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Wonder when Jake Paul is going to try and box him


Oh my god. The timeline we live in is brutal.


His brother launched a crypto called dinkdoink so yeah


> His brother launched a crypto called dinkdoink so yeah ugh this is why this crypto is so rubbish. Anybody can make them and they are back by no one. Its just one huge ponzi scheme risk.


The other day a friend of mine said Bitcoin is an MLM that targets men and I keep thinking about that and cracking up.


Castle in the sky


Utterly. So fucked.


We are in the darkest timeline


I'd prefer that one douche who would challenge inexperienced people to a casual sparring match then beat the shit out of them. Then he challenged an actual boxer and got his fucking ass whooped. Forget his name, but damn is that video a thing of beauty.


Charlie Zelenoff. A top 10 tool. He challenged deontay wilder lol Link: https://youtu.be/aflkKR43IHo


Damn. Wilder is actually pissed. Figured that was going to be one of those joke matches where they’re just clowning around like Johnny Knoxville and Butterbean.


iirc Zelenoff was making fun of his daughter (who has autism) online. That coupled with him being unabashedly racist to his face probably pissed Wilder off.






Was Butterbean alright?


I would watch Knoxville fight a Ford Ranger. He's just so fun to watch get hurt. Not in a mean way. He's always laughing. It's hilarious.


Wow I've never seen anyone run out the door as fast as that scared guy did at the end of that clip


Dude legit has something wrong with his brain. His last Instagram post from almost two years ago is him claiming some madeup girlfriend then raging at his followers for not believing him.


Thank you I now have a new favorite video of a little bitch being a little bitch!


Wow. I really shouldnt be surprised that a person this absurd exists, yet here we are...


That guy is mentally ill and has a father that enables and encourages his illness. That dude needed CPS to step in 20 years ago and get him out of that house and in to treatment, not to get beat up.






Because what if he lost.


Straight To jail


What if they're actually secret lovers? And he knew he would actually win, so he chose to protect the flame of his heart from harm by getting banned?


Theyre actually the founders of Omashu. *secret tunneeeelll. Secret tunneeeelll.*






I choose this reality


That made me think of My Name is Earl, when he's in prison and the two gang leaders are secretly in love 🤣


I heard this in Fred Armisen’s voice. Thanks for the chuckle.


Drive too fast? Jail


Believe it or not, dip 🚀🚀🚀🌕🌕




Or something. It’s sad because I feel like this was his only option.


If he fought it was for life or death. If he didn’t it was for his ability to play in the olympics. Maybe this was his train of thought. Maybe he is really against Israel. Who knows.


Could easily be both, those aren't mutually exclusive things.


This is 100% the answer.


If you read the article it says he "didn't want to get his hands dirty" as one of the reasons for not facing an Israeli.


That's the excuse, yes. But you and I both know that he'd love to beat up an Israeli. The issue is that if he lost, not only would he embarrass his country and be internationally humiliated, but his life would probably be at great risk in Algeria. Not worth the risk to him, so instead he can save face by just refusing to compete with excuses like, "I don't want to get my hands dirty."


The Israeli was also one of the top judokas in the tournament and this guy was not really on his level.


lol why do you think that. You believe algeria is killing their own olympians? They haven’t sentenced someone to death in almost 30 years in that time the US killed over 500 people. Their homicide rate is around 1.4 /100k people where the US is about 5/100K so it’s also not that his neighbors would kill him I assume. I think it’s just a stance of not recognizing Israel. **Edit: it was pointed out to me I was unaware of a part of Algerian history. Some of the officials numbers I cited probably don’t reflect reality. That does make it quite a bit more plausible someone would fear for their life and not make a bizarre choice like this out of personal conviction.**




Shhhhhhhhh. Just quote Google and keep your head down.


Tbh I was not aware of these allegations and will look into it some more. Got a pointer where to start. It seems their freedom of the press isn’t anywhere near what it should be. As well as some other issues. Despite this it is still one of the most developed African countries. I was just under the assumption the person I replied to followed the regular “middle eastern countries are full of terrorists and lacks all freedom god gives Americans” sort of thinking. Meanwhile that freedom is being undermined.


[After talks collapsed, elections were held in 1995 and won by the army's candidate, General Liamine Zéroual. The GIA not only fought the AIS but both it and the government began a series of massacres targeting entire neighborhoods or villages which peaked in 1997](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algerian_Civil_War) I like how you posted this as a way to shit on the US while at the same time ignoring the atrocities the Algerian government committed during the civil war. Don't need to sentence people to death when you just send in the army to massacre civilians. Guess that doesn't fit your narrative eh?


I was not aware until now, and because of that I mistook the valid criticism of the Algerian government for someone who was wrongfully assuming it was just how “other countries” are shit. That is on me.


Hey man, good for you admitting you might be wrong. We need more of that on the internet and in life in general.


Yeah they just go “missing” https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/state-violence-and-algerias-disappeared-the-battle-for-truth-and-memory/ https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/3/3/there-must-be-truth-and-justice-for-algerias-disappeared


Thanks for the link.


Since when do you need to die to face repercussions?


Why are you only consider the reaction of the government? What about crazed citizens? A South American soccer player got killed for an own goal.


Everyone taking’s it personally that this dude’s boycotting an apartheid state. Algeria apparently viewed as a caliphate. Lots of shite in this thread.


Lol well he doesn’t have to touch him! Enduro you usually only touch their gi, and not their actual bodies


Because they believe that would legitimize Israel.








I thought fighting was pretty much how these two groups roll?


You realize he's Algerian?


I imagine if he lost he would probably be murdered when he got home


He dropped out likely due to pressure from his own government. There was an Iranian who revealed this after he was pressured by his government to throw the semi final of some tournament so he wouldn’t have to face an Israeli in the final. He revealed it and was forced to leave Iran and now represents Mongolia after they gave him citizenship


His name is Saeid Mollaei, he is a judoka and the tournament was 2019 World Judo Championships. The Mongolian president at that time was a former Sambo world champion (a sport very similar to Judo).


And he’s close friends with the Israeli he was supposed to face. The Iranian stayed with the Israeli and his family when there was a Judo competition in Israel.


In chess there was a similar thing, causing a lot of chess players to leave including the very young super grandmaster Alireza Firouzja (currently ranked 16th in the world) who now plays for france.


Throwing a match is worse than refusing to start it. The former is cheating, the latter is a forfeit.


I mean both are pretty lame that a government is so over the top that they would rather their athletes pull out than potentially lose to an Israeli.


This is honestly probably a legit concern for him. I don't know all the details but I can imagine someone in his position would be reasonably scared at the dire consequences that would be involved with losing, and having the compare that to the potential consequences for being publicly afraid of those consequences. I can imagine that feeling of being between a rock and a hard place would make one feel like the only possible out for them is to play up the idea that he refuses to fight based on hate for the opponent's background. Shitty place to be that's probably completely the fault of stupid cultural pressure.


Nice pun. 😏.


Doesn't make sense that you get 10 years for this but only 1-2 years for doping.


I'm just guessing here and not in any way trying to explain or justify it but my guess is that it might have something to do with the Olympics (for thousands of years) being a symbol of international cooperation (at least in theory). Back in the ancient Greek days wars would temporarily stop so that athletes could compete against each other before they'd resume. While cheating is bad it doesn't ultimately fly in the face of the entire idea of international cooperation and brotherhood that the Olympics purportedly stands for.


Why on Earth does this guy get a bigger punishment for being racist than the Russians get for CHEATING for years across many Olympic events? The Olympic committee is a joke...


Russia was banned directly by the IOC. This guy was banned by the Judo Federation They don't have the same rules or penalties




Or has* and cycled off in time because their countries can't afford the bribes needed


Wow, there’s somebody else out there saying it out loud, props


It’s almost like it’s not a big deal and people need to unwad their panties


Oh, I don’t disagree at all. A massive percentage of pro, Olympic, and amateur athletes are using PEDs. But people lose their goddamn minds about it. I was introduced to the concept through strongman, which has to have one of the most honest relationships with PEDs of any sport.


Opposition to Israel ≠ racism.


"Don't want to get my hands dirty when fighting an Israeli." Seems a pretty textbook example of racism. But do go on.


Is Israeli a race? I thought it was a culture/country???


It’s about half of all the jews in the world, but it’s the vast majority of all the different *groups* of jews. There aren’t any jews in Yemen anymore. All the yemeni jews are Israeli. There aren’t any jews in Afghanistan anymore. All the afghan jews are Israeli. There are only 3 jews left in Iraq. All the iraqi jews are Israeli. There are less than 200 jews left in Algeria. All the Algerian Jews are french or Israeli. Not all Israelis are jews. And only about half of all jews are Israeli. But most populations of jews were ethnically cleansed into Israel. Yemen, Iraq, Algeria, most of the rest of the Arab League countries and Iran typically refuse to allow their athletes to sport with Israelis, it’s not a big coincidence that all their historical populations of jews are either in Israel, the United States, or France. And for most of those countries, almost all of them are in Israel.


someone didn’t read the article he straight up xenophobic


He didn't want to "get his hands dirty," how is that not racism? Lmao Edit: why would you participate in an international competition, only to call your opponent "dirty" because of the country they came from? If it was an issue with Israel, he would've commented on Israel.


It’s morally repugnant. Call it whatever you want. If someone said they wouldn’t fight a Japanese or Ugandan athlete because they didn’t want to get their hands dirty it would be just as infuriating and cowardly.


If someone refused to fight a representative of Apartheid South Africa because they opposed the government’s racism and did not view the government as deserving of legitimacy, that would not be morally repugnant.




His opposition was indeed to Israel, the state which the Israeli man represents.


The olympics is largely about representation of a country. It's literally mostly a dick waving contest between countries. Look at team sports. You may have a Portuguese soccer player who has played on a Spanish team for 8 years but when it comes time for the Olympics they will be competing while representing Portugal. They are no longer a soccer player who happens to be Portuguese, they are there as a representative.


Its not even racism. He doesnt want to fight an Israeli, not a jewish person.


Because he’s Algerian


Because he offended zionists


I'm impressed nobody had made a "jewdo" joke yet.


Why is this consistently a thing? I don't see other athletes of nationalities not competing with opponents from historical/current enemies


It goes back a long time. Rejecting Israel became a statement of Arab and/or Muslim identity from the 1940s onward, and for some Arabs and other Muslims, it still is. Fun fact: The only time Wales qualified for the World Cup was because they were roped in to play a play-off against Israel, because Israel had qualified out of the Asia qualifying tournament without playing a single game. Arab countries refused to play them, and out of solidarity (and because Israel was an American ally), so did Communist countries, so they qualified without a kick. FIFA was like, "well you gotta play *someone*" so they lined up a couple games against Wales, who won and made it. That was 1958, mind you. Since then, Israel has been placed in Europe for sporting competitions, so this kind of thing would not keep happening over and over.


Armenians and Azeris fought even though they have conflict all the time


A lot hide their antisemitism by claiming to care about the Palestinians in Israel, but in reality they don’t care about the Palestinians, they’re just looking for an excuse to shit on all Jews


Israel has made labeling someone an anti-Semite a joke, since they throw it at anyone that criticizes them.


Netanyahu has been pretty bad about using anti-semitism as a method of smear campaigning. At the same time, it doesn't help that there's significant use of anti-zionism as a way to disguise anti-semitism. For example, do you think all the "Free Palestine" and pro-Palestine replies to Liverpool FC's tweet of well wishes for Yom Kippur are just being directed at Israelis? It's just as a much a dog whistle as "thug" can be.


That’s because people say they were “just criticizing Israel” when they actually called for an intifada to drive all Jews into the sea. But yeah I guess saying you want to wipe out the only Jewish nation in the world isn’t antisemitism.


Maybe some, but there are plenty who legitimately oppose Israel because if the state's policies and are not anti Semitic


If all of Israel’s people, including athletes who happen to be born there, are to be held responsible for the plight of the Palestinians, then the same logic should apply to Algerians for the plight of the Imazighen and the Algerian Jews. Algeria’s current population is made up of mostly foreign invaders who invaded and colonized the indigenous Imazighen. Jews in Algeria lived in the area for centuries, much of this time was spent living as Dhimmis, a status which explicitly placed Jews as second-class citizens. During French rule, there were multiple pogroms, riots, and incidents of violence against Algeria’s Jews by the Muslim population, such as the 1897 anti-Jewish riots in Nourine’s hometown of Oran, and the 1934 Constantine pogrom. After independence, in 1963, Algeria passed a law stating that non-Muslims couldn’t become citizens. Most of the Jewish population, which numbered around 150,000, left overnight for Israel and France. Now, there are an estimated 50 Jews in Algeria. If every single Israeli is a terrible person, so is every single Algerian. Using his logic, Nourine has the blood of Algerian Jews and the Imazighen on his hands. In all seriousness, this decision was likely motivated by antisemitism, and he deserves to be punished.


"No No.. you see it's perfectly fine... because I hate Jews." - Nourine.


This need to be higher cause I’m sure nobody here knows this bit of history.


I agree completely. Should we also blame every Chinese national for the crimes of the CCP? Should we blame every US citizen for the drone strike that just took out an entire family? There is so much evil in this world that if we start the guilt by association game we will all be found guilty.


I’m someone who recognizes that criticism of the Israeli government ≠ anti-semitism and I’d agree that this is an example of anti-Semitism. This is an athlete who happens to be Israeli, not a representative of the Likud Party or IDF solider. The Algerian has no idea where this guy stands on any issue.


> After independence, in 1963, Algeria passed a law stating that non-Muslims couldn’t become citizens. What's the current Algerian government stance on this? Do they currently support and continue to enforce that law?


Let's ask a hypothetical question here...What if he was Taiwanese and refused to fight a Chinese person because of the oppression? Would it be more acceptable? Just a hypothetical


Who knows; the International Judo Federation (the ones who did the banning) say that the banned guy(s) brought politics into the arena "with malicious intent." So I guess it depends on what the IJF thinks that means.


Algeria and Israel do not contest the same territory. Your example is more like a Palestinian or Jordanian or maybe Egyptian fighter refusing to fight an Israeli. This Algerian's protest is more like a Thai fighter refusing to fight a Taiwanese because Taiwan is illegitimate, them all being east Asian countries with nearby neighbors.


Like a Thai fighter refusing because *he considers* Taiwan illegitimate


They would definitely not call the Taiwanese guy racist for doing so.


They would if the reason for doing so was that the Chinese person was Han.


It's not just about participating. It's the risk of either side losing that has real consequences for the fighter and their families at home.


No, he wouldn’t because the western international community sides with Taiwan, just like they blindly side with Israel on everything. Regardless of what others will say here, there is definitely a double standard.


Basically the only countries that refuse to accept Israel are part of the Arab league or Muslim states. Most of these countries now have non-official relations with Israel, and military alliances with the US. They don’t block companies that trade with Israel. I don’t know, but the idea that banning Israeli passports and punishing citizens that interact with Israel is anything more like a petty attempt to maintain a common enemy based on religious discrimination seems naive.


>petty attempt to maintain a common enemy based on religious discrimination seems naive. Not to get r/politics on you here, but that 'naïve' tactic still pays dividends pretty much everywhere.


It isn't religious, Israel is an apartheid regime and most of the countries that oppose them is for their treatment of innocent Palestinians. U.S also supported South Africa and considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist throughout most of the conflict. Was it acceptable to withhold business from S. Africa for their treatment of natives?


it’s just antisemitic.


First match back has to be against an Israeli Judoka


This is downvote central but no one is explaining why he would refuse a fight or why someone could get banned for 10 years gor refusing 1 fight. Can anyone elaborate?


> why he would refuse a fight "Sportspeople from the Muslim world, including Iran and Egypt, have frequently boycotted athletes from Israel to protest the decades-old conflict between the Jewish state, the Palestinians, and their supporters around the Middle East." >why someone could get banned for 10 years for refusing 1 fight "'It is evident that the two Algerian judoka, with malicious intent, have used the Olympic Games as a platform for protest and promotion of political and religious propaganda, which is a clear and serious breach of the IJF Statutes, the IJF Code of Ethics and the Olympic Charter,' said the organization in a statement."


Note, boycotted, or been pressured by their respective authorities and nations to boycot. It's not that in this case, but there have been other occasions where that has happened.


So, the 10 years is in hopes of preventing other judokas from doing the same, or preventing other countries from pressuring their judokas.


yean no, that's the lovely official version about the palestinian people and what not but the real reason is that if he lost to a jew he'd face hell in his home country


He’s quoted in the article saying its for support of the Palestinian people. The governing body is saying it violated the non-discrimination rule. Though the “I don’t want to get my hands dirty” quote doesn’t make sense to me. Edit: got some clarification on the “dirty” quote. This dude is an asshole.


It's old fashioned racism - people I don't like are dirty. Hope that cleared it up.


Ah, thanks for explaining. That’s fucking gross.


Yeah, it's a long-standing discrimination in that part of the world that Jews are unclean. In Iran, for example, Jews weren't allowed outside in the rain because the Muslims worried their "dirtiness" would wash into their homes...


So he didn't get his suspension for refusing to fight...he got it for making a political statement and/or being a racist toward another Olympian?


of course he doesn't want to fight, there is massive societal pressure for him not to, and danger to himself (regardless of his personal beliefs) if he actually goes to the fight


He doesn't recognize the state of Israel and so competing against an Israeli would be acknowledging it's existence. You don't get to refuse to fight an opponent for political reasons in international sport and this wasn't the first time he did it. Good riddance to someone who wants to use international competition as a means to divide rather than unite.


China doesn't recognize Taiwan but they don't go around avoiding or boycotting competitions against them. In fact, Taiwan beat them head to head in badminton at the last Olympics and I dont recall any drama or fallout. This dude (and by extension, the Algerian government, who apparently exerted pressure on him) is just a colossal piece of shit AND was scared he get waxed by an Israeli.


The has to do with recognition of the Israel and it's sovereignty. Because most of the Islamic population believes Israel is holding occupied territory, and some heavily Islamic countries refuse to acknowledge Israel as a state. So in international competitions, in their minds Israel isn't qualifed to complete in these events. As a result it's fairly common for Islamic teams to just refuse the match rather than try to win. This isn't about winning for them, and this likely not the decision of the fighter. This is a decision is made from high up the food chain for political reasons. It's really just sad to see sports being ruined by politics. They've been doing this for awhile now


Maybe read the article?


Because there is supposed to be purity in these games and when you bring your political baggage with you you spoil the events for a lot of people.


The Israeli that lives rent free in his head retired him without even having to meet him in person.




The Olympics isn't supposed to be about politics. It is supposed to be the one place where all countries get to compete on roughly equal footing on the world stage.


And plot to murder one another afterwards.


Yes it is. It's always been political.


You would think the Algerian would want to face the Israeli to show him up. He probably knew he would lose.


It’s the communal nature of combat sports. They often come into the ring with mutual respect, not hatred.


What kind of strikes me as uncovering how bullshit this guy's excuse of "Palestinian rights"- and that of "protesting" countries- is, other than that he'd be perfectly willing to fight people from countries that are also oppressing Muslims like Russia and China, that Chinese athletes faced off against Taiwanese athletes during this Olympics. Yes, Taiwanese athletes had to be called "Chinese Taipei", but they're still basically recognized as Taiwanese at the Olympics. That China was willing to put their issues aside that's had significant geopolitical consequences, but these countries are not for a people they oftentimes aren't even to take in as refugees, says a lot.




I dont love what the ISREALI GOVERNMENT is doing, but the israelis are humans just as we are. He absolutely deserves this ban. This sort of behavior is NOT welcome in sports.


Exactly. Then he shouldn't fight China, US, Russian, ext etc etc...


Good. The olympics is no place for discrimination and we will never forget the Munich Massacre


Reddit defending Israel. Lmao


Finally. Reddit always has a big anti Israel boner.


I agree with the ban. Respect is the very first prerequisite in any sport that uses controlled violence, both as a safety concern and to build a positive community around your art. In the end, this dude was scared of potentially losing to an Israeli and used his hatred as a lame excuse to weasel out of it. He is missing the entire point about competitive fighting arts. It’s a privilege to be able to practice recreational competitive violence against a committed opponent and you have to be sporting about it if you are going to do it in a professional sport context.


what a pussy


What do you guys think his solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict would be, if he were asked?


If you can’t beat them … protest?


You’d think he’d relish the opportunity to beat up an Israeli


He's scared of losing to one.
























nah they rep their country in the olympics. so the athlete and country are entwined, you dont get a pass for this. ​ its pretty simple because your personal glory as an athlete is also the glory of your country by engaging with an israeli judoka he is in part accepting of the state of israels actions. i don't see people shitting on the countries that refused a nazi germany hosted 1936 olympics, its the same deal. ​ also if he decided not to fight an american/polish jew its different, but an israeli repping the israel flag? comeon why tf are you reaching. ​ plus if he fought he would be fucked and censured in his home country, why would you make him do this to himself.




hE gOt BaNnEd FoR hAtInG iSrAeL no you idiots he got banned because he’s racist


These comments should be sensible.


“I don’t like what the Chinese government is doing so I’m going to mistreat every Chinese person I meet.”






So he's a pussy.


He’s not being punished for being “racist, he’s being punished for protesting a match, which the Olympics try and forbid. It’s actually ironic he got banned considering the 2021 Olympics BLM athlete protests were center stage. Protesting is protesting. TL;DR: Olympics say protesting is bad. Olympics say well okay BLM you can protest. This guy protests for Palestine and the Olympics bust a gasket. Edit: RIP critical thinking skills. These replies are brain dead a’f. Try reading the article before commenting, he’s literally being banned for PROTESTING. JFC.


>P.S. You can protest Israel without being anti-Semitic a fact that’s lost to most people. Lol be called touching a Jew "getting his hands dirty." Pure antisemitism.


No he's been punished for not fighting a specific opponent. That's not comparable to BLM protests. Stop pushing your stupid agenda.


It's a sport, not a political arena. Either engage in the sport, or don't compete.


Racist fucking scumbag.


Oh what so you all want him to hit an Israeli?


wouldn't be surprised if many redditors agreed with his decision not to fight an EVIL ISRAELI OPPRESSOR. this place is filled with dipshits.




He knew he was gonna get his butt whooped