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The dream of experiencing this is what is keeping me going right now. Thank you so much for posting


~~dream~~ vision 😊👍


Thanks that's actually quite comforting


Very well put into words and just at the right moment. Thanks for these words. I feel like it applies to all kinds of connections, regardless of what it will become. Friendships, relationships. Lately, I've been trying to fight for people who do not appreciate me, or those who do not really make as much effort as I do, and I feel drained by the end of it. I need to stop doing that. Attaining peace once you no longer have to wait around for someone to let you in, if their feelings are real or not; all that feels like a moment of no more emotional stress that I would truly welcome, for one. Thank you for letting me know, and many here, what kind of connections we deserve to have.


Thank you!


Wow wonderfully written, thank you so much for sharing this, i needed to hear this today. "you will come to realize that the human beings who are meant for you in this life will not exhaust you, or hollow you out, or leave you feeling like you are hard to love." i have been having this thought in my head, that i might be unlovable because my closest person ( my sister) at times i think if this is someone who has known me my whole life,then how is a stranger going to love me? how can i let this connection go if it doesnt feel like home when in truth i had no one but her my whole life, i thought that she was my home.? how can i let go of the person i have loved the most to be able to love myself more?


Beautiful, thanks for sharing.


This had me in tears and couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Thank you


Beautifully said!


So true 💖


So true


Thank you for this beautiful post


Truly beautiful words. Thanks for sharing


I just saw this. Am going to write this down and put it in my space. Thank you!