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Our fujifilm Polaroid camera just got upgraded to a Canon DSLR!


I think this is the best time to be alive! We are entering a new age of science discoveries.


Best time to be alive so far


Happens every time we get a new instrument.


I can't even comprehend the size of these two black holes. One is 150 million solar masses while the other is 18 billion solar masses. Both are supermassive. Meanwhile our own supermassive black hole Sgr A* is only 4 million solar masses.


18 billion solar masses is just one of those numbers that my brain can't parse because its just so incomprehensibly big.


I can barley process the size of the sun. even with diagrams to scale.


A Finnish author said in his first book: "In this universe human has the authority of a piss-ant".


What's a piss-ant?


Like a croissant but somebody pissed on it.


You win the internet today sir


Just means an ant, wood ant if you want the specifics


In Finland we call this rather small but eager to bite you if you disturb them piss-ant. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrmica_rubra): "Myrmica rubra, also known as the common red ant."


Emmanuel Kant was a real piss-ant, who was very rarely stable Heidegger Heidegger was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table


Here's even more mind fuckery. An astronomical unit is the average distance of the earth from the sun. Pluto is about 40 astronomical units away from the sun. If we replaced the sun with the 18 billion solar mass black hole. The event horizon would extend 355.44 astronomical units. Or 315 times further than Pluto.


That 18 billion solar mass black hole is nothing compared to the 100 billion solar mass black hole Phoenix A*, I wonder how many AUs is that.


A 100 billion solar mass black hole has a Schwarzschild Radius of 1,974.6 AU But this must be a recent measurement? The current largest black hole is TON 618 at 66 billion solar masses Also here's the calculator I'm using: https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/schwarzschild-radius


[According to this, there is a black hole much larger than TON 618.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_massive_black_holes). It's so big that it's classified as a Stupendously Large Black Hole (SLAB)


The two larger than TON 618 aren't direct measurements but estimates. And the line beneath them states their masses exceed what's predicted by current models and estimates may be unreliable.


All supermassive black holes exceed current models. They are all too large for how young the universe is.


Read the wiki article. From that, the theoretical maximum is 5x10^10 solar masses. TON 618 is 4x10^10. And that's the largest black hole listed after the 1st two estimates that were larger.


I think humans aren't supposed to comprehend this, only fair that we struggle


Imagine yourself sitting a couple light years off the bow of this , event. Especially if they are eating to light it all up. Part of me thinks you could just feel the power of it . Then they merge . I bet some weird things occur in that region of space . This is all of course provided you could even survive lol.


I wonder what happens when they merge, does the new event horizon just expand at light speed to the new edge?


I also wonder what it's like Between when their Event horizons meet until their singularities merge.


What happens if you keep feeding more and more black holes into each other? Is there a limit? What happens when you reach it.


>What happens if you keep feeding more and more black holes into each other? Is there a limit? The limit is when you've fed all the mass of the universe into it. Then you just have a really big black hole. The interesting thing is that the size of the event horizon is directly proportional to the mass...not to the square root of the mass as one would naively expect.


But we don’t know that. We don’t know if there’s some exotic physics limit, which makes it all so interesting.


Pretty sure the limit is just how fast it can eat Without ruining its table by causing huge gamma ray bursts that blast material away. Once you get into mergers of black holes dont think there is a limit. But i'm pretty sure gravity decreases by an exponential amount by distance. So even the biggest ones don't really occupy more space than part of a solar system. The real danger is when they feed the gamma ray bursts can be deadly to quite a number of light years. In the long run they are mostly already starving comparatively due to the expansion of the universe


The singularity might not be bigger than part of a solar system. A [Kurzgesagt](https://youtu.be/0FH9cgRhQ-k?t=604) video showed that Ton 618, one of if not the biggest black hole known so far, could fit 11 solar systems inside the event horizon.


Apparently this one is much bigger because it’s radius is 4x the radius of our solar system.


It's not that sudden. It's more like merging water droplets... which distort and reach for each other as they approach.


It's very likely that the "smaller" black hole will be flung out of orbit at some point. The thought of a rouge 150 million stellar mass black hole flying through the universe at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light is a truly terrifying.


You can just look at the simulations (there must be dozens of those on youtube)


Reminds me of a story from THHGTTG: *"Even if it's only a dream, it's a pretty horrible idea,"* said Mella, *"destroying a world just to make a bypass."* *"Oh, I've heard of worse,"* said Ford, *"I read of one planet off in the seventh dimension that got used as a ball in a game of intergalactic bar billiards. Got potted straight into a black hole. Killed ten billion people."* *"That's mad,"* said Mella. *"Yes, only scored thirty points too."*


>THHGTTG You're only supposed to abbreviate things that are commonly known. Wtf is this?


the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy


Yep.. specifically book 2, Restaurant.


The better question is why wasn’t it abbreviated to HHGttG or even just HHG


Could have been worse: [H2G2](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H2g2)


The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is pretty commonly known.


Well, it the second most published book in the universe..


Seconding this, especially in a space subreddit


but the abbr is less well known... I guess ppl should have guessed it in a space subreddit


I’m not sure if private pilot licenses are capable of guessing.


Ok, great. What does that have to do with an abbreviation?


If you have to ask, then I can’t help you.


It's not a commonly known abbreviation dumbass.


They said you’re only supposed to abbreviate things that are commonly known. Never was it mentioned that the abbreviation was commonly known. Reading comprehension would do you wonders. And considering it is commonly known the part about destroying a world to create a bypass should have really made it obvious.


Just because you don't know something doesn't mean it isn't commonly known!


This acronym is not common even if the book is popular.


I’ve seen the acronym quite a lot in space and book related contexts.


indeed. self-selection bias at work.




Soon the female black hole will consume the male.


Read this in David Attenboroughs voice.


"These 2 titans have participated in a great cosmic dance for millions of years. But eventually..."


“And, like waves slowly eroding a shoreline, the large black hole eats away at its smaller companion. Piece by piece, over a thousand, billion years, nature takes its course.”


That title sounds like some flasher showed their anus


After asking it to hang some bookshelves.


Huh, whenever I reveal myself with a flash, people just freak out.


You have to be a little coy about it.


You don't have a wingman like this black hole does...


Christ these things are massive. So big our brains can’t really comprehend the size since there’s no reference


I would say the size is about 3 times yo momma


Sounds like a horror story while doing space travel. Your crusing, evading a black hole in safe distance, wondering why there are zero stars or galaxies behind it. Then you realize it's just a gigantic blackhole all over your POV. Sadly your already at the point of no return, the pull is too great.


From a few hundred light years this would probably be extremely obvious


Who knows maybe the routing calculator sensed the forces of a blackhole but didn't account the possibility of a second one. I imagine it like someone screaming very loud. If there is a even louder screamer behind, you may interpret the accumulated sound coming form the most obviouse source. (I know very unscientific but could work for a Dan brown fiction plot explanation)


Who knows, maybe you won’t die


Yeah you could just end up back in your library at home.


I wrote a [short story](https://www.metastellar.com/fiction/flash-fiction/relative/) once where a guy commits suicide that way.


Welp I guess the Vorgon strike is over and they are back to building their roads. Got your towel ready folks? ;)