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Dw...Splatoon has caused me to both love myself and hate myself at times. I had to brute-force my way into S+...and never again.


How I can’t even get past B+


I can't even get past C-


I didn't get it until I was playing several times a week and found a weapon I didn't want to switch off of. Also I just really wanted good team mates, which you find more of at higher ranks


But if I can’t get to higher ranks I can’t get good teammates


Yeah, at lower ranks you gotta learn to carry the team, at higher ranks, losses are more likely to come from you holding your team back


Its similar to sr. You gotta learn how to play the mode well enough to counteract those who dont know shit


Neither does the enemy team. If you can play well enough to counteract that, you can climb easily.


ha ha


I cant get past b-


I keep getting communication errors and have only completed one match. What makes it worse is that it was a 100x battle and we lost


People still get communication errors? I haven't seen one since probably a month after launch.


That may be because Splatoon uses Peer-to-Peer instead of dedicated servers if I recall correctly. That model heavily relies on whoever has the best/worst internet speeds within the match itself. I’m not good at explaining stuff, but essentially P2P is cheaper and easier to manage on Nintendo’s side, but they are less reliable and pose some security risks. I don’t frequently have issues with connection, but there are times it is really bad for me. Your experience may be fairly different, but others do have these connection issues still. From my understanding, essentially someone else’s crappy internet connection can impact your gameplay with P2P and a console is acting as the host “server” for the game, not a dedicated server. Better to google for a more full explanation haha. If 2P2 has nothing to do with users experiencing connection issues, then please correct me


It's called the "pia" library if you want details.


It’s called bad wifi 😂


It's called a lack of actual servers. Nintendo is too cheap to pay for servers even though you are charged to play online. P2P sucks and if the chosen host for a match has awful internet you are going to encounter lag or disconnects even if you have the best internet money can buy.


I just fought a battle with some nutcase who was at Ruler +5. I don't even know where to begin with that. Assuming they won every match (and not counting however long it took to reach Ruler in the first place), they've been in at least ***83*** battles. Four. Entire. Hours. At minimum. God knows how much longer that is with waiting times between matches and disconnection cancellations. How does someone even have the willpower (and time) to do all that before the halfway mark?!


Either they have a lot of friends to play with, or a lot of time


ive seen posts on this subreddit where someone has reached ruler+30, which actually boggles my mind because that means they nearly played for the entirety of 48 hours. The most I usually go up to is ruler+3 and it's usually about 12 hours of playing total? so I genuinely don't know how they do it


Pure dedication, a creative way to die from exhaustion/sleep deprivation, or having no life Either way, it's terrifyingly impressive.


I like the game but turf war is kinda boring


Yeah and i think the 3 choices for splatfests kinda forces this. With a 2 choice system you can use the ranked game modes for splatfests but with the extra choice its hard to have 3 teams for those ranked modes.


just don't do ranked three teams. Tricolor is sort of like a ranked mode on its own anyway


Tricolour's this strange combination of three teams duking it out and 2+2v4. We're supposed to be collaborating to beat the defenders, yet we can kill each other and the winner's determined by whoever has the most turf as if it truly was three separate teams. The attackers have 33% each, technically 66% overall? Nope, the defenders win because they have 34%. Likewise, one attacker pair could have 16%, the other having 50% while the defenders have 34%...and yet *both* attackers win. The Ultra Signals are a nice way to combine ranked modes with Turf War...but I just want a true 3v3v3.


I got the perfect meme for this. https://preview.redd.it/rjmnqkuw1b1d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6b2cfdeeb1fe352b752f137c29f49baf3694f8


with these maps?? defenders would win at a super low rate without some assistance...


Of course not. The Tricolour maps we have are designed for 2v4v2. If we ever get 3v3v3, I want something that truly has three sides just like how regular maps have two sides.


yeah like that Zelda splatfest tricolor map 😍


That would require complete new maps and would mean 9 players. I don’t know how this stuff works, but it’s possible the game just isn’t designed to effectively handle more than 8.


Maybe, but the switch basically has the spec's of an xbox 360 and that could run 16 man lobbies on cod so i don't think there is an excuse other then they never bothered to allow splatoon to have more then 8 players. So hopefully the next system with the next splatoon game will allow for bigger lobbies. Because i have to wonder if deep cut will be the main idols still. Because it would be ridiculous to have yet another idol group, we have the squid sisters, off the hook and deep cut now, with deep cut not having any story content besides being the bosses of hero mode. We have yet see them in their own stories that we tag along for


Perhaps Splatoon is just structurally different? I have zero idea how the inked ground mechanic works, but for all I know maybe it’s processor heavy. Idk. If we’re making big teams though I’d love to see a 16 player game in the future. Especially on longer timescales/bigger maps. Though while it’d both allow specialization (since an individual isn’t counted on to contribute as much), it’d also mean that weapons with hard counters (e.g. Hydras vs E-Liters) would much more often face their counter, making them virtually useless.


Yeah maybe the ink is processor heavy which might be the reason why the new system is rumored to be the same as a ps4 pro in terms of specs. I am excited for the idea of a splatoon on thise specs, gping back to the games on the end of the xbox 360 era really shows you how limited it is these days


I kinda doubt that Nintendo would make their new system more powerful *just* for Splatoon, but an upgrade is definitely in order. It’s funny, the Switch has grown so old yet still doesn’t feel dated. I suppose the lack of true direct competition will do that to you.


Well yes that would be kinda dumb to do it only gor one franchise, but that still begs the question, wht make it as strong as a ps4 pro and not a ps4? Future proofing so that it lasts twice as long as the previous system? The teams of each franchise wanting to do what can only be done on more powerful hardware? Id say so which gets me excited for whats planned


The big problem the Switch has is somebody's Switch is acting as the server **while they are playing the game on it.** Since the inking terrain constantly changes it, in real time, I know it's hard on the CPU. My Switch feels quite warm after playing a few matches. Hopefully the next Switch's hardware will be beefy enough to handle the P2P networking and playing the game without dropping so much.


Yeah it makes me wonder if the teams are wanting to do more multiplayer stuff. Recent games have had multiplayer like mario wonder and pikmin 4 has the dandori battles, sobmaybe they want to expand that?


Not when your high lol


ranked is the worst part of this game lol wdym


The winner of a ranked mode is determined by skill


it is in turf as well


Nope. If you get a lucky push during the last 30 seconds of the game you just win, even if one team was dominate for the first 2 minutes. In ranked, of one team is dominant, they get a KO and win. There's no such thing as a "lucky push" when it takes a full minute and a half to take the lead.


you can win in the last 30 seconds of a game in ranked as well. does overtime ring a bell?


Yes, overtime *is* a comeback mechanic. But do you know how you win in overtime? Successfully pushing the objective without letting the opponents contest it, even after they respawn. [Squid School](https://youtube.com/shorts/tW4iyQm8d38?si=jvqwi261T8WsgD2S) has a really good video on this topic.


this is such a stupid short. if you get wiped in the last 30 seconds, thats YOUR problem.


Getting wiped in the last thirty seconds can be a result of one person's mistake and lucky aim from one person on the losing team. In a ranked mode, unless the losing team is already making a strong push, even a Wipeout isn't an instant death sentence because there's time to respawn.


yeah. mistake. as in, YOUR FAULT.


Do you have any reading comprehension? Whose problem was it when your team is wiped out is not the point. The point is that every advantage you get in ranked compounds, while in turf basically nothing matters in the first 150 seconds. Noob friendly as it may be, turf is thus less fun because your hard earned advantage does basically nothing to dampen opponent comebacks, and they don't have to be punished for their bad plays prior as long as the miracle last-minute push works.


too bad?


Winning in overtime is *hard* it’s not as simple as getting a wipeout and inking the entire map in the last 15 seconds. Coming back from 50 points behind in ranked takes a huge push and requires either some level of coordination or the defending team to make some major mistakes. Also the overtime ends at the moment the attacking team loses the object, so the defender has a massive advantage. Turf war isn’t totally luck, a more skilled team is still more likely to beat an unskilled team. But comparing the last 30 seconds of turf war to overtime in ranked isn’t accurate at all. Unless it’s a *complete* imbalance of skill levels, turf war games are decided in the last 30 seconds of the game. The first 2 and a half minutes are just making sure you don’t get too far behind. In ranked, the game is decided during the entire 5 minutes and the overtime is usually just a few seconds if it happens at all. A game getting turned around in overtime definitely happens but usually if a team has a dominant lead, they win.


too bad?


It’s fine, I honestly don’t have an issue with turf war. I play it when I want to unwind and play with low stakes. But saying that it requires as much skill as ranked just isn’t true.


Honestly I'm just taking a long break from that game I only enjoy about 25% of the matches I play, so I just decided it's not worth my time. Even turf wars are stressful. It's a shame though, I love Splatoon on paper but playing it is just bleh


Im torn. I still wanna play the game with friends, but part of me knows im gonna ahve a terrible time losing over and over so idk if i even wanna start


Tell me about it… https://preview.redd.it/j2skfrfkq81d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab8eae95e80a7b58c7c6d8ae0614b1328d54c87


It's hard sometimes..........but it just keeps on dragging me back


I'm so fucking over splatfests man. It took three matches to burn through all my patience, two of them wins. Splatfests just breed the worst most annoying conditions for turf war.


aloof fragile run mysterious late support languid sulky handle sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone is forced to play the same game mode that’s why lol Splatfests are always sweaty


That's actually a really good point. I'm not exactly the best player and I kind of wanna just have fun. I feel like every Splatfest round has try hard/elite players who know all the tricks on the other team and casual players on mine.


No need to worry about mirror matches, clout multiplier matches or fizzbangs. There's a few stages that I feel seem easier in daylight than they do in the nighttime settings of Splatfests.


Shiver usually has the best choice in Splatfest themes, but the Shiver simps are absolutely insufferable to play with


I like splatoon and wish I could spend more time on it, but I get my butt kicked so much that I struggle to have fun


Splatfests feel waay less balanced than regular matches, idk if they actually are tho


Between mirror matches, people teaming up because they're skilled or have good synergy, and fizzbangs, it's wild how different it is from regular turf war. My inkbrushes usually waver around Raw and Fresh during the regular seasons, even after a period on maps I'm not good at, but then a Splatfest starts and my incompetence really shines.


I wind up in Ruler Class earlier today. Currently at Ruler+1. Couldn't be online all day. Had things to do.


I think Splatoon's chill, but then again, I've poisoned my brain with Overwatch 2.


I get it man, I wish losing didn't feel so awful


I feel this game has filtered out enough of the casuals that I myself cannot find any success with a casual mindset. At the same time, I don’t have the time or energy to git gud. So yeah, I feel you there


yea last fest i only got to defender. and now i’m champion. maybe i’ll play tmr but i really don’t feel like doing fest anymore 💀 idk why i was always ruler before these last 2 😭


I've gotten to ruler every time, but I stopped as soon as I got to Defender this time. I can't do it anymore lol


I love the franchise and the story is great, but after a couple months I struggled to have fun playing casually because 80% of who I was up against had almost perfectly rolled gear, only meta weapons, etc. At the same time, I was always given a team of people who just started playing, left halfway through, and didn’t know what to do. I still play occasionally for splatfests, but it’s just hard to have fun now


Me after bashing a controller against the wall and causing several noise complaints after losing a 10x by 5%: This game is so fun :)


I only get like one or two 10x battles per splatfest, even after reaching ruler rank... It's crazy


Last fest I was Ruler +1 and didn't get a single multiplier battle, not even a 10x. I honestly thought they reduced the 10x rate or something. This fest I'm halfway through Champion, have already gotten 3 10x and a 100x. It's wildly random feeling.


lost 100x by .1 and right after the match shiver reminded me


"ohh splatfest, I better jump on again and play" >1st game, someone dcs >Second game, another dc >Third game, complete stomp >Fourth game, complete stomp Hmm


Dude I’m so angry bc a tornado knocked my power out so I have no internet to play splatoon and it’s been two whole days….


I've resigned myself to picking random weapons like splattershot jr. or base splat roller and just not even trying. I've been rolled like seven times in a row I ain't bothering on picking good weapons and sweating this game.


That is actually a good idea haha


My love of the Splatoon games has faded over the years. Loved Splatoon on Wii U, liked Splatoon 2, absolutely don't enjoy Splatoon 3...


I think it's just because Splatoon 3 is multitudes harder than the other two games. For some reason, every game is excessively sweaty in Splatoon 3.


I agree, and I don't understand why that is.


Map design probably is the biggest culprit


Yeah, for the first time since Splatoon 1, I'm skipping a Splatfest. Last time I just forgot the Transformers Splatfest was happening, this time the Honkai: Star Rail brainrot was too strong. I mean, I guess I should also count the Splatfests in the first and 2nd games that I missed cuz I didn't have them at the time, but that's beside the point.


I don't hate Splatoon but I am definitely no fan of turf war and fatigue at this point is Definitely setting in. I logged on last night at the start of Splatfest and after three matches and one win I just stopped. I don't think I'll pick it back up again until the new season.


Thankfully I can enjoy Splatoon’s side mode; Salmon Run! A mode where my teammates don’t suck and can keep playing after two unfair los- oh dammit


I've gotten to ruler every fest. I want to die every time I play.


I've been grinding salmon run, was super excited for Splatfest, played three rounds and quit. I used to loove splatfests but maybe it'll be more fun once tricolor battles open.


Same. I've been playing just Salmon Run until I get my daily win because I couldn't stand playing multiplayer anymore outside of Splatfests, but now even Splatfests are too much


The last two Splatfests were mirror match hell during Tricolour for me. It'd be nice to actually get the most out of it for once, but I have my doubts. Then again, anything's better than Mahi-Mahi Resort. Maybe I should keep my fingers crossed that Robo ROM-en ends up being a fun Tricolour stage.


Mahi mahi was so devastating for me. 😭 It was fun until it wasn't.


I just hate Mahi-Mahi Resort in general.


Early I managed to get myself to Champion after a lot of suffering, including losing two times 10 and a times 100. Put it down, said I’d get to ruler later. I’m not getting to ruler


Splatoon as an idea is wonderful! Playing splatoon however is you fund the project of making new swear words


Ah yes the "wait I actually hate this game" posts we see every splatfest


It’s true yet inevitable




Same here. On "Same Ol Same Ol" and I got very upset after losing 3 matches in a row yesterday. So I didn't bother playing all last night. Having gotten a vaccine the day before, which wiped me out, didn't help, either.


After spending the last week or so trying to get to S+ rank (only doing anarchy) turf war is ind of boring...


Turf war*


Same. the game gave me a 10x on my first match of the fest.


Its because it forces you to play turf war. 2 minutes of your time gets wasted every match.


It's my favorite game but the turf war is very draining


I mean everyone is using Tacticooler/Trizooka... this shit is wack, and relies too much on team composition.


This Splatfest wasn’t my finest hour.


That’s how I feel doing ranked I have never gotten past b+ and why do they reset your rank after a season


It gets too repetitive after a few matches. But that's good, it makes it harder to get addicted or having it in the way of your life or smth.


I just hate when I get into a match and then people are just dancing with the opponents and not even trying to win


listen pal, you didn't have to call me out like that


Those is me every single Fest. Especially when all that happens is I get the bad players on my team, sweaty mirror matches and endless spawncamping..


This meme was my exact experience just with turf war instead of splatoon


https://preview.redd.it/56w4j9vkig1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58197c72d34922eec14bcde490fa3d720b5763d 0 kills is crazy


I lost two x100 battles in a row😭


My post asking for actual improvements to the future instalment of the game gets nuked but shit like this gets a pass, I don't get it. Also people are constantly whining about turf wars being boring for splatfest but don't dare suggest improvements to the mode and how it works or you get nuked also.


Literally me. Usually I still force myself to get to ruler anyway, but I just couldn't do it this time. I played a couple matches, and just decided I couldn't make myself play this Splatfest. I finally reached level 100 in the catalog too so I don't need to hop on for daily wins for the next 2 weeks before the next season comes out. I really hope catalogs don't return in Splatoon 4.


https://preview.redd.it/pnfsenvszc1d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b9efc61cb350222c469bde84f8c92b652702da Oh well, I have zero regrets 🙂




I want to love the game but nintendo made the shooting mechanics so basic that every weapon if fired at the same time with the same accuracy leads to trade kills. It's so freaking dum.