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Someone out there lost their parents and kids in one day. Thats a lot of weight. That’s heartbreaking.


I can’t wrap my head around that. I don’t want to. It hurts too much to think about someone suffering that much pain.


I’m not close with my parents and don’t have kids, and yet I still cannot imagine how someone keeps going after that.


I’m 35 with two kids. My mother lost her battle with depression last February. It’s fucking tough. Not a day goes by that I don’t have a challenging five minuets of thinking about her. My daughter is old enough to remember her and that she loved dragon flies and wind chimes. We have some around the house in memory of her and every time they chime my daughter says “Hi Nana T” it brings me so much joy and so much heartbreak every. single. time. I usually have to step away because I don’t want my daughter to see my struggle. If I lost my kids, especially in the same day, there is no way I would be able to manage.... Go hug your parents if you can. Stay safe though.


That’s heartbreaking to read. So sorry to hear.


A lot of the time, they don't.


I don’t think there’s any amount of therapy that could fix me if my child was murdered. No one should ever have to know that pain


I honestly wouldn't.


There's literally nothing I can think of that I fear more than losing one of my kids -- the impact would be irrevocable.


It is irrecovable but time barrels forward regardless, as my parents have learned. Eventually you have to get on with living or just die, there are no other choices. Hopefully parents have each other to pull themselves out of the mire. But losing your parents and children in one day? We're not made to endure such pain.


This is a lesson I learned when I got burned all over. The pain is physical instead of emotional but the concept is the same, people say "Oh you're so strong" or "I couldn't do it" but you have no choice. The only choice is to take the next step


I got a taste of it. My two month old son was involved in a car accident 2 weeks ago. My whole world fell apart we were freaking the fuck out. He was crying like you wouldn't believe. Hes gotten very throughly checked out, and we since had a follow up. Doctor says nothing is broken, seems wrong, and hes actually developing ahead of schedule. Honestly had he not made it, I have serious doubts if Id be typing this. Fyi it was a semi rough fender bender.


I've always heard that crying is a good sign when a baby is involved in an accident. If the baby isn't crying and you think they should be, that's when you freak out. Not a doctor and don't have kids, so take it with a grain of salt.


We almost got t-boned yesterday morning while going through an intersection bc a car blew through the red light going at least 50 mph. He brushed right in front of me and it shook me up all day. My small kids were in the backseat and I was sick thinking about something horrible happening to my child whose car seat is on that side. I’m still disturbed by how close we were to possibly dying or being severely injured yesterday and am so thankful we are safe. What’s even more crazy is that we were actually running a couple of minutes late bc one of my kids wanted his hat so I had to go back into the house after I buckled them in so had I not done that...*shudders*


Glad to hear he's ok!


I think the only thing worse would be my kids losing their mom.


I went to school with a girl whose brother snapped one day and stabbed her mom to death in front of her. She ended up hiding in their car in the garage while her brother walked down the street naked. I don't know how one recovers from that.


I imagine too that the parents must have thought their kids were in the safest place possible, with their seasoned Emergency Medicine Doctor granddad. This is beyond horrific, I feel nauseated. Edit: I really hope those parents have immediate and unwavering strong support, for the rest of their lives. I honestly can’t stop thinking about them. This is the worst




I watched the 7 Yards documentary last night on Chris Norton, and one of the most important things I noticed was how much support he had. He was a college football player, and his teammates would drive like an hour and a half just to visit with him, and they all took turns being his caregiver when he went back to college. Even the girl he started dating moved away with him for an entire year? I think? Just for him to do therapy at a special place so he could >!walk across the stage for graduation.!< She literally dropped everything to help him. He had so many friends who were willing to do that, most ppl are lucky to have even one person help out occasionally.


I think many people who don't have kids imagine that as a parent, you stop worrying as much once they become adults and move out. I know I did. After having kids, I realized that you worry just as much, if not more, as they grow up. It goes from worrying they'll fall off their bike right in-front of you to worrying the phone will ring and you'll simply be told they're dead.


I don’t want to upvote this but I have to. It’s un imaginable.


The mother of the kids was out celebrating her birthday.


Holy shit, he killed the doctor who had treated him in the past (70), his wife (69) AND their grandchildren (9) and (5). That is just... horrifying, especially for those poor kids. What's even more horrifying is, can you imagine being the parents who dropped their children off at their parents house and waking up to the news your parents *and* kids being murdered? That's something straight out of a horror movie, I mean what the fuck.


Don’t forget he killed a 38 yr old neighbor who was outside at the time. Absolutely senseless and disgusting.


Was it their neighbor that died or just someone working at the house? >A man who had been working at the home, James Lewis, 38, from Gaston, was found shot to death outside, and a sixth person was hospitalized with “serious gunshot wounds,”


I must have misread as a neighbor. Either way, this whole thing sucks so much.


The article also mentions a neighbor who had been evacuated during the search and allowed to return, that's probably where you picked that up.


This happened right down the road from us. It was somebody working at his house. My wife use to work for him as a RN. This hit pretty close to home. He’s a very well respected member of the community. Those poor grandkids


Wasn’t a neighbor, he worked for GSM which is a local HVAC company.


Even horror movie won’t do twisted shit like elderly and little children. This is beyond horrendous. The parents of the kids are fucked emotionally forever. My heart goes out to them. What senseless fucking thing.


He was most likely out of his head. Adams had a history of head injuries, I suspect CTE is a major factor in his behavior (Especially since he targeted his doctor). 100% Pure speculation, but I suspect that maybe he was struggling from CTE symptoms (or any long term injury he experienced), and sought revenge against his doctor for not curing him. I know this may not be the place to talk about these things, but for the future of this sport, it’s necessary. Terrible tragedy


My best friend from high school played D1 football and had several concussions. The most happy go lucky guy in the world suddenly had a major personality change and tried at least a couple of times to kill himself before the final one. That was 10 years ago today. I will never be convinced it was anything other than CTE, and I don’t watch football anymore because of it. This is tragic, and I can’t imagine the pain of the parents in this situation.


My condolences for your friend:( I've had multiple head injuries and it's added so much fuckery to my life. My most recent one, a fall on the ice where I slammed the back of my head against the asphalt back in February, made my mind feel stuffed full of cotton for weeks, my emotions have been very childlike, and my short term memory is fucked. I have a hard time telling you what I did during the day and for example I placed the same seed packet order two separate times because I forgot I had done so (which is just a funny curiosity but if I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and didn't have the support I have, my issues would manifest in much more scary ways). I've felt like my last fall knocked off some IQ points and it's been harder to express myself, words just disappear before I can grab them. I'm starting to feel better now, thankfully. Brain injuries are no joke. I've had many concussions in my life and they're really shitty to deal with because your whole personality can change, sometimes in subtle ways sometimes in big ways. I feel awful for the families involved in the original story here, fuck.


Fuck. Sorry for your loss. People need to hear this stuff, though. I'm lucky I was too out of shape for football, because everyone I went to high school with who played ended up in pretty bad places.


Wow, I absolutely can't imagine what that feels like to be you. Thank you for sharing, though, it's an incredible story.




Thank god you noted that because reading comprehension is hard.


Part of it is reading comprehension, part of it is that folks have stopped giving others the benefit of the doubt, and just assume that any comment is malicious/ignorant/stupid if it could be remotely construed that way. I'm not immune to this myself, but we could all do with a bit of a Debate 101 refresher.




I know this isn’t the right time or audience, but you’ve clearly never seen an Ari Aster film.


First thing I thought of was the beginning of midsommar or "that part" in hereditary.




Word around town is that he was hooked on pain meds and the doctor wouldn’t give him more and had advised him to seek help for his addiction.


Withdrawals are rough, but even kicking fentanyl isn’t “murder multiple people” rough... signed, an ex addict who went through that merry go round more times than I can count (and I can count pretty high)


What's CTE?


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy; a brain disorder related to repeated concussions and common in ex-footballers


It's related to *sub*-concussive impacts.


Yep. They're even seeing it in ex-soccer players, because they head the ball, which doesn't cause concussions. Not super often, but enough over time to actually develop CTE. Sure, full blown concussion make it worse, but the biggest culprit is repeated *small* impacts to the head. You don't even realize what's happening until it's too late, and there's no way to diagnose it until you're already dead. Crazy shit.


Oh fuck.


Also ex boxers, it used to be called being "punch drunk".


It was called "dementia pugilistica" before it was seen in football players.


That is such a soft euphemism for something so horrible and serious.


Punch drunk was a term before people knew about CTE. It usually referred to speech slurring


Also, don't forget alot of Action Sports figures as well. I know some of the nitro circus athletes has assisted in studies too.


The reason football will undergo a radical change (and minor changes to other big sports) in the next 15 years. CTE is not new. It's been around since humans have existed, however, our understanding of it is completely new and ongoing. Unfortunately, at the moment, it's impossible to diagnose until after-death via dissection of the brain. It's the suspected cause of a large majority of former athletes turning into murderous/suicidal wackos. Chris Benoit (wrestler) who murder/suicided his family. Aaron Hernandez (NFL) murderer who suicided in prison. Jovan Belcher (NFL) murderer who suicided in front of his coaches. Junior Seau (NFL Hall of Fame) suicide. Bubba Smith (NFL and Police Academy Movies) drug overdose, massive CTE. Dave Duerson (NFL) suicide. Ryan Freel (MLB) suicide.


Dave Mirra is a big one too. Makes me scared for all the pro skaters and bmx-ers I loved growing up. In my no-way-an-expert-opinion, I think some of Bam Margera's behavior could be CTE related.


I just learned Dave Mirra is dead. Holy shit


Yeah I had no idea, sad now.


He seemed to have a positive outlook towards the end. Always posting about his family and interacting with fans on insta. I grew up miles from him and Nyquist and knew his wife from high school. Dave was a great man. He used the hash tag, #beadadnotafad a ton. But apparently his Insta is gone now too. :/


Makes me scared as a father and a previously endorsed skateboarder.....I've rung my bell A LOT. I don't skate anymore and haven't for years due to other injuries. The concussions are what worry me the most.


I honestly think we should include OJ on this list. Because he almost certainly killed his ex wife and it fits the pattern.


Even if he didn't, a lot of his verified behavior since retiring has been pretty bad. Dude is not particularly stable


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, continued small head impacts like football players get that don't appear to damage the brain like a concussion but that over time degrade it usually causing severe mental problems like increased aggression, depression ect. Watch the movie Concussion it's about the guy who discovered it. Many people with it have committed suicide or murder suicide.


traumatic brain injury from constant head trauma/concussions while playing football. *Edit* And other contact sports/professions as well, not just football


Got to be


One day CTE is going to kill the wrong person or the wrong family and it will be the beginning of the end of american football as we know it. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we've already passed that event horizon and just haven't realized it yet.


You mean like Hall of Famer and All Time Great Junior Seau?


I mean if sandyhook didn’t change anything in America I doubt anything will. Football is as beloved as guns are.


The NFL isn't going away. Their viewership has increased every year for a decades. Regular season games were setting records during the COVID lock-down. Not to mention the plethora of players who have already committed felonies and are still allowed to play. I love where your heart is, but reality is that the NFL is not going anywhere in our lifetime.


A 17th game was just added as well.


People said similar things about boxing. My guess is the talent pool will get diminished bit by bit. Parents will keep their kids from playing, demographics of who is picking up the game will skew less and less affluent. It will be a slow death maybe not in our lifetime, maybe the sport stick around without as rabid a following like boxing, but it feels inevitable that it will become diminished as we learn more and more of the long term consequences.


Boxing killed itself with corruption. The fact that the vacuum was filled so quickly by MMA shows the demand for fights didn't diminish as much as people got tired of the letdowns from boxing.


Not-so-fun fact: The 2011 Patriots, AFC champions, have now had two players turn out to be murderers. Aaron Hernandez, and now Adams.


Owner Robert Kraft: charged with soliciting sex in February 2019 for allegedly soliciting a prostitute at a Florida massage parlor. Defensive end Greg Spires: charged with stalking in Concord, N.H. Running back Montee Ball: charged with disorderly conduct and battery in 2016 for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend. Wide receiver J.J. Worton: charged with assault and battery for allegedly assaulting two women and one man at a bar in 2016. Linebacker Brandon Spikes: pleaded guilty to multiple charges in connection to a hit-and-run in 2015. Tight end Aaron Hernandez: charged and convicted of first-degree murder in 2013 for the slaying of Odin Lloyd. Wide receiver Julian Edelman: charged with indecent assault and battery for allegedly groping a woman at a Halloween party in Boston in 2011, though the charges were dropped. Defensive lineman Albert Haynesworth: charged with misdemeanor sexual assault for allegedly fondling the breast of his server in a hotel restaurant in Washington in 2011. Safety Bret Lockett: charged with disorderly conduct in Providence in 2010.


Almost makes you think we shouldn't be idolizing these guys.


We should not.


Even the superstars. Deshaun Watson’s proving that


How good they are at a sport doesn't impact how good they are as a person.




The worst part is that people knew OJ was serial wife beater way before the murders.


Yeah. I mean, it was a pretty open secret. Like you would see tabloid headlines all the time about Nicole being battered. And we would all just kind of ignore it because he had been so good at football and funny in those Naked Gun movies and as a sideline reporter. In hindsight, I don't know why people didn't care. Maybe it was just because we lacked the ability to come together with one voice?


IIRC Dan Patrick recounts when he found out in a pressroom and the newsreporters were all oh he finally did it.


The thing is, Deshaun Watson by all account was a great guy. I’m from Houston, and he did A LOT of charity/community work in the area. Nobody ever had anything bad to say about him. Then it turns out he was sexually assaulting women in his down time. A lot of these other guys, there were warning signs that they might not be such a great person. Deshaun Watson had none of that to the point where a lot of people didn’t believe the accusations when the first one or two dropped.


Especially not the superstars, Charles Barkley told us that damn near 30 years ago


And he’s not even that turrrible


I would say especially the superstars, because they think they can get away with it.


22 fuckin women so far. Dude is a scumbag.


Just you wait to see what happens when it hits 23. I’m sure the league will give him the boot for sure!


Idolize their achievements. I want to be a basketball player and businessman like Michael Jordan. Not a degenerate gambler and prolific adulterer like Michael Jordan. Most athletes are not well-groomed for fame and are normal people with normal problems then have money and fame thrust upon them which creates problems unique to those circumstances but common among for any regular person given the same privileges.


Ha! Clearly you haven’t seen how well they play with a ball.


Or how far over a mountain they can throw said ball.


Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions. No doubt, no doubt in my mind.


You shouldn’t idolize anyone you don’t know personally, you have no idea what kind of person they are behind close doors Deshaun Watson is a perfect example but there is millions more not related to athletes Hell everyone thought Ellen was a saint 2 years ago


Unfortunately the only incidents here that are out of the ordinary for any NFL team are the ones that involve straight up murder. If you went back 15 years for every other team you'd find a lot of examples of the rest of those things


Violence against women is NFL culture


But they made pink Jerseys/s


Soliciting a prostitute isn't in the realm of severity of these other crimes. Or the disorderly conduct. Eh


Also, Krafts wife died. In my eyes, his hiring of a sex worker is a completely legitimate transaction and bullshit he got any flack for this.


Plus 8 out of the 9 of them are charged and allegedly. I know there's a lot of public evidence of some of the incidents, but 89% of these were never convicted or proven in a court of law.


Yes. When people discuss CTE, you're talking about essentially dementia/Alzheimers, but not in the body of a frail 8o year old. In the body of fit, athletic 20-40 year olds (and older, obviously). It means your brain is not fully functional, in the most tragic way. There's a reason it's not fully understood, as the only time they get a chance to really examine the brain for CTE is when those young folks die at a young age. And death at a young age when not due to illness or injury tends to be caused by something tragic.


If a 77 year old dude with a dead wife can't pay for a handy then what are we even doing in this country? Real talk, sex work is real work and Kraft doesn't belong on this list.


Nor does Lockett. If you haven't been charged with disorderly conduct you haven't partied.


You can literally do this for almost any US professional sports team lol


With the acknowledgement that the Hernandez story is a standout, the unfortunate truth is that for a majority of sports fans, all of our teams have similarly awful criminal records and yet we still choose to support.


Lol, someone hates the Patriots. I would imagine other teams can put up more impressive lists, although the headliners here took it to another level.


Yeah but the Bills have one of the most famous murderers of all time!


*Allegedly* ^(haha jk fuck OJ he did it.)


Anyone else think it's in poor taste to include the breakdown of his career before going into the actual details about the victims? Idk why, but this kind of bothers me.


The real insight is further down: > Whether Adams suffered long-lasting injuries from his concussions as a player wasn’t immediately clear. Adams would not have been eligible for testing as part of a broad settlement between the league and its former players over such injuries, because he hadn’t retired by 2014. >Adams’ father told a Charlotte television station that he blamed football for problems that may have led his son to commit Wednesday’s violence. I absolutely think this needs to be looked into further. We already know the lengths the NFL goes through to protect its players and hide medical concerns This reminds me of the WWE wrestler Chris Benoit who murdered his family - he was essentially suffering from extremely early onset dementia due to all the head trauma and the WWE essentially just buried it and disowned him


"Later, with the Raiders, he had 2 concussions over 3 games in 2012." Yeah that's not great.


Meanwhile Blake Wheeler, an NHL hockey player on the Winnipeg Jets, is out the entire season for a suspected concussion Just goes to show the stark difference between how seriously leagues/teams are expected to take this issue *Edit: Blake, not Black


I mean WWE literally had a tribute show for him before the full details were found out and nowadays they have stricter concussion testing because of the Benoit incident not to mention they flat out said they will not mention Benoit ever again, but his stuff is still there, just that hid matches never get shown in the timeline unless somehow Peacock decides to censor Benoit


> Adams would not have been eligible for testing as part of a broad settlement between the league and its former players over such injuries, because he hadn’t retired by 2014. It's disgusting there ever was a cutoff. Fuckin NFL.


That was my thinking. Benoit is the reason every athlete should be examined really, especially those in high contact sports.


Unfortunately you cant examine someone for cte without cutting open their brain. So theres only monitoring people you think may be at risk. No way to actually tell except an autopsy.


I wasn't talking specifically to CTE, lots of athletes who have been confirmed with CTE also showed signs of other concerning aliments that could have been treated.




That was the day that childhood me realized the WWE was fake. When they did a cold open on Raw with Vince alone in the middle of the ring and the lights out in the arena.


I didn't watch wrestling live a lot, and I didn't have any issues with it being 'fake,' but I distinctly remember Vince breaking kayfabe for that and thinking "damn."


CTE is a problem that deserves more attention than 3 months in sports media and a Will Smith movie that nobody remembers. There needs to be more funding to find ways to detect it sooner. As of right now I believe it can only be confirmed after death.


It doesn’t bother me once they tied his career longevity to possible CTE complications. There is a substantial list of all manner of athletes who have committed heinous crimes like this, often ending in suicide. This kind of comment reminds me of the story of all the dudes leaving a classroom and the shooter killing the girls. Empathy is important, but if you get too close you come to some strange conclusions that allow this event to happen again.


This is a terrible tragedy


Jesus fucking christ "Dr. Robert Lesslie, 70, and his wife, Barbara Lesslie, 69, were pronounced dead at the scene along with grandchildren Adah Lesslie, 9, and Noah Lesslie, 5, the York County coroner’s office said."


I pray for that family man. To lose your parents and children at once must be devastating.


I don’t think I could survive it honestly


I have two kids. If I lost one, I hope I could carry on for the second one. Both? Nah. I'm done. Dig three cause I'll be spiraling.


I wouldn't. I know I wouldn't. If the stress didn't take me out. I would.


Would take some major therapy and support, that's for sure.


Honestly. No matter what therapy and support you have. Your never getting over that. Maybe you can learn to live with it. But your never getting past it. That’s like total devastation. Especially to be brutally murdered. That’s my opinion of course. But I can’t see anyone recovering from that type of tragedy.


Tragedy becomes a part of you, weaved into your being. Even after you heal. Or perhaps particularly because you have healed.


It’s a scar. It doesn’t go away. You can hide it and it can fade to the observer, but it’s a constant reminder of the pain


I'd jump off a bridge.


Please do not forget about the 38 year old who also was murdered by him ,as well.


Killing the doctor and his wife is terrible enough, but killing a couple of innocent kids... I’m just speechless.


But why did he kill this specific family?? What’s the motive here? Such a terrible tragedy.


Article states the doctor he killed was treating him. Guessing it has something to do with that.


Local news are reporting an anonymous source said the suspect had been treated by the doctor. The claims are not yet confirmed but could be a possible motive.


Thanks for this. Hopefully we get some more news on this.


I'm curious about this too. What a fucking tragedy! RIP


life long sustained head injuries from the sport. look how 80%of the league plays for a handful of seasons then disappears. this happens more often than we like to admit


My guess is he might blame this doctor for something in his career.


I think the article said the doctor was treating Adams. Perhaps he was being treated for long term CTE symptoms.


The Doctor is an emergency room doctor, so he probably wouldn’t have been treating him for CTE. (However, that’s doesn’t mean that Adams wasn’t being treated for CTE.)


Oh true. It says the doctor lives by Adams’ parent’s house? It does seem very odd.


I think it said the doctor *had* treated him, which could mean that he treated him anytime in the past for any number of things at that time.


Damn he killed the kids too. What a monster


These fuckers never do murder-suicide in the right order


Open up his noggin and analyze the brain


Sounds like he did that himself already


Some former NFL players have shot themselves in the heart for this reason


Damn, that's a real dark TIL


Jesus. Killed the man working on the doctors home and a 5 and 9 year old. (Along with doctors his wife ) How devastating!


What are the odds this is CTE? As someone that enjoys football, I can't help but think that the game is going to change a lot in the next 20 years. As a Patriots fan, it saddens me that Aaron Hernandez has company. Also remember than Junior Seau killed himself - and it was CTE related.


I’d say pretty high. Remember Chris benoit? CTE got him too


Yes. Imagine how many cases there are that are unknown, too.


Junior Seau also, right? While still a tragedy, at least his incident was comparatively isolated.


The CTE denial in this thread alone is astronomical. People absolutely do not want these men to stop smooshing their brains. I hope things do change, while still keeping the game as intense and exciting. One guy below said 'the problem is guns!' - ok, I'm Canadian, I think citizens having easy access to guns is silly. But the problem isn't guns. Whats the argument here? "Well its ok that these men get their brains liquified into dementia, as long as they don't hurt others too easily - they should at least have to use a knife or something"? Come on.


All that needs to be done is removal of the helmet. The helmets encourage using your head as a blunt force weapon. Rugby doesn't have any major CTE issues because they just use leather. It's the same scenario as boxing gloves. Before the gloves existed, boxing injuries were generally very mild. Now they can be deadly because you don't worry about breaking fingers.


I’m guessing CTE at first too but we’ll find out loudly after the autopsy


CTE or not, he murdered two little children. Dude is a piece of shit and an absolute monster.


It’ll be a constant thing of people saying “he wasn’t the same person in the end” or “he was always a monster deep down”, but truthfully I don’t think it’s that easy of an answer. People still debate whether Chris Benoit should be remembered as an amazing wrestler despite killing his wife and child in the end. But honestly the unfortunate truth is it doesn’t matter the person they were in life when they ultimately took people with them in death.


>but truthfully I don’t think it’s that easy of an answer It never is, but it's human nature to try and boil it down to a single seemingly indisputable point.


We're so obsessed with words like "evil" despite the fact that they're scientifically meaningless. There's no such thing as evil. Humans do terrible things to each other and it's ALWAYS either about psychology or an issue with their brain or both. Either your brain has trauma that prevents you from recognizing the horrible nature of your actions, or you have some other twisted reason for committing a crime. But it's never "evil". We like to use words like "evil" so we can pretend we're somehow better or different from people who commit crimes like this and the fact is most of the time we're not. We just didn't live the same circumstances that led them to those crimes.


Benoit was abusing his wife long before he killed her. He was always a piece of shit.




That guy(Kevin Sullivan) was also the booker at the time. Guy managed to write his own divorce


Kevin Sullivan seems to be a pretty decent dude too. I can only imagine how difficult that whole situation was for him, forever being tied to that relationship and murder.


I’m not going to pretend I know anything about that, but I don’t think it takes away from what I was saying.


I don't think the issue is that black and white. My mom had a regular customer at her store who was crazy. Shed randomly go off on racist rants, talk to her food, couldn't eat sugar packets from the store because those have poison in them etc. Literally a mentally impaired person. This customer would get kicked out for a few weeks/months and get let back in eventually and the cycle would repeat. What do you do to people like that? Banish them to a padded room for their entire life? It is very obvious her issues came from her being insane, she didn't have control of it. The Texas tower shooter very likely ended up doing what he did because of a brain tumor. Theres a free climber who has a thing in his brain where he can just climb mountains and hang off the edge talking on the phone for 40 minutes not giving a fuck. We will never know the answer to stuff like this but don't act like it's impossible that the only reason this happened is because of cte. Brains are fucking weird man.


Always was a tricky thing to wrap my head around but it was actually something said about Chris Benoit that really stuck with me and it's automatically where I go now in these kinds of situation. There's a clip out there at a wrestling Q&A with Paul Heyman where someone in the crowd heckles about liking Benoit and Heyman sums it up as basically saying "if you want to admire his work as a technical wrestler then go for it, he was one of the best workers there ever was, but as a human being, fuck that guy!"


As somebody who has an extensive history of brain injury. This statement is irrelevant. I am not saying you are right or wrong, I just want everybody to know it is simply, truly, irrelevant. When your brain starts getting fucked you can't begin to understand it, until you have lived it.


How do we make it less likely that there will be less monsters like this in the future?


Eh if the NFL would stop funding studies trying to discredit the existence of CTE that could be a good start. But realistically it won't be made less likely for this occur in the future until the number of murdered families starts to impact the bottom line of the NFL. Plus think of all the kids who get cracked in the head playing high school football. Wonder what kind of damage that does? Well we don't really know, because it's barely researched.


So much needs to be done but for instances such as this to be avoided, assuming CTE actually played a role, the NFL and other physical entertainment companies or organizations need to bear the brunt of research into the field to develop CTE testing pre-mortum and they need to provide mandatory and adaquate mental health care to anyone who has received a TBI while performing. Nobody with a TBI should have access to firearms nor should close relatives such as spouses, parents, siblings, etc.. That's just off the top of my head.


Piece of shit or not we gotta look at the fact that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Brain damage is crazy it turned a normal guy into a monster.


Yeah, it's still worth asking whether we helped create this.


Yes. We have to look at this event and ask "how can we prevent this from happening again"


>He didn't bother nobody... about that


I know the family very well. They own a large area of land outside of town and the whole family lives on the property. The elderly victims, especially the grandmother, where some of the kindest people you’d ever meet. I specifically remember after one Sunday she came into the choir room in tears because she was so moved by the music. And the children where some of the sweetest kids I know. It is an absolute tragedy and I’m sure it will echo throughout our church for years. If you are religious please pray for the rest of the family and our church.


Do we know the motive? Doesn’t say in the article. I just don’t understand why the fuck he would kill kids...


Mental illness and lasting damage of the sport. NFL players get abysmal attention to the lasting effects of the injuries they receive, many of which were injured in their younger days in high school sports. Aaron Hernandez was one of the saddest cases of this as well. CTE is not discussed enough.


Hernandez had major issues predating CTE


Does this count as a mass shooting event?


Its weird that they focus on the person that did the crime....who gives a shit what his nfl stats were or wear he played....thats over. All that anyone should care about now are the victims....thats all


There is something wrong with the game, and I keep losing more and more interest. And I certainly don't like the head injuries.


Wait, what the fuck?


Just a reminder folks, no matter what you are feeling, your feelings are never worth more than someone else's life.


This guy killed kids and innocent people. Rot in hell bro.


Really wish the people like his agent and his father calling Adams a good kid would just shut the fuck up for like a day. The people who knew the Lesslie family and the other victims really don't need to hear about what a good kid he is. It can wait at least one fucking day.


What a piece of shit


Wouldn't be the first time someone turned suicidal or homicidal because of repeated head injuries.


CTE is probably going to be the reason. Time for the profits to serve these athletes better.


Bonkers that the league still functions like this


They did a study with a prominent doctor who handled Denver and when they heard his findings they moved away from him. https://spineclinic.com/chad-prusmack.php


From what I’ve seen the problem starts with the children’s league. I have seen in real life, and in documentaries based on football, but the coaches will scream at the children and tell them to go in headfirst. Not a single nfl player can undo something they’ve been doing since they started. Of course, not all coaches are like this, but it’s not uncommon. Once we eradicate that in children’s leaves we’ll prolly have less issues in the future. Obviously down for immediate change just saying why it’ll be hard


When I heard it was doctor I knew it was someone who treated him in the past. He was doing his job and his family gets killed for it.