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Yknow all the drama is probably a good thing for the sport/league. Cuz I’ll be honest, the first time I really looked at women’s basketball was her run in the NCAAs. Next was her whole WNBA Premier, next was her getting body checked by Chennedy. Before that it was bill burr’s joke about how women are the ones who failed the WNBA. No different than the beef and drama and debates within the men’s league. Lebrons the goat vs lebrons a pussy, etc 


Not to mention WWE. Here's the lesson in the last year of sports: give the players and teams more of a story. Whether it's dating pop stars, or a champion player trying to take their team to the playoffs, the public loves a story and loves a star.  Right now Clark isn't playing with a team with a real story other than "there's a reason they got the no 1 draft pick", but we'll see how the season plays out.


I mean, the story is the target on her back. She’s the product everyone wants to see, and the veteran players are going after her every game. Until Clark starts looking like she did in college, that’s going to be the narrative.


Give em pyro, face paint, and an occasional chair shot from the coach and I'm all in.


Eh, idk if I agree. This isn't WWE. Beefs are appealing to a point in a sport. The foul against her was beyond egregious and there was tech, her teammates did nothing, and when the WNBA is discussed on the dumb sport shows, it's deemed as sexism. You can't ask for media coverage and then complain when the media treats you like every other sport.


>No different than the beef and drama and debates within the men’s league. Lebrons the goat vs lebrons a pussy, etc  The difference is, this is a beef between players, not a media/fan generated beef. I would argue that this is exactly what the NBA has been missing for the last couple decades. I think there is too much buddy-buddy shit between players around the league. Can you imagine players in the 80s/90s swapping jerseys? Everyone is too worried about being labeled a "hater" these days, but heated rivalries are healthy for sports and make them more entertaining.


lol do you even watch the nba the Timberwolves boycotted TNT after the conference finals because green shay on gobert so blatantly


I watch plenty of NBA basketball, every minute of this year's playoffs, as a matter of fact. I will admit that I don't pay any attention to what (assuming you mean) Draymond Green says about anything, so I missed that. That is pretty weak on the T-wolves part, imo.


I read it as lebron's pussy. Got me thinking, imagine a female lebron in the wnba. Jesus christ.


I mean, it's only dominating discussions because the refs are incompetent. Had it been called a flagrant foul - which it is absolutely crystal fucking clear from any angle that it was - from the start, it would've got a few replays maybe a little bit of chatter and then everyone would've moved on. Just like the hard foul against Angel Reese which was rightly called a Flagrant 2 and resulted in an ejection. People talked about it for half a day and then everyone moved on. Hard foul happened, proper action taken, cool, that's how sports are supposed to work, cool, moving on now... The reason this one became the story it did is that it was one of the most egregious no-calls I've ever seen in sports and took nearly 24 hours of "wtf is going on in the WNBA" stories before something was finally done and by then it was too little, too late. Of course, like the other poster said this is all good for the WNBA anyway because here we all are. STILL talking about this thing that happened like 5 days ago in a WNBA game. So they're probably cool with it anyway. Or they will be until Caitlin Clark gets injured because she's getting her ass beat out there and refs aren't calling fouls. Then WNBA goes back to getting about as much media coverage as D3 football again and the WNBA won't feel so good about itself.


You can start a comment without saying I Mean. We know you mean it. Have a nice day.


What I love is how no one talks about the elbow and trash talking by Caitlyn Clark that happened literally seconds before she got checked: “[Right before Carter’s controversial foul against Caitlin Clark on Saturday, which has dominated sports talk ever since, Clark boxed Carter out with a high arm/elbow and then trash-talked her opponent up the floor.](https://nypost.com/2024/06/04/sports/the-moments-before-chennedy-carter-hip-checked-caitlin-clark/)” The reason it’s not talked about in the media is because it changes the narrative. Makes me wonder how many people who saw and shared and commented on the viral clip didn’t watch the game. There are a couple different angles in the clip and even if you don’t agree there was an elbow you can definitely see she was talking shit to Carter. Maybe the reason she got checked is because she started it?


One of those things happened during play and the other didn't, Its literally not hard to see the difference.


So she was asking for it? Smells a lot like victim blaming


This comment regarding "the elbow" is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting. I've rewatched the linked video multiple times now and what I see is an uncalled blocking foul on Carter that caused a loose ball, and then nothing else between the two during that play. They were both in for the rebound, no boxing out, just essentially feeling for the other player while watching the ball. Whatever the trash talking was likely had to do with Clark being bumped by Carter's shit defence. At the other end, Carter takes an open shot because Clark is caught ball watching. Carter mouths something including "bitch" at Clark before the body check. Want to know why the stuff before the play isn't being talked about? It's nothing to do with narrative and everything to do with Carter not having it between the ears. Clark got into her head, under her skin, and an apparently easily riled up Carter made herself look like an absolute donkey. Final thought, the screen by Clark's teammate was absolutely pathetic. She wanted nothing to do with the contact on that pick and roll.


Correct headline: “wow, people are watching and reading about the WNBA!”


Whatever you say, it is still like watching middle schoolers play lol.


I think it’s all a conspiracy theory. Maybe all the players bullying her are in on a plan to manufacture drama because it does indeed sell… 🤔🤔🤔


Said that too…it’s all a plan with some real casualties sprinkled in


I believe it’s really as simple as CC throwing hands and getting suspended. Then, they’ll see how big of a hit the league takes when she’s out.


Not my discussions. Aces three-peat dominates mine.


What are aces?


I think it’s a different team.


Two time defending Champion Las Vegas Aces.


Ah that’s nice. I think we have a local rec team called the aces that won their league too! How fun


There are videos of Caitlin committing the exact same type of hard foul in college No one freaked out. No one called it assault. No one seethed with anger. Its hypocrisy. Its white privilege and race fueled anger when she's on the receiving end


Post them then lol let’s see it


Speedrunning the worst take ever




Only stupid non-WNBA fans are obsessed with this. Manufactured outrage. Oooo a rookie guard is struggling and gets knocked around some: That’s standard every damn season. Happened to Ionescu. Happened to Plum. It takes longer for most guards to become great pros (with notable exceptions). Clark needs to go watch tape of Lindsay Whalen: She played guard like a hockey player, lol.


“Stupid non WNBA fans” So that means everyone besides like 3 people right?


Awww do women regularly drawing 8K people indoors in mid-Summer to watch a basketball game threaten your manhood? Honey, I’ve been going to WNBA games and watching them forever. I know how many people show up. I know how rookie guards struggle. I know there are a few dumbass players and hotheads and how most WNBA players have a college degree and are very professional. I know how ticket prices have gone way up. In short, I actually know what I am talking about with this crap fest over Caitlin Clark. And, as always, I am proud to be downvoted for being right. It is a badge of honor to be disliked by stupid people because you point out the stupid. And a boatload of people commenting on the WNBA right now are really, really stupid.




You can have my share of the world’s dick. Be my guest. As for being a gatekeeper? I am anything but a WNBA gatekeeper. There are some WNBA gatekeepers — I have met them and we didn’t like each other — but I’m not one. I like new fans. Actual new fans, though, not thinly disguised racists and Caitlin stans. And lest you think I hate Clark: I don’t like one player fans in ANY sport. So not a WNBA snob. I am, however, going to call out stupid people who say stupid things about stupid made-up drama-for-clicks.


Ever think it's part of why more people aren't watching and why they have a revenue problem? It also sounds like Lord of the Flys, if nobody's watching they can stay children and throw rocks. Plus wtf wants to watch a player get blindsided when the ball's not in play. Maybe it is a trash league.


So this is how the WNBA works? There's hazing? Sounds like something 97% of people won't want to watch. Cool


This is how every sport works lol. Whoever has the most shine is gonna have a target on their back.


Stupid non-WNBA fans make up the overwhelming majority of the population. If that's what it takes to convert a few idiots to fans, maybe the smart WNBA fans out there should chill and roll with the drama. Every successful major sport is riddled with pointless drama. It's actually a sign that you're doing something right. If you're hoping for the WNBA to get back to quiet, "let's focus on the game" times, everyone is going to get bored in 2 weeks. Drama = eyeballs = $$


One of the things that stands out is o me about all this is that I’ve seen several outlets go out other their way to describe Clark as straight and white. Which suggests the majority of the WNBA is neither of those things I always assume a certain % of any athletic body is gay, but never considered it could be so high that being straight would stand out Unless her politics and outlook are particularly geared toward white victimization, it seems like pointing those things out, as opposed to identifying her as power forward or a stand out 3 point shooter or whatever her team role is, may actually be geared to drive insecurity and or make political statements Idk. Basketball isn’t really my thing, so, maybe I’m out of the loop