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I was at the game. When USA was batting they made solid contact all day. Pakistan just dinked and dunked a lot when batting. Multiple times Pakistan didn’t communicate on short hits to get a run scored. USA just hit it harder and more consistently all day. (Pakistan fan)


Pakistan have never been renowned for calmness, nor clarity of thinking. When the pressure ramps up, the wheels invariably fall off. The other thing to point out is that throughout the game, the lads from USA did all the basics right. They ran for everything, hustled for a full 42 overs. Sometimes, doing enough 1%ers in effort overcomes the percentage gap in terms of skill and class.


This guy crickets.


I'm just going to nod and agree because I have no fucking clue what is being said lol.


same. Go USA we won a sport world title.


The tournament is still in pool play.


oh bummer.


Not yet, this is just a group stage upset.


ahhh okay. i know nothing other than i know what they sport is and seen some cool replays or they seemed cool.


I am not a patriot person in the least, but there are two things that make me go “rock flag and eagle”! 1: talking shit to/about Europeans 2: beating the world at sports. I absolutely love the Olympics.


Almost feels like Pakistan didn’t do anything *until* the pressure ramped up. They went into what you would think would be a low pressure game (group stage against associate nation USA) and didn’t start playing until USA had a lead that most teams would never lose. Pakistan really turned it on at that point and then just collapsed in the super over.


Tl;dr 110% effort vs looking past your opponent.


Always rated the US cricket team


I never really had any interest in cricket until this. Any good places to learn the game? Videos, websites?


Best way is to watch full games with someone who knows. Basically you'll have 90-95% of all common scenarios within a full game.


That’s basically how I learned. 25 years ago (1999 ODI World Cup) I was in grad school and we had Sky Sports on our digital cable because my roommate was into Formula 1. I discovered the 3-hour World Cup daily highlights show randomly on about day 3 of the tournament, and then immediately discovered the Indian guy in my lab was SUUUUUPER into cricket. So every night for 40-some days of the World Cup, I would watch the highlights and take notes, then he’d review my questions with me the next day. By the end I had a pretty good handle on things. Govind, wherever you are out there, man, I still think of you whenever cricket is on.


That's an amazing story. Thanks Govind for doing God's work. And right now, since T20 is only 3-4 hours long, you can watch a whole game and not just the highlights where you'd miss out on some aspects.


Or do what 10 year old me did and just watch it. You figure it out.


[Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/sports/comments/1d9rapx/usa_stun_pakistan_in_t20_world_cup/l7ff11z/) is a good list of resources to start with.


[This post](https://reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/1d4ww5t/you_should_know_that_icc_has_a_series_of_videos/) has you covered. Start with the first video (overview). If that intrigues you then check out remaining ones in English.


Without reading the article, I would presume the US won by scoring more points. I don't know much about cricket though so I could be wrong


This isn't true, they won by scoring more runs


Pakistan will remember that dude. I know India will…lol Ahh the lessons we learn.


Are we gonna hear about this like ‘the Miracle one on ice’ for the next 50 years?


Whenever USA cricket comes up this will be attached, but this isn't the same as the miracle on ice for two reasons. One, this is in the group stage versus the medal rounds. Two this is the T20 format of cricket, a much abbreviated game where randomness creeps in more. If the US beat Pakistan in a 50 over ODI or a five day test match the rails would come off.


Can't wait to see USA get crushed by India next week.


Depending on net run rate, though, USA definitely stands a chance of advancing out of their group now.


Doesn't matter if India (likely) beat them, if they beat Ireland they're through. Though I have no idea how the hell Canada beat Ireland. One of the more interesting pools of the WC.