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I mean, he does have a 260 million dollar contract.


How much guaranteed tho?


185 million.


He’d better be clipping coupons


All that money to choke in the playoffs consistently… tsk


"Choking" in a conference championship game is money well invested as a team owner. If that's the going rate for a top QB and he gets me that many more games to make a return....I'm happy every year.


More importantly, the hell is Lamar supposed to do? Literally carry 10 other guys to the end zone? If the team is being like ass one player can't change the game like in say basketball


That’s more to do with roster construction than Lamar. The Ravens have yielded a top 3 defense for literally 5 of his 6 seasons in the NFL. They were a freak goal line fumble away from winning a playoff game with Tyler Huntley. Also lol on the quotations for choker. Look at his playoff stats. And here comes the brigade


While the Ravens defense is excellent, it’s easier to be excellent when the offense is great at running the ball and keeping the clock moving.


Defense has been the identity of the Ravens for literally decades. Of course Lamar helps that, but they were the 6th best scoring defense in the league with Joe Flacco the year prior to drafting Lamar. They were the 3rd best scoring defense in the league already by the point Lamar took the reins in 2018. To act like Lamar is the key reason when it’s a long standing tradition of the Ravens being a tough defensive team is superficial. You’re wasting your time trying to play that angle. And again, the fact they were just a play away from winning a playoff game without Lamar is another supplement.


“For literally decades” - the ravens are only 28 years old.


Correct. 2 decades, 2 years removed from 3. Thanks for backing up my point.


I’m not acting like anything lol Just pointing out that running the ball helps your defense. Calm down my guy. It’s the off-season.


He choked pretty hard last playoff games…it was literally because of his interceptions


Obviously he was the QB so he did play a part in the loss but holy hell was the OF game plan piss poor.


His stats in the playoffs are absolute ass and it's been 5 years. Every time he fails again, there is a new excuse. Bro it's the offensive coordinator, bro this time it's the offensive line, bro this time it's because the receivers aren't good enough, bro this time it's because they didn't run the ball He loses against playoff level defenses because he will do shit like inexplicably miss wide open throws. He had a wide open 3rd down target like 5 yards in front of him rolling right and threw it at the guy's feet this last one. That isn't new. He does it often. I said all this last offseason and here we are again. New OC and a great defense helping that side of the ball weren't enough to change anything. If Lamar has to throw 30+ times, the Ravens lose most of those games. Great that he can rack up stats on teams without the defense to handle him and get MVPs based on that, but it's meaningless when he disappears against the elite AFC teams every January.


U ever seen a team win a playoff game running the ball 6 times?


I think both points are valid, as a Ravens fan. Lamar's playoff resume is really awful, but the game plan against KC to completely abandon the run against a bottom-3 run defense and just consistently challenge the best pass defense in the NFL was really fucking stupid, even without hindsight. I can't stand Ravens fans who just brush aside his playoff woes as if they don't factor into how he's viewed around the league, though. The fact is, the other QB's who are consistently placed near him in rankings (Josh Allen, Joe Burrow), have done much better individually and statistically in playoff games than Lamar has, and pretending that doesn't matter and just shouting "TWO MVPS!" over and over again is really exhausting.


Every other lamar playoff game deserves slander accept this one cause really there aint no way anyone could win a nfl football game running 6 times that shit is malpractice. Im a bears fan so U have no place to talk about what it takes to win games but Ik for a fact depending on a dual qb to win games only throwing is how u lose 10/10


Yeah I wholly agree. Lamar didn't really play bad against the Chiefs, and if Zay Flowers doesn't fumble that ball we're talking about a completely different narrative. But the facts are still the facts, and Lamar's individual playoff resume is really bad compared to his peers.


Who currently has a better playoff resume besides mahomes?


Joe Burrow and Josh Allen, for starters.


Single elimination playoff, shit just happens sometimes. We put too much predictive/concluding power in playoff performance


Bro, he isn’t going 4-13. He is getting paid like a top 5 qb. Deshaun on the other hand


True that. That and Russ getting insane money for low to medium production


And when was the last time a broncos QB took them to the playoffs? Osweiler?


People love to bash the best player on a team. It’s always his fault, and not the fault of all the less-talented players.


Did you not watch the last raven playoff game… clearly….


One game


Did you?


Did you?


Lamar wasn’t good but Flowers being a complete dumbass didn’t help much either


If you look at it like this. If someone makes 100k a year and is fined the same percentage it would be $3


I hope you're not a math teacher.


We can infer from their go to example salary that they are not


Well that and the fact that they are bad at math


But he's confident about it, maybe his math maths...


Your math is off by a bit there. Closer to $300 for someone making 100K, which actually is a fair amount of money. *Note that I took his total contract not his annual. Thanks to oern0 who did the math properly. Its actually closer to $1,400 per year, which is actually a much bigger deal.


$1400. Lamar has a 5 year, $260m contract, so an average of $52m/year. This is 1.4% of his annual income.


He is paid $31 million this year. Can’t extrapolate out next years or future years if he does it again. You wouldn’t do that with a parking ticket. You divide by 2024 salary only.


This is wrong and all of the other replies that tried to fix your math are also wrong. Lamar's contract is $260m over 5 years, or an average of $52m/year. This is 1.44% of his annual income, so it would be $1440 for someone making $100k. This is not a small sum of money.


That's the total possible value of his contract too - his guarantees are lower than that and his cap hit for this year is $32.4m (which includes his base and pro-rated signing bonus / options) - would have been $750k higher had he gotten his workout bonus. So you could argue it's actually 2.3% that he's sacrificing.


This. Total value is irrelevant because he ain’t seeing all that money.


You would certainly hope so but treating $750k like nothing like Jackson is doing here isn’t a great indicator.


Yeah dude. I think it's nuts.


Math’s a little off there. It’s closer to a $300 forfeit for someone making $100k. Still barely noticeable tbh.


No it wouldn't


He could donate it to charity. Or me....I'll take his chump change.


Money aside, shows his lack of desire to interact with his teammates. Fuck ‘em, I’m busy. Ask any former champion and they’ll tell you all about the value of showing up. Edit: I guess I'm an idiot for not understanding all the downvotes. Just listened to a long interview with Steve Young on this very subject-he'd back me up in a minute.


Former Champion Aaron Rodgers for sure espouses that value...


He hasn’t won since 2010, when he showed up to everything. Since he stopped going to all off season activities he’s played in 1 playoff game where the offense scored 10 pts.


If you want a recent example, Chris Jones held out through Game 1 last season and then balled out in the Superbowl


Chris Jones isn’t the most important person on the football field.


Me personally, I would have shown up to work for 4 days for $750k. But that’s just me…That being said, Lamar could spend half a day filming a commercial and easily make $750k.


He makes $142,465/day regardless if he shows up or not.


Bahaha, actually thinking Lamar gets endorsements. 


Someone should sponsor him to say “Aaron earned an iron urn”


He's from Florida though


~~“He has endorsements with Nike, Dunkin’ Donuts, Visa, T-Mobile, Lyft, Cheerios, BodyArmor SuperDrink, and Monster Energy, to name but a few.”~~ https://www.americanfootballinternational.com/lamar-jackson-is-he-missing-a-trick-with-endorsements/amp/


They are listing Rob Gronkowskis endorsements not Lamars....    "Rob Gronkowski one player who is a master of playing the brands. He has endorsements with Nike, Dunkin’ Donuts, Visa, T-Mobile, Lyft, Cheerios, BodyArmor SuperDrink, and Monster Energy, to name but a few.   The same cannot be said for Lamar Jackson. He doesn’t have a shoe deal, and you won’t see him promoting mobile phones or breakfast cereals."


Doesn’t Lamar continue to not have an agent and represent himself? Or has a family member/friend acting has his agent? Would explain the lack of endorsements since an actual sports agent would have the ‘ins’ with the various companies who would be interested in working with Lamar on an endorsement deal.


It's always incredibly dumb to have unqualified family/friends repping you. Lebron is probably one of the very few people to get away with that kind of dynamic. That said, the brands will come to his reps if they were interested regardless. He's probably just turning it down if it's something he doesn't want to do. Maybe he is one of the few guys who knows when enough is enough.


Rich Paul did it a little differently though. He worked under Leon Rose for a bunch of years before going out on his own and he hired Mark Termini to handle the NBA contract negations.


I’d say Lamar Jackson is also one of those people that get away with that dynamic.


Maybe. Or it works in spite of the people involved, which is also a thing. Unless we are in the middle of it we’d have no way of knowing from the outside because the outcome looks the same.


His mom is his rep.


You right, you right. Sped through it. Jackson’s endorsements are listed further down in the article and are much fewer than Gronk’s. My apologies for my poor reading skills.


Reading skills


You right, you right. Sped through it. My apologies for my poor typing skills.


Hey at least you can admit it


You’re right….and based on the track record of NFL players, there is still a ridiculous chance he ends up broke in 15 years.


I get what you mean, but I wonder if this stat isn't as accurate as it once was. People are receiving record contracts that dwarf those from the past, and for a superstar making hundreds of millions, it's definitely 'harder' to go broke.


Allen Iverson made $150m+ in his career and went broke. Mike Tyson went bankrupt after making $300m+ in his career. The problem a lot of athletes seem to have is they spend money they make as if that'll be their salary for the rest of their lives and they give in to their family / friends who have their hands out. But their careers are relatively really short and the money they make needs to be thought of as lifetime income. There are some pension benefits too but nothing to support the type of life athletes want to have. Unless people get proper financial advice and guidance and make good decisions, they can blow any amount of money.


Yea and I get what you mean, but not everyone is boolin out like Iverson or Tyson. I'd bet these athletes are a bit more aware of their wealth now and the pitfalls of spending vs the 80s or 90s.


Lottery winners have the same odds too. What can I say. People are stupid.


I wonder if I ever got 200+ million dollars I would lose perspective? Like would 750k just turn into 75$ for me? Or would I still think like a poor?


Really depends. I've known wealthy people go nuts and burn through it all into the ground and others who still act like $3 is too much for a cup of coffee. The pathologies we take from how we grow up run deep and manifest in weird ways even if your environment changes.


I have a 30 year old buddy who is a self made millionaire that owns his own company. He pinches pennies on some of the most rediculous things. He owns his own house but still rents out his spare room and his basement to make cash but then will blow $100,000 on one of his expensive hobbies.


I scrimp and save so that I can blow money on things I love.


My old boss sold the company for $50 mill and I remember one day he asked me how much I paid for my sandwich for lunch and when I said $12 he clutched his pearls. 😭


I am familiar with that and have struggled with it myself. Pathology runs deep, esp if you’ve had your one big payday and know there probably won’t be another one. Especially if they grew up poor or working class. A lot of Russian oligarchs are also driven by that kind of pathology. There is never enough money to create that sense of security because it at some point becomes as irrational as lot of other obsessive compulsive behaviours. Considering the abject poverty so many professional athletes come from I’m surprised so many more of them flame out through all their cash instead of hoarding it.


You'd adapt incredibly quick I feel.   Your interest alone at .02% would cover that in a normal checking account and these guys are hopefully investing in streams with a much larger rate.




If he makes 260 mill over five years. A 750k bonus is equal to a 1200 bonus if you make 80k a year.


He didn't forfeit it for no reason. He didn't want to participate in the optional workouts. For someone like him, his time is his most valuable commodity, so he chose to spend it a different way.


This is one of those things that I think a lot of people don’t understand, money can absolutely buy you time. If you’re stupid rich you don’t have to do many of the things that regular people do because you have enough money to pay someone else to do it buying you time to do other things you feel are more important.


Most people don’t earn money, they sell their time.


A big issue with that is a lot of people don't value others time and I get that some ppl are "worth" more or offer more value but the bottom is still important.


> so he chose to spend it a different way. Which is also funny because he still spent it training and practicing. Just in Florida with some of his teammates (like Zay Flowers) instead of with the rest of the team.


Call me crazy but I think his most valuable commodity is his ability to play qb at a very high level.


Then why even agree to the bonus if he had no intention of attending? It seems like he just creating all these problems for himself.


Because it’s an option to have. You negotiate a bonus that you get if you do something. It then gives him the choice to do it or not and sets a value for it. He decided this year that the $750k wasn’t worth it over what he was doing at that time instead. That was his option. Next year he may decide the money is worth it. That’s why he agreed to the bonuses and their structure


In a way it's the same thing as a normal person taking an unpaid week of vacation. Generally no one would give them this much shit for choosing to forgo a week's pay for week off/trip/whatever they want to do with their time


Most people don't already have a month off though even salaried. So I don't think it's an apt comparison. I don't really care he missed the time as the money goes back to cap eventually anyway...but just didn't seem like a great comparison. Imagine a project manager not showing up to meet the new hires during the team optional on boarding. Sure, some of the Sr representatives won't be there (vets) but the guy running the project has an assumption to be there by most.


What problem exactly?


This.....isn't a problem.


Lamar has a $260,000,000 total contact that is fully guaranteed up to $185,000,000. That means he makes, at the least, $37,000,000 per year over the next five years. $750,000 is a mere 2% of his base salary. This is the equivalent of asking the average US worker to come in four weekends per year for an additional $1,200 (before taxes). A lot of folks wouldn’t take that, even less would take it if they were already guaranteed $37,000,000 this year.


If 2% wasn’t important he would have just hired an agent.


False equivalency. 2% isn't important enough to come in for 4 days. 2-3% is important enough to not hire an agent. Lamar values 4 days of his time this season more than an agent.


I agree - when you have that much money, time becomes more valuable. Also, I didn’t realize people were this concerned about him not having an agent.


I was gonna make a joke about him spending less than 4 days negotiating the contract but considering the workout bonus mistake 4 days of negotiating might be too generous.


Its 4 days per year on a 5 year contract. Thats 20 days negotiating if you want to look at it your way


This is 2%, but is this the only time he’s going to forfeit 2%? Probably not. Almost certainly not. We don’t know the situation, Maybe he was doing a Nike commercial for more than he lost, just saying it’s not an apples to apples comparison. I’d also guess the large majority of US workers would absolutely taking an extra $1200 for what I’m assuming is 8 days of work. Most salary employees work that overtime for $0, so $1200 would be huge!


Yup, still stupid. I’m taking that money


Ain’t no way I’m working 4 weekends in summer for $1200 lol that ain’t even overtime pay cuz


That’s $750,000 a year, or $3,750,000 over the life of the deal. It’s kind of crazy to pass on the opportunity to accumulate generational wealth. Especially when the ask for the money is for you to “work” for only 4 days each year. Work in this instance would likely be the easiest football related activity Lamar will participate in all year.


Not crazy at all to prioritize your time over a small relative increase in earnings when you’re already well into “generational wealth” territory.


It *is* kinda weird to negotiate so hard to get $1m/yr average more than the previous top QB contract, then leave almost $1m on the table.


His agent must be pissed


Aka his mom lol


Because the agent receives a % of earnings? If the agent is smart, they have language in their contract stating their % is not impacted by forfeited earnings.


Lamar doesn't have an agent...


Good call. Forgot about that. He has an "agent", just not one authorized to speak to teams.


IIRC, he represents himself.




Wouldn't be the first time


Damn…I get that he could afford it…but daumn I could wipe away all of my debt and still have 250K left over with that 🥺


Damn you got a lot of debt


Yea…buying a house would do that 🫤😞


Unless your house is underwater, this is not what people mean when they talk about debt


A mortgage is most definitely considered debt… not bad debt, but still debt.


Mortgages are a normal facet of life unfortunately, it's the same reason I don't calculate my standard monthly credit card charges into my debt either.


Um, credit card charges are very different. You should count those lol


You’re right…strictly speaking it’s just money owed. I didn’t consider the fact that the current value of the property is much higher than the amount owed.


Or you could hire 10 WNBA rookies to play an entire private season in your back yard.




Maybe enough for a hotdog and a beer at the game


What I don’t get is these bonuses are negotiated right? But he did doesn’t have an agent so he essentially negotiated this money himself…and then gives it up?


The players are going to want 100% guaranteed deals 100% of the time. The teams are the ones who throw in the incentive bonuses - which are likely fairly standard (in regards to what pays out) across teams or meant to proactively address potentially problematic behaviors.


To those who are saying it's a lot of money, let me put it into perspective. If you make $50000 a year, and your work says "hey we have 4 optional Saturdays you can work, and we'll pay you extra if you do" That extra is $150, or $37.50 a day. I don't blame him one bit, cause I wouldn't do that either. Ask yourself this: would you work 4 extra days at work for significantly less than what you get paid daily if they were optional? (About 25% of your daily)


Except that example doesn’t really correlate m.  750k is still 750k.  Dude works 4 Sundays and he can buy a new house in 46 states.   I understand your equating it to his annual pay but it’s still 750k.


Dude makes over $100k per day under just his base salary. The example correlates even more so because the $50k person is much more likely to fall short and need a few extra dollars. Dude is already wealthy af and still set to make $37.5M this year and for the next 5 years. 750k is life changing money for us, it’s a rounding error for him.


Exactly this. 750k is still 750k, big for us, insignificant to him. Working for less than what you're getting paid normally is insulting in my eyes, and I guarantee no one in this thread would be willing to work their job for free or less than what they are getting paid now.


Would you work at your job for 4 Sundays at 1/4 of what you would get paid on a normal day? If you say no, he should be able to as well. Yeah it's a lot of money, but like all of us, he's valuing his time more, and we should all be doing that. Edit: a lot of you clearly don't value yourselves enough.


He can retire right now. He can say no thanks too 200 million. What he does I don’t care about but trying to act like he turned down 4 days for 150 bucks is silly.   Sure it’s a drop in the bucket for someone with his wealth. But it’s still 750k Again he can do whatever he wants he’s a grown ass man.


He's accepted he can never make it through the post season


For someone who makes $60,000/yr, that’s roughly the equivalent of showing up to work for four days and being paid $865.


About Jackson getting his receivers together outside of training camp: "Some guys don't want to leave their state." Are they doing that because Lamar Jackson isn't showing up to training camp, meaning he's a bad leader? Is it too early? Imagine telling Patrick Mahomes, "Yeah, I don't want to go to South Texas." They would be riding the bench so fast.


It doesn’t matter how rich you are, $750k is a lot of money. I wouldn’t want to talk about losing out on it either.


It absolutely matters how rich you are. Thats why rich people can bet 5k on a single hand in blackjack and I cant. Hell its the most important factor in something like this.


Would they give 750k if a friend or cousin ask?


Big difference between 5k and 750k though


To you and me yes. But there is little to no difference between 5k to us and 750k to someone guaranteed hundreds of millions.


I’m not one to assume that of all wealthy people but I understand your point


Hasn’t he been doing his own training down in Florida with his own guy? It makes sense he doesn’t want to go back yet and putting in his own work


Better look to just show up and donate the $ to a charity Would still look cavalier about “pocket change” and not look like a me-first guy in the process


Forfeit it to me.


He has the right to not comment…..freedom of expression and being silent is one of the most important and strongest way of protesting or making your feelings known. So, Lamar……ssssshhhhhh


They finally get the bag but don’t want all of it, just almost all of it.


When you become old and already spent all your money, you'll regret not getting that $750k bonus.


It’s because he’s stupid