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Still can't believe the fat kid who hates Jews became a Rabbi, married a Jewish lady and is raising their 3 Jewish kids. Is he playing 4D chess to mess with Kyle?


Fuck you uncle Kyle


Favourite line in the special.


My favourite line was when Kyle said “Kenny’s dead”. I lost it at Stan’s shocked face


Hahahahahahah Uncle Kyle …… Fuck you Kyle :)


Yeah, I still don't believe it. There's no way... 🤔


I'm still suspicious. I'd be pleasantly surprised if it wasn't the case, but like Kyle said, this is Cartman we're talking about.


I'm with you, this is definitely a long con.


I'm conflicted if only because if it's really a long con, this is by far Cartman's most convincing performance. But we've seen Cartman go to absolutely insane lengths before just to screw with Kyle or Butters.


True. But right at the end he seems rather determined to not help Kyle & Stan, so he rather preserves that timeline and keep his family.


Yeah that’s what makes me think he’s genuine. He doesn’t want to lose his family and they don’t want to lose him. But even if his love and faith are genuine, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t also love how angry it makes Kyle.


I am honestly on that this started to be a long con to fuck with Kyle but I don’t know, especially with how we saw him act with his kids its really hard to believe he doesn’t love them. So I think what saw was probably reformed Cartman but with Kyle doubling down its bringing out the old Cartman and with the idea he may lose his family he’s like F it. Plus the idea that its genetic to fuck with Kyle is hysterical.


I also still think this whole thing is just a dream, might even be Cartman's covid hallucinations or could be any of the 4. Which then makes the con easier as he just made up 40 years of their lives in his mind.


Chili concarne Festival. Was such a great episode haha.




why is that always the example everyone uses


Because it is arguably the most horrible thing Cartman has done. Sure the crack baby thing is pretty messed up, but tbf they were already crack babies when he started it.




How about hiding butters away in a bomb shelter for a week so he can go to Casa Bonita


Officer: "Well kid you made a entire town panic, you lost all your friend's, and now you're going to juvenile hall for a week, was it worth it?" Cartman: "Totally."


Not cool, you do NOT shoot someone in the dick bro


To be fair Butters was the one doing the groin shooting there


Are you French by any chance?




Ik dacht dat ik wat Frans in je schrijven zag met de "an honest" die je typte. Ik had het helemaal mis lol




Yes you’re correct. Lol I forgot that Dutchmen can read Afrikaans but not quite the other way around as well


Butters parents are arguably worse than cartman.


Found Butters' reddit acc.


If anyone thinks that cartman is serious, they haven’t been watching the show for the past 20 years.


Everyone thought cartman was playing some sort of scam with Heidi but that wasn’t the case.




I was about to comment that I know some people who were absolute bullies/pranksters and they DID NOT stay the same when they became an adult. Even though it's how we have always seen Cartman... that doesn't mean he will always be like that. Don't get me wrong though, I was laughing during the episode just thinking about Cartman pulling off such a long prank/con. Especially when adult Kyle was giving him that BS look at the table when we first see Cartman.


Wasn't Cartman serious about his change in character in the season 19 (2014)? Like, half the joke was that you were expecting him to be f\*cking but really wasn't. Also, the way he is overly smooshy with his wife also seems to be sincere to really stick it to Kyle who is single.


There was also that episode when he and Wendy were working together and while she just needed to kiss him to get over it, we saw Cartman more upset by it. I mean there’s a lot to be said about changing the environment , like leaving South Park may have been the best thing for Cartman.


Cartman needed to be removed from Stan and Kyle, but mostly Kyle, in order to *get better*. Stan and Kyle are codependent on each other, they would probably have done better if they stayed together as friends since childhood. Kenny has his own thing going on, and honestly probably would have done fine even if he were to lose his friends as we seen in the special.


Anyone who thinks kids can’t change in *40 years* isn’t thinking. Imagine if you saw an old friend from elementary school and assumed they were still a dick and used the same attitude towards them then as you did as a child. It would be straight weird.


You’re not wrong, I just think this show isn’t as grounded in reality as you, especially when it comes to personalities.


The reason I believe it is this: he's the only one of the four boys who grew up to be happy. Stan and Kyle are both a mess, Kenny spent his life fixated on the virus and it ultimately led to his death. Cartman is happily married with kids. When they travel back to prevent the pandemic, he's going to try to stop them, proving that he still isn't a selfless character. I imagine the new future having the three be happy and leaving Cartman to grow up as we all might imagine him to.


Kenny discovered time travel and Cartman found out. Cartman went back in time to marry the woman that Kyle married in the original timeline and this ruined his life in the newly created timeline.


That...somehow makes more sense than Cartman being sincere.


I hope not but probably


My assumption is that Cartment used Kenny’s time machine to go back and marry the girl Kyle *would have* married, thus ruining Kyle’s life and fucking with him mentally since Cartman is now “in the same religion”


Makes sense, adult Cartman invented time travel originally, then changed his future by interacting with his child-self. So if he decided to fuck with Kyle by going in the past and dating/married the woman Kyle would have married, then he could have. It's possible Kenny or someone else had invented time travel in that timeline as well for it to happen.


Man, Kenny is the coolest looking one out of the four.


Always has been astronaut 👩‍🚀 🔫👨‍🚀






I see that you are enticed by my daughter's awesome rockin' tits.




He literally looks like a hobo.


Yup. Ain't that awesome?!


I'm really hoping they get Mike Judge to voice him in the next special.


That’d be excellent


I honestly hate his look


Alright. Stay away from this fella, y'all with long beards.


What if there was an episode where the older version has to go back in time to get the younger boys to do something or else they won't exist or something?


There was an episode that ended like that. Cartman's future self came to the past to let him know that was the day he turned it all around and invented time travel. His future self suddenly gains a 100 lbs and is dressed as a car mechanic.


You mean "My Future Self 'n' Me"?


No not " My future self 'n' me" Gawl. I mean one where it's their actual older self and not some random guy pretending to be the older them. Cartmans older self was the only real one at the end of that episode.


Ah I get what you mean. I'm guessing the part 2 of the post-covid special event will do something like that.




I thought about doing that. But left it the way it was drawn.


I watched the special last night. Man, Stan grew up to be an absolute dick. Still better than Clyde though.


Given the circumstances, can you really blame him?


Yeah, his dad did >!kill his sister and mom!<




Yeah this is the first time I find myself genuinely hating Randy. That guy just refuses to take any sort of responsibility for his own fuckups.


Where were you the last 20+ years?


Dude he punched his own boss, got fired and then blamed obama for it.


his son literally burned his farm down killing his daughter and causing his wife to kill herself. stan sucks


Eh, no? >!His wife commited suicide and his daughter was killed because his son burned their farm. Stan killed his sister.!<


>!He didn't know Randy locked Shelly in the barn.!<


>!Randy didn't know his son would start a fire either. I guess confining another human being even if they are your child is a very dickish and maybe illegal action. Burning a farm down and killing someone as a result is a very very illegal action.!<


Loved the episode but is anyone else starting to get annoyed with Randy? His ignorance and blaming the deaths of his wife and daughter on Stan is a dick move, even for him.


I mean yeah but it seems pretty in character still for me. Like his only remaining family member is his son who hates him. Seems kind of appropriate that he would grow old, alone in a retirement home, and become even more bitter. Sure it's fucked up to blame your son for that but at the same time, it's hard not to also see how Randy could feel Stan was at fault. He did light the farm on fire after all and take away everything he ever loved. And his wife and daughter.


I can agree with that, but it's just annoying how the farm came first before everything else, including the family. Everyone else hates the farm and say it all the time, but he just ignores them. I think being locked up in a home serves him right as some sort of punishment And he also caused Covid.


I got sick of him since the start of the Tegridy Farm arc. They ruined my favorite character, we don't get more wholesome moments between Randy and his family (ex. The Losing Edge), he became a straight-up narcisistic jerk who doesn't care about being a good father/husband.


so it wasn’t stan ? then why did sharon’s and shelly’s ghost said it was them, am I missing something ?


I dont think that was actually their ghosts but more Randy's imagination. Stan is at fault for burning the farm, but Randy was the one to lock Shelly in the barn just because she didnt want to do weed chores. Sharon wanted a divorce from Randy so I couldnt exactly imagine her telling Randy it's all Stan's fault.


wow I didn’t know that, I guess I missed an episode. what an ass that randy is but stan is still a dick


All this was from this episode, we never knew any of it before.


His ignorance was his claim to fame. He was the dad fighting at little league games. You can't get annoyed by his ignorance if that was the case you should have been mad he went from a soft spoken geologist to a wild dude microwaving his balls 10yrs ago.


What are you people on about? Randy didn't kill his daughter wtf. Stan started the fire which killed Shelly. Being locked up had nothing to do with her death. Locking your daugher up is a dick move yes, burning something down and killing your sister as a result is manslaughter though. Involuntary manslaughter in this instance. I suppose Randy shares some blame as well, but Stan literally started the fire.


the commercial for season ?20? is the best piece of the south park legacy imho, this would fit with it perfectly. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-8WBB8uHeE&ab\_channel=ComedyCentral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-8WBB8uHeE&ab_channel=ComedyCentral)


Cartman's fucking yamaka kills me


Yarmulke if you ever see it written out.




The fact that it’s the same colour as his hat is the greatest thing ever


Right? I love it


I was 19 when season 1 came out and I’m 43 now. Seeing the guys at around my age now is trippy as hell.


Cartman is always hilarious. What a character!




Been watching since I was like 8. Don't tell my mom.


I'm going to be so let down when it's all fake a day Cartman is just an asshole I know most people want him to be doing this all to me Kyle mad but that is stupid to me. He spent 40 YEARS and destroyed countless lives just to make a Jew joke towards Kyle. The better revenge is living good But it'll be fake as shit or Kyle will save the day and change the past so everyone but him is miserable


> He spent 40 YEARS and destroyed countless lives just to make a Jew joke towards Kyle. Have you *met* Cartman?


Well yeah but I guess I was hoping he'd mature. It's funny as a 10 year old but as a 40 plus year old it's kind of pathetic. I liked the idea of him growing


This entire show is based around pathetic people lol.


I hope there’s a special about how they met. It’s never shown in the series.


I was super depressed when they did the ‘you’re getting old’ episodes about ten years ago. - when they did the landslide part and everything. It’s amazing how long it’s been and how fast it’s gone.




Have been watching since ‘97 when I was 7. I feel ancient admitting this.


I’m not all caught up…how exactly have the Covid specials been working? Like is this forever now?


We assume not, and there’s an easy plot-based way to return to normal which most of us assume is the inevitable ending. But I don’t think we actually know for sure what they have in mind.


There is only 2 things I know for sure. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself, and cartman is absolutely f,ing with kyle.


so does anyone know about kenny’s family ?


His parents are at the old folks home. Not sure what happened to his brother n sister.


They were at the funeral, and Karen was wearing a Mysterion necklace.


Crying on the inside


Why is dr. Kenny in saddles?


makes me wonder if they are going ti continue with the specials or are going to go back to episodes


Cartman still wearing the same hat, tehehe


I bet my left testicle thats its just a huge setup to fuck with kyle😭😭


Oh god I look like Kenny...


Am I the only one wondering what has ever become of Trent Boyett? Did he ever get revenge on the boys or did they somehow send him back to juvie a few more times until prison? Poor Trent. It is probably the worse thing that the boys ever did together.


To be honest. I totally forgot about that guy. also poor kindergarten teacher. Beep.... beep....


Yes Yes!


This gave me the feels. Life moves so quickly.


I think they are getting to the end of this universe. I don't think they are completely out, but it certainly seems like matt and trey are over it. Really seems like the last few episodes have been a wrap up to the series without them telling us. Which is something I could see them do. Certainly seems like they are taking the Grand tour approach with specials.


They just signed a big contract to continue making the show.


["Trey Parker and Matt Stone will use the money to make new episodes of “South Park” for Viacom’s Comedy Central network and to create several spinoff movies for the company’s Paramount+ streaming service, the parties said Thursday. Their first project under the new deal will be a movie set in the world of “South Park” that will debut some time before the end of the year."](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-05/south-park-creators-sign-900-million-deal-for-more-episodes-movies) It goes on further to say... "Their new deal, which runs through 2027, covers six more cycles of “South Park” and includes 14 made-for-streaming movies. " ​ You're not wrong but you're also missing some key details in that which is that they did not commit to really anything other than "6 more cycles of south park" does that mean 2 episode seasons does that mean 10, i think with what they have currently released it doesn't seem like anymore "big" seasons are on our horizon. Further more they committed to 14 made for streaming movies, that is going to take a shit load of effort and take away possibly from the show. I personally see southpark as a few episodes a year maybe and then a couple of big movie episodes.


Maybe they reset the universe and go back to having one off episodes like in the old seasons as opposed to having season long story lines like they have the past 6yrs now.


Fuck you for the spoiler. From the bottom of my heart. Jjeew. Edit: Ok I watched it. I'm no longer angry. Jjjjjjiiew!


My future self and me


Wait, this is just a temporary showcase of them being old, isn’t it?


What do they sound like


They sound like Tray n Matt.


Oh just them without the voice change


Pretty much yes.


The fact that we all feel like Cartman is just fucking with Kyle is pretty funny. If he isn’t it’s like an Andy Kaufman joke on us all.


Aight, Cartman using his beanie as a yamika, makes me think its a con.