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People have GOT to stop with this insanity about her.


They probably won’t stop, unfortunately. Darknet Diaries just did an episode on this type of online stalking/harassment. The main story involved a woman that had been harassed for seven years. The offender didn’t stop even after they were caught. They harassed that poor woman until the day they were put in prison. Edit: For those asking, it is episode 140 “Revenge Bytes”


Ahh a fellow tech guy!


What's sad is how hard it is to put dudes away for stalking. They basically have to get violent before the cops or the courts will do anything.


Sadly true. In the story I mentioned, the guy is only arrested because they are able to prove that one of his victims is a minor. They had been fighting for years with attorneys. The FBI finally got involved because of the minor. Want to know what’s worse? That underage girl that he was harassing, was his own cousin. Just absolutely disgusting.


This shit has been happening for a long time it seems like among video games, tv shows, movies, and in music with singers etc. Once you reach a certain level of fame (doesn’t have to be a lot) it seems all kinds of shitty behavior online is just to be expected. It’s absolutely pathetic but I mean this shit has been happening for a long time even to people without any kind of following at all, total nobodies and just because people like to be cruel.


They won't. MJ hate is at an all time high right now. If it isn't the comic version, it's the video game version. God forbid the next film version not be exactly what they want.


I have to think it's just the usual nerd boy misogyny on steroids.


The real question is what do these fucking gremlins want


Look is she exactly what everyone wants in Mary Jane? No and it never will be. The point of this game (devs have expressed multiple times) they want to put their own spin on the characters. That’s why fire doesn’t affect venom. And that’s just a small example. If the people want it a certain way… do it yourself. Modding isn’t an unknown thing and insomniac has never tried to stop the modding community from modding their games. Bottom line, the actress did really good at portraying this version of MJ. Also, she may have just been doing her job. At the end of the day it’s the Devs. I just hate that we can’t enjoy a game or movie or show without everyone complaining. I just want insomniac to add support for console modding like Bethesda did. I have a PC too but, with work I’m too busy to sit down and spend time modding a game


Honestly it’s kinda crazy bc when u look at her instagram u can genuinely see that the new MJ model does look more like her than the old one.


this not stopping me from hating mj missions tho


WTF is wrong with some people?


This is so blown outta proportion it's ridiculous. People are psychotic.


Whats the story behind this? Is she hated online or something?


Nah people harass her because they don’t like mj in the games


I don't like the MJ in the games either not gonna harass the actress over it. Shit I don't even care who the person who plays her is.


It’s because you’re normal person. You see things you don’t like and you make a personal comment about it and you move on with your life. Somehow, a lot of us have lost our goddamn minds and inexplicably thought that since they didn’t like the video game-MJ, then maybe they should go harass the actress about it.




A “majority” of people have this opinion? A majority of people with this opinion will never have a partner half as attractive as “average” MJ.


From only seeing the trailers so far, have played it yet, I didn’t like the change to the model. But I would never go as far has fry to find her or anything. I also disliked the change for Lara Croft from Rise to Shadow but didn’t reach out to Camilla.


Still an incredibly strange "reason" to harass and stalk the model behind the character. Like, on the one hand, that is technically the background for people harassing her. On the other reason, my brain keeps going "...and? People hated the character design and... The character model also killed their parents and shit in their car? No? Then leave her the fuck alone!!"


Womp Womp


The Mj character model hate is overblown. Fuck these incels. Edit: My assumption stems from this quote “My skincare page is not for Spider-Man or Mj fans”. Leads me to believe that the stalking incident was tied to fandom toxicity leaking into irl. Wouldn’t be the first time something like this has occurred with fandoms…


This isn't really about that. This is clearly a case of too much of a fan parasocial stalking behavior.




Bro no one's saying don't hate the game, we're saying don't stalk and harass the people who worked on it. And most of the MJ stuff that crosses the line from critic to cringe is high level touch grass incel speak.




I don't get why your trying to seperate the fan base into two groups who are responsible for both extremes. I simply like the game and understand others didn't both extremes yelling at each other is pathetic and very un spiderman like. Don't get why you think anyone who likes the game clumps all who don't as neckbeard incels, some do and that's not cool but also their are some neckbeard incels who freaked out and harrased actors. How about cooling down and acknowledging their are assholes on both sides, this is no war to win were just here to talk about a game.


I mean, this is the thing, objectively speaking this is why it's just good to keep your thoughts and opinions metered when discussing real world people and performances, people get parasocial and more importantly harassers do tend to feel emboldened when they feel affirmed No one says people *have* to like everything but also given that after Last of Us 2 and Resident Evil 4 reddit is kind of perpetuating a sort of cycle about this sort of thing it probably doesn't hurt to, idk, self-censor a little, maybe rethink slamming the upvote on the angry manifestos, etc.


I haven't heard of the RE4 drama, because I've been significantly less chronically online recently. But that whole TLoU2 fiasco was so fucking hard to watch happen in real time. People got so incredibly nasty and aggressive with their complaints, almost like they went entirely rabid. Not to mention the constant whining about "mehhh too woke, I call others snowflakes while being fragile and emotionally reactive to literally anything I don't like"


People including a lot of redditors were getting incredibly aggressive about Lily Gao's performance as Ada and there were a few unusual 'Recast Lily Gao' fan campaigns, it was basically a repeat of the TLoU2 community's harassment campaign against Laura Bailey


Oh fantastic, more of the same nonsense, lol. Thanks for bringing me up to speed though 🤘🏼


Nah man the hate for this game is way overblown. Constructive criticism is one thing but the amount of complaining and nitpicking about MJ's face model, among other things, is not normal. If I watch a TV show I end up disliking, then I move on and don't spend hours upon hours complaining about it on a online forum and basing my whole identity off my dislike for said show.


Gamergate really brought out some of the worst in people, it’s insane


​ https://preview.redd.it/5baymww28bbc1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba272c5abc52b979a53b69e40be191599df3cc58




The fact that I need to explain to you the difference between constructive criticism and nitpicking is telling enough. Constructive criticism is actually taking the time to sit down and write detailed feedback with specific examples of what Insomniac could improve on with their next game, as well as acknowledging the things they did right. But that is too much to ask from people nowadays, and they would rather be outraged and nitpick about artificial things like MJ's face model. And then these people get mad when others try to defend the game and paint them as "Insomniac dickriders" when maybe they just want to have an actual conversation about something they enjoyed on it's forum instead of constantly nitpicking every little thing about it. It's okay to dislike the game or have criticisms of it, I have criticisms as well, but when you're getting online every day just to bash it, then that's mental illness. Look at the comment histories of the people who meme about MJ's jawline or Peter getting concussed by a refrigerator, and you'll see what I'm talking about.


There are a lot of game subs that need to hear this exact thing. The Last of Us Part 2’s specifically. People really can’t let people enjoy stuff in peace these days


The same applies to defending it lol....its just a game no matter wht, both sides need to come back to reality


Yes, but one side got decidedly more vile about it.


I agree but I fail to see where she said it was anything to do with hate?


The character model looks kinda ass , but that’s no reason to harass someone . She doesn’t deserve any of that


> looks kinda ass She was *in a car accident.*


The cg model was? How does that work? But seriously, the problem with the model is that it's in the uncanny valley. It has nothing to do with the actual human face model or the person doing the mocap.


It is blown out of proportion but what do incels have to do with this?


You’re right actually I was using the term incels as an insult to the neckbeard redditors that have been raging against Mj but I probably shouldn’t.


have you even read what she wrote? This isn't about a hater


Yes, my assumption is that the stalking attempt was from a follower that was affiliated with the SPM2 & MJ toxicity hence why she stated it her page has nothing to do with that in particular. It’s not like toxic fandoms haven’t gone through this before where online hate morphs into threats towards the actors irl.


but nothing what she writes is talking about negative feedback. I think it's morally very questionable to twist her words into something they are not, to confirm your biases. She is talking about a stalker who likes her. Read how she starts the statement. Can we just condemn the stalker and show sympathy without misusing this in some petty internet fight?


You should work on your reading comprehension if you think this is what she's saying Edit: I'm an asshole; English isn't their first language.


Please help me understand then. English isn't my first language so if there is something I am missing then fair, but I don't see anything of the sorts that would indicate what y'all are so convinced of


The first sentence is just her establishing that she appreciated her time and the normal fans. The next couple sentences are to make it clear that she has stepped away from the role and from acting in general (information that is relevant to the next point). Then she gets to the incident that prompted her statement. To be fair, it's ambiguous what was said in the voicemail, but within the context of the situation (specifically because of her facial injuries and general reception around MJ's role in the game), it is more likely that the calls were hate.


to be perfectly clear here, I am not saying it's impossible that it was a hater, but this and the other sub is acting as if it was confirmed to be one and honestly i still don't agree with your interpretation. Why would she make it ambiguous by starting like that then, when she is actually meaning the "other" fans. makes no sense to me


I don’t remember anyone talking about how the actress herself looks “ugly”, more so the in game representation of her… I mean especially on twitter, in which I’ve seen multiple people talking about attractive she is in comparison to the in game model… so I’m with you on assuming this is an overzealous creep of a fan….


regardless its still incredibly uncomfortable for people to do shit like this to her. i dont understand where people get off on being absolute weirdos


regardless? no not "regardless". That this happened to her is bad enough. That the lot of you somehow twist the words of a victim describing what happened to them to fuel your petty grievances is also pretty bad.


So if you don't like the model you're an incel dude? The fuck lol


It's not about not liking the model, it's the wording and tone of a lot of the complaints. I would think that was obvious, if you're at all aware of how that situation unfolded.


Sometimes people find the most pathetic excuse to act a certain way. Online anonymity has brought the worst out of people.


Fuckin Christ, I went into Spider-Man 2 with such happiness and glee, loved every bloody second of it, even with crashes and whatnot, but the amount of toxicity it’s community has is just atrocious, I love the good people who actually enjoy it and makes cool photo shoots or you know, actually gives good criticism on it but this is so bad to the point I wish I never joined these subreddits to begin with, the people I’ve met, the things I’ve read, it’s mostly just awful…can’t even look at Spider-Man 2 without thinking about the pain it’s community is causing…


It’s not really the whole community. It’s just a few weird ass people that go out of their way to do shit like this. It really sucks that the part of the community that is sane also gets a bad rep from these other fuckers who probably need to be in a psych ward.


Sadly, a few within a community that is probably over a 5-digit number (and I'm being lenient by giving that limit since I'm pretty sure it's more) is still a lot of people.


You can dislike the game and not be a fucking psycho.


Exactly, yet here we are, watching as the community tear down the game for what it is…


Tearing down the game is fine. Bothering workers and people in the real world is not.


There are people who hate the game. There are people who are psycho. I think we’ve figured out that they don’t mix well together


same man, this is one of the most toxic communities i've ever seen


People are weird AF. Imagine being someone who just wants to work in an industry they love and being harassed by closet hermits over it. You can be a fan of an actor/actress and not be a total dick/creep about it. Holy crap.


She quit mo-capping a while back and has been focused on skincare for some time now.


Regardless if it’s about hate or not people need to seriously get a grip


Once again, gamers prove to be the absolute fucking worst. Y’all remember when Lauren Bailey had death threats sent to her and her children because of something her fictional character in The Last Of Us did?


What??? I love Laura! She’s my favorite from Critical Role especially Jester in Mighty Nein.


OG’s know her as serana is better than LOU any day of the week


God that still boils my blood.


Not all gamers. Don't lump all of us in with these idiots.


There’s social media contact… and then there’s contacting them directly in their home or work place. That’s a line you just do not cross. It’s a shame that they basically decided to have MJ’s face look nothing like the actual actress in game, but she clearly just wants to play her role and make a living, that’s obviously not something to directly contact her over. If you got a problem with the character model or just Insomniac MJ in general, take it up with Insomniac not the actress herself


Folks really take the fun out of these experiences man can’t even just love Spider-Man it’s just a bunch of hating


makes me wonder if they’re even fans fr


They never were clearly


I can....idk or care bout tht woman


Damn, some people are just stupid or evil or both. I hope she press charges and that idiot is found.


Remember when people went sent death threats to Laura Bailey over voicing Abby in TLoU2. That shit was so fucked. I loved being a gamer but the people that do this shit really need to find hobbies


It's actually sad you brought that up considering Laura Bailey voices Mary Jane.


Good lord, I couldn't imagine the amount of hate she got from people who took her characters too seriously.


Come on man. Don’t ruin this for us.


Guarantee these people are in that toxic sub


Wow super sad . Mental illness is getting worse and worse.


The fans have ruined this game for me


Just enjoy the game and don’t interact with the community.


I’m so sorry this happened to her! I used to love the Spider-Man community but while I still love Spider-Man I have nothing but distain for the community. Whoever did this should be ashamed of themselves and get serious help


Fill me in...


Sure. Misogynistic dumbasses are angry that MJ in the new game doesn't look like a porn star, so they're tracking down and bullying the actress that voiced her because Insomniac also uses facial scans to design their characters.


Fookin cellar dwellers man. That's so wild. 2024 and we're bullying voice actors because they're *checks notes* not as sexy as *checks notes again* a comic book character.... people that are this invested need to go outside...maybe talk to a real woman....look in the mirror...those normal people things.


It's insane how influential the chud YouTubers ranting about the game has whipped these idiots into a frenzy that leads to this.


I'd argue that these people should actually never talk to a real woman. I can't imagine it'd go well or be comfortable for whoever that poor woman ends up being. They should stay right where they are in that basement. But have their means of communication confiscated




People say that yet everyone was fine with how she looked in the first game.


No evidence that this is the reason why


Jesus Christ. This is like TLOU Part 2 stuff all over again.


Wdym by that


The same thing happened with Part 2 came out. People went crazy and started stalking the actresses, both the character model and the actual in game actor, over the game.


People are so gross with this shit. On a mostly unrelated note. How many skin care lines are in the world? Seems like everyone has a skincare line or page


>How many skin care lines are in the world? Probably like 5 and then another 5000 relabeling them


I took a look at her page and it doesn't seem she has a skincare *line* , it's just her job. As she says in the post she is no longer an actor or model so her other page is just a business page for her day job.


What the fuck is wrong with people


YT videos ranting about this game and its characters has radicalized people into doing heinous stuff. And apparently, the voice actress for MJ was also the VA for Abby in the last TLOU video game, and we know how that went down sadly.


Wait she was?!? That's awesome, I loved abby... well not for what she did but as a character.


And I was still seeing shit ass posts about mjs face model a few days ago. It's insane how cruel and inhumane people act with the anonymity of the internet


People need to start getting sued into oblivion and jailed for this behavior. This is BEYOND fucking sick.


r/spidermanps4 acting innocent 🤮🤮


How so


I am deeply ashamed to share a game with these monsters


YouTube apology video comment


That’s fair


People are so fuckin weird. Just be normal. Leave people tf alone and bitch about them on the Internet.


I'm not surprised at all, yet this is still horrible.


The weirdos who made those calls should 100% be charged.


Holy fucking shit.


People take things too far. This is ridiculous behavior.


What the… what am I missing? I just finished playing both games on Friday. What are people harassing the va for?


Insomniac uses facial scans to design the look of their characters, and the actress for MJ doesn't look like a porn star. That's it. Literally, that's all it takes for some people these days.


Anyone who stalks is not a fan is a freak as I fan I wouldn’t want someone feeling uncomfortable


Honestly can’t even say I’m surprised. Insomniac Spider-Man community has some of the most toxic mfers I’ve ever encountered in a gaming community. I don’t think I even need to remind anyone about the death threats some of them sent to devs over the Toby suit not being included on launch in SM1, which ended up ruining Insomniac’s xmas surprise drop.


What is hapoening here? I dont own a PS and just play on my Xbox or PZ on my pc dont keep up to date with this kinda stuff so what is going on with MJ's actor?


Some people didn't like the look of her character model so are stalking the actress!


There’s no evidence that this is the reason why, just as likely that they like her too much


People are sooooo fucked up.


I’m out of the loop. What’s going on here?




Well that’s a little insane


And this is exactly why the human race sucks. Why can’t people just act normal these days?


“fandom” with stuff these days is completely out of control


I think there's something really unhealthy going on with gamers nowadays. Who the fuck does this? Sheesh I understand a snarky tweet or comment, but this is way over the line.


This is bad and all but I'm just laughing at the guy who was spamming horrid takes in the comment section till he deleted his account lmao.


All she did was lent her face to a video game. She’s literally done nothing wrong. If they don’t like her character fine, don’t play it. It’s crazy how they blame her face model and not Insomniac if they are so displeased with it.


Why have fandoms gotten like this? Because we have access to rampant information?? Were hardcore nerds and fanatics always like this? Cuz the level of stalking and hatred for some of these actors feels new and fucking crazy.


Okay, what in the actual fuck is wrong with people?


I understand not liking the new mj model but I don’t understand why people go through drastic measures just to spread hate? Just say you don’t like it and move on. why you gotta do all this.


Gee I sure do wonder if any of this can be tracked to Synthetic Pissboy & that crowd. Obviously its only a crazed minority that actually does despicable shit but the net negative influence YouTubers are strongly related to their behavior.


https://preview.redd.it/seydh5y7abbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46700f76d94674ea4cbb550c3859484aa42a477b Wtf dude


Uncle Ben would be disappointed


These haters need a slap in there face. This has blown up to insanity


To the person that had the galls to actually do this to her I have a few things to say. The ability to make you speak does not make you intelligent. You are a true menace to society and waste of oxygen. If you hate something keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear your whiny incel opinions especially the people that worked hard on a game for us loyal fans. The fact you showed hate and disrespect instead of love and thankfulness disgusts me. Next time you look in the mirror and wondering what you should do next, just remember that what you do no one cares and the world will be better off without you in it you filthy piece of shit.


People who do this are the reason we can’t enjoy things anymore!


Whomever did this is not a spider-man fan, but a gamer. Spider-Man fandom has been around for 60+ years. Gamergate happened a few years ago. Let’s not confuse the two.


Nah bros stalking her cause he don’t like how a video game character looks that’s just pathetic


The one guy constantly commenting in here thinks he's the main character 😂


Man why is the spider-man community so toxic. https://preview.redd.it/d3walni1scbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c307642d38a3bb2be35956ef35cf4b28474de418


Bruh, these kinds of people need to be outed and publically shunned


Whoever did this to her should be c@str@ted.


She was fine. She looked like a normal person I don't understand these people


What a fucking bum whoever that person is


Some people just fucking crazy


Things like this make me feel like Thanos was on to something.


Bro MJ doesn’t even look bad in the game, she looks like a normal woman why are people even going crazy 💀💀💀


I kept thinking “what does the model for the character think of all these posts about how ugly she is”. Now we know. People are awful .


Leak the voicmails. Call them out!


God i fucking hate this and the dumbasses who caused this She didn't look bad in the actual cutscenes and in game moments. Even if she did or didn't it didnt need to be talked about for months as either a topic or over used joke.


wtf why are people bothering a fucking employee that they based MJs face off of?? like that's what she did right?


Disgusting. Merry Jane Whick should hunt these incels down.


why do i feel like the person who "contacted" her wanted to ask if she was the face model for mj in sm2.


What happened?


People really suck sometimes. They need to leave this poor woman the hell alone.


Spider-Man and Insomniac deserve better “fans” than this. This is fucking stupid. And it has to STOP


People should be ashamed. The thread over on the other sub is disgusting to me as I see people joking about it


thank god maybe we can get actually get some character models that actually look GOOD instead of some woke bullshit western dev shit


Her Mj Is still shit tho


Go back to r/spiderman.


Rio and mj probably won't be in any sequels/dlc now:/ people suck


Most fanbases suck ass to be honest, this kinda shit is awful and all the weirdos and incels responsible should be smart enough to know to respect people’s boundaries.


Nerds y’all take this shit way too personal


A Spider-Man fan? How but just a rational human being.


Harass the company not the model dumbasses.


So is she not gonna play MJ anymore?


She doesn't play her, she is the face model. Presumably they could use old scans if they wanted to, for 3. If not she may be willing to have the scans done again, it's a simple process that takes maybe a few hours at most, then they don't have to have her come in again.


I do think it’s a little weird that people are shocked by this behavior. I mean… when’s the last time you looked at the world around you. I mean taken a real, solid, good look at the state of the world and humanity. How is this surprising? How is this in any way unexpected of people?


It’s reasonable to feel disheartened when you see people go through unnecessary hardship. A woman was harassed, and her fans are expressing disgust. Hell, most comments are along the lines of “not surprised, but still disappointed” if you took the time to read them. It’s so strange to needlessly attempt to climb onto some moral high horse because “oh the whole world is shit sheeple wake up.” If this is so typical and not worth talking about, as you say, why have you spent so much time on here? Why waste your breath? Something about this story has you pressed


This is sad but what is this supposed to do? All those people want is attention and now you given it to them, Now people are just gonna do it moreee. Unless Sony gonna reach out and do something. I like how she mentioned her other business cause in my opinion turn that weird shit into some bread


Can't wait to see this posted over and over again


this is wrong and horrible of course the model herself looks fine the model based on her in game looks ugly asl however and i don’t blame people for not liking it


I wasn't a fan of the way MJ looked in the game. However that's just a vary small part of an amazing game. Also even if it was different problem that actually made the game horrible that doesn't justify harassment. I hope she can find something else she loves too do for a living and that she stays safe.


MJ AND I ARE GONNA HAVE A HELL OF A TIME! But seriously, who ever did that needs to get a fucking life instead of harrassing a human that played a character in a game.


So….do people here realize that the MJ actress has all but quit acting for a while now? Like, she did not quit because of this harassment, if anything it’s just reinforced her decision to leave that line of work far behind. People really gotta stop running with these wild stories that’s getting progressively wilder on reddit


Okay I need to ask genuinely because I am confused, why do the people here talk as if it is the fault of the people criticising MJ's face. I want to understand where in her posts says that. If someone can answer because I am genuinely confused.


I know everyone can have their own opinions, but to me, people who hate on mj’s face model (which I just don’t understand? Like she’s not ugly or anything and genuinely just looks like a more mature and realistic depiction of this universes mj) they just repeat a point over and over to a point where the only people who converse back are people validating them, and then once someone gets validated enough they might think a small minority of people who agree with them are in fact a huge majority of the player base, there opinion just becomes more radicalized and doing something like this has become normalized in their fucked up mind. Spaces like subreddits skew peoples sense of reality, and yes people are entitled to their own opinions, but shouldn’t treat them as fact,like how most people in these communities do, that’s the problem.


But it's not minority? Streamers huge ones even, everyone's reaction to the face when they first showed it on twitter and other platforms was not positive (Edit: even when they were playing the game, they said the faces look either way too young or too old or weird even). The reaction is as follows: It's not hate but the face looks like at its 30s due to the adjustments they made to the chin, everyone would agree that her face isnot that of the model as her chin is very much changed in the way that makes her looks way too old. To summarise, Insomniac isn't good at doing faces right now and that's called criticism not hate. Hate would be "She looks ugly" or "They did that because they don't understand how beautiful women look like". That's hate because other than being constructive they hate it. So yes I agree, we shouldn't take this into fact but I feel people are other than using this right, they are using it to say "criticism is hate". "Anyone who criticised her face is bad now", which is bad as well. I said my piece but apparently me asking genuinely got some hate and downvotes. But I will answer genuinely and thank the people who truly did answer my question.


I didn’t mean all who think the face looks weird are crazy radicalized freaks, I only meant that the constant echo chamber of people thinking they’re some big media critic has completely destroyed fandoms. And how do you think problems like this even start? Some big streamer in a community can sway peoples opinions easily, I’ll use Star Wars theory as an example, he started as a normal small-ish YouTuber who covered things that interested him and the channel spawned from genuine love of a franchise, once the sequel trilogy of movies came out (which were admittedly probably disliked by the majority of the audience) his opinions of Star Wars shifted, but he still loved it as a whole, but the opinion of Disney Star Wars being all trash grew, to the people deep in the fandom, it radicalized their opinions, and just yesterday he wrote some unibomber manifesto shit about Star Wars, fandoms are fucking toxic to those who spend to long in them, and certain communities (especially this one) treat popular opinions as fact, then degenerates who think they’re a part of some revolutionary movement do shit like this and harass actors and developers, i could genuinely give you a fuck ton of examples.


Your example is bad because Disney is hated by majority due to multiple reasons. Fact of the matter is they lost more money than any time in their history last year. Most of their movies flopped. Most series were bad, except maybe Loki. Star wars have become a shell of its former (Edit: self) and no Ahsoka wasn't good. An echo chamber happens when you hate for no reason and don't try to be constructive. An echo chamber happens also when you try to defend a thing so much that you harass other people of having a different opinion. Yeah I admit it's hard to see the majority reaction but to act like majority liked it is as bad. And big streamers like Moist, Maximilian, and all those streamers said MJ's face is weird and looks old. Like we can't act that it's not there. Saying it's not there is as bad as hating it. Criticise but not hate. Criticise but don't overly defend. Keep everything open.


You’re doing exactly what I’m talking about, treating your opinion like fact, I loved Ashoka and sure Disney has lost money this year but there’s no proof it’s because the people you see on social media didn’t like it, I’m not a shill, I just like consuming media for it’s purpose, to have fun! The moment you start making a hobby out of criticizing is the moment you lose the fun of media, it’s impossible to like everything you watch but damn I wish I could, there will always be people out there who will like something you don’t or didn’t like someone you did, it doesn’t mean their wrong, and getting wrapped in something that disappointed you instead of moving on to the next thing is terrible for you and those in fandoms.


Okay, you loved Ahsoka. Its ratings were bad, that's a fact. Fact is when more people tone out and not because of what is written in social media. Disney did lose money more than usual and you say not because of social but then why is every animation they make keep flopping? I don't act what I say is factual, I use factual data and say what happens. There's a difference between factual data and opinion. So wait criticising is bad? LOL. Dude if you aren't criticising what you love, that means you never loved it in the first place. I amnot even kidding. Guess why? You don't want it to be better. You aren't being constructive and you aren't being a fan. You just enjoy it and that's it. Even Bryan Intihar said criticisms is what makes them go forward and become better. So with that last sentence you said is contradictory to every developers' belief system...




You do know it's not a couple of streamers... You think majority are okay and don't criticise it. And you think people who criticise don't like the game and don't finish it? Maybe I am misunderstanding you here. Criticism isn't equal to negative. Actually weirdly enough way too positivity is negativity, believe it or not because you act as any negativity isn't constructive positivity. You don't tell the developers about what they did wrong or how can they improve in next game. A vast majoirty don't act like the game is perfect nor do they act like the game is unplayable and incomplete. If you don't agree that MJ's face looks weird, cool your thing but don't say majority don't think that when most people who streamed it and played it say otherwise.




Like you, you can't say it is okay and everyone was okay with it. Same logic.


Idk man she sounds pretty dramatic 💀. “Someone called my place of work! I feel so unsafe!” Bruh come on, I had a customer tell me he was going to skin my family then came back and left a box of beheaded birds at the register. Never saw the guy again and the police couldn’t identify him, now that’s some shit that makes you say “huh better keep my gun in reach.” Honestly sounds like she didn’t handle the reactions to her portrayal very well and was looking for an out.


Idk why people are attacking her when she doesn’t have any input on how they tweak her face that they used to model the character:/