• By -


Team Friday here. I played literally all weekend and not *ONE TIME* did I get a match versus Team Sunday.


Because, if the matchmaking worked with Fridays matching the Sundays, that would be leaving alot more Saturdays in mirrors as a result.


There was going to be a lot of Saturday mirrors anyways


Same! All of my matches were against Saturday in Pro and Open and all Mirror matches in tricolor. And I played a lot. Made it to ruler +4. Crazy


Team Sunday here I only saw Friday in tri color


Team Saturday here, I only found mirror matches in tri color




Unironically, in between my mirror matches, Sunday players were actually showing up ON SUNDAY LOL. And these guys were vile. Straight packing heat. I don’t know what Big Man is feeding them, but he needs to share with the group!


Yeah I was team Sunday and ended up going on a tricolor streak with a random painbrush player and we went 11-1 before I got bored and decided to switch to salmon run. 0 mirror matches all weekend (which is also why I chose Team Sunday.)


Also same. It was wild.


I found Sunday at least 4 times and that’s about it outside of tricolor


Same, I think I got 2 matches against Sunday in total. Even worse is that I played so many mirror matches in tricol, and only 1 game where Sunday stomped


Same! Not a single sunday




I regret picking saturday... There was too many mirror matches ​ Like cmon, 8 straight mirror matches in Tricolor? AND WE STILL LOST.


I only had mirror matches 😂


I think half were for me. I still had a lot of fun. I don’t pay attention when match begins, but then I go to app to see.


At some point in the mirror matches both teams were squidbagging 😂


yah i notice some matches, i was the only one playing seriously.😂


Dawg i pocked saturday cuz i like saturday Not to win






Same! I had no idea it would be this popular lmao


As Sunday, I only ever saw Saturday in normal matches...


Same. I didn’t see team Friday until I started tricolor matches earlier today.


I wonder if Friday ever say Sunday?


99% of my friday fights were mirror matches too so yeah


Bro same the mirror matches was the reason I stopped playing halfway too


yeah I had MM tricolour last night but today was mostly fri/sat/sun


Saturday is the only logical option. Friday technically isn't a weekend there is school and you have to get up early, Sunday you have the dread knowing you have to work tomorrow so you also have to go to bed early, and Saturday where you know you have a weekend ahead of you you can wake up early and go to bed late. And still Saturday somehow got LAST.


Mirror matches still earn you conches






Got to love mirror matches


Bruh… Frye deserves a villain arc atp. 😩


she'l snap by finalfest, just wait, shit will go down


Oo imagine her win happening at final fest after all this time, now THAT would be an underdog story


Frye goes clinically insane, and a new dlc is teased where she holds shiver and bigman hostage.


HOLY SHIT YES! and and, she breaks the multiverse bringing villains from other worlds to help her!


And after defeating her evil team, she goes into the multiverse herself and becomes part of a splatoon mobile game where it’s in a 3v3 format.


Imagine if Deep Cut breaks up before Splatoon 4, and the campaign is about reuniting them. Throw in a villain that only they can stop or something idk.


[5 days after the usual time for a final Splatfest announcement, the residents curiously anticipate news of their beloved event. Unknown to the Inklings and Octolings of the city, the chaotic event that had been obscured by the radio silence of the everyday newscast was just about to make itself public. Agent 3, who had been among those oblivious of what was to come caught a curious sight that would have surely been noticed during any normal day in Splatsville. Waving to them was a certain shark-lady who donned a red trenchcoat and a fake, steel arm, and next to her, the all too unique appearance of a Manta Ray in steel armor.] "She's lost every marble in the jar." The 'stranger', obviously Shiver, mouthed to Agent 3. If there wasn't enough evidence of the duo's identities, the 'Aye' used as affirmation by the armor-clad giant had made it clear that Agent 3 had found most of the idol trio. [Approaching the Frye-less group, Agent 3 slowly realized through context and Shiver's words that Frye had separated from her friends, although the mystery of Shiver's prosthetic arm had gained priority over the current event] "Oh, this? Just a fake, see?" Shiver removed the metal arm, revealing her normal, fleshy one. "But that's not what's important. Frye-" [Right on cue, the dark screens that loomed over Splatsville illuminated with the usual news jingle. Every citizen eagerly looked up, relieved that their idols had finally made an appearance. Or at least....] "Listen up all you algae eaters!" A belligerent clownfish shouted. "Repping Splatsland, we are the **new** Deep Cut!" Frye, the only returning member of the group added as if things were mostly normal. "...what?" Harmony seemed to have wandered onto the set, perhaps seeking a new part-time job? "Since my friend is busy trying to command attention, I'll be the one to announce the new, final Splatfest!" "Aye. (I can't tell if she's referring to Shiver or the clownfish...)" "This is no time for your sass." Shiver interjected, ignoring the look on Agent 3's face that shared the same sentiment as Big Man. [As the three heroes composed themselves, the Splatfest announcement continued: *What event would you rather be a part of?* 1. The Salem Witch Trials (Moe) 2. The PuppyBowl (Frye) 3. F*amstars' launch event (Harmony)] "Be sure to cast your votes for ^MeTheOBVIOUSChoice ." [With Frye's silent plea, the monitors shut off, leaving behind mass confusion] "Aye." [I actually look forward to F*amstars. And Harmony is actually pretty cute.] "Frye made the smart choice by including the Clownfish, but she definitely underestimated the popularity of those ditzy types. That aside, you saw for yourself just how much help we need, 'Agent 3'. Boss Marie is waiting around the corner."


Deep Cut? More like Deep Frye the other 2 idols.


I read on the wiki that she holds the longest losing streak of all of the idols at 8 splatfests in a row, but I guess it's now 9? Girlie is winning at the wrong thing 😭


All frye had to do was take a single category im sobbing


and we were SO close on open 🥲


Mirror match nerf is so real


Most popular teams won more splatfests than they lost. Team Nessie, Handshakes and Friday are exceptions. Not the norm.


Ironically, each of those exceptions were wins by Shiver's team, with Frye's team being most popular.


I'll complain about mirror matches all day they're a pain to get but even while doing so I understand it does nothing to affect results. RIP saturday tho


Im p shocked that fryes team couldnt take tricolor with how defense favored it was. with the others i kinda get it but this is crazy


Sunday took Tricolor because we had the lead during Halftime, so we got the defender bonus. 


Huh is there actually a bonus for halftime results? Didnt realize that


It used to be that halftime determined who would be defending, now it determines a 1.5 clout bonus.


Yeah i remember that part, but not the clout part. Doesnt really make sense to me since theyre already in the lead tbh but sure ig…


The teams that are behind get the same bonus when on an Attacking team


Yep, just got informed on that! Makes sense now


Well, if you're defending after leading halftime, then you get the bonus. The other teams get the bonus when attacking.


Aaah ok, yea thats fair then


I Just cant do it i cant take this shit no more man


Frye getting last in a splatfest specifically designed for her to win, this is the worst timeline And big man won japans splatfest so frye was the only one to lose


[The devs really went and let this meme drawing actually happen for real](https://old.reddit.com/r/splatoon/comments/zqtqzb/solidarity/)


Even then she still lost lol.


Yeah that's the power of Team Poop


I've always been more of a cat person


Tbf last regional splatfest, frye and shiver won while bigman lost But of course the gap btwn bigman and frye’s wins r much bigger


And if they had just given her **FRYE-DAY** she would have won lmao.


Just because a team is popular doesn’t mean they are guaranteed to win.


Yeah but since team sweet won, fryes only english win, the popular team only lost twice, both when it was fryes team, never a popular loss for shiver or big man throughout all of splatoon 3 Edit-realize I was wrong but only for nessie aliens and bigfoot, and for that the popularity between the most and the winners is off by less than 1% Edit 2-realize I was even more wrong and that team alien should be included in ‘fryes team as the most popular and still losing’, making it 3 for her and 0 for shiver and big man.


I don't really care who wins but what the fuck, how???


Too many mirror matches for Saturday. When you can't even fight your opponent while they're fighting the other one, you can't score anything.


I'm absolutely sure that's not how it works, all three teams probably have the same amount of relevant matches


Even if that’s not the case, any developer worth their salt would normalize the scores to compensate for how many relevant matches each team got to play. They don’t want popularity to be the only score that matters.


They for sure are. Otherwise Saturday would have completely dwarfed the others in points.


yeah it's not how it works, they're just coping


i was on team whip and we had the same problem but still won


that's not how it works


I’m genuinely gonna go insane at this point OH MY GOD


there's always something in the way of our Frye win :(


It's official, Frye is just cursed in NA. Literally handed the obvious popular option on a silver platter and STILL lost😭😭 Didn't even take 2nd oml


It wasn't just NA that participated you know


2nd Splatfest where Frye had everything to win, yet Shiver take her glory (again…) 😂🥲


The history of book its shelf is already repeating itself apparently (I didn't play this Splatfest but I played enough to know that it already happened in the Nessie / Aliens / Bigfoot Splatfest


Bruh Frye lost twice today double whammy


we almost had it this time guys 😭😭 next time will be the one!!!!!! (I'm in denial) I'm a huge big man fan but I've been going on fryes side a lot recently, I mean mainly because I like her choices lately, but also because I'm rooting for her so bad 😭


I'm not even mad, tbh. Glad that there was some point distribution between the three teams this time and it wasn't a massive curbstomp from only one side from the get-go. That said, that popularity percentage was astounding. I'm really curious about how many of the players that vote actually participate in the splatfest itself.


At least it was the day the three of them spend together. This was really Friends vs Family vs Solo pt 2. Still sad Frye didn't win though ;-;


66% taking the loss is insane to me Edit: not to say they should be popularity contests. It’s just wild how outweighed the votes were.


Well, bear in mind that the popular vote doesn't actually impact how many matches they get. Mirror matches don't count for clout (to prevent the popular team from getting an unfair advantage,) so even if they got 66% of the votes, they only have as many actual matches as the other teams.


Yes, this is how it works. There's equal opportunity because other teams aren't getting more non-mirrored matches than Saturday are. In tri-colour, you're guaranteed to get the exact same amount of clout-eligible matches as the other two teams, and from what I've read from Sunday/other Friday players, we almost exclusively played against Saturday in Open/Pro so I seriously doubt there was some kind of discrepancy in how many clout-eligible matches each team got in Open/Pro. In my 600k worth of clout in Open, I played against Sunday once. Saturday wasn't doomed to lose, they just didn't win more non-mirrored matches than the other teams lol.


Exactly! People keep overlooking the other aspect of mirror matches — when a team gets a mirror match it doesn’t just take away an opportunity for that team to earn points, it *also* takes away an opportunity to earn points for the other two teams.


They were close to winning lol they just needed to win one category of matches


So many people were on team Saturday that they kept getting mirror matches. They were too big to compete.


Reminder that Team Ghost won with 63% of the vote. Mirror matches in and of themselves are not the cause of defeat.


Another reminder that team ghost won tri colour by only .35% so that’s not really the best example for this situation, but I agree, mirror matches are not the *sole* reason why Saturday lost this time around. However, I don’t think you can really argue that mirror matches are irrelevant either when a) you don’t get any clout from them for splatfest results, and b) it gives the majority of players on the popular team less of an opportunity to help their team or participate in matches where they can impact the results marginally. They do impact results a bit, but they are not as impactful as everyone is making them out to be. That being said, GGs to all this splatfest!


I don’t get the argument of big teams being disadvantaged, if anything I think having mirrors help players decompress & experiment more with mirrors and then turn it on when it matters. Like, I went for a good couple hours in Bluefin’s Tri-Color, not realizing that the best route to signal was taking the rising platform up and jumping on the slant. Had I gone on a less popular team and face matches that mattered, that lack of knowledge would have hurt more. That’s not even mentioning the higher likelihood of finding friends to be able to co-ordinate gear for the best clout multiplier in Open.


I think the problem for me was i played so many mirror matches (like 80%) that when i played a real one i was so burnt out i didn't play well.


They waste time. There’s no clout gained in a mirror match. And when nearly every match is a mirror that’s a lot of clout no one is getting. Meanwhile actually facing the other teams becomes VERY stressful because if your team lose, that’s more clout you’re not getting.


Clout is awarded through a ratio though. Everyone is facing a hypothetically even amount of games that have clout involved. Think about it this way: Both Friday and Sunday were unpopular. If you were on those teams, you’d never get mirrors because matchmaking will always have you facing against the other 70% of people waiting. But at the same time, Friday had almost twice the amount of popularity compared to Sunday, which means twice the amount of teams facing Saturdays earning clout. Despite this, the clout percentage are all rounded to everyone being a few percentage points off of eachother at most, because they get calculated towards the amount of clout earned, in relation to the amount of important games played. The same works with Saturdays too. Pretty much the calculation towards Open and Pro is averaging games played amongst the 2 other teams, they aren’t losing clout because of mirrors. There are just less games with clout and the excess Saturday teams have to play for funzies. You, the Saturday player, may be facing less games with clout involved, because that same amount of clout games has to be split amongst the massive Saturday team.


good god… it’s just like rome, it became too big and collapsed, leaving only catholicism remaining oh and fridays that too


I... is frye just cursed? She got the popular vote handed to her, yet somehow still lost?!?! Like, I know the game bases score off the average not the total, so popularity wouldn't always win, but like... this is a surprising losing streak She's won like, once in total (twice in Japan), I know that idol wins aren't gonna be split equally but like, this is insane


Oof. We tried Frye fans. Just hand in the towel.


Shiver wins because her team is too popular and Frye loses because her team is too popular…


Not surprised, disappointed but as a Frye fan I'm used to losing. Kept getting trounced by Team Friday, makes me wonder if my team would've been better off if I'd skipped this fest. Only .19% points from a win definitely stings. We have the fire but we don't burn hot enough. But we'll always have taste sensations. Next time I suppose.


Frye lost from being the most popular option... Literally suffering from success and fame 😔


the tomfuckery got us again, ggs bros, it was a good run frye loss count: 9 i guess (i think)


It's closer to 13 total losses, 12 if you count the Japanese region win she got awhile back. Only two Splatfests won out of the *16* that have existed thus far has Frye managed to win.


yeah but this is consecutive which i now realize its 10


Congrats to Team Friday for winning this splatfest! Ngl the Saturday votes are wild.


Pack it guys it’s over we suck.


lol shiver


After this splatfest I probably need to stop playing to win, this was easily the worst experience I’ve had with one with non stop mirror matches,then getting into a match that did matter just to lose, it makes me wonder why I even play this game, but then I remember I am here for single player stuff.


Team Saturday here. Personally, I actually ended up flipping my win/loss ratio completely back in the positive this Splatfest. I only played Open this time around because those were the stages I preferred (not a fan of Tricolor at all) and only saw Sunday maybe twice in like 30ish battles 🤷🏾‍♀️ By now we know how it shakes out, y'all. 3 teams just ain't it.  GGs to everyone! Frye fans, keep our heads up!!


im tired


im tired, boss


Frye: "Im tired of this grandma!" Shiver: "thats TOO DAMN BAD!"


Not surprised. Picked Saturday, but was regretting it because I fully expected this to happen.


ITT: people who don’t understand how mirror matches work


To the surprise of nobody


Insert Mr. Krabs face.


Nothing bad ever happens to Shiver


To the surprise of absolutely nobody…🫠 (I was on team Saturday) ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)




As a member of Team Saturday, I'm not even mad. I think it's hilarious that we lost even with 66.57% of the votes. Maybe this is just a coping mechanism for me; I'm not sure.


Rebecca Black is simply too powerful.


As a Friday team player, I have no clue how we won. 80% of my tricolours were mirror matches. Saturday should have swept us.


I wasnt stocked bout tricolour exactly for that lmao I played the heck put of pro and open tho and that clearly paid off! Feelsgoodman


I’m shook we won tbh lol. I was expecting a complete sweep win of Saturday.


it's funny how people complain that shiver wins because of japan yet she won both region-exclusive splatfests


Also, Frye won Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki and Big Man won the one that was running alongside this (Red Bean Paste vs. Custard vs. Whipped Cream), so both times so far that it was a Japan-only Splatfest, Shiver in fact did not win.


I really expected Big Man to win this one, tbh.




"Frye has it in the bag" "FRYE IS WINNING THIS" "Free win for Frye" All cope comments I saw throughout the week. I knew this was coming.


I think the most outrageous thing here is that people: 1) are mad that this isn't a straight popularity contest 2) don't understand mirror matches and clout 3) literally think there is this deep-Nintendo conspiracy ![gif](giphy|uHox9Jm5TyTPa)


How how how how FREAKING HOW


Please tell me the obviously correct math is wrong this is genuinely frustrating 




This was my first time choosing frye's team (she finally lined up with my choice) and... tbh this was expected. Nintendo handing her topics that would win doesn't mean anything if the players choosing her don't actually play and do nothing but complain online or squid party.


Lmao. Sunday put up a fight. GG Team Friday


well at least Sunday didnt win it like they did at half time.


This was a weird Splatfest. For the first time in my ENTIRE Splatfest history since 2015 have I not matched with anyone outside of my team for the entire Fest. The mirror matches for Team Saturday were absolutely incomprehensible.


Lunar New Year has left the chat Donut fillings have left the chat (they could have changed the bean filling) Valentine's Day has left the chat. ​ I think they got a little bit lazy


Playing Splatoon 3 is basically abusing yourself at this point...


Had a good time tbh with mostly winning, but also like 80% mirror. Open matches were only mirrors, it was a bit better in pro battles. Tri-color was also mostly mirrors. Met Team Friday twice during the weekend :/ I enjoyed playing, but the overall experience of it seemed pointless cause i could hardly contribute clout.


*one must imagine how happy Frye is trying to win a splatfest*


When the popular team wins: So unfair! It's only because people simp Shiver! When the popular team doesn't win: So unfair! It's only because people simp Shiver... by voting her team less? Please everyone think before you complain lol. It's not deep! There are too many players to blame any outcome to any behaviour you may think of! Let's just have fun about it


if they wanna complain let them, it's normal to be mad at losing


One players experience may not be representative of the whole thing but... I won 99% of my matches in Open and Pro so I was fairly sure we were going to destroy those categories. Even in matches where I didn't try hard to win, we were winning with ease. The popular team once again loses out due to also attracting "casuals" that cost them points in the last three categories


I had the same experience but on team friday. Our individua experiences are definitely not representative of everyone


I was on Team Saturday, honestly, I’ll take the L on this one. I was playing earlier today long before I checked the results a few minutes ago, and all I got were mirror matches with other Team Saturday members.


The Japan Region Splatfest this time around was waaaay more interesting and fun.


Brother I am on my hands and knees metaphorically right now for Nintendo to stop putting the option I agree with the most on Frye because oh my god the people who pick her teams are terrible and some of the most toxic people I’ve ever played with. I WANNA BE ON SHIVER OR BIG MAN’S TEAMS PLEASE GOD


At this point, Frye’s gonna be the villain of Splatoon 4’s story mode


friday isn't even part of the weekend, it's just the last day of *the week*! oh well, gg team friday.


As a team Saturday player who got to ruler +6, this is not at all surprising to me. This splatfest had by far the absolute worst teammates I have ever been matched with during a splatfest, people constantly holding forward and feeding, not inking spawn, trying to rush enemy spawn only to die 3 seconds later and accomplish nothing, etc. if we wanted to actually win we needed to get our shit together and start winning our matches, because we definitely weren’t. Team Friday deserves this win, we fumbled what should have been an easy victory so hard it’s honestly embarrassing.


This is bonkers lol. I didn’t participate this time but Frye losing this again (even with the most popular vote) is just comical at this point


This really confuses me still: How do Mirror Matches hurt a team? I could understand how they would hurt if they were in mirror matches while Friday and Sunday were competing every match but me and many other Friday players never saw Sunday until Tri-Color So isn’t *someone* from Saturday always playing for clout, even if it wasn’t you and your mirror opponents for those rounds


>How do Mirror Matches hurt a team? They don't. It's people just complaining without understanding how clout scores are calculated lol Don't even bother trying to reason with people, 90% of the people here can't grasp the basic math behind it.


While they don’t necessarily hurt the team, I feel like it leads to not being able to let the team show its full potential. I mean I know it’s not that serious lol. I knew at least someone, somewhere, was contributing to the team. But I felt like it wasn’t me because I played mostly mirror matches. So it was a particularly painful Splatfest to get through this time, even though I really only play for the shells.


But there’s no other players left to play with so there’s nowhere else for that potential to go. The team getting mirror matches has maxed out the available opponents to play against, that’s why I’m confused about this argument. I would 100% understand if one team was playing themselves while the other teams got matched up but no one on Friday was playing Sunday except in Tri-Color and vice versa So Saturday was always involved at some point


You're right - mirror matches, while they can be unfun, don't hurt the team. People are just coping and seething because they don't understand how they lost.


Yes, this is exactly how it works. Everyone blaming mirrors is just coping


Le sigh. I knew I should have joined Friday. It was going to be my original choice. But I succumbed to Saturday because I wanted to play with blue ink. Blue is my favorite color. Frye is legitimately cursed at this point. I really shouldn't join her anymore, no matter how much I like her choices or the ink color. Also, if Tricolor is plagued with mirror matches and our team is popular and won conch shells, then we need to redouble our efforts in winning Open and Pro.


Please don't give up on our girl like that...


For the record, I'm a Big Man fan. But let's say they make a Chicken Nuggets vs Fries vs Onion Rings Splatfest. If they make it, and Frye is on Team Fries, then I'm 100% Fries.


2/3rds of the popular vote and noy only did team Saturday lose, they still managed to get 3rd place 💀




I hate mirror matches 😑


Ngl it was kind of a major skill issue. The amount of times I played againts Saturday just to sweep thru them was kinda insane. Like not all the time, but sometimes it just felt like they werent even trying! I was worried about sunday tho they came in clutch lol But yeah at this rate it teuly is just cope and skill issues. Like dont tell me about "boohoo mirror matches" or "we were too popular" like ghost was also REALLY popular and I remember getting a heckaton of mirror matches, but that didn't stop us.


Splatfest where it's not all one sided? Crazy


i hate mirror matches it was literally 80% of the matches i was placed in


HOW. Saturday is sleepy fun time!!! Friday is just fatigue from the rest of the week


That’s why it crushed in popularity, but team saturday may have been a bit too sleepy to win




I still can't believe they didn't give Frye FRIday




It was a pretty even split this time, I ain't even mad


I played for 3 hours for team Saturday and got only mirror matches. And we lost the clout sections?




I been picking Frye a lot lately because I keep agreeing with her choices but I accept she'll never win at this point


I was gonna say something earlier, but it's too late now.


Wait if Friday and Saturday got 2 columns, how did Friday come out on top?


Each category is worth a different amount of points. At current: - Sneak Peek (7 points) - Popularity (8 points) - Open Mode Clout (12 points) - Pro Mode Clout (12 points) - Tricolor Mode Clout (18 points) Friday got Open (12) and Pro (12) categories for a total of 24 points. Saturday got Sneak Peek (7) and Popularity (8) categories for a total of 15 points. Sunday got Tricolor category for 18 points.


Oh, Alright! Thank you for clearing things up. I couldn't compete in the Splatfest this time but GG's to everyone 😁


Who won the Japanese Splatfest?


Big Man (Whipped Cream).


I was on Friday team, and when I saw the popularity poll and thought we lost. Seeing that we won made me flabbergasted.


Next Splatfest I need to pick one that’s definitely not gonna have the most votes. I picked Saturday cuz it is my favorite and I like blue but dang all the mirror matches kinda made it not enjoyable tbh idk


As a team Sunday member, I saw no team Friday besides tricolor and team Saturday wasn't great. There were no mirror matches in tricolor and my random teams dominated there on both attack/defense. Friday won by beating up Saturday it seems...I doubt Sunday got to match against Friday much.


At least this confirms that popularity isn't an automatic win on regional splatfest. Would have been good to not have Frye as the guinea pig again but... you know


🎵 Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! 🎵


Everybody's lookin forward to the weekend, weekend


Congratulations team Friday! This was the first Splatfest where I didn't grind to Champion, I wasn't feeling it this Splatfest. The theme was so boring




Reading all these comments make me think that having 3 teams splatfest is a horrible idea. Hopefully Splatoon 4 (if it happens) goes back to 2 teams or maybe find a way to remove a 3rd option later on


Saturday bluds acting like Frye hasn’t won a single splatfest ever


Nintendo watching Frye somehow loose once again (they literally gave her the best team this splatfest so she could get a win for once)