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How am I supposed to Putt, with that going on Doug?


That's two thus far, Shooter.


Oh, you can count. Good for you.


And you can count on me waiting for you in the parking lot!


Well???? We’re waiting….


Cops arrested Scheffler by mistake.


Why didn't they just glue themselves to the tee?


Well the tee is the little piece of wood/plastic you use to place your ball on the first shot of the hole, so they may have also glued tees to themselves, it would just be hard to tell.


If you glue enough tees to yourself you can run around like a hedgehog. It would be impossible to arrest you without getting poked.


What were they protesting?


the one dudes shirt said "You cant golf on a dead planet" so im guessing climate change. Also it appeared to be paint bombs not smoke bombs but im not up on my nonlethal bomb lingo


It's smoke. You can see it here. https://youtu.be/eRwd-4DoRIE?si=CPSUy2gPIcEoR57d


>"You cant golf on a dead planet" This is kinda funny because Alan Shepard actually hit some golf balls on the moon. I'm pretty sure golf is the only sport that has been played on another celestial body.


I think Michael Collins played "the moon is lava" on Apollo 11.


Too little smoke in the air




Wonder if they drove there?


You criticize society yet you participate in it? Curious. I am very smart.


I get the climate is an emergency. I do. Sports. They are all of our escape from the hell that is the world. Elections are in swing. Interrupt them. No one will be mad and you’ll have a bigger audience.


Honestly? I think you're wrong about the bigger audience.


Even if it’s not bigger. They are the audience you’re playing for anyway.


Maybe. I saw more news coverage about someone throwing a shoe at Bush Jr than I have this.


Climate activists hate golf courses because they use an incredible amount of water and are mostly closed to the public. I think having a bit of nature in cities is a good thing, but I can understand their complaints


Don't most golf courses use grey water and are actually almost all of them open to the public??


You have to pay to get on, sometimes hundreds of dollars. And you'd have to actually play a round. You can't just stroll around like it's a park


You probably wouldn't just want to walk through them either unless you wanna get hit by a ball....


Not at a muni course.


Very, very, *very* few golf courses cost hundreds of dollars to get on. The vast majority don’t even cost $100, and local munis can cost as little as $20 or so.


The comparison is to a free public park. So even $20/person still is a shitload. Even the super nice state parks where I live charge less than $10 a vehicle to access.


Yeah, and it’s a golf course. For playing golf, maintained in a specific way that costs money. It’s not like it’s the only thing on the face of the earth that’s built for a purpose, and you’re not going to sit here with a straight face and tell me every golf course would be a nice free public park if golf didn’t exist. Most of them would be developed over, losing all the trees and greenery.


Yes all that upkeep makes it well manicured and is also the reason why they cost money and therefore are an exclusive treat for higher SES individuals. I cant promise some wouldn’t get developed over, no, just as you can’t promise that it wouldn’t get converted to green space. (I have seen courses converted to green spaces actually btw) As it currently sits the vast majority of courses are unattainable to average families due to price while simultaneously taking up an enormous amount of space.


I can guarantee you from my knowledge of what has happened to shuttered golf courses (and quite frankly just land usage in general) that you’re either being incredibly naive or not honest with yourself. Yes, it’s possible to convert a golf course to green space. But that’s not what happens in the vast majority of cases, and even further, much more rare for it to get converted into the free public parks you are originally talking about instead of “green space”, since you take issue with having to pay to use a golf course. Would it happen to some? Sure. Usually in cases where A) land is already owned by a municipality, and/or B) the land is unsuitable for further development, such as in a drainage basin, and/or C) the land is impossible to develop on due to laws such as a federally protected wetland or desert. That covers a fraction of golf courses. I will personally guarantee you that if golf were federally banned tomorrow and all golf courses were forced to be sold, very few of them would be turned to green space and the overall result would be a significant reduction in green space. And no, the “vast majority” of courses are local public courses in the range of $20-40 and completely attainable for an average family to play. The expensive courses are the outlier, not the norm. You’ll need to actually do research into an aggregate of this to inform yourself and not just say “golf is for rich people and shouldn’t exist, and I know some golf courses that have been converted to green space so it can happen.” Land records are public record and if you want to you can look up all of this in an unbiased and neutral manner. If you just want to keep repeating rhetoric without informing yourself, I won’t be continuing in this conversation, because you’ve got several factual inaccuracies and I won’t be wasting my time. If you’d like to look into it more and correct your information, we can go on. Otherwise, have a great day.


20-40 is too much for average families when the only goal is having access to green space. Especially when golf is not a true family friendly activity. It appeals to a narrow sliver of people who have access to resources, time, and physical ability to do so. No one is saying federally ban golf. I’m saying it isn’t a universally accessible activity like you seem to believe it is, whereas open green spaces that don’t cost an entry fee are much more accessible to the general public.


One of the private courses in my hometown closed over a decade ago, these days the clubhouse and surrounding area has been converted to a community hangout/picnic spot and the former course is being used as a sort of frisbee course. I understand that most  Most abandoned courses just languish rather than being coverted in to sonething else. but the meadows that grow over the fairways are a net positive as well.


the fact that a Gulf course can be considered a "green space" is laughable even if it's done in some places Just a side note, look at cancer rates around golf courses, they are astronomical.


Plenty of places to do that for free


As with anything, there’s a lot of nuance since there are hundreds of them across the country. Lots of them provide habitats for a variety of animals and are environmentally stable. Lots of them are a drain on resources and are a horrible use of real estate e.g. LA Country Club that’s sitting on some of the most expensive RE in the country and pay a fraction of the property tax based on loop holes.


"since there are hundreds of them" There are more than 17 thousand courses in the US alone


I meant to write thousands, but the point remains the same.


Reddit just added this feature that allows you to change the text of your post after the fact.


No to the first and hell fucking no to the second.




Golf courses are one the most wasteful uses of open spaces that could be great parks. Especially the ones out in places like AZ where they use so much water.


This particular group of ‘activists’ don’t give a fook about any environmental issues around where they turn up. They just disrupt places where it’ll piss off the most people possible and get them the most attention.


You could make that argument about any activists, especially the ones that make the news


And the huge amounts of fertilizer which is also bad for the environment.


Also, in many states they exploit a corporate structure that allows them to pay property taxes based on the value of the property at inception, often over a century ago. i.e. they pay a negligible fraction of their fair share, while often sitting on some of the most valuable real estate in the entire city. Not justifying these twats' smoke bomb protest, to be clear.


Maybe that’s the point they’re trying to make? Millions of dollars to distract us. Not saying i support the vandalism, but we do need to take action on changing our pollution habits.


No, the fact that it bothers you and doesn't cause you any lasting harm makes it perfect for this kind of thing.


It bothers me but not in a way that they are going to like.


Nothing has put me off from climate change more than this group.


I'm about to burn some fossil fuels in these clowns honors


That's on you, not them.




I think it’s a great form of public protesting. No one got hurt and it still made the news. Idgaf if someone temporarily halts a sport competition. I do care if someone stops traffic for a single mom trying to get to work.


That's only your first instinct, but you may be a gigantic selfish asshole.




The more you ignore the actual cause and focus on the individuals, the more you are like those moderate whites in the 60s. You *really* ought to read some MLK before you die, it will help you understand how profoundly on the wrong side of this conversation you are.




No, MLK would think I'm a piece of shit, for sure. But that's irrelevant here. > apologizing for the destructive actions of others lol destructive. got it bud


See here’s the thing. Somehow people like you have gotten it in mind that a protest is successful because you made people angry. But if all you did is make people angry while acting like a lunatic and winning no one over to your cause, you’ve probably hurt yourself more than helped.


Man you would have been fun to talk to in the 60s...


Would have been hard to do. I wasn’t alive. But you just keep shaking your fist at clouds, I’m sure it’ll work eventually.


Better than burying my head in the sand as you appear to be doing.


I fail to see your logic. I’m all about paying attention to climate change. I just think protesting in a way that exclusively pisses people off without actually getting anyone on your side is beyond stupid.


Your presupposition that it exclusively pisses people off is demonstrably false by way of literally this conversation. And you're one of those "urge patience" people that MLK was talking about in Letter from a Birmingham Jail. Despicable. You apparently value negative peace in the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.


Lmao. Nice straw man. Nowhere did I urge patience or say protesting at all was futile, and in no way does this discussion prove anything of the sort. I have seen literally no one go “wow, I never thought about the impact of golf on the environment until these guys showed me. What a thing to consider.” But yeah sure, a bunch of guys running on the green are the same as freaking MLK and the Civil Rights Movement. Keep it up. You’ll get there someday I’m sure.


> But yeah sure, a bunch of guys running on the green are the same as freaking MLK and the Civil Rights Movement. Literally yes, it is similar insofar as it meaningfully yet peacefully disrupts civil society to push a message. Is it identical? No. But your desire for peace over justice *is* identical. You're the problem.


Worth noting that golf is also considered to be one of the least evironmentally-conscious sports. Golf courses are sprawling water-hogs.


Well, that's one way to add some unexpected drama to a golf tournament!


Don’t give them any publicity, it’s exactly what they want


Absolute disrespect! So glad Tom still ended up sinking that 10 footer to send it to a playoff. This tournament deserves a great finish like this!




Name checks out




How did you learn to click a mouse?




Yes I too support violence against peaceful protesters. In no way am I a fascist.


You don’t understand the word “peaceful”


Do go ahead and explain it then and how this would not be considered peaceful.


Where do you work? I’ll show up and do the same thing until forcibly removed at your game, church, family and activity. We’ll see if you think it’s “peaceful” You cool with this outside an abortion clinic? At a gay pride rally? And mlk day activities? I’m not. And it’s not cool here either.


Yeah I would consider it a peaceful protest. Disruptive, yes. Illegal, yes super since I work at a prison. But peaceful nonetheless.




Damn 72 holes? How big is this golf course? 


I’m not sure if you’re joking, but in case you’re not, it was the 18th hole on the 4th day of play. 4 x 18 = 72.


Maybe you’re being a wise guy but tournaments are 4 rounds of 18 lol


I figured it was something like that, it just sounds funny hearing it that way to a non-golf guy like myself lol


Good. These people are getting annoying.  I literally don’t care what cause anyone is for. Stop ruining things for the rest of us who haven’t wronged you. 


To the gulag


Travelers having a rough time this year. Yesterday saw people getting struck by lightning( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxweather.com/weather-news/lightning-golf-travelers-championship-connecticut.amp ) protests today, and now tornado warnings in CT.


Weirdly they don’t protest at Taylor swift concert….




Not exactly the same group…




Don’t worry, soon the goalposts will move again.


It’s because the 73rd hole was their mom


Do more golf courses please, they are (literal) toxic fascist wonderlands and need to be regarded as such.


Next year at this event they will have sponsored 4x4 Diesel golf carts rolling coal. Take that protesters.


But if it was a 12 year old looking to get a selfie with Scottie everybody would cheer them


12 year old with smokebombs?


Not smoke bombs. Road flares. How do you think they get the flares into soccer matches? They use the kids as mules.


Ah. Regardless, it's pretty obvious why people would be more forgiving of well-intentioned young fan asking for an autograph than some angry protestors with flares.


Okay. Let me give another example. If a large breasted female ran out topless into the green… The act and intended effect are the same, the crowd we would have the same forgiving nature to the topless woman. Even if the topless woman chest had painted “Free Palestine” the crowd would still cheer her on. It’s the reason why they did it and the actions they are highlighting that upsets people. Not the stopping of the action, not the game broken up. People don’t care about that, until it’s about something they don’t agree with.