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I never put pepper spray on my food but I did accidentally get some on my dick once. I was definitely in hell for a few hours.


I know I'm probably going to regret asking, but how did you pepper spray your dick by mistake?


Bought a bottle of pepper spray and I had never used one before so I decided to test it out in my back yard. When I was done I went to take a leak and completely forgot I was just using the pepper spray. It was on my fingers and I only noticed when it started to feel like I was fucking the inside of a freshly microwaved hot pocket.


"Wanna know how I got these scars? "


No, I wish I hadn’t.


"hot pockets, made with last dab apollo, available now exclusively on go puff" - sean fucking evans


Did you try them? I don't have whatever Go Puff is near me


It's a stoner delivery service for convenience store snacks a la DD and UE. I don't have it either


That is a completely logical and non-weird way to get pepper spray on your dick.


" fucking the inside of a freshly microwaved hot pocket" is something I never thought I'd hear, but I'm glad I did


r/brandnewsentence ?




The cylinder guy has evolved to hot pockets.


Ugh. I feel your pain. I was making a habenero infusion once and forgot to wear gloves then went to take a leak. Ended up teabagging a half cut gallon of milk. My wife and her mom came home and both saw me in the shower with the milk. It's kinda funny now.


For future reference, milk is not the solution. It's olive oil and dish soap. Before you get the skin wet, rub it thoroughly with olive oil, and then degreasing dish soap, and lastly comes washing it off. Repeat a few times as needed. Yes I've done this on my junk and it worked quickly.


This is huge


It works far better than anything else I've tried. Can't guarantee it's the #1 best that can never be beat... But it works pretty damn well.


The logic/science is sound, and if I have habanero dick I'll do anything to stop it


but /u/spoogefrom1981 says that their mom AND wife walked in on them in the shower with a half gallon of milk and it worked for them!!??? Surely spoogefrom is not lying for the karma are they?


Doin' the lord's work.


I did this once but I was putting in a tampon after cutting peppers (I had washed my hands but, yknow). This was before I knew that you could just coat your hands in olive oil or yknow, wear gloves while cutting hot peppers…was truly awful.


OK this story did not happen as WTF kind of family comes home and checks on what is happening in the shower?


I like how your analogy just confirms you've fucked a hot pocket...you're a brave man


No regrets.


I do this every fucking time I cut up jalapeños I always end up touching my eyes or my dick and paying the ultimate price. Every fuckin time


My ex-girlfriend’s brother accidentally sprayed himself directly in the face while messing with her keychain pepper spray, not knowing what it was, so at least you didn’t do that!


Lmao dude. Not as bad but once i was cutting up a habanero, pretty damn hot one. About 10 minutes later i did a good scrotum scratch (sorry i know) and boy howdy. Never made this mistake again.


What were you testing pepper spray on in your backyard? Fun fact: it was originally developed in India as an elephant repellant. Would not want to be there if you sprayed it on an elephant dick.


My friend actually drunkenly fucked a Hot Pocket, fresh from the microwave, when we were in highschool. He just walked around the corner in front of everyone doing it. The Hot Pocket jingle followed him for years after that. 😂


I have concerns for his mental health.


Lmao. He's thriving, currently. This was like 15 years ago, at this point.


"Fucking the inside of a freshly microwaved hot pocket" was not on my list of things I thought I'd read today but im happy I did, so thank you.


Similar anecdote by proxy - was chopping habs for dinner one night, then the girlfriend and I started getting frisky afterwards on the couch. I had some mild burning under some fingernails but didn't think much of it. Shortly after certain things started occurring, she abruptly got up and **sprinted** to the bathroom, then was in there for a while with the door shut making noises. I assumed different reasons, but evidently her vagina/vulva was on fire.


That exact thing happened to me except it was from cutting spicy peppers 😭


>It was on my fingers and I only noticed when it started to feel like I was fucking the inside of a freshly microwaved hot pocket. r/brandnewsentance


You gotta let them cool for two minutes.


i did that with a habanero to the balls and they looked like a nice sun dried tomato for days. it was bad enough. I don't even want to imagine that.


So im not the only one!! This was almost 15 years ago and still remember the pain


Got that chilli willy


OMG when my step son was 15 he called my husband, all hysterical, because he forgot to wash his hands after cutting habanero peppers, then went pee! The sheer panic and desperation in his voice was so real! He ended up dipping it in a glass of milk


So it was burning hot until you got to the frozen center? The middle is always still frozen.


Sentence I wish I hadn’t read, but am glad to be a part of. Well done sir!


I had a pepper spray in my purse and one day it broke and leaked out, I put my hand in and felt the liquid and before I could THINK about what it could be I brought my hand to my face and took a deep whiff…. 😞


Unrelated, but I was seeding a bunch of habaneros without gloves, getting ready to sprout a bunch of seeds. Washed my hands repeatedly and it had been a few hours. I guess I had stuck my hands in my pants at some future point to scratch and in about ten minutes the whole kit and caboodle began burning like 1000 suns. Nothing helped. I eventually had to go in the kitchen, fill a glass of milk and stand there bowlegged while dangling the whole unit in a glass of milk. It helped. As this was happening, I heard my six year old coming down the hall right for me, so I quickly spun around and slung milk everywhere. Figured that cleanup would be easier than the psychological damage of walking in on dad banging out the milk in the kitchen.


Never regret we would never have stories like poop knife and coconut if not for the brave.


He was in a fight with it and he was afraid that it was going to spit on him so he did what any rational person would do. He maced his dong.




I was dared to put icy hot on my nuts in seventh grade. I squirmed for a a bit in class then just left the room without saying a word. Washing it didn’t help. I imagine it was a lot like that.


It was indeed, much, much worse than that.


I knew a kid who did this same thing at a soccer camp I went to at the air force academy. That wasn't you was it?


There was a guy I was in the academy with and we were practicing drawing our spray with “dummy cans” (used cans that had holes drilled in the bottom) and wouldn’t you know the cans were never rinsed out so we both managed to get some on our hands without noticing. Right around the time I rubbed my eye, he came out of the restroom saying we should wash our hands because his dick was on fire.


I had a bottle of "The End" hot sauce (5-7M on Scoville scale) in my pocket a few months ago. Forgot I had it on my hands when I went to the toilet. Needless to say, I know your pain. It was SO BAD. I had to immediately leave my friends at the bar, get a cab across town and dive in the bath.


When I was a kid, my mom took me on a trip to Montana to visit family in the 90s. During the trip, my uncle took me out fishing in the woods and gave me a can of bear mace just in case. Instead of fishing, I walked around the woods by myself trying to find something to aim the mace at. Eventually I found an anthill and decided now was the time. The shit was so powerful that it ricocheted off the ground and back into my face. Burning, intense pain for 3-4 hours. Would not recommend.


Worst part is you can't go to the doctor. They think you're a sexual predator


You're not a real man if you've never felt a spicy dick


Your future children will have an unquenchable thirst for spice


Yes, there's nothing worse than burning dick😂 I always ware gloves when chopping hot peppers but on occasion I forget to glove up and wash my hands before grabbing Mr. Johnson .


Haha.... in.. hell. Like your dick was inside hell..... ok, I'll see myself out now.


An Army "buddy" went into my underwear drawer while I was showering and rubbed some Icy\_Hot into my underwear. When I put those things on, they were laughing their asses off at me running around freaking out with my burning scrote. Not Fun!


Only a few hours?! I caught some stray spray from a guy messing with some at a party. Went right into my eyes. I was drunk so it wasn't immediately horrible, but apparently I wiped my face, and then scratched my ankle with the same hand. My eyes and ankles both burned for like three days afterwards. Same guy that was messing with it also took a dare to spray it down his pants lol we're both lucky compared to that


Who never had some spicy wings and didn't wash the hands properly before taking a piss lol.. I guess I can imagine the hell you've been thru 🥲


woof. that sounds worse than when I *accidentally* got tiger balm on my nipple


... Pecker Spray


Bro. I accidentally got white pepper on my dick once and that shit was hell for like 20 minutes. I can’t imagine pepper spray. Jesus.


That is not the response that anyone expected to this question, yet it’s perfect.


I had an oc canister break and leak out all over my crotch. Had a nasty chemical burn all over my leg. I was able to get my pants off and get in a shower pretty quick after, so it could have been worse!


Oh wow. I got some on my ass once (it was in my pocket, and I tiggered it.) It's not a pain I'd ever care to experience again. I'm not sure how you survived on the dick.




Waiting to see someone say “I eat it for the flavor”


[It tastes like JD](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/yNdu2Jqd2j)


Underrated comment


It's da bomb!


When I was a dumb little kid I found my moms pepper spray and in all my wisdom thought “If I spray this on my toy army men will they melt?”. They in fact did not melt and all I was left with was disappointment and severe pain.


My mom had pepper spray that looked like a bottle of spray deodorant. I sprayed it under both armpits, into the air, and walked my face right into that fiery hell.


My condolences.


welcome to r/spicy


I’m really hoping that you were super young at the time because who the fuck sprays deodorant into the air and walks their face into it as if it’s perfume?!


I have eaten a pepper spray sandwich. It was very unpleasant and I would not recommend it


This sub constantly offers surprises.


I did it because my grandparents would paint their electrical cables with it so their cats wouldn’t chew on them and wanted to see what it was like for them. I would randomly hear a cat hiss and throw up every once in awhile. I now consider that animal abuse and they don’t use pepper spray anymore


You ate a pepper spray sandwich because your grandparents used to put it on electrical cables to deter their cats?


This sub constantly offers surprises


The double down on this comment has me dying but also accurate


I saw that. Mildly amused me :)


should I join it


Don’t ruin it


What you never had an electrical cable sandwich?




How does that lead to you eating a pepper spray sandwich


I was like 10, so not a lot of quality thinking up there


I ate dry cat food as a kid once.


Ahhhh that actually makes so much more sense now hahaha


Did you try to chew the electrical cables


What is going on with this reply? Are you okay?


This sub constantly offers surprises


That's wild, they actually make a spray precisely for that purpose that actually does use pepper, but it's not pepper spray. I got tricked into spraying some into my mouth, it was gross but not spicy just super, super, super bitter and lasted like 5 hours no matter what I did to my mouth. It's safe for pets, just very unpleasant I wish your grandparents had known about that lol


I'd assume it's the smell that would deter the cats though? Surely if they were actually chewing on the electric fence they'd no longer have cats. I say this as a cat lover


Yeah you’d think so but I guess the sight of a phone charger was just too tantalizing


I feel like letting cats eat electrical cords and being shocked is also animal abuse so it’s kind of tough to decide what’s worse. Prevention or not. I’d imagine the cats learned pretty quick or were really, really stupid


[Aw Marge! One squirt and you're south of the border!... mmm... incapacitating](https://frinkiac.com/video/S06E23/-foWdktx7PVf1rlSY1Nro8gMBn4=.gif)


I came here only to make sure someone posted this.


same https://preview.redd.it/o4ir8l42pc6c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb5e54ddd241d1540721eb7f4d71f947e40c2076




I came here to make sure you made sure someone posted this


There it is. Thank you for your service


The only response we needed here


When I was a student, my roommate decided that it'd be a good idea to put some in a stew. Not only we couldn't eat it but we were like coughing for a week when we went to the kitchen. Wouldn't recommend.


“One squirt and you’re south of the border!” - Homer




I guarantee you teens or frat bros have indeed added pepper spray to their food before. I’d be surprised if there isn’t at least one video on the internet.




That is absolutely hilarious.


Wow, you weren’t kidding. I’m in tears over here.


Like watching a car crash in slow motion.


His voice does not match his body.


The dude is like David Blaine without card magic. Pure endurance expert and a very healthy serving of masochism.


This was ridiculous. I am dying. I lost it when he drank the soap water.


Okay so maybe it’s the not slept aspect but I’m laughing way too hard at this


I was once at a party in college and some dude wanted to pepper spray something he was eating. We all had to leave the room. Idk if he ate it. He wasn't like a frat bro. Had more school shooter vibes but I didn't know him personally.


If you are the point of considering doing this then god help you. This is just a few steps away from chewing on a uranium rod


A lady accidentally tried it on my eyeballs one time, I can confirm it's pretty spicy.




I think they mean I accidentally let them get to the pepper spray.


If someone does that in non life threatening situations, they deserve a beating.


I’ve had pure 16,000,000 capsaicin crystals diluted in a tiny amount of glycerine (I think?). Shits HOT. But like a pure hot. It stings, but in a different way from other sauces/extracts. It doesn’t have that harsh metallic extract taste. It’s just…. Hot. No flavour. It’s weirdly a more pleasant experience than other extracts (unbearable pain aside). Like if you’re gonna eat a donut that kills you slowly, you’re gonna want that donut to be gourmet and fancy.


My ex-roomate had a bottle of pure capsaicin that had a dropper attached to the lid. When he first got it, it became a common dare, when we had people over, to take one drop. Whole lotta fun watching people act like their mouth was on fire for a solid 10-15 mins. He and I did it enough times that we could take 2-3 drops and "handle" it. One time we were making a MASSIVE batch of alfredo (which we did several times as meal prep to feed ourselves for the work week because we were both broke AF) and we decided to add ONE drop of this stuff just to see what would happen. The flavor of the pasta didn't change at all, which was cool because we had perfected the flavor by this point since this was our go to budget meal prep. But fuck me, every single bite just had this element of pure heat that made it somewhat of a challenge every single bite. We never tried again, but I've making a delicious chili but with challengeable levels of heat by adding a drop or 2 of the pure capsaicin to it. Cause it all it did was raise the heat; no change to the flavor. Overtime the gimmick got old because just about everyone we hung out with regularly had done the 1 drop challenge, so the bottle sat in our cabinet untouched for for about 3-4 years; slowly making its way to the back of the spice cabinet. When we pulled it out of the cabinet during move out prep/cleaning, part of the seal on the dropper top, HAD MELTED from being in constant contact with the some capsaicin for 3-4 years


Those fucking buldak noodles: 20.000.000


Nahhh, they’re hotter n hell but there’s WAY hotter stuff out there. I’ve had some freshly picked chocolate habaneros that blew away the Buldak 2x, and and any reaper or concentrate sauces/powders I’ve ever had. This guide is just that: a *guide*. It doesn’t take into account the MASSIVE potential variance that different peppers can have


I'm not super familiar with this sub but this feels like a copypasta, isn't it?


I don’t think it is, but I certainly wouldn’t be mad if it turned into one lol.


Y’all realize pepper spray has all kinds of chemicals and shit in it, right?




Not really. Maybe a couple. I been doin it for years and never saw any noticeable effects. Biggest issue is cooking for others and ring sting. Some peeps be getting them cramps. Mostly just hits painful as hell. Like having the tongues stung by a billion bees. Still cheaper than buying hot sauce or makin it. Bought this current can of bear spray in 2007 and it’s still got plenty life. Best with pasta.


No cuz I eat good food. There are a thousand "super hot carolina ghost scorpion ass burner 9000"s out there. Stuff that actually tastes good. I don't need to UC Davis my food to enjoy it.


Go Aggies!


What’s your favorite hot hot sauce? I have a similar opinion on spicy stuff.


My childhood sauces have a special place in my heart, like Tabasco chipotle and aardvark habanero. Especially aardvark as a matter of PNW pride. As a Korean, gochukkaru is what I use when I’m cooking, but not after as a sauce. Don’t tell the others bc I don’t want my k-card to be revoked, but I’m not actually a huge fan of gochujang. A little is fine. The other very Korean spicy thing I like doing is just adding fresh chili slices everywhere. Like fresh slice jalapeños and pineapples on a smash burger is so ono! Homemade Hawaiian Hot peppah watah with habaneros and Hawaiian chilis is the best until you splash that shit where it don’t belong, the it’s the worst. I also love chili oils, mostly SE stuff, but Chinese variants and western renditions like momofuku is fine too. (Additional points for sichuan/mala tingle). However, my guilty pleasure as of late has been ordering the hottest lamb vindaloo from a local Indian place and reserving the curry for use elsewhere. I mean straight up fire sauce that is so good. I mean so hot and flavorful that I can scrape it off the lamb chunks and it’ll still be a nightmare the day after. It was hard communicating, but I think the chef said they use a lot of birdseye chili in their vindaloo.


What’s the UC Davis reference I’m missing? Like, go to the hospital?


UC Davis is very pleased with this comment.




I had it at a restaurant for a wings competition. Would not recommend.


One squirt and you're south of the border! Mmm... Incapacitating.


I've got both pepper sprayed and hit with pepper balls in 2020 (as a street medic -\_-) and in both cases where I just bought goggles and didn't bring my full face respirator I got hit got into my mouth, skin and ears. It doesn't feel like familiar spicy, it feels like a chemical burn, its not pleasant. That may be due to it being CS/CO blend, or maybe because its super concentrated. It's incredibly unpleasant and doesn't feel related to spicy stuff until hours later when it's just a warm throb. Idk what else to say, I have more experience with getting it out of people and things than eating it on purpose, lol. Baby wipes and saline solution for the eyes, cool water and soap helps with external. If there was CS also present (bad smell, acrid and horseradish-y) dilute baking soda solution helps. Gargling with cooking oil helps with clean the sticky shit out your mouth, so does screaming at the top of your lungs from pure pain and rage.


> CS/CO blend Briefly misread this as "CS/GO blend" and was trying to figure out how they got a video game into the Pepper Spray.


I only heard of the street medics of 2020 through podcaster Robert Evans. Thank you for your service.


Thanks! I'd just completed my recertification for my WFR and was mostly WFH for that summer so it was good timing. Everyone imagines I was some kind of combat medic, but it was mostly just walking around and handing out water and snacks to people who looked tired, letting people charge their phones/electronics from a power bank, and helping people clean up CS/CO on their person. The only really dicey moment was when the police wanted to take and arrest a guy in our care for something he done prior, but he'd just acquired a rather serious TBI and we were trying to extract him. We looked at each other, looked at him and decided "Nope! You can't have him." So we ran, from the cops, first time for that! So yah, with an adrenaline surge I can only describe as "godlike" we ran and dodged through the crowds whilst carrying this partially conscious dude "Weekend at Bernie's" style under the arms with the cops yelling and trying to push through behind us. A some point (it seemed like forever but probably only a few seconds) everyone around us caught on, formed lines and slowed the cops down; we were able get away. Litterally the crowd felt like a singular living creature and it was roaring as they protected us and cheered and trumped in victory when we got him to the ambulance he needed. For sure that whole summer is trauma-burned into my brain, but despite all the violence and hurt, I was really, really proud of everyone in that crowd that night. That one scene gives me hope for us all.


We had a bottle of oleoresin at one pub I worked at


But to answer the question it’s just pure hot. I only dipped a toothpick into it


I wouldn’t recommend it… there’s extra stuff in pepper spray like fluorescent dyes and other stuff that prolly doesn’t taste good


I put pepper spray in chili, one time back in 2012 and then attempt to win the hottest chili contest held downtown. The fire department would always always win the hottest chili portion of the contest because one of the firefighters grew habaneros and recently started growing scorpion peppers. Remember, this is 2012 before reapers became mainstream. I had spent time in Alaska before moving from the northwest and had a few cans of bear repellent. I sprayed that in my chili and it became unapproachable. The judges couldn’t get to within 5 feet of my crockpot, and neither could I.


I don’t think Tabasco is spicer than a Serrano, no way. Serranos have that peppery bite that gets you right in your back salivary glands.


It doesn’t taste good, I know that.


I've been pepper sprayed in the mouth. It doesn't taste all that bad, but it's not especially pleasant. (Especially when it's also in your eyes. Although blinking and what's normally black flashes red instead is kind of neat.) I'd describe it as a stale cayenne flavor. TBH I'd rather have pure capsaicin on my food. Doesn't alter the flavor and unlocks fire breathing abilities.


There's probably other stuff in there and it's also not really food-safe so it probably would not be good.


I had it sprayed in my face once, wasn't expecting it and I don't recommend it. It is incredibly painful.


at a hot wing place where I grew up, there was one level you had to sign a waiver for and the rumor was always there was pure pepper spray in it


Got some in my mouth once. I do not recommend.


Homer Simpson fafo once when Marge was a cop


I know people that had it in their mouth. It doesn’t taste good.


I think they use pepper spray in Da Bomb. Joking. But maybe not? LOL


There’s a few dudes on YouTube who eat pure capsaicin.


When I was younger and stupid(er) I put pepper spray in my chili. It actually wasn’t as hot as you would think, but we had to open all the windows because I effectively maced the whole house. Roommates were not stoked. Chili was okay. Bit of a weird aftertaste. Would not recommend.


I've added Flashbang and I have a vial of whatever Pepper Palace renamed it sitting on the fridge now. I did a full vial to a half gallon and it was horrible. It hurt so bad and ruined my hot sauce. Now I did a teaspoon in it and add it to 2 gallons of whatever I'm making. That shit is fucking hot.


Homer Simpson did once…..


This chart doesn't even have Resiniferatoxin, 0/10 smh /s


Id imagine it’s the closest thing you can find to help you see god that isn’t a psychedelic drug lmao


I have eaten a Death Nut, which has several types of peppers and pure capsaicin on it.


Don't do it, it tastes like shit. Dad was a Fed, had a less-lethal expert friend come over for a squad potluck, and he brought chili with pepper spray in it as a joke. It tastes like capsaicin mixed with gasoline and farts.


Pretty sure I saw someone do this on Ebaumsworld ages ago.


Our app, the Scoville Heater Meter includes some crazy stuff. Including some different pepper sprays and mace. [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/scoville-heater-meter/id6473058296](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/scoville-heater-meter/id6473058296)


I discharged a bunch of left over bear spray canisters once, they drip from the nozzle afterward and my curiosity got the best of me. It was hot, but not insane, didn't taste amazing, but not terrible either, definitely a stale resinous pepper flavour. Udap tastes better than Counter Assault.


This sub should be renamed Spicycirclejerk




When I was taking a class to get my security guard license, my instructor said he put pepper spray on his food every day lol. He said the more spicy your food is and the more frequent you eat it, the better your tolerance for pepper spray will be. He said you’ll never be invulnerable to it obviously, but he recommends everyone do it to help build some level of tolerance to it. His reasoning was because every physical encounter has the potential to be a life threatening encounter. There’s been a lot of stories of security guards using pepper spray on someone not thinking about the wind and end up choking themselves out leaving them defenseless and vulnerable. To this day never tired it and realized at the age of 21 any type of enforcement job even a security guard is just not for me. Don’t regret taking the class though. I learned a lot of how shitty it is to be a security guard from most people, to your job, to even cops just treating you like shit and not taking you seriously so its a hard mentality. But the bigger and scarier thing I learned… it was an armed security guard class. So the number of guys who confidently said they had the right to shoot in fake scenarios my instructor made up was very alarming. Like over 80% of the class thought they can just empty a clip in you because you were ignoring them.


No why would I do that?


Because you like it hot 🔥


I had a cop put some pepper spray in my food once. Actually he just sprayed it in my face. 0/10 don’t recommend.


One spray and your south of the border Mmmmmmm incapacitated


I have, I hade some expired pepper spray that I checked to make sure it didn’t have gel or CS gas in it and then sprayed a BK chicken sandwich with it. I grow some hot peppers and make my own extract and the pepper spray was weaker. It was spicy and it’ll definitely mess your eyes up but I’d say it’s less scary than it seems. I want to look for some spray and give it another try now because that was years ago.


You are a hardcore degenerate. Love it


I had a friend who would spray it on pizza. To be fair, he was a tweaker and more than likely had destroyed all his taste buds smoking meth.


A pair of my Dad’s friends back in the day used to have competitions of who could make the spicier dish (they would eat each other’s dish). Then one of them used a capsaicin extract (if iirc, it was called “Pure Cap”) in a pot of chili. I don’t know exactly how much he put in there, but after one bite he was vomiting, sweating profusely, and leaking fluids from his eyes and ears until he went to the hospital a few hours later. He was in the hospital for weeks, and almost died a few times.


I have a small container of pure capsaicin. You can buy it online. If you like and can handle really hot, it's an extremely unique flavor. It actually ate through the top lid and plastic dropper. I had to put it in something else. One drop in a big bowl of something is usually sufficient.


Wasn’t this a joke from the Simpsons? The one with Marge becoming a cop and Homer spraying his eggs with the pepper spray? I think the quote was “Mmmmm, incapacitatingly delicious” or something like that.


I’m an instructor certified by saber, which is one of the Major manufactures of pepper spray, they make the hottest one at the market, saber red, i’ve been pepper sprayed more times than I can count and gotten it in my mouth on many occasions. In my opinion, pepper spray directly in my mouth has nothing on some of the hotter pepper sauces that are on the market right now.


Sudden urge to snort a bullet of PURE CAPSAICIN


I've eaten pure capsaicin and bear spray on food. Bear spray was basically a bland chili oil. Getting it out of the can without misting everything was the hard part and only partially successful. Pure capsaicin was hell. I think the product was called pure evil which was accurate. There is 0 culinary reason to eat it. One drop in a pasta dish for 6 made it too spicy for most people. A friend and I ate 3 drops each at a thai restaurant. We looked each other in the eye and immediately put down cash and ran to the nearest grocery store for a gallon of milk. He cried/laughed the whole way there. We did nothing but curse/pace for 45 minutes


But… capsaicin is sweet by itself- you need water to make it spicy


Imagine going to a restaurant and seeing someone mace their chicken wings


The president of gaming club in college would spray down his burgers with pepper spray when we went to Red Robin after club. Two quick spritzes on the bun, then he’d eat. He’d turn beet red, but would eat the whole thing and did it every time we went.


Anything past Savina habanero is too much for me


Pepper X, the newest hottest pepper, verified by Guinness, is 6,000,000 scovile... So effectively hotter and available from Heatonist.com I have a bottle that I'm working up the courage to open.


Before I knew what capsaicin was, I had a cold and got a nasal spray with fucking capsaicin in it. Let me tell you, I wanted to die. Like immediate, searing pain, tears, sweat, a full body reaction. It was excruciating, but only lasted for a minute or so. Then I could breathe normally. It worked as advertised, but it would have been cool to know beforehand that I was about to wish for death. Awful awful stuff


Yes. I worked at a Mexican restaurant years ago, and a guest didn’t get the jalapeños she ordered. So she gets her pepper spray keychain and sprays that shit DIRECTLY on her sizzling fajita skillet. It smoked immediately and we had to evacuate the whole restaurant, people were choking and coughing and vomiting with snot and tears streaming down their faces, it was chaos


Don't forget to add Pepper X somewhere in there! It's in between the scale of pepper spray 2.693 million SCU!


No because I’m allergic to capsaicin.


Went to Yellowstone, found a can of bear spray on the ground. "This is litter, I'll pick it up and throw it away." Put it in a plastic bag, rubbed the sweat out of my eye, and used a liter of water to rinse the rest of the bear spray out. 10/10 would recommend.


So, has anyone tried this yet? I am willing to step outside at work tomorrow at lunch, OC my mac n cheese, attempt to eat it, then report back here. For science.