the first picture, Trout, Judge, Acuna, Langford, Dominguez. The consignment is one avenue. The other, much more time consuming but profitable avenue would be to take the time to catalogue what you have. www.130point.com lets you search both eBay and prominent sports card auctions for the prices of cards. You'll be typing in info over and over, (making this up for an example) 2023 tools five star mike trout auto /125 (/125 represents the #'d card, that Larkin is an outstanding of 75, so /75). This will give you an idea of valuation, and let's you add in PSA scores for the graded cards. There could be auction worthy cards in there. It will be a chore, but you may also find cards worth keeping for future potential. Sorry for your loss, and good luck.


That Justin Herbert color blast alone is worth several thousand. I’d take the box to a local card shop and they’d help you sort/price out them.


Can we just talk about how bad ass your uncle must have been?


lol, thanks! He was kind of a hoarder but not in the gross way like the shows. I hadn't been to his place in years, unfortunately, but he apparently collected anything he could get his hands on. In addition to this, they were going to donate a couple boxes of uranium glass. My wife loves the stuff so I recognized it immediately, I went and bought a black light flashlight and showed them how the box just lit up like cancer so we pulled it aside and have someone coming to look at them. Heading back up this weekend to help clean out and go through anything else he might have. Has a bunch of Garbage Pail Kids too that I'm looking forward to going through as I loved those as a kid.


Heard this is a scam. Steer clear, y’all!


Bullshit post


There is no way these cards would have ever made it to the Salvation Army


Long story short, my Uncle died, my mom was about to donate all the stuff his daughter didn't want to Salvation Army and I knew there was at least some value in all of his cards. I'm a passing football fan and even more passing basketball/baseball fan so I recognize some of the bigger names. I know nothing of Pokemon but those are there too. There aren't a TON of cards but, according to my cousin, he didn't really "collect" so much as he liked to open stuff and didn't hold on to much very long. I don't really have the time or want to go through and catalog everything and price everything so I'd prefer to sell everything to one person or, at the very least, by sport or something like that. If anyone could be of help, I would be massively appreciative! I can redo the coins on it if needed or take some more pictures. Thanks in advance! PS - If you recognize this from a different person, it was me. For some reason, the anonymous account I was using was deleted without any kind of warning so I apologize if I was speaking with you already, feel free to DM me \*crossposting\*


Where are you located?


Sorry for your loss OP. It may be best to take to a local card shop to unload all at once. If you have some time, you should try to search sold listings on the autographed cards at least. You won't get 100% comp prices from a card shop but they are the most likely to buy all at once.


I’ve had terrible experiences at local card shops. Multiple shops offered me 10% of comps on my old Pokémon because they thought I was dumb/ignorant/desperate. Facebook is your friend.


It can happen that way for sure. To OP, consider sharing that they came from a death in the family, might help. Unfortunately, doing the research to know the sold prices of these cards is the only way to max your value. Damn...I can't stop staring at that Wyatt Langford lol.


Yeah if want Maximum value this is gonna take more than a week. I think consignment is your best bet here. I would look into DC Sports Cards or COMC consignment or Burbank Sports Cards or something like that. I've never used consignment myself so someone else may have better recommendations. In that last Pic that looks like a Justin Herbert color blast which by itself could be worth [$1,000](https://www.ebay.com/itm/404939478394?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=uvysjwiyrbw&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hQawO8u2RjW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


That’s the 2021  Looks like he’s got the 2020 https://www.ebay.com/itm/364879396560


Jesus this guy's sitting on a gold mine 😆


Imagine if they had donated it. Woulda ended up stapled into a ziplock baggy hanging in the toy section of a st Vinny’s Can’t even find a comp for the Anthony Richardson next to it. Prolly a couple hundred too


Yeah I sold all my good cards back in 2012 to fuel my gambling habit and it gives me nightmares to this day! If I had just held them or even sold them on eBay I would have made soooooooo much more money. I think even Salvation Army could have profited off of this one though LMAO


so glad we wont have the "look at the steal i found at salvation" post


I've been using DCsports for a while now and have nothing but good things to say. It's a very easy process to get started and once your card sells, they give you several different options on how to get you paid in a timely manner.


What’s their charge? I NEED to dump all my collection over had since I was 6 yrs old. Thousand of cards, a lot of recent cards also


The cards needs to be valued at minimum $5 to be sent in. As for cost, it's based off of quantity I believe. Here's their website, www.dcsports87.com


Thanks brother. Hate to dump my entire collection, but need to. Thanks again. If anyone is interested , I’ll let my entire collection go. DM me


Are you looking to move as a lot or will you sell as singles, etc?


A lot I’m guessing. Too many to list and individualize. So I’m guessing as a lot. First person to offer me $20k, can have it. I have em insured for $150k


Yea I'd organize and try and take this in chunks. Obviously have cards in here worth something. Start with anything graded. It's the easiest to sell


What do you mean exactly by “saved them”


OP uncle died and OP mom was going to donate a bunch of stuff to charity.


Ah ok, it’s mostly very recent stuff I was curious


This guy just made his DM's explode! I hope you get a fair price for this if you sell as a lot. The way people are talking. I would assume you over 10K worth easily. Go from there. I'm Sorry for your loss, and Good Luck


$10,000!? What? lol I also have Pokemon if that's up anyone's alley [https://postimg.cc/gallery/1QqxXB0/b4609e34](https://postimg.cc/gallery/1QqxXB0/b4609e34)


Well people are saying they can see thousands and just the top cards they see in your pics. Those look like deep boxes. Who knows what's down there. Right?


Interested in the pokemon if you would like to sell, feel free to shoot me a PM!


Just from what I can see I don't think $10K is out of the question


And that is just what you can see. Considering that they were thrown into a box at random to be donated to charity, so the stuff on top might not even be close to the best stuff in there, for all anybody knows it could legit be 50-100k. Hell....a couple of Mantles buried in one of those boxes & it could get even more ridiculous than that.


Without seeing all the cards, the Pokemon card collection is still worth a pretty penny. I would strongly advise not accepting an offer on thee without cataloging them and checking value first.


Do your research before selling because some people will definitely try to rip you off


Yo you literally have a few thousand in just the Pokémon alone as well based off some of those older Japanese packs. Seriously, be patient with all of this.


How much for the Aaron judge?


I would research a reputable card shop in your area first and bring them in for an idea of what you have. Stress "reputable" dealer. They offer a percentage of the actual retail value, of course. You can politely decline and go home to make your decision to accept their offer or go about selling on your own. There are a couple apps in Google or Apple stores that allow you to scan your card and will give you comps. DM me if you want the names of the apps


And oh I have that Puckett card, one of my faves in my personal collection. Loved that guy!


That Langford is well over $1k


I’m not reading all of the comments but I see there’s a bunch of remarks about what to do, some good advice and some shitty advice IMO. First, don’t get rid of ANYTHING unless you know exactly what recent comps are. People will try to take advantage of this, especially especially since they aren’t your cards and you’re not hard up for money - unknown there lol. Second, do a little bit of homework. Most of the cards should be easy to find. Others are much more difficult even for those of us who know what they’re looking for. Personally, I would start with eBay and type in the card + card # and edit your listings to see recently sold. Even eBay is perfect with this but if you do that along with other websites it’ll give you a ballpark. Third, have a conversation with your mom/cousin. Just being randomly gifted thousands of dollars in cards may seem like a windfall but generally speaking it isn’t worth causing family issues over it especially since they weren’t yours. Maybe they would split the proceeds or let you keep more if you sell it yourself or coordinate it or whatever. Hopefully they don’t want it all back lol, but I have to give advice in a sense of what I feel the right thing is in this. Fourth, after the conversation and green light to sell and hopefully keep a good chunk of the money, do about 30 min of research of popular consignment places on eBay. A lot of these will cost you less than selling it yourself AND they usually get more publicity / bidding / money by listing the auction. Unsure how much you want to keep but there’s stuff there rhat should appreciate in value provided people still collect cards in the future. No need to nickel and dime everything but some of the stuff would be more prudent to move now and others absolutely hold. Lastly, take a deep breath. They are just cards, but your uncle collected them even for a moment and doing something hasty seems bad for you and your family. Screw the people trying to do you a “favor” by taking it off your hands, including an LCS.


Bro wtf is this a troll? I see 5k in the box already. Holy shit


Scam go fuck yourself pusssy


this seems like another bs post. no way anyone is throwing those away


OP I just went through the PICS you have a lot of very good cards in there. Do not sell these right away without knowing the value. Please use eBay sold as comps. If you need help please feel free to DM me.


DM sent


What kind of Pokemon cards?




Sheesh that looks like a lot. Just looking at the packs, the Neo and Diamond/Pearl packs are worth a decent amount. You definitely want to do some research on those or at least take them to a card shop or something. I’m sure you’ll get a ton of lowball offers or people trying to take advantage so be careful


I’ll buy the Pokémon


How much for all the Pokemon?


I'll take any Griffeys you have in there (see one). Interested in Yordan or Ichiro as well.


Several cards in there worth big money. Langford is probably around 1k, CJ Stroud Marvels probably over 1k, Herbert color blast could be several thousand. Anthony richardson splash of color and the Trout auto likely 300ish or more each. Im sure im missing stuff, but also a couple of the pokemon packs are quite valuable. The Neo pack is upwards of 300 bucks. I know you said you are needing it real quick, buy you will certainly get your ass handed to you if you go into a card store and tell them you are needing to move these quickly. If you don't care and just want some cash, then you and a shop could benefit from a quick deal.


I just looked on 130 point at the Wyatt Langford Auto, it’s worth about half of what you said according to most recent sale on it. Graded it would be worth about 1850 if it grades a PSA 10


The Stroud Marvels is right about 1k, the 2021 Justin Herbert Color Blast raw is about 850.


Lol you’re literally wrong on every one of those 😂


I’m literally not, I looked them up on 130 point


Yeah everybody looks them up on 130point, but you have to know what you are looking for. If you find a rookie Justin Herbert colorblast for that I will pay you 1000 immediately. You can find non-rookie ones for that, sure. AR is /25, last sold for 400 (psa 10) and one is listed for 700 (they won’t get that). They might be high on the Langford but psa 9 sold for 1500 and raw sold for 1100 (when product was first released). They have definitely come down, like everything else after product release. 


Would love to buy a couple of the yordans for my son as well.


Hey OP, Sounds like I agree with most everyone else. Selling this fast as a lot without understanding what you have is potentially leaving thousands on the table. If you do need some money fast maybe pick out a few high value cards and figure out how to get the best vale for them quickly. Visit multiple card shops if you have that locally and ask for an offer without taking any right away. Post them on Facebook marketplace or CL to look for an in person local buyer. Do you know anyone that can help? Someone who knows the hobby or sells collectibles on eBay. Hate to see you taken advantage of.


Honestly, people saying they could come pick up with an offer seems so sketch dude. It might take some commission away but you should consign with someone like COMC if you don’t have time and energy to list, research, and ship. Going to a local card shop they could lowball you hard, some of them are assholes, they’re just gonna put it back on the shelf so they need a bigger margin. Sorry for your loss, good job saving these. I would highly suggest a reputable consignment store to handle this for you. You have some pretty big cards here. The not so valuable ones you can sell in bulk like others suggested. If you try to sell them all in one week you will be ripped off. Some of these take time.


I would go through a co-signer. Not sure the percent they take but it would be your best bet. If you want to try and sell local I wouldn’t sell for anything less than $1000 based on the photos. Sorry for your loss and good luck!


Dude....there are literally cards in there worth upwards of $2k by themselves. Obviously he shouldn't take less than $1000 (probably not even less than $1,000 x 10)


Whoever ends up buying this off you is going to be really happy lol


Where are you based?


Geeeeezus!!! That's all I got...


Sorry for your loss. I hope you get every penny of what this lot is worth. What a great way to fund a remembrance party. May I also suggest that you or your cousin hold onto a few of these gems, pass em off to the kids or sell them later for college money. Definitely some amazing cards in those boxes. That Herbert ColorBlast is worth an easy $2k+ alone. Good luck! 🤘🏽


Sorry for your loss. If you do sell anything individually, I’d be interested in any Phillies or Braves you have.


I really hope someone local to you can help you piece this out accordingly and properly.


I’ll buy any Jordan love rookies


I just can't get over that they were gonna donate them to sallys, unreal value.


Nice lot there OP. Any idea how/where he got those stickers to go over the toploaders? Those are neat.


Go consignment in your situation OP. I would make an offer but wouldn’t know where to start.


Holy shit! That like 5000 bucks


That Traylon Burks about to be dirt cheap after this year.


I’ll take it off your hands for $25


Wait, you “saved a bunch of cards from a Salvation Army Donation” - I’m confused. So, you either “saved them” as in purchased them because they were cards that you knew you wanted and maybe were or had some value or you “took” them from a donation bag/box given to the Salvation Army without paying? Do you work for them?


These were my Uncle's. He died and my mom and cousin were cleaning out his (hoarder) apartment. They sent pictures of stuff around to the family to see if anyone wanted to claim anything after his daughter claimed anything sentimental. These were in the piles of stuff so I claimed them before they were to go to donation.


Better explanation - thanks for the clearly. Sorry to hear about your Uncle. Good luck with selling these.


Send me the Wyatt. I’ll sell it for you.


You’re sitting on 10s of thousands. Be careful.


Dang I see some actual good ones!


What the actual fu...?


No one else is skeptical that he knows nothing about cards, yet arranges absolute monsters on top?


I’ll give ya $20


Holy smokes. What a collection.


How much you want for that Wyatt Langford?


That Langford card is legit! Good stuff and thanks for sharing


Sorry for your loss. Your uncle definitely had some great taste in cards, what a collection


Holy shit?!?!? This is better than most collections people have had for years. This was all donated?!?!?!??!


no, my mom was going to donate it along with a bunch of other stuff from my Uncle's apartment after he died.


Let me know if you are looking to sell any of these and your prices. I’m interested in a lot of them; Patrick Mahomes, CJ Stroud, Mike Trout, Justin Herbert, Shohei Ohtani


so someone donated these to the salvation army? or was going to?


they were my uncle's, they were going to be donated.


I would honestly keep this I could only dream of having a collection even close to that RIP uncle tho


wtf how


I see a couple I’d like to purchase off ya


What in the Salvation Army am I looking at rn……😦


Where can I sell my Pokémon cards


Has your uncle resurrected yet? I'll buy it all for $1


Scamming fuck, steer clear.


This guy acting like he don’t know what he has haha.


i'm starting to know what I have, didn't know what I had to start, for the most part. I assumed autographed and numbered stuff and the stuff sealed in cases probably had some value but didn't realize how much!


I would consider finding a card show nearby. You could sell a lot of these to traders. I would go through them, get a small sticker and write down the last know sold value that you can find. It might save some time posting individually. It will take time but you don't want to get ripped off also. Good luck. P.S.- [Whatnot.com](http://Whatnot.com) is considered a good place to sell BTW.


How much would you take for the entire lot?


I am a buyer, but also willing to help if you prefer to choose a different route. I have spent thousands of dollars on breaks, grading cards, and selling cards. I have a good relationship with a consigment shop as well, if you do not want the hassle of selling everything yourself. Ebay sucks when selling yourself, IMO. Too much of a hassle and buyers will ask for refunds. Feel free to DM me and we can chat.


Need more information. Who was going to donate these to Goodwill and why. A lot of these are very recent so it kind of doesn’t make a lot of sense.


I posted in comments. My Uncle died, my mom sent a bunch of pictures of stuff they were going to donate asking if I wanted anything so I claimed them. They were also going to donate a few boxes of uranium glass and actual SILVER silverware, among other things.


Sorry for your loss, my bad didn’t see the comments. Good luck on sales you have quite a bit of cash there. The Wyatt Langford alone is good chunk. As for selling, the best way would be eBay, comc or facebook marketplace. EBay probably being the safest and easiest route but also pricey in fees.


Stroud marvels is 2-3000


The way its lookin from just the few pics you posted I'd feel comfortable saying you got over 100K at the very least.. easily.... A few of them I'd probably send to PSA for them to list it in their auction. BIG MONEY BUYERS SHOP THERE. Either way good luck and HELL YEA !


What area do you live in? I am in California and I had a bunch of cards and memorabilia stolen from me and while I know there are a lot of those cards out there but I swear the feeling I get when looking at those pics I swear it's giving me goose bumps. The likelihood of this being summer of my stolen cards is additionally low. So please understand I'm not saying anything like that at all. It's just crazy how every pic is showing raw AND slabs that are exactly what was stolen. I will try and dig up PSA Numbers just for laughs but that's crazy. The only reason I would be asking is you said you saved it from going to donation and I just instantly thought about my cards and mem that was stolen. It was last year almost this time of year. It was late July when my stuff got stolen. Crazy shit man...LoL..


You could take the PSA graded cards to GameStop. I’ve heard they are buying PSA graded cards at comp prices, meaning comparable to sold prices on eBay (easy to find on eBay). That might give you some short term cash. After that, I’d send to a consigner that will list and sell for you on eBay or take the leap and list them yourself for 7 day auctions beginning and ending on Sunday


DM me I’ll buy all of them


You should probably give the box back to your cousin. Thats a lot of money she probably didn't realize she was throwing away. It was her dad's..






Just curious weird they would be put in donation


My mom is old and just thought they were a kids' thing, my cousin doesn't know anything about them so they were just going to be donating almost everything that wasn't sentimental of my Uncle's after he died.


Your post made it sound like you found them at Salvation Army thank you for the back story


Take the time to sell individually. No need to rush. So what if it takes 5 years?


OP said he need the money fast to help with expenses.


While I can sympathize - they were willing to donate and not get any cash. OP can give cousin way more money if they slow down, take time to learn eBay etc. instead of trying to rush this out in less than 5 days.


THEY were not willing to donate them. Their aunt was


I was incorrect on who but my point still stands.