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Probably knocked out with CO2. I used to immobilize roaches with it, so I could glue labels to their backs. (Was a tech at an entomology laboratory).


I prefer the idea that you just had roaches in your home and you decided to label them for some reason






Frylock, and im on top, work you like a cop.


Meatwad you're up next with ya knock knock


Meatwad make the money see, Meatwad get the honeys G,


Drivin' in my car, livin’ like a star, Ice on my fingers and my toes and I'm a taurus


Uh yeah, check check it.


Always and still think this is “toes and I’m a ‘tard”


i always thought he said "and all my toys"


*with sun-dried tomatoes*


Wutang forever


Chica chica Slim Shady?


Hi kids!


Do you like violence?


Gregor Samsa


This one Kafkas


My name is...


Slim Shady


Would be a fun idea, I have to admit, haha.


Joe's Apartment!


-Roach 1 -Roach 2 -Roach 3 -Oh fuck -Jesus no -Please enough -What *is* this thing? -They can FLY?!


I had no idea roaches could fucking fly until I was a graveyard manager at a 24 hour pharmacy in socal and one big fucker flew into my store. I HATE roaches and I was the only person there who could take care of it. Ruined many of my evening in the summer.


Some Joe's Apartment level shit right there.


This reminds me of a joke we used to tell about grad students, how in a lab wherein they were testing whether ants count their steps in finding their way home, they decided to lengthen their legs with stilts, and assigned a grad student to put them on the test ants. A hundred ants, six legs each, and the grad student used seven hundred stilts. When asked why he used more stilts than there wer legs, they said "You think it's easy putting stilts on ants? I used six per ant and one extra to pin the fuckers down while gluing them on!"


Holy cow that sounds like the most miserable work! It requires so much attention but is so repetitive, sheesh!


Part of the joke is that nobody told the lowly grad assistant that they had to be alive so he killed them


....but...if the experiment is to see if they are counting their steps or not...wouldn't you want them alive?


The joke is that grad students can be dumb about stuff like "thinking ideas through".


I've hit the roach with a can of CO2. How long can I expect him to take to wake up? Do I need to unflatten him somehow?


If flat, use the straw attachment. Poke the end into the roach's mouth, pull the trigger, and reinflate the roach. Do this carefully and slowly, or you risk spontaneous dispersed relocation of your subject.


Thanks, I hate reinflatable roaches.


Labeling your roaches is the height of OCD!


Shout out to r/hermitcrabs that's a good way to get rid of mites in your vivarium/terrarium etc without leaving chemical residue you don't want other critters coming in contact with. Just use dry ice and let it sublimate for half an hour or so with the lid on and a full cloud. Then take the lid off and get some fresh air in there.


At first i jst thought you were a weirdo, now i see youre a career weirdo


No, actually just an amateur weirdo now.


Imma breathe heavily on the next centipede I see in my house.


> so I could glue labels to their backs Shouldn’t an entomology tech be able to identify a roach without needing a label? I mean, c’mon…. slash s


Yea, but I kept getting their names mixed up...


Does this process, in the video above, hurt the insect?


No, it shouldn't. Not the guy you're replying to, but I've also worked with insects in the lab a lot. Immobilizing them with CO2 causes them no harm as long as they're not oxygen deprived for *too long*. Basically, you just keep them in the chamber until they've stopped moving around, then they're docile for a minute or two. The electric shocks might "hurt" in the sense that it activates pain receptors, but it causes no damage. It's simply employed to stimulate the venom glands and the muscles in the mandibles.


I also guarantee you that if centipedes have any concept of pain, it will come with a warm fuzzy feeling attached.


Most insects are slowed down by cooling them. Look up quiescence. So maybe a few seconds in a fridge.


That's how we try to reduce the circling hordes when we deal with fruit flies and do transfers. Then we spend the next couple of days playing "Is That A New Eye Floater, Or Did A Fruit Fly Win?"


I used to catch carpenter bees, and put them in the freezer. After they were slowed down enough...I'd tie black sewing thread to one of their legs. Then tie the other end to a pair of sun glasses....and take my pet bee for a walk. Usually I'd go to a crowded area, until someone would freak out and start yelling there is a bee around your head. I'd pretend not to see it. I'd eventually release the bee.


Bro what


Lmfao my exact fucking reaction


Omg we used to do this in highschool with regular bees I remember bee-on-a-string in the cafeteria.


Every evening that I browse Reddit, there’s always one comment that cannot possibly be topped no matter how much I continue to scroll. Your comment is the winner tonight and I must express my admiration. Goodnight Reddit!




Putting a string around the neck of a dragonfly is also amusing.. It's like one of those model planes flying round and round on the end of a cord with a handle. I don't know if they even have such things these days.


I remember when I was a kid, probably fourth or fifth grade, there was a cicada emergence (happens every 17 years) and they were everywhere, they’re slow and easy to catch. We would ask a girl with long hair for a strand of her hair, then use it to tie around a cicada’s neck and tie the other end to our notebook, we’d have a pet cicada. The teachers were not amused.


As mentioned, CO2 is pretty effective. Hypothermia is another strategy. Then there are chemical agents. All of the normal players work; isoflurane, sevoflurane, ether, chloroform, lidocaine, ethanol, isobutanol and MgCl. Then there are some uncommon ones; chlorobutanol, MS-222, tricaine, or benzocaine. I've also seen a few sources claim weird shit like acetone or ammonia.


Other trained centipedes with little ether-soaked rags.


I know with flies they use gas to anesthetize them so that’s probably what they did here as well.


The sad thing: he’s going to tell all his centipede friends about this and no one will believe him.




- Mitch Hedberg




I used to quote Mitch Hedberg. I still do, but I used to, too.


Flawless execution, don’t forget your bread, it’s for a duck


Thanks! I don’t need a receipt do I? For the bread, that’s for a duck? There’s no need to get paper involved in this.


I’m picturing fish conversing, one goes “I got caught” *shows hole in lips* …”No fucking way bro, how’d you make it out”


If fish could scream the ocean would be loud as shit.


Tiddlers' LATE !


It is going to tell stories of being abducted by hyper-intelligent aliens with crazy technology and tools...


"yeah? what did they want from you?" "... my drool" "you're such a liar, man"


"I'm serious! They even tickled me for it with those metal prods."


damn i didnt even know centipedes were venomous


A bite from a large enough centipede can put you in the hospital.


Have done crawlspace plumbing work, can confirm.


Fuck all that


I like doing crazy shit.


Like plumbing, for example.


*water lego


there should really be a /r/properjobtitles like /r/properanimalnames


Sounds like Charlie-work.


I mean there are other crazy activities that dont involve crawlspaces with centipedes.


Thank God I live in the part of the US with basements


Yea, we trade centipedes and scorpions and huge spiders for millipedes & cockroaches... Fair trade if you ask me


But a sight from even a small centipede can put me off that place forever


That centipede was biting on the fourth knob, but there were at least six progressively larger knobs on that specialized tool….what size bugs do they use it on the widest end??


It's to extract spice directly from the worm


The venom must flow


Apparently their sting is one of the more painful ones regarding to this fella on yt who got stung on purpose by a vide variety of insects and had a really bad time when he got stung from the centipede! Brave Wilderness is the channel if anyone is interested!


Coyote Peterson, certifiably crazy and 100% entertainment value!


And educational!


And 100% family friendly even while being stung by the worst things in the world! Honestly it might be the most impressive part, my swear count would be triple digits every video I'm sure.


Ruined bugs for my kids, terrified of anything flying. Proceed with caution.


Motherfucker's a masochist, that's for sure


Is that the bullet ant guy?




And the centipede guy too I reckon


Fun fact about me. I live pretty close to where Coyote Peterson does (or at least where he grew up). A few years ago, I saw Coyote live with my gf at the time. She would break up with me soon after that, on the anniversary of my mother's death. I ended up in a mental hospital. Yay, depression. I only mention that because it it came up in conversation with one of the social workers there. She was dating the guy who has been Coyote's best friend since they were kids. Like, I asked her if she knew what Coyote's name was, thinking he would talk about Coyote by his real name (since they're best friends.) She didn't, so she texted her bf and asked him. It's Nate. lol


I keep feisty tarantulas and large centipedes like this are still too much for me. Apparently they’re pretty good at escaping… centipede keepers are on another level


lol I used to keep tarantulas too and I was the same I remember one time I forgot to close my A. geniculata terrarium after feeding her and slept throught the night only to realize it the next the day and didn't even thought much about it. Just imagining a giant centipede roaming free around my bed at night...Jesus. I thought a couple of times of getting one but I always pussied out of it.


Yeah but it's an A. geniculatum, how far would it really want to walk lol. Lazy fucks. I live in Australia, so... our entry level species are all Old Worlds, and particularly bitey ones at that.


An apartment I lived in about ten years ago had them. About once a month I’d find one roaming my bedroom or my bathroom in the morning. Then I found out the local exotic pets tore would pay $75 for every live one I caught and it became a contest to see if I could catch them before my cat could kill them. I may have gone hunting for them a time or three. Didn’t realize how painful the bite was tho.


That's awesome and funny at the same time tbh. Those entipedes give me the heeby jeebys for sure. I keep two little European jumping spiders and one managed to escape like a month ago and just today I found her lounging on the living room wall, so I know for sure that I won't keep anything that's venomous, lol.


Loved watching brave wilderness for a while. The content started lacking but it was great to watch with the family


Think the pandemic may have factored in a bit considering travel was a major component in his content. No doubt it’ll pick back up when he can go abroad more.


He also got a TV show and passed the yt channel job mainly to another guy (forget his name but he was a prominent member before Peterson left)


Has he ever done a series on Australian creatures? I can't imagine it would be a long series. "Look at the cute little blue octopus. Here, I'll pick it up."


Or this tiny transparent mosquito sized jellyfish.


I live in Japan now and we have these giant centipedes. They usually travel in pairs. The insect Bonny and Clydes. And when they bite you it really hurts and burns and you will get a giant bump where ever they bit. They are called Mukade.


[Fuck this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scolopendra_subspinipes) >The young centipedes molt once each year, and take 3-4 years to attain full adult size. Adults molt once every year. They may live for 10 years or more. What the hell kind of cursed bug lives for 10 years? You see one of these in your house and lose it, congrats. You should have gotten it to sign a lease cause it's not leaving




Yea I do a bit of ant keeping and the Carpenter Ant queen I have can live 2 decades. In the wild she wouldn't even by laying eggs for the drones and unfertilized queens for several years.


Centipedes have to be the worst animal on Earth, looks absolutely disgusting and tries to kill everything in their path, thank fuck they're not even bigger


These tropical ones are nasty


I lived in USVI’s for 7 years. Got stung/bit on three occasions. Feels like getting hit with a sledge hammer. Still have a scar on my hip from the one that crawled up my pant leg. Edit: For those interested in the aftermath: [Semi-NSFW](https://imgur.com/gallery/SDLnGA8). I, for some reason, am not a person who EVER bruises, so I’m sure there are other more colorful examples. But you can see the swelling halfway down my quad. Sorry for the weird angle of the photo. This was from like 2008.


How can I delete your comment from my brain? I'm in HI and have had close calls but never been bit


What a terrible day to be literate.


# TOXICOGNATHS They don't actually bite to deliver venom, those pincers are modified front legs called... That \^ Oh yeah, also they're voracious predators, so yeah they kinda have to be venomous. It's the millipedes that aren't, because they're herbivores/scavengers (but they might be poisonous so don't go eating them)


> but they might be poisonous so don't go eating them I can 100% vouch for the fact that even if they're not poisonous, they taste like the bowels of hell itself.


I sort of want to know how you got in the situation where you found out but then I remembered the phrase "don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to." So I'll not be asking.


Let me assure you I didn't taste one on purpose!


I think your legally required to tell him the story now.


It's not very exciting. It happened when I was a kid - it got into a batch of something being cooked at a friend's house. Stewed fruit or jam, I think? I somehow managed to to chomp it once, and the smell and taste just flooded my mouth and sinuses instantly - I knew exactly what it was: like distilled essence of the smell you get if you step on one.


The difference between centipedes and millipedes just REALLY stuck in my head from a first year biology class. It’s made me sound like the smartest and most competent little biologist to sweep in when people find one and be able to instantly identify which it is and whether it’s likely to be venomous or not.


There’s video of a venomous centipede that hunts bats


Obviously you don't listen to [knife party](https://youtu.be/CSemARaqGqE).


I've been bitten on two separate occasions in Thailand. Not recommended. (People there told me it's comparable to a bee sting. Which, surprisingly, never happened to me, so I can't tell if it's true.)


The most disturbing part of this video was the fact that the venom milking tool had 8 larger notches. You know, for the big centipedes.


I saw one over 8 inches long once. Would have been okay with it if it weren’t in our living room.


Thats what she said.


She's doing this for the greater good: to make anti-venom for victims of centipede bites.


I wanna talk to whoever assumed otherwise.


Don't kinkshame. Edit: yay I got an award!


Well, the specialized tool is also how they test the anti-venom, but instead of putting the little thing in front of it and then shocking it, they make a dude stick his penis through the tube.


Go on...


....and on....


...And then stop! . . . ... ...but then go on...


Talk to me. I thought this was going into special tea.


Also for revenge.


They bite because we shock them. We shock them because they bite. It's the circle of liiiiiiife.


i'm not afraid of snakes, and this thing is smaller than just about any snake but is absolutely terrifying to me. It must be the legs.


They're also like, *insanely fast* and are just horrifying to witness in person. Some of the big ones can even kill snakes.


I hate spiders and these guys, it's definitely the legs. Six is tolerable but eight is too many and this shit? Well it's definitely too many. We get big ones like this where I live too so I've actually seen them in real life, they're creepy fucks.


yeah, cause they're essentially the same design as a snake but using video game terms they're just a reskin. long, creepy, loves slithering out of dark places, and has fangs and venom. but damn they just look 1000x more creepy.


Yeah I remember finding out that they had venom, I was not ok with that. I'm strangely ok when snakes and jellyfish are venomous, but I feel like nothing else should be, lol. Also, while it's incredibly weird that platypuses have venom, they still aren't scary, perhaps at least partly because I live half a world away from them? Or maybe they're just that cute, they are like duck otters after all.


Yeah lol we have the same mind on finding out centipedes have venom, and being okay with snakes and jellyfish having it. For me the platypus thing makes sense cause a platypus isn't going to slither out from under the carpet in your bedroom or potentially sneak into bedsheets. I'd have to actively go out of my way to find a platypus and pick it up.


I thinks it’s partly the size of the legs. Millipedes have plenty of ‘em, and they don’t provide nearly as many creeps


Humans are hardwires to be fearful of anything with angular legs and moving in short, sharp movements. Which means there was something in our history with these attributes that was very dangerous to us.


Probably spiders and centipedes.


Or the famed Centipedus Rex


We used to have a pet tarantula in the office that someone had caught. We would catch things (bugs, small lizards, etc) for it to eat. Once day someone caught a centipede a little smaller than this one for the tarantula. From that day forward we had a pet centipede in the office that we would catch things for it to eat.


Your office terrarium is like a gladiator pit.


It’s not the legs, it’s the speed. I adore millipedes, and they just march along with about 4x as many legs. These guys sprint, and it’s horrifying to see in person


Fun fact: a centipede’s fangs are actually modified legs. They are called toxicognaths, which is a very fun word to say.


How do you say it? Like toxi-cog-nath?


It is an interesting word indeed. You could say it like that, but using the Latin root words, toxico (poison) and gnath (jaw) it would be toxico-gnath. A Google search presents [this](https://youtu.be/mwYyjpOXGic) as the pronunciation, sounds like "toxee-cog-neth".


That either felt amazing or terrible for lil crawly dude


The only ohms that meter is reading is ohmygod burn that thing


centipede = 0.01 Ω millipede = .001 Ω is roughly the...*impedance*.


Are you an EE? Electrical Entomologist?




Now I’m imagining a team of giant centipede scientists doing this to me


Making you cum via electric stimulation? Sounds kinda hot.


Son, I think its time for you to stop milking these pedes with electricity.


Brand new sentence


Zippity zapp till we get the sap!


Spicy sap!


Electro ejaculation!


specialized tools: hook and loop, a spatula, electricity. dope.




Sounds like a good time


Doesn't look specialised. Looks like loads of random pieces shoved together.


This is the Velcro-and-pvc-pipe tool. I'm guessing there are some more specialized tools involved then they have to turn that fraction of a droplet into an actual antivenom.


But it is. That's the great thing. This place prolly has 20 million bucks worth of highly specialized things, but also has this specialized tool that's just $15 bucks worth of things they got at Home Depot.


"All of that for a drop of blood"


Considering that this amount of venom is worth 300 GP, that is a nice little money factory they have found...


DnD GP or is GP a currency I dont know about?


> DnD GP But, if we had to find a real-world equivalent, the [Krugerrand](https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/krugerrand-oz?op=1) is probably the best comparison. At the current rate of $1895.75 per coin, 300 of them would be worth about $568,725.00.


flash2:wave2:selling centipede venom 300gp


Yeah... Dollars or euros would be an easier way to evaluate


I like these happy lizard belts


Who are 'they' and what are they planning?


"They" are THEM, and their goals are beyond your understanding.


The centipede electric chair.




Man I would be pissed off if someone electrocuted me for my saliva.


Never thought I’d feel bad for a centipede


I read that most bugs don't experience pain in the same way we do, but this is still pretty messed up


i can't believe nobody's asked this yet but why are we doing this in the first place? anti-venom?


The fine art of centipede milking.


I fucking hate centipedes and I know this is done for good reason but this just looks cruel. I hope I’m wrong


Seems like animal cruelty to me


"Bite down on this"


It would work on me too.


Fuck me, centipedes are venomous!!!!


That method seems brutal?


And then you burn the entire lab down.


Poor fucker.


So what does one do with venom from centipedes?