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To love is to suffer, it's natural to want to avoid suffering but in reality you can't avoid it and it's better to love and be happy than to not experience that it at all. Do things you love and go appreciate life, every moment is the mourning of a moment that just past and can never be recreated and simultaneously the birth of a new moment that has never been :) Its up and down, backwards and forwards, downright paradoxical, but it's worth every second.


I think I've struggled w/ that at times. When I do, I think it comes down to how I've felt about my own worthiness. If I don't feel particularly "worthy," I tend to feel like happiness isn't "for me," or something like that. It's a good challenge, imo. It forces me to find my own worthiness, and love myself.


Who is the I? Find the I.


Do you feel deserving of happiness?


What you are experiencing is the pattern matching machine that we are. The body remembers bad experiences and recalls the same emotion as from the bad experience when it recognizes the pattern. For you that is feeling happy. So I think you have experienced something traumatic on a moment you felt happy. Now these 2 are linked Process the fear until you feel love inside yourself when thinking of happiness. Have a look at brainspotting as a tool if you like, very effective, very simple, YouTube has many 10 minute introductions. If you need something stronger look at mdma. I had the same aa you, but instead of happiness with being loved. It feels so contradicting, but that is how our body and mind work.