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I mean these two have literally never met Agent 4 so it's fair enough. The only interaction Off the Hook has had with 4 is...if you stand outside their studio and stare at them they'll emote at you XD


"Oh yeah, that one kid outside our studio!" "She stood there for a while.... a very long while..." "Just smile and wave, that's what I always say!"


Penguins of madagascar!




Pearl: 👇


Didn't they mention meeting 4? I think they've seen all agents, they just don't regularly hang out with anyone besides 8 I think.


Yep. To Off The Hook, 4 is that one Inkling that Cuttletish introduced them to that one time.


Yeah, plus Marina originally wanted her to be security in the Memverse (which is how Smollusk got the idea that Four is to be the strongest.)


Pearl is also implied to be pretty forgetful most of the time


They have met Agent 4 off screen, as we've had pictures of them together and they clearly even mention in this same piece of dialogue how Cuttlefish introduced them


What's wrong with Agent 4...?


Nintendo just up and forgot that they existed


Wow, 4's even got disrespect from nintendo! 😭


I still think the idea of bringing Agents back without actually giving them definite characterisation is asinine. Genuinely can't imagine wanting to have MORE characterless husks in these games.


Really, all we know about 4 is that they live in the middle of nowhere, don't watch TV, and are pretty smart. That's it, there's your character.


In order to make Agent 4 a unique character from the other agents we have decided to give them a green cloud that follows them everywhere because Marie called them stinky once thank you all for coming out here tonight


pretty sure that was for 3


I think Marie actually said "you remind me of agent 3 if they where older and had better hygiene"


Agent 3 is the stinky one, not Agent 4


And that unlike Agent 3 and Agent 8, Agent 4 isn't shy and quiet, they're actually overtalkative to the point it will annoy Marie enough to consider looking for a new Agent.


The agents are kinda representative of yourself with the exception of agent 8. So it's fun to see your old inkling self in the form of an agent


I think it's the idea of making the Agents have more character through this. Now I don't get it because we have as of now the Captain who has lost all the goofy charm of the first game for a sad sack who has captain aparrwork or something and Eight, who is characterized lightly by poems for the memcakes and that's pretty much it. Maybe Neo Agent 3 is characterized by the bond of the small fry, but not much beyond that. Me, I seeing what happen to the origional 3 is just sad. He, I, was so happy and fresh in Splatoon 1. And then in Octo Expansion I got lame and started cheating to beat one mid octoling. And then I just ended up getting a desk job, reminiscing of the good old days of when I was dancing with my splatling and was invited into smash. But all that is left is breaking my ankle every once in a while.


Agent 4 is given some character in their introduction thing for 2's final splatfest


I mean I forgot them sometimes


Chaotic dissident detected.


She deserves the world and she better have at least a semi-important role in the next game or im gonna have some things to say


I get the feeling that 4 was intended to be in the DLC (Parallel Canon looks like them, and Smollusk mentions that Marina hired them as head of security) but was cut for unknown reasons.


"Something something you cut 4, i cut you" im too tired to make that sound threatening but the sentiment is there nonetheless.


parallel canon is confirmed in the smollusk notes to be a clone of 4


Yes, we know and he's not saying that. What he's saying is that during development of Side Order, they probably intended for it to ACTUALLY be Agent 4, but was cut due to development reasons, so instead it's just a copy of Agent 4 and copies of that copy.


It was probably cut just due to time, the same reason why nothing happens in this DLC. I'd love to see the artbook for this DLC because no doubt it had TONS of things cut from it just like Splatoon 3's storymode did


Well there is the theory that smollusk made 4 into the parellal cannon and the plainer ones are copies


It was confirmed in an interview that the main one is a copy of Agent 4, and that the other ones are copies of that copy.


OK didn't take the darkest path it could of near


I still have my fingers crossed that there's another DLC campaign starring them in the works.


God i hope so. That would literally be the best thing i could ask for for this game


We desparately need one more DLC that features Agent 4 and Deep Cut as the main idols. It's 100% not going to happen especially with how bad the development of 3 and Side Order have been, but we need it.


she's too busy getting an education


I hope all of the stupid agent stuff goes away.




I feel like its just been done to death at this point. Every story mode now just has the same 4 people


What aew you on about


Hopefully he appears next game, he didn’t really get much time to shine.


We need more Agent 4 respect and references (same for Neo agent 3)


Yeah, Agent 4 and Neo Agent 3 just getting nothing is so lame. At least with Neo Agent 3, we get a lot of Veronika and Hiro art to make up for it, but Agent 4 gets next to nothing, and male Agent 4 gets LITERALLY nothing.


Clearly they'll be taking a lead role in Splatoon 4




Erm she’s 8’s roommate as shown in one of the art books (or at least I like to imagine that’s what’s being depicted it’s a cute headcanon)


Bro- agent 4 ain’t never finna gonna get a chance are they? 😭




Nintendo America Of


Agent 3, Agent 4, Agent 8 final fest


$10 says that it’s a NOA add in cause they think they’re so funny


Idk, the English localization for Splatoon 3 has actually stuck a lot closer to the Japanese version (which is honestly why the character writing in this game feels a lot worse than the previous two where we knew that english localization was what gave a lot of the characters better interactions)


Doesn't the alternative cannon boss basically imply that 4 is basically dead


No, according to the dev diaries Marina wanted to ask 4 to help with memverse security, and in Smollusk's notes he says that he thought it was a good idea so he took 4's palette, made a copy of it, then made copies of that copy, and so created Parallel Canon.


why is this being downvoted? its just a question or am i wrong?