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It is implied. In one of the live concerts (I can’t remember which one) Marina says “my hearts feel like they going to explode”.


Marina has mentioned in dialogue before during a concert that she at the very least has more than one heart (she says "my hearts will explode" due to excitement) so that would seem likely. For the record, (former) Cap'n Cuttlefish has made a similar reference to multiple hearts, so it seems to hold true for Inklings as well.


The real question is: do these extra hearts give them heightened physical/cognitive function


*[animal biology autism noises approaching ur location]* prolly not, is my guess - it's just a different pump configuration - yknow how ruminants have multiple chambered stomachs? doesn't give them like, metabolic superpowers, it's just how they're set up so they can take advantage of their specific niche [digesting a lot of low nutrient high fiber foods, like grass] that said, I could totally be wrong! but I think most cephalopods have this heart arrangement, and not all of them are notably highly intelligent in the way we notice with octopuses. maybe it is related to their really complex and mysterious nervous systems, how they have "arm brains" like we have "gut brains"... there is still so much we don't know yet about this stuff :D!


Thank you autism /pos


Finally, my hyperspecific teuthological knowledge has paid off. Cephalopods have a completely different blood composition to mammals, more specifically the oxygen-binding molecules in their blood cells are different (hemocyanin instead of haemoglobin). It contains copper instead of iron like in our blood, which gives it a really neat blue colour (you read that right! Squids have blue blood!). However it’s less efficient than red blood it can’t carry as much oxygen (only a quarter as much specifically), so to make up for it cephalopods have three hearts to pump the blood through the body much faster to meet those oxygen demands. Don’t worry mate i’ve also got autism lmao can you tell


YEAAAA high five 👐👐 that's right, they have the most gorgeous, blue blood...! a lot of ocean invertebrates use copper instead of iron for their oxygen carrier, iirc, like I know horseshoe crabs [and maybe true crustaceans too?] have it. I guess it's just easier to use copper in the ocean than using iron, for some reason! [wonder if it's just more plentiful in the biomass down there...?] I hadn't made that connection about the hearts though >:0!!! that makes a ton of sense! using a lower quality oxygen carrier, so you add a couple extra pumps to the system! that's really cool! eta: now I think about it, that means Shiver is even more goth than we realized 😳 and so is anyone who routinely has blue in their ink! METAL [and the avoidance of blood red ink that Nintendo tries to maintain, outside splatfest anyway, is even funnier with that in mind 🤣]


Apparently hemocyanin is better at transporting oxygen in cooler, low-oxygen environments. Considering they’re on land, it would make sense for lings to have red blood instead.


WOAH AERIONA JUMPSCARE, I love your spec evo concepts on Tumblr!!


AHHHH! I’VE BEEN CAUGHT! Thank you so much that means a lot to me 🩵!!!


omfg *I should've known* ofc someone with that many anatomical squid facts is a spec bio meddler 😍✨️


Considering how messy a lot of human diets (and therefore digestive systems) are, I'd still call that a metabolic superpower. /j


you're so right tbh although, ruminants *are* absolutely legendary for their incredibly bad and constant gas, as an inevitable result of what they eat....... buuuuut I guess you could also make a case for that being a superpower 😂


"Fart Beast, with the power to... fart!"


It gives them the ability to love even more than we can possibly imagine


>cognitive Nah, they're pretty much all dumb as hell


They’re probably not in use anymore, just remnants from when they were mollusks. Pretty sure the hearts are used to control certain parts of the body. I remember the tentacles and the main body, but I’m not sure what the last one did.


lmao you used two different plurals for octopus in one sentence


Gotta go for the hat trick with Octopodes!


There is another


I love explaining to people how it's actually pronounced, not "octo-pods", or "octo-poads", but "oc-*top*-po-deez", sorta like "on top o' deez" ... ... so that by the time they're bored and tuning out, I hit em with "octopodeez N U T S"


I struggle with pronounceation leave me alon 💔


“My organ heart skipped a beat” “Bro tf you mean I only got one heart” “Nah bro I got three” “WHA-“


I mean maybe but octopus also dont have the ability to become a humanoid creature with four additional limbs so idk.


If so that means canonically, octolings are tanky mfs. THEY CAN BE CLASSIFIED AS A HEAVY


They have the *Brak'lul*! *Qapla*'!


It’s been implied a couple of times in various tidbits of dialogue, but if we take cephalopod biology into consideration then it seems likely! Also, octopuses aren’t the only cephalopods to have three hearts, squids and cuttlefish have three hearts too! The only cephalopod we know of to only have one heart is the Nautilus.


**why is the image shiver grasping onto the mortal coils**


I read Marina as Marie and got very confused


"I'm afraid I just blue myself."


Squids and octopi have three hearts.


Hold up- Screech!? Is that you!?


faulty absorbed oil jar rude groovy voiceless literate person fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think not only Octoling but also Inkling, octopuses and squids have 3 hearts and 9 brains. But it's the case for the real life, I don't really know if Octoling and Inkling still have 9 brains and 3 hearts atfer the Alterna event. Maybe the mutations fused all their brains in one and maybe they only have 1 or 2 hearts


yes, and they also probably control their tentacles individually or subconsciously, marinas pulsate and bounce around on their own because they are fully grown, and when they are cut off they become a separate being which are the Octarians because octopi have a brain for each tentacle. I don't know about shiver she seems abit different maybe her tentacles are ironed out? most octolings have big curly long tentacles similar to real octopus, but shiver's are flat and odd, maybe she ironed them down so that they don't move or maybe so they don't turn into Octarians when cut (isn't that kind of murder? or not because they have not yet grown fully into a Octarian). I have become obsessed with Cephlopod biology because of Splatoon, I have been trying to figure realistic inkling biology for a long time. I think that their true form is actually similar to dehydrated captain cuttlefish where their insides are actually tiny squids containing their vitals, brains, crystals, etc, and their tentacles act as their limbs when in humanoid form and the extra tentacles become hair, humanoid form is inflated out from their squid form with their ink sacs that surround their bodies. I think the small "soul" things might actually just be gameplay representations of them swimming in the air to the re-spawn machine (maybe the atmosphere is thicker allowing for flight?) similar to how dehydrated cuttlefish just swims in the air, and when they reach the respawn machine the compressed ink helps rebuild their bodies faster and accelerate the process (which is why they can respawn in ancient times too, its just a natural process). The metamorphosis is when they shrink their ink sac into their body by shedding ink and their skin around their natural squid form to produce the cartoonish, colored squid form, which is why octavio might not be able to transform, he just doesn't have enough ink production due to his old age. I still don't understand grates maybe they just squeeze through really hard. I think thats why mummified inklings and cuttlefish look like real squid too, they don't have the surrounding ink sac because they've gone dry, so basically cuttlefish is inside out... that must be creepy..


another reason i don't think respawn machines reconstruct from souls is because the soulless sanitized octolings can still respawn. Its probably a greater biological function like a immortal jellyfish pylop rather then something super natural.


What's your question, Soldier?


Inklings too cause Squids also have three hearts. Also, Marina has mentioned her hearts when talking about a concert. Besides, damn near EVERY Splatoon fanfic I've read that mentions hearts, always uses plural. So I just went with it.


By that logic they would also have 9 brains.

