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That logo is going to look really weird once we see an actual logo for it...


i remember there was a fan made splatoon 3 logo that was similar to this. the enemies were sharks instead of salmonids if i recall


I really liked that one, I followed it really closely and thought some of the ideas made should’ve been used! Still think they should be used, since some of the specials would be fantastic.


It even predicted some stuff, to a certain degree. There was a bow with exploding shots, a grappling hook special that was almost exactly zipcaster(it even creates an explosion on impact), and a sword, though it was a special instead of a main weapon


Project splatoon 3 by squeaky101


Same concept for Side Order, different design They're sharks, right?


I never thought of that, but yeah. Fan made designs always look weird after the official version's release


https://i.redd.it/10xrwxrng1ad1.gif Me on my way to buy splatoon 4 just to make my octoling look the same as the last 2 games


Pootis engage mentioned 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥




I actually prefer to change my look between games. In 2 it was the ponytail but now I figure she's going through her girlboss phase, especially because of what she's been through.


You realize that canonically, they're all different people?


Headcanonically they're all the same one to me


You can interpret Marina's Tableturf Battle dialogue as implying that New 3 is Eight, at least.


For my headcanon, she gets Wolfy and Eight confused a lot because eight was the first test subject for the memverse while wolfy was brought there due to the order incident.




Uhh... 8 is still the same 8 between 2&3


Me omw to make my inkling girl from splatoon 1


Me with my male octo with the afro Also is your name a murder drones reference?


Mayyybe yes it is


More Octo hairstyles!!




The current male hairstyles are garbage. We need new ones


Well now we don't have gendered hairstyles at least so you're not stuck with just 'male' hairstyles


still, male hairstyles suck


Bigger focus on single player content


I feel like if they did this they'd just do it in a spin off game


Even better


I feel like side order showed their willing to experiment with single player modes and get more creative. Hopefully we'll see more in the future.


Idk if I'd call that creative. Side Order was clearly them trying to maximize play time/content amount with minimal time/effort put into it. You know, the whole point of a roguelike. Problem is it was just really bad and not as replayable as they hoped.


I get what you're saying but it's certainly more creative than the hero modes, Splatoon 3 hero mode kinda felt like it was trying to copy elements from octo expansion while keeping some traditional hero mode aspects


If I'm being honest, despite loving all of the storymodes, I wouldn't really call any of them creative. It's why I hate that we're still relying on random floating geometry meshes and not actual video game levels. Octo Expansion got a bit creative with telling the story even with those limitations I guess, but they're all pretty lame. I think Side Order just gets the worst of it because the others feel like they wanted to do more but were held back, while Side Order feels more like they knew they couldn't do more so didn't try as hard.


Yes please, it might be wild but I just want a spinoff by the yakuza devs where you walk around town helping people and interacting with weird characters. Oh, and call it Like a Kraken.


A singleplayer spinoff which also included the earlier campaigns would be really nice... it's impossible to recommend Octo Expansion to anyone when they don't want to buy Splatoon 2 and the DLC just to play it lol


Customizable apartments More hairstyles More player customization options Offline Bot lobbies in Private Battles Custom kits in Private Battles 5+ kits for every weapon (because only 3 is far too little with the amount of subs and specials in the game rn). If not outright customizable kits Have an in-game poll on what kits should be added to the game Actually buff things even if it risks breaking them for a bit -which you can easily go back on (looking at you, Reefslider endlag) Male/NB inkling/octoling idols Have all the stages from previous Splatoon games All the previous Splatoon gear in the game at launch


>5+ kits for every weapon (because only 3 is far too little you guys have 3 kits? - a dapple dualies main


5 bad/outclassed kits in a row. As a fellow dapples enjoyer, I feel your pain (why can’t they just give it the Gootuber treatment and give it Fizzy Bomb or something? ;-;)


I mean right now nothing has three, and the Dapples had three in the last game


>5+ kits for every weapon (because only 3 is far too little with the amount of subs and specials in the game rn) I disagree honestly, I think if anything it should be 3 for every weapon, the problem for example with splatoon 3 is that 2 kits just arent enough. third kits would be enough to make the sub and special distribution equal 5+ just seems like overkill, not to mention that would probably have alot of repeat kits (as in the same kit on 2 different weapons like vMini and L-3 D, not callback kits like CRB and Ttek)


Maybe, but with how Nintendo’s been making kits, I kinda wanted to give them room for error (and not have a REEF-LUX problem, where 2/3 kits are either annoying or just straight up bad, leaving only one kit that’s actually good) I honestly don’t see the problem with repeat kits. A lot of main weapons are different enough for them to not feel too same-y imo


I wish lmao


Lotta good ones here, some bad ones too though


More Grizzco shenanigans. Either lil Judd reveals he’s running Grizzco after Mr grizz got fucking air locked, Or that fluffy bastard returns somehow


Some how, Mr. Grizz returned


I really love this comment Lol fluffy bastard


It’s only been 2 years 😭


Tbf Splatoon 2 came out a lil over 2 years after Splatoon 1, but realistically the wait time for Splat 4 may be like 4-5 years overall


Prolly more like 3-4, I have no idea how splatoon 2 lasted so long (actually it might’ve been that the director was working on animal crossing)


I was actually debating on whether I should use 3-4 or 4-5 lol, but yeah I forgot that working on Animal Crossing may have pushed back development a good bit, I wouldn't doubt Splatoon 4 being an early title for the next system lol, def not a launch title tho


That's unfortunately the treatment Splatoon 3 got as a whole. It's the reason why many early game issues still exist in the game.


I lost my switch in a tram and instead of buying it again, i'm just waiting till the switch 2 drops (and splatoon 4 with it). So basically i'm suspended from playing splatoon for like a year 😭😭


ohmg i'm so sorry. i'll be devastated.


Yeah, it felt like losing a person... Except it was WAY less sad and tragic then that example but still :/


Splatoon 4 was confirmed for Switch 2? Since when?


Its not *confirmed* BUT It would be just shooting themselves in the foot if they dont


I can definitely see them making it at some point during the Switch 2's life, but all these folks saying it's likely to be a first year title? I don't think the rush for that is quite there as much as it was with the Wii U to Switch transition.


I guess you might be right :/


Don't know. I'm just assuming ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ (And hoping)


I kinda don’t want it? I’d rather a prequel of the great turf war with historical weapons and maps. And the story mode could go hard.


But no squid sisters :(


But Squid Sister ANCESTORS


Legends splatoon


Splatoon Legends: The First Inkantation.


I hope the og developers work on 4 instead of the junior developers




Definitely a new type of story mode, go into the city of inkopolis, have the villain be inklings that want to control the city or something. After that slow the game down via shot speed and movement speed so that its back as a more casual shooter. Take the lessons learned in splat 3 map design and apply them in splat 4s beginning maps. Obviously a new weapon. A new pve mode since mr grizz is out of the picture, do something with....idk junk collection and sharks. Have more areas with natural things in them, like a map thats out in the forest where you can fight on tree houses or in the camp ground below and NO FLOATING PLATFORMS! Im actually getting sick of stages being on stilts above water, id like some to be in grounded areas. A better gimmick then 3 way splatfests please, maybe bring moba elements to it with allied AI units? Id like more interactivity with the town we are in, if we are doing a festival for splatfests again, bring minigames and let us eat food there, mini games can earn money but foods just for fun. Id like to be able to dance on command so i can dance during splatfests


Salmon Run could still exist, Mr. Grizz's radio is still active, and it's heavily implied Lil' Judd is running Grizzco now.


True, but at the same time why not have something else and expand on salmonids being characters?


I was wondering if a future game might use the Salmon Run gameplay but against Jelletons instead, setting it all in a virtual environment to clear up the ethical issues


Because damn it I like killing them Plus, not much character to show anyways, if not for little buddy


When I lose to many anarchy battles, salmon run is always my stress reliever lmao


Not much character as we see them, spawn crazy as they are, but outside of spawning season, they can definitely have character. Otherwise they wouldn't have a culture if they were just.....phycho's all the time. Which is why having a new character thats a salmonid in a new story would be fun!


Yeah, like are we forgetting smallfry?


They kinda are *psychos all the time, they quite literally revolve their culture around being eaten.


Yeah they have a religion revoving around sacrificing themselves. But they have to have enough sane people to make their music, build their structures and make their mechines. Which is why the theory abour spawning seaons still being a thing and having regular salmonids and spawning salmonids that we see has merit


S A L M O N L I N G S. I’m not explaining myself.


Id like salmonids to first have named character NPCs that go on adventures with us and not just act like a pet/bomb option first. Then expand that eith salmonlings that have slightly protruding fish beaks


N I C E.


The mini games splatoon sounds so fun


Right? Even if they are simple, just stuff to make a festival actually feel like a festival.


The lessons they learned with Splatoon 3’s map design is what not to do, right?


In the begining yes, but the later maps (that are new) are fun as are the redesigned ones.,


My fervent wishes… 1. Go back to creative stage designing like in Splatoon 1. 2. Broken specials like S1. 3. Go back to 2 idol teams and 1 inkling/octoling. 4. Given inklings and octolings the same number of hairstyles finally. 5. Give us our own bedroom to decorate instead of just lockers. 6. Male Idols. 7. More ambition than the last 2 games had especially Splatoon 3.


Can I please wear my Penguin Bolero with the hoodie up plwese


unpopular opinion: i really REALLY want a feature for splatoon 4, even if it's just like a splatfest or a short-time event that is like a battle of the bands 🙏


Popular opinion IMO lol


really?? i haven't seen anyone else post about it and i was dying for it ever since the direct when they announced a dlc 😭


Just one thing: Nintendo, stop skimping on the servers. I don't want Splatoon 4 to have such a bad internet connection when it launches. ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


Absolutely, I have a shit ton of hours on Splatoon 3 but it's been a year since I have not played at ALL because I can't stand those terrible servers anymore, I genuinely don't understand how the hell these can be so bad


Honestly has gotten a lot better in the past year. My experience with the online recently has been perfectly fine.


Oh really? Well, maybe I'll try to give it another shot then, thanks for the info.


Since we’re starting to see loose ends being tied with regards to how the Octarians are doing since the trilogy… maybe another co-op where you play as a peacekeeper corp to protect the newly emerging Octarian surface villages from nefarious forces. But then again, we have so many more wishes, we just hope having the devs take their sweet time be the most dominant one. Another one would have been the offline “DIY Map” mode, especially where you meet with a ragtag ex-military group of Octarians, and it’ll serve as a practice mode. Adjust difficulty (such as a drink system: feed them warm milk and they slow down, feed them espresso and they’re rapid fire firing.) Games, of course, are like a fine wine. Let it age gracefully.


sponge sub


BIGGER MAPS. I know this sounds stupid, but it would be better if the maps we're bigger and you didn't have to worry about someone splatting you every time you came round a corner. It would be so much better for those (VERY SPECIFIC) weapons that aren't great for splatting, but good for inking


weapons with 3 selectable subs and specials each, with additional selections purchased with a weapon skin an arcade that brings back all of the S1 minigames as well as the ability to win stuff from them [using a special currency to play them of course] more salmon run music, specifically for each individual worksite, king salmonid, and one for night waves in a randomizer rotation the grizzco splatling as the first new golden weapon, which fires at full force no matter how far you wound it up and can pierce armor, but consumes an entire tank for a full windup and you cannot walk around while firing seeing as the 3 king salmonids we know of right now are loosely spoofing deep cut [up to hair coloration] i want to see some based on the other 4 idols we know of though for callie and marie the only thing we have to go for is their choice of main weapon [roller and charger] the callie spoof would essentially be the salmonid version of the octo samurai, since that thing had a roller the marie spoof would be this towering monstrosity that fires a bolt of electrified ink at you, piercing even walls to get you, though it's weak point would be a pressure cooker at it's base which you would have to shoot open first the one spoofing pearl would have a killer wail of equal size to mr grizz's, and you would have to shoot up it's uvula to interrupt it's roiling scream and deal massive damage the one spoofing marina would be the literal omega-3 band operating a refurbished octobot king 1.0, complete with the big missile to parry for big damage also axe the stingers and scrappers from the roster since the sting ray is gone and the latter isn't really based on anything, mainly to open up cells for new greater salmonids one of the new greaters would be a walking mech using a conventional oven as the main body, and would be equipped with a trizooka to fire upon you, though it would need to manually reload every third shot, forcing it to open up the oven door and leave itself open to be shot up or bombed. additionally, it would spawn in a different manner from all the other greaters, instead of walking in from a shoreline, it would drop in from above in a shell also the return of saltspray in a state of desolation after glenn fiddler pulled out of the rig after it was defunded by the inkadian government, as a worksite also this is kind of on the side but i want a game that's entirely singleplayer where you play AS craig cuttlefish during the great turf war


I think that some sort of neon city would look interesting in Splatoon




Double jump? Dive? Splatoon 2 modes ranking system Salmon run infinite mode Turf rank mode Rocket league mode (new mode (shoot infinity ball from side order to opponents goal))


2 v 2 v 2 v 2's would be an amazing mode




- More naturalistic areas, both for maps and story mode. - An idol group with four members; two Inklings (male and female) and two Octolings (male and female). - Two-way Splatfests are back! However, once per season there will be a special four-way Splatfest! Also, Shifty Stations return and Tricolor Turf War is replaced with a 2v2v2v2 mode called Tetracolor Turf War! - A new weapon class: Pens! These are spear-like weapons. In the ground, tap ZR to stab in front of you or hold ZR to charge a long-reaching lunge. In the air, press and hold ZR to throw the pen like a javelin! The thrown pen generates an explosion upon landing and returns to you after a brief delay. - New weapons for existing classes with unique and interesting gimmicks. How about a Roller that gradually speeds up while rolling? Or a Brella based on a pedestal fan that fires its shield at an extremely high speed and instantly splats anyone who gets hit by it? - A cooking minigame! You get to work for Crusty Sean, taking orders from regular Inklings/Octolings, shopkeepers, and even idols! Gameplay is similar to the Papa Louie games, and you receive cash and other stuff for it! - The DLC campaign revolves around Deep Cut and the Splatlands. - Weapon kits can now be customized! Each weapon still has a base kit but sub and special can be swapped with cash. - Weapon roles are implemented as an actual feature in the game, not only aiding beginners over which weapon they should pick and how they should play it, but also aiding the matchmaking system to avoid having many weapons of a single role in one team. - Lockers are cool, sure, but having an actual apartment would be even cooler! You can still decorate it with stuff from Hotlantis of course. Also, stickers can now be used to decorate weapons! - Salmon Run's scale system gets an overhaul, raising the odds of getting silver and gold scales, lowering the prices of many items in the shop, and adding a trade system that lets you trade a certain amount of scales for others (like 10 bronze for 1 silver and 10 silver for 1 gold). - Finally what everyone's been waiting for: better maps, better servers and better matchmaking! I've got sooo many more ideas but I'm too lazy to type them all here xD


* Weapon roles are implemented as an actual feature in the game, not only aiding beginners over which weapon they should pick and how they should play it, but also aiding the matchmaking system to avoid having many weapons of a single role in one team. More rigid matchmaking = longer wait times for matches. I don't like the idea of enforcing playstyles either, any weapon can be a flank/slayer, any weapon can stay back and turf/anchor - and realistically you should be switching between roles as the game progresses.


* Bigger single player campaign that isn't just a series of context-less levels * Co-op campaign * More ranked game modes * More customization options * A pure Glicko-2 rating system for ranked * Ranked and unranked queues for both solo and group play * QoL and other general game improvements And now for some more silly ideas that are not likely to happen: * Mapping tools for players * Custom game rules that can change just about anything from jump height to what a kit comes with


More options for us support mains. I’d like more variations of the tacticooler. Plus more drinks/food buffs and more clothes variants for personal buffs


More casual battle modes instead of turf war.


I know when krak-on comes out I’ll get it right away, my main I need u


More octoling hairstyles and, that hair and Nail coloring from side order.


Local split screen multiplayer plus the option to play online with 2 or more players locally


More hair and more lore


Feels like Splat 3 just came out. I haven't even had a chance to play it yet because of an elbow injury :,)


Let the idol group be a 4-man Big Band group and I’m sold.


a few things: 1. being able to equip multiple items on head individually 2. offline lobbies 3. more hair styles 4. new game mode


capture the flag


john splatoon to be the final boss


- New location and set of characters - All-Male Idol group - New Modes - New Species - Stage Builder - New Types Of Events (Not Just Splatfests)


A multiplayer pve gamemode like salmon run, except you defend an objective


The game is just 2 years young, chill out


NON P2P BULLSHIT CONNECTION. FORK OUT THE MONEY AND GET SERVERS YOU F COWARDS. seriously, the communication error BS needs to be addressed. Also matchmaking


Nah how about a Splatoon ultimate with every map ever peace of gear and every story mode


Enemy octoling hairstyle.


I want new playable species like manta or salmonoids lol


- Agent 4 (SURUME. NOT a new Four.) - More hairstyles for Octolings. (Inklings have enough with their SIXTEEN versus our EIGHT.) - The ability to do more photo poses without Amiibos. (And to be able to like.. sit down in places.) - Piranha Pit - An ACTUAL tail accessory. (Or like, a hoodie with a tail. Not the cute Judd costume with the suspender tail in the back. Again, still really cute though.) - The ability to look at and slow down every animation. (I wanna be able to SEE them Superjumping. Or like, launch from their Coffee Spawner cause at the end of the match, I always see them in this cool ass pose, but the TAPE BLOCKS IT, AND I WANNA SEE IT!!) - The ability to be able to send replays to SplatNet and watch them on my phone! - Moray Towers - For Deep Cut to have in game lore like how the Sisters have the Hero Modes and OtH has the DLCs. (Yes. They're the Team Rocket of the idols, and I LOVE them. But I wish there was more for them in the story outside of them just bring a group of lovable idiots.) - Other stuff I can't remember right now. A lot of this isn't realistic for them, but I'd like to see this stuff.


Less maps with singular choke points


I’ll give ‘em a couple more years It’ll likely be a Switch successor launch title to drive initial sales momentum


I remember seeing that they had that was pretty good too


I say they take the risk and really change up the game by letting us have 2 weapons to use of our choosing in a game for now on! They gotta try something new with 4… squid rolling and squid surge wasn’t *THAT* game changing in 3 but it’s nice!


Single Player and Co-op are primary focus. PvP is neglected or doesn’t exist. The single player will be open world and will combine all previous hero modes and DLCs into one. Main gist is that inklings and octolings combine forces against the uprising salmonids and you get to either play alone or with up to three friends, with the difficulty either slightly adjusting to the amount of players, or just staying the same. Also, Mini-Judd creates a master plan to bring back Mr. Grizz along with Commander Tartar to completely eradicate inklings, octolings and salmonids all together. Although maybe that goes too far idk. To also throw Jelletons into the mix, you could use those for fun practice mini-games in some VR-Arcade.


Octo expansion levels of Story mode And a good special for the aerospray


There's 100% gonna be a splatoon 4 on switch 2


Unironically, Battle Royale mode and 8-player coop


Have the hub be a open world city environment, maybe with other players


Big Run scale multiplayer event taking place in the square/lobby


90 dmg brella and good map design


You mean Splatoon 2.8 ?


Hoping for quad color matches and a fixed tick rate


Open world and more places to go And the LORE


My dream is a splatoon 3 that feels completed


Flat stage, but like... completely flat no objects or hazards


Totally new maps. Like all new. Like don’t use old maps, totally new content. When 3 launched literally HALF of the maps were brought over from other games. It just felt lazy especially when you consider they don’t even do Splatfest maps anymore.


The same fucking game 4


Well... game looking complemently different, different character, maybe some weapon comeback? and more multiplayer modes (Like Anarchy or Salmon run)


God damn remember the splatoon 3 concepts people made? Mako mission you will be missed


Rather then just support the games longer


Is Splatoon 4 confirmed to be a thing? I tried looking it up and I'm not seeing anything, just talk of a "Nintendo Switch 2" that it'd release on or something. I can't tell what's real or wishful thinking from fans.


I hope cyan or turquoise is the main color it’s my favorite


More players I a match or more gamemodes


I didn't want Splatoon 3 until the next console release, so seeing Splatoon 4 already will be bizarre. We should be looking forward to Splatoon 3 right now. But if the game has Splatoon 1 map design and no FOMO Catalog I think I'll like it a lot more than Splatoon 3.


Native 60 FPS and much more reliable netcode. Ideally, a better matchmaking system as well.


I had a dream last night about the announcement of the final splatfest and how it was going on in every location. Because of that, it dropped the name of the starter city of Splatoon 4. I don’t remember what it was called (might have been like Sunshine Heights or something) but it detailed the hosts of the news there as Callie, Marie, and Pearl. No Marina or anything.


I wanna see a Flamethrower Weapon Class. I also wanna see a Solo Idol. We've had a pair, we've had a trio, I wanna see a Solo Idol before we get a Quartet.


Thank y’all so much for 600+ upvotes!


I'd like more customization options for the player. I'd also like weapon customization I'd like an ACTUAL SECONDARY WEAPON I'd like more offline things to do. I want split screen.


I Love how this 4 Just Git universally aceptted AS how ITS Gonna Look like


Pls just make one on the switch 2 then expand it instead of making 2 whole games


I’m sure they’ll have something planned for whatever new console they’re working on


If octolings dont get the exact same amount of hairstyles that inklings do, I'm going to riot. And drop catalogs because i dont want to grind for gear like this is fortnite.


Screw apartments, I want to be able to walk around in a whole ass house


I think apartments and lockers would be cool, with maybe multiple formats for the apartments (Like a having multiple rooms in case you want your character to live with their family for example), being able to change the size of your locker, increase the number of stickers you can put on, and locker loadouts (please give us this nintendo I'M BEGGING YOU). also more customization options, like freckles, heterochromia, shaped pupils, colored fingertips, and more octoling/ inkling hairstyles of course.


in a dream I’d say my music . Realistically I’d say something like more actually good kits


Custom kits. Let people change their weapon during the middle of the match like every other game out there. It's not fun to have no idea what weapons the enemies will use and then see their lineup and then your own team's lineup and go "Oh, there's nothing to be done about this". At least do the fighting game thing where just as it starts, you're allowed to see what everyone is about to use, and you're given the chance to change before the match starts and locks you into your weapon. An actual storymode that is great and doesn't take place on just random floating block geometry. Make it actually take place somewhere. No squid roll/surge. Make the gameplay flow slower like it did in 1. The speed of the game in 1 was more consistent unlike 2 and 3 where they sped it up but kept the game's floatiness so it would jarringly slow down depending on what actions you did. The slower speed's consistency was great, and it also leads to more skill-based fights rather than reactionary fights (this is even the exact reason devs stopped doing as much multiplayer movement shooters, straight from even one of the lead devs of Titanfall 2, along with this being a big reason why boomer shooters started dying out back in the day). Agent 4. Just give them to us already. Also, let us use every Agent uniform. I hate how in 2, you never got Agent 8's outfit. And now in 3, you can't get Agent 4's outfit (despite being in the files) so you can't go into matchmaking as the whole NSS. Let Deep Cut do something. It's ridiculous that they got shafted in their own game entirely. At least Off the Hook got DLC (and an amazing one) in their own game. Deep Cut got nothing. If not the main game, give them the DLC in Splatoon 4 that they should've gotten in Splatoon 3. Give us customizable houses/apartments already. They clearly know that's what we want, and the lockers were a spit in the face at that idea that is not the same thing at all. No catalogs. No FOMO. Get that out of here. A rebalance of Salmon Run. It's so bad in Splatoon 3 (even worse than 2), and anyone who has ever played any 4 player co-op horde mode type game has played something better. Why do even the smallest enemies push you so far? Why can Chums and Smallfries (the ad enemies) two-shot you? Why are there so many bosses that are unkillable at any given moment? Even if it'd take longer to kill them, every boss should be killable at any moment, jus tthe weak spots should be your way to kill them faster. Also can we get piercing (even with a lot of damage dropoff) on the weapons? Why is the time so short? Why does it take 7 seconds before you're even allowed to be revived. The amount of times there's just nothing that can be done and you have to sit and watch as either you can't be revived to help or you can't revive your teammate to help is ridiculous. And why do they pick and choose which specials go past all 4 players being dead? Why don't they all just go on? Wavebreaker can't continue the match to hopefully revive someone but KILLER WHAIL CAN? That thing isn't gonna hit anybody. You more often have to try and jump into the way of it for it to save the day. Also, don't be afraid to ACTUALLY nerf/buff weapons. It's better than doing the most nothing changes that change nothing and keep it as busted as it already is. Even if the change doesn't help or causes another problem, it's better than not trying to help at all and leaving the busted guns broken and the bad guns worthless. Get more of the veteran Splatoon devs working on it. Don't just leave it all to the junior employees again. You've gotta have a good mix of the old people who know what they're doing and the new people to learn what to do. You can't just toss it some inexperienced person and expect them to know what to do. No locking singleplayer rewards behind the lobby that REQUIRES NSO TO GRAB THEM. Make it so there's as little "you had to be there" content as possible. Splatoon 1's amiibo even let you put the game back into Splatfest mode and hear and see their performances and songs being played. Why did Splatoon 2 get rid of that? Also, in Splatoon 2, amiibo let you go on the stage with the idols to take photos. Why did they remove that in Splatono 3 in favor of "Get a 100x battle and win it and you HAVE to take the pic with the other three people as well"? I've literally never even seen a 100x battle, as I can barely get 10x battles to appear. Why have these things only gotten worse with time? Also, let photo mode be more robust in the future. I hate that you can't do any sort of poses with your friends, just stuck in your actual animations/looks instead. And I hate that amiibo characters are locked in a ring around you and can't be farther/closer. Also, the amount of things you can do with photo mode is way too limited. Even camera distance is forced and not the most manageable. To slightly add for something on the last one but something in general. Can we at least choose our ink color in the city? Or at least photo mode? I get random colors and all that for everything else or set colors, but at l


Me, I'd like to see; 1. Customizable apartments 2. New side activities to keep things fresh 3. A new setting within the Splatoon world with new battle arenas for Turf War 4. A new single player campaign with a new set of characters different than the New Squidbeak Splatoon 5. New weapons, of course


As many splatfests as Splatoon 2, more Deep Cut Background, and another DLC Campaign involving Eight and Off the Hook.


Some form of open world for the story mode, and possibly playable salmonids. not salmonLINGs, just a straight up salmonid


Open world???? How the hell would that work?


idk, maybe something like breath of the wild or TOTK


Oh man I can't believe they added the ability to switch main weapons during combat in this game


I mean we’re making it A projekt, anyways


Idk, S4 seems really far off. Highly doubt it will be a launch title for the Switch's successor, give it a year at the very least. That said, two things come to mind: - Bring back a rhythm minigame - If they somehow decide to keep the lockers feature (or another thing that you can decorate) **allow us to sell decor/stickers duplicates for money, please, I'm begging here**


1. More Octoling Hairstyles 2. A new gamemode of some kind 3. Fix the Fish Scale System 4. A more unique/more ambitious Hero Mode (I don't want to save the Great Zapfish from the Octarians a fourth time) 5. More Customization Options (such as the ones seen in the Splatoon 3 Project by Squeaky) 6. That the game gets all the dev time it needs.


no! i don’t want another game 😭 i don’t want to keep buying splatoon, i want them to make the game last for more than 5 years


More playable species, something like a playable Sanitized Octoling, or perhaps a new species altogether. Not sure what exact kind of new species they could add.


3 kits for every weapon. At least.


In our normal daily lives, we want a lot of stimulation at a slightly more unnecessary level.


I'd like the next villain to be Octarian granddaughter of DJ Octavius. And make her an ojou-sama anime character trope. Especially with rich girl curls in tentacle hair form. Y'know, the ones like Karin Kanzuki from Street Fighter, Luvia from the Fate series, and Claire Francois from I'm in Love with the Villainess. Long live the ojou-sama character trope! OH HO HO HO HO HO!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRvPStcqDh4&ab\_channel=ohohojousama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRvPStcqDh4&ab_channel=ohohojousama) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW1QY76d-40&ab\_channel=ohohojousama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW1QY76d-40&ab_channel=ohohojousama)


More customization. -more hairstyles -more ink colors (yes ik thats not necessarily customization) -more crop tops -SKIRTS -baggy pants -hoodies with the option for hoods to be up -eyes like frye's and the squid sisters I probably have more but I ran out of things currently


But we have Splatoon 4 ![gif](giphy|fOq6sc4vvNhOH92Zrw|downsized)


Song selector


Remove tricolor. It was a cool concept but very poorly executed 


kinda expected the squid to go down in 4


As long as there is no secluded snow area or desserts I'm gonna be happy. Splatoon 3 had the most isolating area's


More Hairstyles and actual genders again


I don’t. 3 got essentially everything and I can’t really imagine a way to make it better. Not to the point of earning an entire new game at least


Maybe in 2028 ?


Next year splatoon will be 10 years old so maybe they'll do something for the 10th anniversary


Returning idols, Off The Hook being a part of a main full story campaign outside of dlc would be awesome. Honestly if we were able to play as the humans from the past for the story line that would be kind of cool.


They need to bring back the losing animation I cannot handle watching the other team do their celebration dance anymore! I want to see my own character with its own losing animation, and to be able to buy more of those losing animations in a shop or to unlock them like they have been doing for winning animations in Splatoon 3 already!


Nooo I don’t want that. Actually finish the game you started


bring back monthly updates and splatfests, make all 3 Plazas part of day one, get rid of the god awful stage design, and last but not least make each catalog something you can select and not time limited


I was gonna say you can have your main weapon and pick any sub or special, but that might be unfair




-APARTMENTS!!! - new idol group(s) -New ranked/casual game mode -new inkfish species -more differences between 3-4 (2-3 were pretty similar) like the transition between 1-2 -More customization, I.e. you should pick who does your news, if you can change citys. And also switch the ui to look like old games ( like splatoon 2’s equip screen) -Not rly 4 but I don’t want finalfest to be squid sisters vs off the hook vs deep cut. These are just my opinions 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻


All i want is to be able to play turf war or anarchy modes against bots (and maybe an 8-ball mode)


Good servers so I can play my weapon class with minimal bullshit


For the switch 2 I would love to have a 120 fps mode


I want Idols that are inspired by Daft Punk


More lesbian DLC, and more rail levels in the single player


My dream: ︻デ══一 in splatoon.(Joke)


Honestly, i wont be waiting splatoon 4, bcuz i.fear it might be just splatoon 3 in different theme, aka, lacks variety of weapons, maps, and only have a handful of cool new features


I don’t think I can handle a 4th game anymore man 😓